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The susceptibility to liquid metal embrittlement (LME) of 316L and T91 steels by mercury has been studied at room temperature. A dedicated experimental device using center crack tension (CCT) specimens was built. We developed a specimen preparation procedure that must be rigorously applied in order to investigate the embrittling effect of Hg. The high strength ferritic-martensitic steel of type T91 is embrittled by Hg at room temperature over a large range of crosshead speeds, between 6.67 × 10−7 and 6.67 × 10−3 m s−1. More surprisingly, the austenitic steel of type 316L is also embrittled by Hg between 1.67 × 10−8 and 2.5 × 10−4 m s−1. The fracture of the T91 and 316L CCT specimens in contact with Hg occurs by shear band decohesion over the above-mentioned range of crosshead speeds. 相似文献
In this work, the sensitivity of liquid metal embrittlement of the T91 martensitic steel is investigated with the small punch test (SPT). The material was studied in three tempering conditions (as quenched, tempered at 500 and 750 °C), at 300 °C in air and in the liquid lead bismuth eutectic (LBE). The load–displacement curves (four stages, low maximum force and large displacement to fracture) obtained for one test condition of the 750 °C tempered material is in general very different from those of the two other materials. An effect of LBE has been observed for the as quenched and 500 °C tempered steels. For these materials, the curves tend to be linear with a reduced displacement to fracture suggesting a brittle behavior. This ductile to brittle transition induced by liquid metal has been confirmed from the fracture surface analysis where cleavage was observed. In comparison with conventional tensile tests, small punch tests appear to be more sensitive to evidence liquid metal embrittlement. 相似文献
Zehoua Hamouche-Hadjem Thierry Auger Ivan Guillot Dominique Gorse 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2008,376(3):317-321
The effect of liquid lead-bismuth eutectic on 316L and T91 steels at 160 °C has been studied as a function of strain rate, using a centre cracked in tension specimen adapted for the study of crack propagation. Brittle fracture, characterized by elongated river cracks on all the fracture surfaces, indicates that T91 is sensitive to the embrittlement by LBE. This embrittlement effect is very pronounced at low deformation rate (∼10−5 mm s−1). A ductile-brittle transition is observed in the high strain rate range investigated. In the transitory regime, there is a competition between the growth of dimples and brittle cracking induced by the liquid metal. Ductility recovery is complete at the highest investigated deformation rate. The mechanical properties of the 316L steel are not clearly affected by the presence of LBE, in spite of a modification in the plastic deformation mode which strongly affects fracture surfaces. 相似文献
The sensitivity of liquid metal embrittlement of the T91 martensitic steel is investigated with small punch tests at 300 °C in air and in lead bismuth eutectic (LBE). The material was studied in six tempering conditions corresponding to different values of hardness. An effect of LBE has been observed for all the materials excepted for T91 steel tempered at 750 °C, the more ductile material. In high strength materials (T91 steel as quenched, tempered at 600 °C or 500 °C), a ductile to brittle transition is induced by liquid metal, confirmed by the observation of brittle fracture. In relative high strength materials (tempered at 650 °C and 700 °C), LBE promotes a decrease in mechanical properties and a reduction of the ductility of materials, with a mixed ductile and brittle fracture. 相似文献
B. Long 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2008,376(3):341-345
The susceptibility to liquid metal embrittlement (LME) of the T91 steel was studied by performing 3-point bending tests in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), and for comparison, in argon (Ar) atmosphere as well. The specimens of T91 with different heat treatments were tested to access the hardening effect on the fracture toughness of the steel after exposure in LBE. The results showed that the fracture toughness of steel was reduced by contacting with LBE. The susceptibility of T91 to LBE embrittlement increased with the hardening of the steel introduced by heat treatments. 相似文献
J. Van den Bosch R.W. Bosch D. Sapundjiev A. Almazouzi 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2008,376(3):322-329
