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Pine oil, a by-product of the pulp industry, is a feeding repellent to snowshoe hares and voles. In pen trials with snowshoe hares and field trials with voles, when given a choice between food in a pine oil-treated bowl and a control bowl, the animals fed preferentially from the control bowl. When the hares were presented with food only in a pine oil-treated bowl, two hares showed a reduced rate of food consumption and one hare did not feed at all. Pine oil contains monoterpenes which may inhibit microbial symbionts in the digestive tracts of hares and voles. The repellent action of pine oil is likely based on this interference of digestive processes, and it is of adaptive advantage for cecal digestors to avoid it. Pine oil has potential as a commercial repellent for snowshoe hares and voles.  相似文献   

The efficacy in feeding suppression trials with possums (Trichosorus vulpecula Kerr) of six synthetic odorous chemicals uniquely associated with various of the Mustelidae species and of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) has been evaluated with respect to several proprietary repellents. The predator odors, two proprietary repellents, and two other repellent formulations (olive oil in petroleum jelly and a synthetic fermented egg odor cocktail) were applied as 5% w/v solutions in paraffin to the foliage ofPinus radiata seedlings and the extent of browse compared with that on seedlings treated with Treepel, an effective egg-based repellent already available commercially. All four of the mustelid predator odors [()-2-n-propylthietane, ()-3-n-propyl-1,2-dithiolane, 2,2-dimethylthietane, and 3,3-dimethyl-1,2-dithiolane] and the volatile compound from fox urine (3-isopentenyl methyl sulfide) were shown to be more or at least equally effective compared to Treepel. This was true also of one commercial repellent Gori, which contained bitrex and the synthetic fermented egg formulation. The most effective compounds will be evaluated when administered with adhesives and surfactants in the further development of possum repellents with longer field lives.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of the major anal-gland compounds from the stoat (Mustela erminea) and fecal and urine compounds from the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in generating an avoidance response by montane voles (Microtus montanus), as well as suppressing feeding by montane and meadow (M. pennsylvanicus) voles on apple trees in orchards. In trap bioassays, a 11 mixture of 2-propylthietane and 3-propyl-1,2-dithiolane significantly reduced vole captures. Other mixtures of stoat compounds reduced the number of new voles captured but not total individuals. 2,5-Dihydro-2,4,5-trimethylthiazoline, a component of fox feces, significantly reduced vole captures in one of two bioassays. Deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) did not show a negative response to any predator odor. In overwinter field bioassays, mixtures of 2-propylthietane and 3-propyl-1,2-dithiolane clearly reduced vole feeding on apple trees in four test blocks. 2,5-Dihydro-2,4,5-trimethylthiazoline and a synthetic fox urine mixture also significantly reduced vole attack in respective orchard blocks. Similarly, the intensity of vole feeding, in terms of amount of bark and vascular tissues removed from trees, was reduced by 60% to 97% in predator odor treatments compared with the control. Our study reports the first long-term (four to five months) use of synthetic semiochemicals as area repellents for crop protection from vole feeding damage.  相似文献   

Infusions of various organic materials have been known to modify ovipositional behavior of gravid female mosquitoes. Previously, we found that an infusion of Purina Laboratory Chow elicited negative ovipositional behavior inCulex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say andCulex tarsalis Coquillett. In the present chemical studies, the Purina Laboratory Chow infusion, fermented for 10 days, was distilled to give an active distillate which, upon ether extraction, gave an active ether extract. Fractionation of the ether extract yielded an active acidic fraction and inactive nonacidic fraction. Gas Chromatographie analysis on Porapak R and AT-1200-H3PO4 columns of the acidic fraction showed the presence of acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, and caproic acids. In bioassay tests, these lower aliphatic carboxylic acids, individually and in combination, exhibited ovipositional repellency against the two species of mosquitoes at the concentration of 6 × 10–2%. At this concentration, butyric acid caused 100% mortality in first-instar larvae ofC. p. quinquefasciatus. Gravid female mosquitoes might have acquired, through evolutional adaptation, the ability of avoiding ovipositing in unsuitable sites in which toxic compounds might be detrimental to the survival and development of their offspring.Diptera: Culicidae.  相似文献   

