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The cumulative retardance Delta(t) introduced between the p and the s orthogonal linear polarizations after two successive total internal reflections (TIRs) inside a right-angle prism at complementary angles phi and 90 degrees - phi is calculated as a function of phi and prism refractive index n. Quarter-wave retardation (QWR) is obtained on retroreflection with minimum angular sensitivity when n=(sqr rt 2+1)(1/2)=1.55377 and phi =45 degrees. A QWR prism made of N-BAK4 Schott glass (n=1.55377 at lambda=1303.5 nm) has good spectral response (<5 degrees retardance error) over the 0.5-2 microm visible and near-IR spectral range. A ZnS-coated right-angle Si prism achieves QWR with an error of < +/- 2.5 degrees in the 9-11 microm (CO(2) laser) IR spectral range. This device functions as a linear-to-circular polarization transformer and can be tuned to exact QWR at any desired wavelength (within a given range) by tilting the prism by a small angle around phi =45 degrees. A PbTe right-angle prism introduces near-half-wave retardation (near-HWR) with a < or =2% error over a broad (4< or =lambda< or =12.5 microm) IR spectral range. This device also has a wide field of view and its interesting polarization properties are discussed. A compact (aspect ratio of 2), in-line, HWR is described that uses a chevron dual Fresnel rhomb with four TIRs at the same angle phi =45 degrees. Finally, a useful algorithm is presented that transforms a three-term Sellmeier dispersion relation of a transparent optical material to an equivalent cubic equation that can be solved for the wavelengths at which the refractive index assumes any desired value.  相似文献   

We propose and study slot waveguide geometries where both quasi-TE and quasi-TM modes may propagate highly confined within the same low-index slot region. Conventional horizontal and vertical slot waveguides can only provide high slot confinement for either the quasi-TM or quasi-TE modes, respectively. Different two-dimensional slot waveguide structures are analyzed in terms of their mode characteristics, such as the effective index, the confinement factor, and the overlap of quasi-TE and -TM modes within the slot. Attention is also paid to practical manufacturability. Various waveguide structures can be tailored to have zero birefringence or equal confinement at both polarizations. Values for the confinement factors and the overlap of the two polarizations, in the slot region, can reach 0.4 to 0.5.  相似文献   

Thin films transparent to optical radiation offer polarization properties that are enhanced when the thickness of the film is an odd multiple of the quarter-wavelength. The transmission and reflection properties of a 1.16-μm-thick film of diamond realized by plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition have been studied at 10.6 μm. A compact polarizer built with four films at a Brewster angle revealed an extinction ratio of better than 1:1000 of the S polarization. The interest in optics in which parasitic-reflected or transmitted beams do not exist is pointed out. The high damage threshold of diamonds opens the possibility of controlling the polarization characteristics of high-power lasers used, for example, for soldering and cutting applications.  相似文献   

A new integrated-optics polarizer system is analyzed. Calculations are made and experiments carried out to demonstrate the performance of this system. Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 24, 35–39 (March 26, 1998)  相似文献   

He Z  Sato S 《Applied optics》1998,37(28):6755-6763
Based on the Jones matrix representation of twisted nematic liquid crystals (LC's), we have carried out a theoretical analysis of the polarization properties of inversely twisted nematic (ITN) LC gratings. Some interesting polarization behaviors are expected in the ITN LC grating. When a linearly polarized light parallel or perpendicular to the grating direction is incident on the ITN LC grating, the diffracted light in the 0th order is linearly polarized with the same polarization direction of incident light, while the diffracted light in high orders is linearly polarized perpendicular to that of incident light. Using a multirubbing alignment technique, we have practically prepared an ITN LC grating with ?45 degrees inversely twisted structures. The experimental investigations of the optical characteristics of the ITN LC grating demonstrate agreement with theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

Kim HY  Lee EH  Kim BY 《Applied optics》1997,36(27):6764-6769
We have experimentally observed and theoretically analyzed the polarization properties of fiber lasers with twist-induced birefringence. Twisting a fiber induces the circular birefringence of a fiber laser cavity, and this birefringence reduces the effects of intrinsic linear birefringence on the polarization properties of fiber lasers. The frequencies of their polarization eigenmodes coincide with each other gradually as the twist rate increases, and the directions of polarization eigenmodes deviate from the birefringence axis at a much larger twist rate than the magnitude of intrinsic linear birefringence. We describe the successful experimental results for Nd and Er fiber lasers.  相似文献   