The susceptibility of the ferritic-martensitic steels T91 and EUROFER97 to liquid metal embrittlement (LME) in lead alloys has been examined under various conditions. T91, which is currently the most promising candidate material for the high temperature components of the future accelerator driven system (ADS) was tested in liquid lead bismuth eutectic (LBE), whereas the reduced activation steel, EUROFER97 which is under consideration to be the structural steel for fusion reactors was tested in liquid lead lithium eutectic. These steels, similar in microstructure and mechanical properties in the unirradiated condition were tested for their susceptibility to LME as function of temperature (150-450 °C) and strain rate (1 × 10−3-1 × 10−6 s−1). Also, the influence of pre-exposure and surface stress concentrators was evaluated for both steels in, respectively, liquid PbBi and PbLi environment. To assess the LME effect, results of the tests in liquid metal environment are compared with tests in air or inert gas environment. Although both unirradiated and irradiated smooth ferritic-martensitic steels do not show any or little deterioration of mechanical properties in liquid lead alloy environment compared to their mechanical properties in gas as function of temperature and strain rate, pre-exposure or the presence of surface stress concentrators does lead to a significant decrease in total elongation for certain test conditions depending on the type of liquid metal environment. The results are discussed in terms of wetting enhanced by liquid metal corrosion or crack initiation processes. 相似文献
This paper describes a finite element based fracture mechanics model to assess how hydrides affect the integrity of zircaloy cladding tubes. The hydrides are assumed to fracture at a low load whereas the propagation of the fractured hydrides in the matrix material and failure of the tube is controlled by non-linear fracture mechanics and plastic collapse of the ligaments between the hydrides. The paper quantifies the relative importance of hydride geometrical parameters such as size, orientation and location of individual hydrides and interaction between adjacent hydrides. The paper also presents analyses for some different and representative multi-hydride configurations. The model is adaptable to general and complex crack configurations and can therefore be used to assess realistic hydride configurations. The mechanism of cladding failure is by plastic collapse of ligaments between interacting fractured hydrides. The results show that the integrity can be drastically reduced when several radial hydrides form continuous patterns. 相似文献
T. Auger G. Lorang S. Guérin J.-L. Pastol D. Gorse 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2004,335(2):227-231
The T91 martensitic steel is a candidate structural material for the liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) MEGAPIE spallation target. This paper first reviews some results on Liquid Metal Embrittlement (LME) of martensitic steels by liquid metals. It appears that LME of steels can occur provided a few criteria are fulfilled simultaneously. Intimate contact between liquid metal and solid metal is the first one. Usually, it is impossible to avoid the oxide film formation on the steel surface even after short exposure to air. This explains the difficulty arising when one would like to determine the susceptibility to LME of T91 steel whilst put into contact with lead-bismuth. Later, we report on different methods of surface preparation in order to remove the oxide layer on the T91 steel (PVD, soft soldering fluxes) and the resulting susceptibility to LME. 相似文献
In previous works [Scripta Mater. 43 (2000) 997; J. Nucl. Mater. 296 (2001) 256], we showed that the martensitic steel 91 is prone to liquid metal embrittlement (LME) by liquid lead provided that some metallurgical conditions are fulfilled. In this work, we report results of LME of the steel 91 in contact with Pb-Bi and other low melting temperature metals such as Sn and Hg. Our experimental results can be interpreted within the framework of the surface energy reduction models for LME. To account for the experimental observations, we performed electronic structure calculations to assess the chemical interaction between low melting temperature metal atoms and iron surfaces. Our results allow to establish a simple criterion that can give trends on the embrittlement power of a liquid metal in contact with iron. 相似文献
