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Krief B. Dye R. Tucker J.H. Brugal G. Chassery J.-M. 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》1994,41(3):284-286
HOME is a new computerized microscope designed to assist pathologists and cytotechnicians in routine examinations. The HOME workstation is composed of a standard light microscope fitted with objective and stage encoders, and a built-in high resolution computer display which superimposes dialog, drawing, and messages onto the optical microscope image. The software runs under Windows 3.X and provides interactive facilities such as accurate localization and relocation of zones of interest, morphometric measurements, patient data access, and quality control processes 相似文献
《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1985,73(11):1541-1550
A perspective is developed of the requirements for and the design of high-performance speech processing systems. These are viewed as complex systems composed of two hierarchies including a structural hierarchy of various sized units and an additional hierarchy of qualitatively distinct constraint domains. The nature of these constraints and their interaction is characterized, as well as the criteria for choice of units in the structural hierarchy. The unbounded set of surface phenomena that must be related to these units is shown to be represented by a range of patterns based on equivalence classes derived from the functional contrasts that must be maintained by the symbolic unit values. These abstract classes are related to surface correlates by complicated integrative processes, the nature of which has only recently been studied. Finally, the influence of computer science, which can be regarded as the study of complex systems, is described and the requirements for aggressive research facilities needed for further progress are developed. 相似文献
《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》1988,6(4):722-726
The authors describe a basic concept for the configuration of an integrated transmission network operations system. They discuss the fundamental system components: a data communication network and a common database. Details of the implementation of these components are discussed with an example of a transmission network operation system 相似文献
随着我国工业技术的不断发展,工控产品的不断推陈出新,集中控制可以大大方便人们对设备的监控和维护;其中网络桥接器也就成为了工控设备与监控平台通讯不可少的一部分.本文将明确指出现有网络桥接器技术方案要点、工作原理、以及功能,并对新型的带有通讯冗余结构的通讯网络桥接器进行讲解. 相似文献
在计算机网络信息技术快速发展过程中也存在着各种故障和安全问题,这对计算机网络通信的安全性和稳定性造成了重大影响。文章分析了计算机网络通信技术发展基本状况,并对其存在的主要问题进行深入分析,从而提出具有针对性的解决策略和方案,不断拓展计算机网络通信技术发展空间。 相似文献
矿井下的通讯控制系统是一个集采煤工作面的自动控制、设备监测、报警保护于一体的系统.为了满足系统操作的易用性,控制器的人机界面设计也是设计的一个重点.介绍了矿井下通讯控制系统中人机接口模块的设计过程,提供了液晶显示模块SG320240FPD的设计方框图.人机接口界面可以显示出当前系统的运行状态,提高系统的安全性和可靠性.针对系统功能,采用PHILIPS公司的16/32位嵌入式处理器LPC2292为开发平台,该处理器主要面向终端设备高性价比、低功耗的开发应用.人机界面设计要确保系统整体的功能性和关观性的完美统一.SG320240FPD;嵌入式处理器 相似文献
Data converters for communication systems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Data converters are playing an ever increasingly important role in digital communication channels. As VLSI technologies scale, more of the signal processing is performed in the digital domain, making superior converter design critical. Attributes of various modern analog-to-digital converters such as flash and ΣΔ are described 相似文献
CRH2与CRH5动车组通信网络结构比较 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了研究对比不同的动车组通信网络工作原理及应用,在CRH2和CRH5动车组通信网络的基本原理功能的基础上,对比研究了CRH2和CRH5两种动车组通信网络的结构、网络协议和其中的关键技术.研究表明,CRH2 网络采用通用网络协议和多重冗余,可靠性强,CRH5采用列车网络专用协议,层次清晰,功能强大. 相似文献
电信运营商持续创新流量经营模式与手段,将流量营销与社交化的红包活动相结合,创新推出流量红包活动,激发客户流量使用兴趣。面对社交化流量红包客户特征与传播模式的研究痛点及当前社群建模算法较单一的技术现状,详细研究、对比 6 种社群建模算法的应用效果,筛选出适合流量红包的最优算法,并定位分析核心价值客户群的特征。仿真结果显示,Multi-Level 算法在流量红包场景中表现更好,基于该算法挖掘种子客户、高价值客户、低价值客户和沉默客户 4 种特征客户群的社交网络结构。社交网络分群结论为运营商精准营销、精准推送等营销活动以及沉默客户促活、流失客户挽回等客户运营管理提供了有效指导。 相似文献
网络结构中容量评估方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在网络结构的评估中,根据无线网络特征,将无线网络结构分为覆盖、容量和频率三个维度.容量作为其中一个最为主要的方面,在评估中,包括两个主要方面,即容量是否充足,容量是否均衡,通过制定了4个与容量相对应的指数,通过量化的数据对网络的容量做出一个合理科学的评估分析. 相似文献