It is believed that mammalian chemosensory irritants are not aversive to birds and vice versa. Nevertheless, few avian repellents have been tested against mammals. For that reason, we evaluated the efficacy of 1.0% w/v methyl anthranilate, orthoaminoacetophenone, 2-amino-4,5-methoxyacetophenone, 2-methoxyacetophenone, and veratryl amine as mouse repellents in 3-hr no-choice drinking tests. Relative to ingestion of plain water, all test substances significantly reduced (P < 0.05) intake. Orthoaminoaceto-phenone was the most effective repellent, with intake reduced to levels statistically indistinguishable from zero.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of predator odors (fecal, urine, and anal scent gland) in suppressing feeding damage by snowshoe hares was investigated in pen bioassays at the University of British Columbia Research Forest, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada. A total of 28 bioassay trials tested the effects of these odors on hare consumption of willow browse and coniferous seedlings. Lynx and bobcat feces, weasel anal gland secretion, and lynx, bobcat, wolf, coyote, fox, and wolverine urines resulted in the most effective suppression of hare feeding damage. Novel odors of domestic dog urine and 2-methylbutyric acid did not reduce feeding. A field bioassay with lodgepole pine seedlings and weasel scent provided significant results comparable to the pen bioassays. The short-term (up to seven days) effectiveness of these treatments was more likely due to evaporative loss of the active repellent components of a given odor than habituation of hares to the stimulus. Predator odors as repellents have a biological basis compared with the anthropomorphic origins of commercial repellents. When encapsulated in weather-proof controlled-release devices, these odors could provide long-term protection for forestry plantations and agricultural crops which experience hare/rabbit feeding damage.  相似文献   

We tested the robustness of a structure-activity model for avian trigeminal chemoirritants. Fourteen benzoates and acetophenones were tested using European starlingsSturnus vulgaris as a bioassay. In general, the previously proposed model was a reasonable predictor of repellency (i.e., irritant potency). We found that the presence of a phenyl ring was critical to repellency. Basicity of the molecule is the next most critical feature influencing repellency. The presence of an acidic function within the electron-withdrawing functionality seriously detracts from repellency. The presence or absence of an electron-withdrawing or -donating group may potentiate repellent effects, but its presence is not critical, so long as the phenyl ring is electron rich. Our data suggest that there is ano-aminoacetophenone/methyl anthranilate trigeminal chemoreceptor in birds analogous to the mammalian capsaicin receptor. Both receptors contain a benzene site. However, birds seem to lack the associated thiol/hydrogen-bonding site present in mammals which is needed to activate the benzene site. Rather, birds may possess an associated exposed charged site that in turn may interact with the stimulus to activate the benzene site. These differences may explain the differential sensitivity of birds and mammals to aromatic irritants.  相似文献   

Predator odors may serve to stop rats from entering conservation areas or to decrease predation, food consumption, and other damage by rats in areas tainted with predator odor. We compared the efficacy of real predator odors and synthetic odors (derived from the urine and feces of carnivores) as rat repellents with real herbivore odors as controls in a Y maze. We tested six predator odors: cat (Felis catus) urine and feces, mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) feces, n-propylthietane, S-methyl, methyl butanol, and isopentyl-methyl sulphide. The herbivore odors we used were: red deer (Cervus elaphus) urine, guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) feces, and white rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) urine. Ship rats (Rattus rattus) and kiore or Polynesian rats (R. exulans) showed no aversion to any of the six predator odors when compared with herbivore odors. Ship rats, however, may have avoided synthesized odors more than real ones. We applied two odors (S-methyl, methyl butanol and n-propylthietane) to purpose-built feeders in native forest but recorded no change in either visitation rate or duration of visits for rodents [rats and mice (Mus musculus)] or possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). The consumption of maize at feeders was correlated with the number and duration of possum visits, but only weakly correlated with the number of visits by rodents. Consumption of maize was unaffected by the odor associated with the feeder. It is unlikely that the odors we tested will be useful in deterring rodents or possums from areas where they have been removed for economic, public health or conservation reasons.  相似文献   