The susceptibility of stress relieved Zircaloy-2 tubes to liquid metal embrittlement by cesium (Cs) and/or cadmium (Cd) at 340°C using the argon pressurization technique was investigated. The results of liquid Cs experiments showed considerable scattering while reproducible results were obtained in liquid Cs-Cd experiments. Considerable embrittlement was observed by Cd, particularly at 100 mg and liquid Cs-Cd mixture. Brittle fracture with X-mark and burst was observed. The embrittlement effect was attributed to Cd due to the formation of a Zr-Cd intermetallic layer which was observed by SEM and metallography. The increase in wettability by liquid Cs led to considerable embrittlement of the Cs-Cd mixture even when small amounts of Cd were used. It also led to considerable and reproducible results. 相似文献
Ph. Deloffre 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2004,335(2):244-248
The liquid Pb-Bi alloy is proposed as material for the spallation target in hybrid systems. During the spallation process, several chemical elements are produced in the target which could generate specific liquid metal embrittlement phenomena. Among these species, zinc is known as an element which can promote LME (liquid metal embrittlement). Corrosion tests were carried out in liquid Pb-Bi in isothermal static conditions without and with 80 wppm of zinc at 150 °C, 350 °C and 600 °C up to 6000 h. No modification of the corrosion kinetics of T91 martensitic and 316L austenitic steels was observed for either unstressed or U-bend specimens with zinc in Pb-Bi. Moreover, no sign of embrittlement was observed for any of the samples with and without zinc. 相似文献
The paper deals with the mechanical properties in liquid metals of the T91 martensitic steel, a candidate material for the window of an accelerating driven system (ADS). Two main questions are examined, the risk of liquid metal embrittlement and the accelerated fatigue damage by a liquid metal. It is found that the transition from ductile to brittle behaviour induced by a liquid metal is possible as a result of a decrease in surface energy caused by the adsorbed liquid metal. The embrittlement can occur only with a hard microstructure and a nucleation of very sharp defects inside the liquid metal. Under cycling straining, the fatigue resistance of the standard T91 steel is decreased by a factor of about 2 in the liquid metal as compared to air. It is proposed that short crack growth is promoted by the liquid metal which weakens the microstructural grain boundary barriers and skip the microcrack coalescence stage. 相似文献
对国产T91及316Ti钢进行室温下200keV的Xe~+离子辐照,使用X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)等检测方法研究不同损伤剂量下辐照对材料相的稳定性和微观结构变化的影响。研究结果表明:T91钢辐照后未发生明显相变,而316Ti发生了γ(FCC)→α(BCC)的马氏体相变,且随辐照损伤剂量的增加,α相含量增加,相变的主要驱动力为辐照离子在辐照层的聚集从而产生的剪切应力;T91钢中的M_(23)C_6颗粒随辐照损伤剂量的增加,非晶化越来越明显,主要是由于辐照粒子的轰击削弱了M_(23)C_6颗粒晶格的稳定性,晶格塌陷成为非晶状态;316Ti钢在较低辐照损伤剂量(4.6dpa)下出现黑斑结构,而在高辐照损伤剂量(37.1dpa)下黑斑结构进一步聚集形成位错环。 相似文献
A. Weisenburger C. Schroer A. Heinzel H. Steiner C. Fazio S. Babayan L. Martinelli F. Balbaud-Célerier L. Soler Crespo 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2011,415(3):260-269
Considering the status of knowledge on corrosion and corrosion protection and especially the need for long term compatibility data of structural materials in HLM a set of experiments to generate reliable long term data was defined and performed. The long term corrosion behaviour of the two structural materials foreseen in ADS, 316L and T91, was investigated in the design relevant temperature field, i.e. from 300 to 550 °C. The operational window of the two steels in this temperature range was identified and all oxidation data were used to develop and validate the models of oxide scale growth in PbBi. A mechanistic model capable to predict the oxidation rate applying some experimentally fitted parameters has been developed. This model assumes parabolic oxidation and might be used for design and safety relevant investigations in future. Studies on corrosion barrier development allowed to define the required Al content for the formation of thin alumina scales in LBE. These results as well as future steps and required improvements are discussed. Variation of experimental conditions clearly showed that specific care has to be taken with respect to local flow conditions and oxygen concentrations. 相似文献
Zhengang Duan Farzin Arjmand Hiroaki Abe 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2016,53(9):1435-1446
