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This paper presents the analysis of a coupled heat and mass transfer process in a fixed-bed solar grain dryer. Measurements of moisture concentration and air humidity along with temperature measurements were carried out in a solar grain dryer located in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, at the latitude of 4.858°N and longitude of 8.372°E. The process was also modelled, mathematically, by a set of partial differential equations that were coupled within the grain and through the grain boundary with the hot drying air. A finite difference scheme was used to obtain the moisture concentration and air humidity, and temperature fields within the grain and drying air. There was good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results at specified Biot and Posnov numbers, and varying Fourier number. The effects of time, space, and key model parameters such as the Biot and Posnov numbers and the initial conditions of the grains and drying air were simulated and discussed. The results from this study can be used to specify the design parameters for solar grain dryers.  相似文献   

干燥涉及众多生产领域,卷烟加工过程中存在干燥环节,滚筒烘丝机是用于干燥烟丝的主要设备。在滚筒烘丝机内,烟丝与周围环境进行热质交换,不同的运行控制条件,将直接影响烟丝的品质。由于干燥过程受众多因素的影响,至今烟草加工企业对烘丝机内部烟丝的传热传质特性缺乏深层次的认识,不利于烟丝品质的提高。针对上述背景,本文基于传热传质学、流体力学、多相流动等相关理论,通过计算机数值模拟方法,建立并求解滚筒内的传热传质数学模型,获得不同操作条件下烟丝温度、含水率变化的详细信息,并将所得结果与实际生产数据相验证。研究结果表明,烟丝与气流逆流流动条件下,干燥过程存在三个阶段:预热段、恒速段、降速段,烟丝含水率先升后降,烟丝温度经历先升高、后降低、再升高的过程;顺流流动条件下,干燥过程存在两个阶段:预热段与恒速段,烟丝含水率沿程单调下降,烟丝温度在预热段急剧上升,在恒速段平缓上升。  相似文献   


A mathematical model able to predict solid and drying gas temperature and moisture content axial profiles along a direct contact rotary dryer was developed. The study was focused on the drying kinetics based on phenomenological models. Two different drying mechanisms in the decreasing drying rate period were tested: proponional to the unbound moisture content and moisture diffusion inside the particle. Experimental data collected in a pilot-scale direct contact rotary dryer was used to validate the model. Soya and fish meals were used as drying material.  相似文献   

结合超微钛白粉和磁记录用钡铁氧体磁粉制备中粘性悬浮液混合浆料的脱水干燥过程,研究了在直径为145 mm的惰性粒子流化床中对悬浮液浆料进行脱水干燥的热量和质量传递的基本规律, 所得结果可为工程设计的操作参数选择提供依据, 对其他类似的超微粉体浆料的脱水干燥有参考价值.  相似文献   


Drying curves obtained in a pilot-scale fluidized bed dryer using biological source solids (sawdust, soya and fish meal) were used to estimate the parameters involved in heat and mass transfer phenomenas: heat transfer coefficient and moisture diffusivity coefficient. Parameters involved in mass transfer were estimated from drying models based on diffusional mechanisms and others that in addition consider internal and external resistance to the mass transfer. The estimate ef ective diffusivity coefficient was between 2x10-11 to lx10 (m2/s) for the considered products. Heat transfer coefficient was estimated from drying data points in the constant drying rate period when the external resistance to the mass transfer controls the process.  相似文献   


Results from three experimental studies are reviewed in order to examine the relationship between the heat and mass transfer coefficients in the combined infrared and convective drying process. These results demonstrared that the heat  相似文献   

One of possibilities to extend operating efficiency of spray dryers is to increase turbulence of the drying agent flow. In the literature no quantitative data describing this phenomenon are available.

In the paper results of experimental investigations on the effect of turbulence on heat and mass transfer during atomization are discussed. The scope of experiments covered the analysis of changing evaporation capacity. temperature of gas and atomized material and particle size distribution as a function of distance to the atomizer. It was proven that an increase of air flow turbulence could cause 20-25% increase of evaporation capacity.  相似文献   

以电化学方法测定了SRNA-4催化剂为固相的液固磁稳定床中的液固传质系数,采用浸没的微型传热探头测量了液固传热系数。实验结果表明:随磁场强度、液体黏度的增大,液固传质系数及传热系数减小;增加表观液速,传质系数、传热系数均增大。进而建立了由物性参数及操作参数估算液固传质Sherwood数及液固传热Nusselt数的关联式,实验值与预测值吻合良好,可为磁稳定床反应器的放大设计和操作优化提供一定的依据。  相似文献   


A finite difference scheme for solving the problem of natural transport of heat, mass, momentum and species concentration along vertical porous plates is presented. Several drying related problems are numerically solved, by including a gas-injection boundary condition directly into the governing equations. The effect of variable physical properties is investigated by means of direct comparison against experimental data obtained through holographic interferometry. The relative importance of wall diffusive and convective fluxes is examined. Sherwood and Nusselt numbers can be accurately obtained by means of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   