Organic infusions have been shown to elicit discriminatory responses in ovipositing mosquitoes. Previously, we found that a Purina® Lab Chow infusion induces negative oviposition behavior inCulex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say andCulex tarsalis Coquillett. Six aliphatic carboxylic acids isolated from the active fraction of this infusion were acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, and caproic. In the present studies, we have quantified the negative oviposition responses ofCulex mosquitoes to these carboxylic acids in a laboratory bioassay system and have also tested the main acid component, butyric acid, againstCuliseta, Aedes, andAnopheles mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Fenced enclosures were used to simulate peak populations of montane voles (Microtus montanus) for field bioassays of a stoat (Mustela erminea) scent mixture in various controlled-release devices. A 1 1 mixture of 2-propylthietane and 3-propyl-1,2-dithiolane was dispensed in capillary tubes, clay pellets (activated alumina), rubber septa, and plastic rope. Release devices were placed near, or attached to, young apple trees planted in blocks in two enclosures containing high populations of voles. The stoat scent mixture in rubber septa and plastic rope significantly reduced vole attack of trees compared with a control, pellets, and capillary tubes. In terms of complete girdling (tree mortality), this odor in septa and rope also significantly reduced feeding compared with the control, and the rubber septa formulation was more effective than either the pellets or capillary tubes. Fenced populations of voles may be used effectively to conduct field bioassays during low years in vole cycles. Variations of release devices (with this stoat scent mixture) based on rubber septa for broadcast application to depress vole population density and survival, and plastic rope attached to individual trees to generate an avoidance response, should be used for forest and agricultural crop protection.  相似文献   

Various straight-chain unsaturated fatty acids from C14 to C24 were evaluated for their ovipositional repellency against gravid females of the southern house mosquitoCulex quinquefasciatus Say, and the relationship between the structures of the fatty acids and their ovipositional repellency was determined. A double bond withZ configuration was prerequisite for an unsaturated fatty acid to be highly repellent;E isomers were less active or even inactive. No relationship was found between the repellency and the number of double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids. In C18 monounsaturated fatty acids, (Z)-9 acid was more active than (Z)-11 and (Z)-6 acids, indicating that a double bond at the 9 position rendered an acid highly repellent. Among (Z)-9-alkenoic acids of different chain lengths, the most repellent was C18 acid which was also more active than (Z)-11-C20, (Z)-13-C22, and (Z)-15-C24 acids. Oleic[(Z)-9-octadecenoic]acid, which met all these criteria, was the most ovipositionally repellent among the unsaturated fatty acids tested.Diptera: Culicidae.  相似文献   

At least some anthranilates (e.g., methyl anthranilate), and acetophenones (e.g., orthoaminoacetophenone) are aversive to mice as well as to birds. Here we systematically examined nine acetophenone isomers (ortho, meta, para) and moieties (amino, hydroxy, methoxy) previously tested as drinking and feeding repellents for European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). All nine substances reduced intake by mice in single-bottle tests. When molecular characteristics were examined, amino group reactivity and, to a lesser extent, isomeric position (i.e., resonance), were related to the strength of the avoidance response. Unlike effective avian repellents, the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds did not appear to affect avoidance responding.  相似文献   

Wild rats,Rattus norvegicus, R. exulans, andR. rattus, avoided wire-cage live traps that had previously captured mongooses,Herpestes auropunctatus. Replacing traps soiled by mongooses with clean traps would increase rat capture success and reduce a source of experimental bias.  相似文献   