The effects of temperature and dissolved oxygen on the electrochemical behavior and the oxide film formation of grades 304L and 316L stainless steels at high-temperature borated and lithiated water were investigated by means of potentiodynamic polarization, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results revealed that increasing the solution temperature degrades the passivity of the oxide films formed on both grades of steel and shifts their corrosion potential toward more negative potentials. The oxide films formed on the steel samples immersed into the solution containing 20 ppb dissolved oxygen (DO) showed a duplex structure, in which the inner layer was mostly a composition of Cr oxides and the outer layer mainly was a Fe oxide and Ni–Fe spinel. Only a single layer of Cr-rich oxide was observed in the oxide films formed in the solutions with the DO concentrations higher than 20 ppb. Higher amount of Cr in the oxide films formed on the type 316L compared to 304L improves the passivity of the oxide film of this grade of steel and results in a wider passive region in its potentiodynamic polarization curves. 相似文献
纯Fe和316L不锈钢在液态锂铅合金中的腐蚀行为 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
采用挂片法、失重法和金相表面分析,进行了高纯Fe和316L不锈钢2种结构材料在350~550 ℃液态LiPb合金中静态腐蚀行为的研究。研究结果表明,温度及结构材料组分元素在液态LiPb合金中的溶解和质量迁移是导致材料腐蚀的主要原因,合金、结构材料表面的氧化皮也是影响静态腐蚀行为的一种重要参数。 相似文献
T. Auger D. Gorse J. Van den Bosch A. Almazouzi K. Dalikova M. Serrano P. Agostini I. Serre 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2011,415(3):293-283
The fracture toughness of the T91 martensitic steel in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic has been measured at 300 °C in plane stress and plane strain conditions. The effect of achieving wetting at the crack tip prior starting mechanical testing is demonstrated to be the key factor for a correct evaluation of the potential effect of LBE on fracture toughness. In plane stress, one observes a serrated fracture mode associated with a reduction of fracture toughness between 20% and 30%. The toughness reduction is higher in plane strain where the cleavage fracture mode prevails. The difference between the two fracture modes is due to the higher plastic deformation level reached at final fracture in plane stress and to the higher crack growth rate in plane strain. These results will be useful for the design of future nuclear systems cooled by LBE planning to use martensitic steels as structural materials. 相似文献
Weimin Ma Aram Karbojian Bal Raj Sehgal Truc-Nam Dinh 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》2009,239(7):1323-424
Motivated by an increased interest in heavy liquid metal (lead or lead alloy) cooled fast reactors (LFR) and accelerator-driven system (ADS), the present paper presents a study on resistance characteristics and heat transfer performance of liquid lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) flow through a straight-tube heat exchanger and a U-tube heat exchanger. The investigation is performed on the TALL test facility at KTH. The heat exchangers have counter-current flow arrangement, and are made from a pair of 1-m-long concentric ducts, with the LBE flowing in the inner tube of 10 mm I.D. and the secondary coolant flowing in the annulus. The inlet temperature of LBE into the heat exchangers is from 200 °C to 450 °C with temperature drops from 0 °C to 100 °C within the LBE flow range of Re = 104-105. Analysis of the experimental results obtained provides a basic understanding and quantification of the regimes of lead-bismuth flow and heat transfer through a straight tube and a U-shaped tube. The unique data base also serves as benchmark and improvement for system thermal-hydraulic codes (e.g. RELAP, TRAC/AAA) whose development and testing were dominantly driven by applications in water-cooled systems. Lessons and insights learnt from the study and recommendations for the heat exchanger selection are discussed. 相似文献
V. Engelko G. Mueller V. Markov A. Weisenburger A. Chikiryaka 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2011,415(3):270-275
The alloying of steel surface with aluminum (Al) using Microsecond-pulsed Intense Electron Beams (MIEB-Al) was developed and optimized in order to be used for improving the corrosion resistance of the 316, 1.4970 and T91 steels, exposed to liquid Pb and Pb-Bi-eutectic. The procedure consists in two steps: (i) coating the steel surface with Al or an Al-containing alloy layer and (ii) melting the coating layer and the steel surface layer using intense pulsed electron beam. In order to cover the steel surface with an homogeneous and crack-free Al-alloyed layer, the following experimental conditions are required: Al coating thickness range 5-10 μm, electron kinetic energy 120 keV; pulse duration 30 μs; energy density 40-45 J/cm2; number of pulses 2-3.Using the mentioned procedure, the corrosion resistance of the 316, T91 and 1.4970 steels, exposed to Pb and Pb-Bi-eutectic with different oxygen concentrations and under different temperatures, was considerably improved due to the formation of a thin alumina layer (which thickness is lower than 1 μm for all the tested temperatures and durations) acting as an anti-corrosion barrier. 相似文献