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恰遇泰坦尼克号首次航行百周年之际,贝尔法斯特搴坦尼克号博物馆在荚国北爱兰首府贝尔浩斯特市女王岛码头开幕。它是迄今为止世界上最大的拳坦尼克号主题游览景点,也是北爱尔兰地区实施的最大的旅游项目。该建筑项目由概念设计事务所CivicArts/Eric R Kuhne & Associates和首席顾问建筑师10ao事务所协力完成。  相似文献   

近年来,西藏旅游业快速发展,游客数量逐渐增加,游客中心作为重要的旅游服务设施被大量修建.本文通过对西藏地区游客中心的实地调研,以行者· 黑帐篷羊八井游客服务中心为例分析了建筑特征,并归纳了西藏地区游客中心选址、布局、功能、造型等基本特征,同时探讨了现存的问题和不足,以期给未来西藏地区游客中心的建设带来启发.  相似文献   

米瑞公路是318国道(川藏线)在林芝县分岔出的一条旅游公路,这条公路沿着尼洋河谷东岸蜿蜒起伏的河岸线向南延伸,在通往雅鲁藏布江大峡谷的20km距离内,尼洋河谷独特的地貌一览无余。公路沿线的达则村被选为这条观光线路的起点.达则村的可建设用地所剩无多,村口的一片滩涂因此成为修建游客接待站的不二选择。公路切断了河滩和山体的联系。于是,如何把一个孤立场地和它周围环境的联系重新建立起来成为这个设计的首要问题。  相似文献   

张帆 《建材城》2014,(5):90-93
VanDusen植物园游客中心(the VanDusen Botanical Garden Visitor Centre)坐落在温哥华市中心,波浪型的起伏绿色屋顶形似花瓣,共有1765平方米,由Perkins+Will建筑事务所设计,是一处视觉和生态和谐相处的建筑。无论是在形式上还是功能上,它都蕴含着生态意识和社会意识,满足最苛刻的可持续要求。  相似文献   

日照山海天阳光海岸公园的北段与南段由一个广场相接,广场正对城市主干道——太公三路,是旅游旺季大量人流进入公园的集散地。游客中心位于广场南端,将大部分体量置于地下,减小地上建筑的体量,承担着整个区域的旅游服务功能。游客中心分为地上地下两层,地上由19个单体建筑组成,为整片区域提供商店、电影院、餐厅、健身设施、公共浴室及洗手间等功能。  相似文献   

历史街区作为城市文化的重要载体,在城市发展中至关重要,随着城市的发展,历史街区逐渐成为各城市的旅游街区.文章以呼和浩特市大召片区为例,探讨城市历史文化街区与大召片区游客中心设计之间的传承与更新,以及大召片区游客中心与周边环境的融合.  相似文献   

日照山海天阳光海岸公园的北段与南段由个广场相接,广场正对城市主干道-太公三路,是旅游旺季大量人流进入公园的集散地。游客中心紧邻广场,位于广场南端,承担着整个区域的旅游服务功能。游客中心分为地上地下两层,地上部分体量较小,有些是独立的商店,有些是与地下功能相结合及采光、通风、入口于体的空间。地上由19个单体建筑组成,为整片区域提供商店,电影院,餐厅,健身设施,公共浴室及洗手间等功能。游客由东侧进入广场,可由三条坡度平缓的阶梯空间进入地下空间,或经由地上单体围合形成的四条小径蜿蜒走向海滩。整个游客中心地上建筑采用同原形(protoype)发展而成,因体量大小,  相似文献   

本文介绍了清源山游客中心项目中总平面节能设计、围护结构隔热节能技术、照明系统节能设计、空调系统节能设计、节能施工技术等多项节能技术的运用。  相似文献   

庄惟敏  陈琦  张葵  章宇贲 《世界建筑》2011,(12):100-105
2011年5月,华山游客中心正式投入使用。作为主创建筑师,回顾近3年来的设计过程,记录如下。 2008年仲夏,第一次接触到华山游客中心项目的时候,经了解,该项目已经进行过数轮的投标与设计竞赛,并且其中一个酷似人民大会堂的体量宏大的方案已经得到了业主中某些人一定程度的青睐。承接该项目设计工作后,我们首先详细踏勘了建设用地,  相似文献   