The study of food repulsion in ungulates is of practical importance for controlling browsing damage to forest trees and agricultural crops. Experiments with domestic sheep assessed the repulsive value of three natural and two synthetic products, using a food-choice situation. Animals were individually presented with two troughs, each containing 30 g of maize, one treated with a chemical product, and the other a control. The odor of domestic dog feces appeared to be highly repulsive, as none of the treated food was eaten, whereas 3 g ±9 and 6 g ±10 were eaten, respectively, of food treated with fetal fluids from sheep and odor of pig feces. Synthetic odors of lion feces and a commercial deer repellent were less efficient as repellents with 11 g ±13 and 14 g ±15 of food eaten, respectively. Habituation to three of the repellents was tested for a minimum of seven successive days. With dog feces, no habituation to the odor was observed. On the contrary, significant habituation (P < 0.05) was observed as early as the third trial for sheep fetal fluids and the fourth trial for the commercial repellent. To test for the effects of social facilitation, groups of four sheep including no, one, or two anosmic animals were presented with food treated with the odor of dog feces. No social facilitation was observed as none of the intact sheep ate any of the food, although the anosmic animals actively ate it throughout the test. In individual food choice tests, the odor of dog feces appeared to be an especially efficient repellent when compared with the other natural or synthetic products. Such repulsion was nearly complete, and neither habituation nor social facilitation could be observed.  相似文献   

Estuarine snails, periwinkles (Littoraria irorata), and mud snails (Ilyanassa obsoleta) were tested for behavioral responses to aqueous extracts of tissue macerates, odors of living intact organisms, and to disaccharides derived from heparin. Extracts included salt-marsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum), crushed periwinkles, and crushed mud snails. Odors included live periwinkles, mud snails, stone crab (Menippe mercenaria), striped hermit crab (Clibanarius vittatus), tulip snail (Fasciolaria hunteria), and mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus). Responses were determined upon contact by snails of a ring of solution in the bottom of an otherwise dry bowl and by presenting snails in seawater with 25 l of solution on a cotton swab. In each test, the response of 30 individuals was determined. Behaviors were recorded as fed, alarm, and no response. The strongest alarm response (>80% of all snails tested) in both snails was elicited by crushed mud snails. The strongest feeding response was to shrimp and periwinkle extract for mud snails (>70%), and salt-marsh cordgrass extract attracted periwinkles. High percentages of mud snails and periwinkles fled in response to the odors of intact snail predators, stone crabs, tulip snails, and mummichogs. Mud snails and periwinkles did not flee in response to nonpredator odors, including each other's odor, as well as that of hermit crabs, shrimp, and marsh cordgrass. Heparin disaccharides were tested because other studies reported that biological activity of predatory fish odor is due to similar disaccharides originating from fish mucus. Mud snail responses to disaccharides indicate that they respond to the same kinds of molecules as crustacean larvae and that the modified amine on the disaccharide is essential for activity. The Q-tip assay is appropriate for bioassay-directed purification of alarm signals originating in fish body odor.  相似文献   

Responses of Cambarid Crayfish to Predator Odor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The responses of individuals of four sympatric species of cambarid crayfish to the introduction of the odor of a common predator, the snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina, were recorded in the laboratory. Adult Orconectes virilis spent significantly more time in a lowered posture and reduced the frequency of nonlocomotory movements following introduction of snapping turtle odor but showed no change in behavior upon introduction of the odor of painted turtle (Chrysemys picta). Recently released young O. virilis did not respond to snapping turtle odor initially but did so after turtle odor and conspecific alarm odor had been paired. Individuals of O. propinquus did not respond to snapping turtle odor. Initial tests with O. rusticus did not yield any response to snapping turtle odor but after experience with paired turtle and alarm odor, individuals showed a decrease in nonlocomotory movements when just snapping turtle odor was introduced. Individuals of Cambarus robustus spent less time in the lowered posture, less time in their burrow, and more frequently executed nonlocomotory movements, in response to snapping turtle odor. The differences in responses to the odor of a common predator are correlated with ecological differences among the crayfish species.  相似文献   