Liu J  Azzam RM 《Applied optics》1997,36(7):1553-1559
Polarization properties of the corner-cube retroreflector are discussed theoretically by use of ray tracing and analytical geometry. The Jones matrices and eigenpolarizations of the six propagation trips of the corner-cube retroreflector are derived. An experiment is also set up for the determination of the linear eigenpolarizations and the output states of polarization for incident linearly polarized light. The experimental results are consistent with theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

We used scanning tunneling microscopy-tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (STM-TERS) to study the polarization properties of near-field scattering on a crystalline material as well as on a dye adsorbate. The measurements on a (111)-oriented c-Si sample were found to be well described by a recently proposed model for TERS and allowed for a characterization of the polarization properties of the tips used. The tip enhancement was stronger for excitation radiation having a field component along the tip axis for both types of samples. A non-negligible enhancement was also found for the field component perpendicular to the tip axis.  相似文献   

The polarization properties of a nematic zero-twist liquid-crystal (NLC) spatial light modulator (SLM) were studied. A large ratio between the liquid-crystal (LC) layer thickness and the pixel pitch combined with spatial variations in the applied electric field causes fringing fields between pixels. Depending on the LC alignment, the electric field components within the LC layer can result in a twist deformation. The produced inhomogeneous optical anisotropy affects the polarization of light propagating through the device. We experimentally examined polarization effects in different diffraction orders for both binary and blazed phase gratings. Simulations of the LC deformation together with finite-difference time-domain simulations for the optical propagation were used to calculate the corresponding far-field intensities. It was demonstrated how rigorous simulations of the NLC SLM properties can be used to understand the polarization features of different diffraction orders.  相似文献   

El-Saba AM 《Applied optics》1999,38(13):2905-2910
The polarization properties of coated and uncoated parallel-slab multireflection beam splitters are investigated. In a recent study [Opt. Lett. 21, 1709 (1996)] it was shown that the parallel-slab beam splitter is a basic optical component of the parallel-slab division-of-amplitude photopolarimeter. The ellipsometric parameters and the fractional powers for multireflected components generated by this system are analyzed. Interesting new observations with respect to the polarization properties at the Brewster angle of incidence and the distribution of powers among the multireflected components are presented.  相似文献   

以聚苯胺( PANI) 原位聚合改性聚氨酯( PU) 树脂为基体, 锆钛酸铅( PZT) 陶瓷为功能相, 制备了0-3 型压电复合材料, 研究了复合材料极化和电性能。结果表明: 适量PANI 能够有效地提高0-3 型复合材料的极化和压电性能。随着PANI 含量增加, 复合材料的压电系数d33和机电耦合系数kp 迅速增大。当PANI 体积分数为4 %时, 复合材料的d33 = 34 pC/ N , kp = 0.25 , 均达到最大值。复合材料的介电常数和介电损耗随PANI含量的增加而上升。   相似文献   

We have done the detailed theoretical investigation by performing calculations for numerous LaAlO(3)/SrTiO(3) heterostructures using the generalized gradient approximation. We find that external electric field can cooperate or compete with spontaneous polarization and effectively modulate band dispersion around the Fermi level. Positive field can induce a reversible insulator-metal transition in insulating heterostructures. Rather than the Ti-d(xy) interface state that emerges in insulator-metal transition without external field, the pd-σ anti-bonding state composed of the O-p(z) and the Ti-d(3z(2)-1) at SrTiO(3) surface exchanges its hole with the electron of the O-p(x),p(y) orbitals (bonding states) at LaAlO(3) surface with the presence of positive field. Associated with insulator-metal transition, there is a remarkable change of local work functions in heterostructure, which suggests that LaAlO(3)/SrTiO(3) heterostructures are the promising candidates for novel nanoscale oxide electronic devices and technology, for instance, the Schottky diodes with adjustable barrier height.  相似文献   