A finite difference scheme for solving the problem of natural transport of heat, mass, momentum and species concentration along vertical porous plates is presented. Several drying related problems are numerically solved, by including a gas-injection boundary condition directly into the governing equations. The effect of variable physical properties is investigated by means of direct comparison against experimental data obtained through holographic interferometry. The relative importance of wall diffusive and convective fluxes is examined. Sherwood and Nusselt numbers can be accurately obtained by means of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(7):1621-1635

A mathematical model for the mass-heat transfer in a continuous plate dryer has been developed. Along with a new mass transfer model, the formulas for several important parameters, such as height, volume of each granular heap and retention time, are provided. According to the penetration model of particle heat transfer, the average drying rate ([mdot]) is predicted together with the mean bulk temperature (T out) and moisture content (X out) by a straightforward stepwise calculation procedure. The only empirical parameter N mix can be predicted by the method, provided that experimental data with various initial moisture contents (X in) are given. According to the model, the optimization of a plate dryer should aim at the maximizing of the effective covering ratio (μ) and the total area-averaged heat transfer coefficient (α). The model and equations were applied in an experimental plant. In the result, the theoretical predictions are shown to be in satisfactory agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

Results from three experimental studies are reviewed in order to examine the relationship between the heat and mass transfer coefficients in the combined infrared and convective drying process. These results demonstrared that the heat  相似文献   

李青云 《广东化工》2011,38(11):164-165
《化工原理》以化工单元操作为研究对象,需要用工程方法处理实际问题。初学者面对课程中出现的大量的公式、参数往往会感到无所适从。文章选取传热和吸收两个单元操作为例,介绍了用"三传"唯象方程连接各个章节主要公式、知识点的方法,希望能起到化繁为简的作用。  相似文献   

淀粉在旋转气流干燥器中的热量传递   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在旋转气流干燥器中,取一物料环作微元体,根据热平衡原理,建立了计算热介质与颗粒固体间的给热系数数学表达式。由气、固两相在旋转运动中的相对滑移关联式,进行了努塞尔准数Nu、空塔气速表征的雷诺数Re、气固质量比B的关联。在作者开发的φ150mm实验设备中,用淀粉进行传热的正交实验研究,得到了颗粒尺寸、颗粒湿含量、给热系数随干燥管高度的分布曲线。用非线性回归方法得到的关联式为: Nu=-0.937+0.133Re~(0.622)-0.042Re~(-1.285)B~(-0.790) 122≤Re≤189 0.0170≤B≤0.0863  相似文献   


A mathematical model of heat and mass transfer for fixed beds was developed according to the modern theory of process simulation and standard laws of thermodynamics and transport phenomena. The mass transfer grain-air was predicted with simplified diffusional expressions together with an equation for the static equilibrium moisture content. Four differential equations were obtained for a grain layer and they were integrated along the bed depth and time with second and a fourth-order methods, respectively. The model was validated by comparing drying time predictions with experimental values, being the average error of 6%. The model was extended into a program for continuous cross-flow drying-cooling  相似文献   

干燥机单位热耗和干燥能力折算的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
热耗和生产能力是粮食干燥机试验的重要指标,但是由于试验时环境条件、粮食条件和干燥介质条件的多变性,试验结果往往没有可比性,因此必须将干燥机的性能试验数据折算到一个公认的标准条件才能进行比较和标定。本文以粮食干燥机的试验数据为基础,参考国内外粮食干燥机试验标准,对粮食干燥单位热耗和生产能力折算系数进行了研究和探索;总结了四种折算方法,分析了粮食干燥机在不同的环境和谷物条件下折算系数的计算方法和步骤,阐述了各种方法的优缺点,提出了折算方法的初步的建议,为干燥机试验数据的可比性和完善干燥机试验标准提供了依据。  相似文献   

廖传华  黄振仁 《化学世界》2004,45(5):239-243,238
多孔介质是大量干燥过程的主体,由于实际多孔介质干燥过程的复杂性,建立通用的干燥过程传热传质模型十分困难。通过分析喷雾干燥过程中高初始含湿多孔介质与干燥介质之间的传热传质机理以及各因素对传热传质的影响,根据马歇尔方程探讨了干燥介质与料雾之间的水蒸汽分压差在干燥过程中的变化情况,反映了多孔湿介质在喷雾干燥操作中的传热传质过程的几种特性,为确定实际生产中喷雾干燥器的操作条件指明了新的出路。  相似文献   

振动流化床中水平换热管与粗钛矿传热特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以粗粒级原钛矿为实验物料,测定了振动流化床与水平加热管间的传热系数,研究了粗钛矿在流化状态下的传热特性,并对影响传热过程的因素进行了分析,得出了适宜的操作条件。在操作气速0.1ms-1、振幅2mm及振动频率1100min-1的条件下,振动流化床水平换热管的传热系数达到最大值。实验结果为粗钛矿的高效节能干燥提供了重要实验依据。  相似文献   

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