The habituation–discrimination paradigm has been used widely to demonstrate that animals can detect individually distinctive odors of unfamiliar conspecifics. By using a modification of the habituation–discrimination technique, Todrank et al. (Anim Behav 55:377–386, 1998) found that golden hamsters discriminate between the individual odors of their own familiar brothers but cannot discriminate between the odors of two siblings that are unrelated and unfamiliar to the subject. This suggested that previous evidence showing that animals could discriminate between the odors of individuals actually may have demonstrated the ability to discriminate between genetically unrelated conspecifics (i.e., members of different families). To test this possibility, we conducted habituation–discrimination experiments with prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster. Voles were tested under three conditions: subject and both targets were unrelated and unfamiliar; subject and both targets were brothers and familiar; subject was unrelated and unfamiliar to targets, but targets were brothers. In all cases, voles discriminated between the two individual odors. Thus, prairie voles can discriminate individual differences between the odors of brothers and they do not have to have previous experience with the conspecifics in order for discrimination to occur. The theoretical importance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent field experiments with impregnated wooden sticks have demonstrated a pronounced use by small rodents of mineral supplies, especially sodium, and such findings seemed related to vole damage to forestry seedlings. Consumption of the bark of experimentally introduced aspen twigs and of sodium-impregnated sticks by voles (mainly or onlyMicrotus agrestis) correlated significantly on clear-cuts but not on unmanipulated abandoned fields. Such a correlation appeared when abandoned fields were cut continuously in summer. At vole peak densities, bark of pine seedlings experimentally fertilized with sodium was consumed but not bark of seedlings fertilized with calcium or control seedlings. Field pine seedlings attacked by voles had significantly higher levels of calcium, sodium, and phosphorus than the nearest untouched seedling. However, sodium and phosphorus contents correlated strongly. Sodium and calcium supply to voles in laboratory feeding trials did not diminish the moderate interest in pine bark. Such conditions are, however, assumed to mimic a situation of bark sampling in low-density populations. Sodium, and possibly also calcium, requirements are concluded to be partial determinants of the destructive bark consumption by voles at the peaks of their multiannual population cycles.  相似文献   

Responses of Wild Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus) to Predator Odors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If rats could be shown to avoid the odors of predators, then conservation managers could manipulate this behavior to exclude rats from important conservation sites. We evaluated the ability of six predator odors to elicit avoidance responses by wild-caught Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from two New Zealand populations (Kapiti Island and North Island). Kapiti Island is free of mammalian predators, while the North Island has established populations of felids, canids, and mustelids. Three of the predator odors were real and three were synthesized volatile ingredients of real animal feces or urine. We compared the rats' responses to predator odors with their responses to three natural herbivore odors. We used a Y maze, and rats were offered the choice of an odor in one arm of the maze and distilled water in the other arm. Each choice arm was ducted at the entrance to remove air and the odor. We recorded: (1) the time until the rat left the first arm of the maze, (2) the time until the rat visited each arm, (3) the number of visits to each arm, (4) the amount of time spent in each arm, and (5) a total activity score for each rat. Kapiti rats showed an aversion to five of the six predator odors, despite never having encountered them before. Kapiti rats visited herbivore odors more often than carnivore odors and were less active in the presence of carnivore odors than they were when tested with herbivore odors. In addition, Kapiti rats approached some herbivore odors more quickly than they approached carnivore odors. North Island rats appeared to avoid cat urine, but despite being predator experienced, did not show a consistent aversion to the carnivore odors we tested. Both samples of rats, but particularly the North Island group, showed high individual variation. We conclude that predator odors are unlikely to be an effective management tool for all populations of this species of rat because of this high individual variability and the likelihood that each island population will differ in its responses to a given odor.  相似文献   

The influence of mustelid (weasel) anal-gland compounds (semiochemicals) and a plant antifeedant (pinosylvin) on snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) and meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) feeding damage was investigated. This study has shown conclusively that when applied to spring-planted lodgepole pine seedlings, pinosylvin is effective in significantly reducing feeding damage. Seedlings treated with pinosylvin suffered damage levels of 2.3% and 21.2% compared to the controls with damage levels of 24.5% and 41.0%. Weasel scent was found to reduce damage levels, but the reduction was not statistically significant in all blocks.  相似文献   

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