原满译 《建筑细部》2011,(6):892-897
这座建筑从远处看像是架空的老建筑瓦盖屋顶,走近看才发现是英国兰开夏郡的Brockholes自然保护区的新游客中心。建筑位于一条河和一条高速公路之间的冲击平原上。建筑综合体要呈现出一种浮动岛屿的形式,所以需要使用一种非常规的方法来处理。  相似文献   

Jenny Muir 《Housing Studies》2013,28(7):1081-1093
Housing policy formation under the United Kingdom's devolution settlement is currently under-researched and insufficiently understood. This article uses the example of social housing policy-making in Northern Ireland to reflect on its impact. Five factors with the potential to influence post-devolution policy-making are identified: common UK citizenship and ideology, policy networks, the political process, the mechanics of devolution and membership of the European Union. A post-devolution review of social housing policy in Northern Ireland is followed by a discussion of three key issues from the 2007 to 2011 administration: governance, procurement of new social housing, and ‘shared space’ and a shared future. Interviews with policy-makers indicate that 2007–2011 marked the beginnings of a trend away from the technocratic domination of officials towards greater intervention and policy ownership by politicians, but that the significance of this should not be overstated. The implications for multi-level and multi-jurisdictional policy-making in devolved and federal states are considered.  相似文献   

This article investigates the power of ‘walls’ to constrain thought and silence diverse voices of reason within planning. Using die Mauer (The Berlin Wall) as a linking metaphor, this article juxtaposes mid‐1950s planning in a spatially‐ and ideologically‐divided Berlin (Germany) against Harland Bartholomew's mid‐1950s planning in a racially‐divided Louisville, Kentucky (USA). It then juxtaposes the latter against a mid‐1950s narrative about efforts to desegregate housing in Louisville. This juxtaposition reveals that some people in Louisville used the Cold War divide between East and West to reinforce the long‐standing racial divide between blacks and whites. Moreover, it reveals that, by deferring to Cold War‐related racial politics that could not be questioned, Bartholomew's technical approach to planning silenced other voices of reason and thereby reflected and reproduced the race‐inflected politics of the Cold War divide. The article concludes by briefly considering what Bartholomew might have done differently in the context and by exploring what this juxtaposition of stories implies for planning in the context of the contemporary ‘war against terrorists’.  相似文献   

精选理由这是一个改扩建项目,将三个被认为各有特点且毫无衔接点的功能建筑结合为一体。同时,新添加的空间实质性地强化了整个建筑,营造了一个独特的学习和生活体验环境。  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of public housing in Northern Ireland and highlights the unique structure of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. Using data from the 1991 census it goes on to assess how women as independent consumers have fared in this system of administration.  相似文献   

Beneath Belfast and the Lagan Valley lies Northern Ireland's most important aquifer, the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone. Up to 300 m in thickness and with a total abstraction of around 31 000 m3/d, it is a modest aquifer by UK and world standards; nonetheless, it is an important local water source. The use of this aquifer system as a water supply will undoubtedly increase as growth of industry and population continues in the Belfast metropolitan area. Even with the mesic climate of Ireland, groundwater mining of this aquifer system is already occurring, and thus there is a need for detailed aquifer planning and protection to be implemented in order to preserve this resource for the future.  相似文献   

F ollowing P ublication of early proposals for the Reservoirs Act 1975, a systematic programme of reservoir investigation and repair work was carried out by the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland, Water Service.
The paper describes the full procedure followed for data collection, inspections, risk classification and stability and hydraulic investigations of 60 'large raised reservoirs' impounded by dams up to 42 m high and up to 148 years old. Also described are examples of some unusual repair works carried out, and the implementation of a recording, monitoring, and inspection system which now continually oversees all of the reservoirs involved.  相似文献   

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