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Human-centered automation problems have multiple attributes: an attribute reflecting human goals and capabilities, and an attribute reflecting automation goals and capabilities. In the absence of a general theory of human interaction with complex systems, it is difficult to define and find a unique optimal multiattribute resolution to these competing design requirements. We develop a systematic approach to such problems using a multiattribute decomposition of human and automation goals. This paradigm uses both the satisficing decision principle which is unique to two-attribute problems, and the domination principle which is a common manifestation of the optimality principle in multiattribute domains. As applied to human-centered automation in advanced vehicle systems, the decision method identifies performance evaluations and compares the safety benefit of a system intervention against the cost to the human operator. We illustrate the method by analyzing an automated system to prevent lane departures  相似文献   

Quality-of-life technology (QoLT) provides an ideal of human-centered intelligent systems. These technologies are tested and evaluated in both clinical and natural end-user testbeds. QoLT ranges from individual devices to comprehensive environments that can compensate for or replace diminished function. Hearing and vision technology provides a reality replete with challenges for QoLT research. Having been somewhat isolated from the mainstream of assistive technology (AT) development and engineering, hearing and vision technology offers clinically prescribed individual devices, such as hearing aids, or task-related devices, such as reading machines. This article describes the state of the art and some of the challenges in the development of hearing and vision technology.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology and a specially developed software toolset for design and verification of real-time control algorithms and programs. The real-time control algorithm must timely execute required actions in accordance with the current situation reflected by the parameters checked. This kind of algorithm is an example of a mission-critical application. Unfortunately, these algorithms suffer from mistakes and errors resulting in disasters, large material losses, etc. That is why the process of design, development, and verification of real-time control algorithms is rather time- and labor-consuming. Verification usually involves many-staged debugging on special testbeds. Some errors in control algorithms are due to misunderstandings between the participants of the control-system development process: specialists in particular subsystems, system engineers, and programmers. The proposed methodology makes it possible to exclude programmers from the process of control-software development, thereby reducing the number of errors and the labor cost. The main idea is to design and use a special visual notation intuitively understandable for system engineers. This feature should reduce the number of errors in control algorithms due to eliminating the “broken phone effect” when the programmer can misunderstand a program specification and implement it in the wrong software. The toolset consists of special software modules, including modules for visualization, construction, and verification of onboard real-time control algorithms. All modules are executed from an integrated development environment.  相似文献   

基于ZigBee技术的数字式温湿度监测网络设计   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
温湿度监测在工业控制、科学研究和民品开发等领域中有着广泛的应用。本文提出一种基于ZigBee技术的数字式温湿度监测网络设计。用户通过上位机操作界面实时管理监测网络,传感器节点以MSP430F149为控制核心,在用户命令请求下通过数字式温湿度传感器SHT11采集温湿度数据。系统具有低功耗、高可靠性、操作方便和易于组网等优势。  相似文献   

Since the introduction of roller press technology to the cement industry in the mid eighties, its range of application and the capacity of the machines used has increased significantly. Roller presses are now being supplied with throughput capacities of over 1000 mtph for clinker and cement raw material processing with drive capacities of 3000 kW. As roller press technology continues to gain acceptance for the closed circuit finish grinding of cement processes and products, this trend will undoubtedly continue. Realizing this need, several significant design changes and developments have taken place to allow the construction of larger, more reliable machines. These developments were essential if the machine was to be able to meet the ever-increasing process demands being made upon it. This paper discusses the most significant of these advancements for large roller press design, and in particular discuss the state of the art design for the following major components: roller design, new autogenous wear surface; bearing design; bearing housing/roller alignment; bearing oil lubrication; and the hydro-pneumatic system. The paper concludes by briefly discussing how these design advancements will influence future roller press application possibilities as related to the US cement industry  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于S4R技术的航天用锂离子电池组管理系统的设计方法,将以往相对独立的充电、分流部分相关联.充电部分受控于母线反馈电压,采用恒流一恒压的降压充电方式;分流部分不仅受控于母线反馈,还取决于充电电流,采用PWM控制方式.实验证明,该系统工作稳定、性能良好.给出了部分硬件电路的原理图及重要信号的输出波形.  相似文献   

Efficient handling of the communication resources is vital in power control systems. In this paper, a holistic approach is introduced for analyzing utilization of concurrent capabilities of communication. The approach embodies a trade-off between various parameters, such as bit rate, error rate, and latency. The approach has been applied to communication between a control center and remote terminal units, where half duplex is replaced by full duplex communication. However, it is general enough to be applied to other similar communication scenarios  相似文献   

Progress in computer and communication technology has made it possible to construct a large-scale control sytem. However, expansion of such a control system will make it more difficult to design control software. In designing a large-scale control system, it is hard to understand the data flow and synchronization of tasks and messages between computers. To solve this problem, we are developing a system to visualize control software for accessing information about the performance of the entire control system accurately and easily. This paper describes the characteristics of large-scale control systems, the method of its visual representation and configuration, the role of the visualization tool, and the efficiency of the visual design method.  相似文献   