Motivated by several observations of the degree of linear polarization of skylight in the oxygen A (O(2)A) band that do not yet have a quantitative explanation, we analyze the influence of aerosol altitude, microphysics, and optical thickness on the degree of linear polarization of the zenith skylight in the spectral region of the O(2)A band, between 755 to 775 nm. It is shown that the degree of linear polarization inside the O(2)A band is particularly sensitive to aerosol altitude. The sensitivity is strongest for aerosols within the troposphere and depends also on their microphysical properties and optical thickness. The polarization of the O(2)A band can be larger than the polarization of the continuum, which typically occurs for strongly polarizing aerosols in an elevated layer, or smaller, which typically occurs for depolarizing aerosols or cirrus clouds in an elevated layer. We show that in the case of a single aerosol layer in the atmosphere a determination of the aerosol layer altitude may be obtained. Furthermore, we show limitations of the aerosol layer altitude determination in case of multiple aerosol layers. To perform these simulations we developed a fast method for multiple scattering radiative transfer calculations in gaseous absorption bands including polarization. The method is a combination of doubling-adding and k-binning methods. We present an error estimation of this method by comparing with accurate line-by-line radiative transfer simulations. For the Motivated by several observations of the degree of linear polarization of skylight in the oxygen A (O(2)A) band that do not yet have a quantitative explanation, we analyze the influence of aerosol altitude, microphysics, and optical thickness on the degree of linear polarization of the zenith skylight in the spectral region of the O(2)A band, between 755 to 775 nm. It is shown that the degree of linear polarization inside the O(2)A band is particularly sensitive to aerosol altitude. The sensitivity is strongest for aerosols within the troposphere and depends also on their microphysical properties and optical thickness. The polarization of the O(2)A band can be larger than the polarization of the continuum, which typically occurs for strongly polarizing aerosols in an elevated layer, or smaller, which typically occurs for depolarizing aerosols or cirrus clouds in an elevated layer. We show that in the case of a single aerosol layer in the atmosphere a determination of the aerosol layer altitude may be obtained. Furthermore, we show limitations of the aerosol layer altitude determination in case of multiple aerosol layers. To perform these simulations we developed a fast method for multiple scattering radiative transfer calculations in gaseous absorption bands including polarization. The method is a combination of doubling-adding and k-binning methods. We present an error estimation of this method by comparing with accurate line-by-line radiative transfer simulations. For the O(2)A band, the errors in the degree of linear polarization are less than 0.11% for transmitted light, and less than 0.31% for reflected light. band, the errors in the degree of linear polarization are less than 0.11% for transmitted light, and less than 0.31% for reflected light.  相似文献   

Hao B  Leger J 《Applied optics》2007,46(33):8211-8217
Spatial engineering of polarization is proposed as a novel method of beam shaping. It is shown that a flat-top-shaped focus can be obtained in the far field by changing the polarization in the pupil plane in a spatially inhomogeneous manner. Experiments have been carried out to verify the validity of this method in one dimension. By comparison with traditional beam shaping methods, polarization beam shaping yields the smallest flat-top focus while maintaining high efficiency.  相似文献   


The photoinduced anisotropy (dichroism and birefringence) in AgCl emulsions is studied as well as the possibility for chemical fixing of this anistropy. A theoretical relation between the diffraction efficiency of amplitude—phase polarization holographic gratings and the photoanisotropy of the recording medium is derived. Based on this relationship an estimation of the properties of the gratings is presented. Polarization holographic gratings with spatial frequencies of 200 to 2000 mm?1 and diffraction efficiency up to 1·8% are recorded. The gratings are stable, and do not change in time for more than a year.  相似文献   

The general polarization behavior of almost-plane waves, in which the electric field varies slowly over a circular pupil, is considered, on the basis of an axial Hertz potential treatment and expansion in Zernike polynomials. The resultant modes of a circular aperture are compared with the well-known waveguide (or optical fiber) modes and Gaussian beam modes. The wave can be decomposed into partial waves of electric and magnetic types. The modes for a square pupil are also considered. The particular application of the effect on polarization of focusing the waves is discussed. Another application discussed is the Fresnel reflection from a dielectric interface, it being shown that the Fresnel reflection alters the relative strength of the electric and magnetic components.  相似文献   

Park BC  Eom TB  Chung MS 《Applied optics》1996,35(22):4372-4380
The polarization properties of solid-state cube-corner retroreflectors, which are uncoated glass or metal-coated glass on the reflecting surfaces, are examined analytically and compared. Experimental verifications are presented for the case of linearly polarized incident light. When the uncoated cube-corner is used in a heterodyne interferometer, the polarization properties reveal that the axial orientation of the corner reflector has an effect on the strength of the beat signal and the nonlinearity error. A theoretical analysis of the effect is presented together with experimental results.  相似文献   

设计了一种应用于WLAN的具有低交叉极化和高隔离度的双极化天线.天线由3层功能层和2层介质基板间隔层叠而成.3层功能层分别为1个方形辐射贴片,2个带有发夹谐振器的馈电网络和1个刻蚀H形缝隙的接地板.发夹谐振器和辐射贴片构成一个二阶滤波天线用以展宽天线的带宽.通过在接地板上蚀刻H形缝隙降低了天线端口间的耦合电流,改善了天...  相似文献   

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