本文以中兴通讯EDA高速实验室以三大示波器厂商之一的LeCroy示波器为例,简单介绍高速串行信号测试中的虚拟探测和均衡技术.  相似文献   

针对电力巡线旋翼无人机续航能力不足的问题,提出一种基于脉冲功率技术的高压电场感应取能设计。以巡线无人机机载导体作为悬浮电极,在电力线与架空地线之间高压电场中储存感应电能,级联气体自触发开关和电感,并与架空地线构成取能回路,悬浮电极击穿开关气隙对地放电。随气隙放电发展,悬浮电极与电力线、架空地线间分布电容将迅速分压,抑制放电,使气隙间无法形成电弧,而转为高频流注脉冲放电,激发回路高频电磁振荡,通过电磁互感实现电场感应电能输出。文中详细介绍了脉冲功率电场感应取能设计及抑制放电原理,分析取能等效电路并建立了放电脉冲取能模型,在实验室环境下进行物理平台搭建与测试,实验结果证明设计可行。  相似文献   

The authors describe a generic digital teleprotection unit (DTU) and discuss the technical characteristics of current commercial systems. A generic DTU contains a transmitter section, a receiver section and a status section. Some DTUs have a unidirectional option eliminating either the receiver section or the transmitter section. The transmitter section contains an input block, a transmitter logic block and a transmitter block. The receiver consists of a receiver block, a receiver logic block and an output block. The status section contains a selftest block and an alarm block. These subsystems are discussed. a comparison is made between DTUs and their analogue counterparts in the area of transfer trip delay. A direct transfer trip system utilizing redundant DTUs is proposed  相似文献   

总结了电力市场运营系统的特点,如扩展性要求强、系统复杂、时序性和安全性高等。在对比分析客户端/服务器(C/S)与浏览器/服务器(B/S)体系结构和分布式组件技术的基础上,结合系统特点给出了C/S与B/S结构混合模式的一种实用可行的电力市场运营系统体系解决方案。讨论了基于IEC61970CIM电力系统国际标准模型的数据库平台、基于CORBA的分布式系统中间件平台、用XML进行数据交换以及采用电子商务运作模式等关键技术在电力市场运营系统中的应用。  相似文献   

设计并实现了一种基于Chirp信号往返飞行时间(round time of flight ,RTOF)的室内导航系统,用于在复杂建筑物内部多个目标点的定位及跟踪。系统采用时分算法允许多标签同时定位,移动标签与锚节点之间实现双边双向测距(symmetrical double‐sided two‐way ranging ,SDS‐TWR)算法,移动标签并把测距结果传送给定位基站,定位基站再将结果透传到计算中心处理。计算中心利用改进的卡尔曼滤波算法减弱NLOS误差影响,采用加权矫正三点定位算法计算出移动标签位置信息,并存储定位结果于定位服务器。客户端可访问定位服务器查看所需要标签的定位结果。实验结果表明,在特定复杂楼层内,系统定位精度能达到2m,满足室内导航精度需求。本系统实现了定位刷新时间与标签个数的最优化,也具有较好的规模伸缩度以及易部署性。  相似文献   

安丕孚 《电工技术》2002,(12):26-26
交流驱动分为交流变频驱动和交流伺服驱动,二者的区别是前者可驱动一般的三相异步电机,调速范围较广,多用于对定位无较高要求的场合。  相似文献   

实用PCB板的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一些适合于现代焊接工艺的PCB板设计的原则,对线路板整体设计、基板流向、基准点的制作、元件排列、引脚间距和其他需要注意的问题等都作了相应阐述。  相似文献   

针对瞬变电磁检测技术探头开展研究。首先介绍了瞬变电磁技术原理,分析目前几种聚焦探头的优缺点,然后根据设计要求提出一种新型瞬变电磁聚焦探头结构,解决瞬变电磁探头不聚焦,能量小及设备笨重等缺点,最后通过有限元仿真验证新型聚焦探头的聚焦效果,并与传统线圈仿真结果进行对比。结果表明,新型聚焦探头使磁场的主要能量聚焦在半径小于0.3 m,比传统线圈磁场分布缩小了40%,磁感应强度B=1.499 8×10-5,比传统线圈感应强度提高了19.3%,且聚焦探头比传统线圈的磁感应强度分布梯度较大。为瞬变电磁技术探头优化设计及精确测量金属管道腐蚀量提供了有效的参考价值,也为该技术在压力管道和热力管道的扩展应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

针对目前煤矿井下通信系统的弊端,结合目前贵州省小煤矿居多的情况,按照国家安全生产行业标准,本文介绍了基于A5191HRT芯片,频移键控技术,LPC2104单片机的煤矿通信系统的构成,以及各部分硬件的设计和工作原理。文中给出了该通信系统的物理层结构的硬件框图,并介绍适合本系统的数据链路层协议,以及应用层的软件流程图。经过多次测试和实验,该系统操作方便,工作可靠。  相似文献   

串接小容量变压器预充磁涌流抑制技术在船舶电力系统中应用广泛,但缺乏规范化的参数设计方法。推导了串接小容量变压器预充磁技术各次合闸最大励磁涌流峰值解析计算公式。基于此,以预充磁变压器合闸励磁涌流峰值小于系统额定电流,工作变压器合闸励磁涌流峰值小于差动保护启动值为原则确定可选预充磁变压器容量范围;从海洋核动力平台安全性、经济性角度出发规范预充磁电路结构;基于实际建立磁通与预期磁通相位一致原则规范预充磁变压器绕组接线方式;提出相邻周期涌流能量比方法计算变压器建立稳态磁通所需时间,规范预充磁最短合闸时间间隔。MATLAB/Simulink仿真结果表明,在不同合闸角、剩磁情况下,所设计的参数能够保证预充磁合闸过程中变压器差动保护可靠不误动。  相似文献   

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