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This longitudinal study examined how depressive symptoms relate to children's self-perceptions and to estimates of children's cognitive distortions about the self in a nonclinical sample of children who were followed from 4th grade (n=248) through 6th grade (n=227). Report card grades measured children's academic competence, and teachers' ratings of children's level of peer acceptance at school indicated social acceptance. Self-reported depressive symptoms predicted a change in children's negative views of the self. Moreover, the self-perceptions of children who exhibited more symptoms of depression appeared to reflect an underestimation of their actual competence. Children's negative self-perceptions and underestimations about the self were not associated with a subsequent change in depressive symptoms. The implications of the findings for cognitive theories of depression and future research with this population are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the efficiency with which personality information about highly familiar others and the self is processed and retained in memory. 18 undergraduates (aged 19–24 yrs) made yes/no personality ratings on 48 personal adjectives (e.g., resourceful, orderly). Half of the adjectives were rated for self-reference, whereas half were rated for applicability to a well-known other target person. Each S selected a highly familiar other to rate, and rating times (RTs) were recorded for all of the personality judgments. After the ratings, Ss were given an unexpected free recall test, in which they were required to write down as many of the personal adjectives as they could remember. Findings indicate that for both the self-referent and well-known other conditions, yes-rated recalled words had significantly shorter RTs than nonrecalled words. This pattern suggests the existence of efficient cognitive schemata for representing and interpreting personal information about these targets. A model of other-referent personal information processing is presented. Central to this model is the proposal that familiarity level is a critical determinant of the cognitive structures and processes implicated in other-referent processing. (French abstract) (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article presents a theory of how different types of discrepancies between self-state representations are related to different kinds of emotional vulnerabilities. One domain of the self (actual; ideal; ought) and one standpoint on the self (own; significant other) constitute each type of self-state representation. It is proposed that different types of self-discrepancies represent different types of negative psychological situations that are associated with different kinds of discomfort. Discrepancies between the actual/own self-state (i.e., the self-concept) and ideal self-states (i.e., representations of an individual's beliefs about his or her own or a significant other's hopes, wishes, or aspirations for the individual) signify the absence of positive outcomes, which is associated with dejection-related emotions (e.g., disappointment, dissatisfaction, sadness). In contrast, discrepancies between the actual/own self-state and ought self-states (i.e., representations of an individual's beliefs about his or her own or a significant other's beliefs about the individual's duties, responsibilities, or obligations) signify the presence of negative outcomes, which is associated with agitation-related emotions (e.g., fear, threat, restlessness). Differences in both the relative magnitude and the accessibility of individuals' available types of self-discrepancies are predicted to be related to differences in the kinds of discomfort people are likely to experience. Correlational and experimental evidence supports the predictions of the model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Self-perception theory posits that people sometimes infer their own attributes by observing their freely chosen actions. The authors hypothesized that in addition, people sometimes infer their own attributes by observing the freely chosen actions of others with whom they feel a sense of merged identity--almost as if they had observed themselves performing the acts. Before observing an actor's behavior, participants were led to feel a sense of merged identity with the actor through perspective-taking instructions (Study 1) or through feedback indicating that their brainwave patterns overlapped substantially with those of the actor (Studies 2-4). As predicted, participants incorporated attributes relevant to an actor's behavior into their own self-concepts, but only when they were led to feel a sense of merged identity with the actor and only when the actor's behavior seemed freely chosen. These changes in relevant self-perceptions led participants to change their own behaviors accordingly. Implications of these vicarious self-perception processes for conformity, perspective-taking, and the long-term development of the self-concept are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents a clinical model of the development of self. The model focuses on the early learning responsible for linguistic self-referents such as "I" and "me." This model offers an account for why some patients, such as those with borderline personality disorder (BPD), feel that they "do not know who they are" or that their sense of self is controlled by other people, while other patients have a sense of a secure, stable self that is not prey to the whims of others. The authors administered the Experiencing of Self Scale, which measures the degree to which other people influence the experience of self, along with the Self-Esteem Scale and the Dissociative Experiences Scale to 284 undergraduate students (mean age 19.2 yrs) and 14 BPD patients (mean age 41.1 yrs). Results show that the degree to which other people influence the experience of self depended on the nature and closeness of the people involved, that those in the BPD sample suffered from excessive influence of other people over the experience of self relative to the undergraduates, and that the degree of influence correlated predictably with high dissociation and low self-esteem. Implications for conceptualizing BPD and narcissistic personality disorder are discussed, and clinical applications are suggested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines the notion that multiple-personality disorder represents the end of a continuum of a defensive dissociation of the self. Three case illustrations are presented in support of this notion. In one case hidden ego states emerged and displayed some behavioral control in the course of hypnotherapy. In another, dissociated part selves were responsible for much of the presenting symptomatology, but did not qualify for a diagnosis of multiple personality. The author argues for the recognition of a continuum of dissociation of the self that extends into multiple-personality disorder. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During the past decade, rather than studying the outcomes of mathematics learning in experimentation with specific teaching strategies, cognitive psychology has been advancing understanding of the fundamental nature of mathematics learning. The promise of cognitive theories for instruction is illustrated by reviewing several studies on elementary mathematics. This research illuminates the formal structure of a mathematical procedure such as counting and the hierarchy of its subprocedures, the diagnosis of consistent errors in subtraction and decimals and the discovery of their underlying sources, the formulation of the role of schemata in executing arithmetic skills, and the comprehension of word problems. The development of mathematics skills is considered in terms of the distinction between procedural and propositional knowledge. Implications of a cognitively based understanding of mathematical learning for the effective design of instruction are discussed. (67 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The alternative to self-awareness theory proposed by J. G. Hull and A. S. Levy (see record 1980-27166-001) is based on an encoding of self-relevant information. This alternative conception, unfortunately, does not appear to have the number of psychological variables or the requisite specificity to deal with the range of phenomena studied under the rubric of self-awareness processes. The contentions that self-focused attention is not a bidirectional phenomenon and that self-focused attention is not a self-evaluative state appear to be unfounded. (43 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined the structure and content of adults' sense of spiritual identity by analyzing semistructured interviews with 13 spiritually devout men and 15 devout women, ages 22 to 72. Individuals' responses to the Role-Related Identity Interview (G. T. Sorell, M. J. Montgomery, & N. A. Busch-Rossnagel, 1997b) were content analyzed and rated on the role-related spiritual identity dimensions of role salience and flexibility. Individuals were categorized as spiritually foreclosed, achieved, or in moratorium, on the basis of their motivational, affective, self-evaluative, and behavioral investments in spiritually defined roles and their reflectiveness about and behavioral changes in role-related spiritual identity. Similarities and differences within and between spiritual identity status groups were observed, suggesting a variety of ways that spiritual identity provides a sense of continuity as well as a domain for adult developmental change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested whether cognitive development and cognitive style (field-dependence/independence) are different dimensions. The present study was conducted in the context of J. Pascual-Leone's (1974) model of cognitive development, in which an important aspect of cognitive development is delineated by mental capacity, and an important dimension of cognitive style is field-dependence/independence. 74 5.5–6.5 and 7.5–8.5 yr old Ss were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 trainers who taught half the group with a method developed by R. Case and the present 1st author (1974), and the other half of the group with a method designed to train Ss to actively look for informational cues. It was found that cognitive development and cognitive style are distinctly different dimensions because posttest data showed that, under training conditions that were suited to S's cognitive style, field-dependent older Ss were able to perform developmentally appropriate "control-of-variables" tasks at the same level as their field-independent age peers. Both of these groups outperformed younger field-independent Ss. Findings are discussed with regard to the theoretical model, their relevance to the stylistic dimension of reflection/impulsivity, and their educational implications. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In recent studies it has been inferred from performance on perceptual tasks, that paranoid schizophrenics showed extensive scanning and nonparanoid schizophrenics showed minimal scanning. Eye movements during free-search and size-judgment tasks were recorded for 14 paranoid and 14 nonparanoid schizophrenics, 14 psychotic depressives, and 14 control Ss. Medicated Ss showed lower eyemovement rate and fixation rate than nonmedicated Ss and controls, but there were no significant differences due to schizophrenia. There was a significant interaction between patient type and medication for size-judgment means, but all such differences were reduced to nonsignificance by training. Even after training, Ss showed greater variability in size judgments than controls. Results failed to support the notion of extensive or minimal scanning behavior of schizophrenics. Errors by the psychotic patients in making size judgments were not correlated with scanning behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Proposes that self-fragmentation requires an in-depth process of restoration, which can only be attained when considering the role that the experience of transcendence brings to the life of an individual. Augustine's Confessions offers a narrative of the self that illustrates this process. Five elements of restoration are emphasized: recognition of self-fragmentation, return to interiority, recollection in dialog with God, movement beyond the boundaries of the self, and creative responses in continuity. Concepts from H. Kohut's (1977) self-psychology are used to analyze the narrative, and it is suggested that Augustine's paradigm may be useful in a therapeutic context. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Professional psychologists can be profoundly affected by their patients and must know how to take care of themselves physically and emotionally while delivering effective treatment. In this paper, I examine the effects of one patient on my personal and professional lives. Over the course of 2 years, the patient experienced numerous losses and became deeply depressed. Her symptoms included suicidal urges and self-harm (cutting). I describe the impact of the patient's life events on the therapy and on me as the therapist. I enumerate self-care strategies that preserved my ability to treat the patient without becoming distressed or impaired by the demands of the case. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Claims that attributions and their related behaviors may reflect a type of perceived control that is generally overlooked. People attempt to gain control by bringing the environment into line with their wishes (primary control) and by bringing themselves into line with environmental forces (secondary control). Four manifestations of secondary control are considered: (a) Attributions to severely limited ability can serve to enhance predictive control and protect against disappointment; (b) attributions to chance can reflect illusory control, since people often construe chance as a personal characteristic akin to an ability ("luck"); (c) attributions to powerful others permit vicarious control when the individual identifies with these others; and (d) the preceding attributions may foster interpretive control, in which the individual seeks to understand and derive meaning from otherwise uncontrollable events in order to accept them. (5? p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Historical evidence pertaining to selfhood is reviewed. A scheme of stages is delineated, according to which the modern self and its uncertainties have evolved. These historical data are then reviewed in connection with the following four major problems regarding the self: knowing and conceptualizing the self; defining or creating the self; understanding one's potential and fulfilling it; and relating the single self to society. (127 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Posner and Snyder have proposed that semantic priming involves two processes: Automatic spreading activation and consciously directed attention. According to this view, activation will spread from the node in memory for the prime to nodes for related words. This facilitates response to related words, but does not produce inhibitory effects. Attention, however, is viewed as a slow serial process that produces both facilitation and inhibition effects, but only at a long stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). An alternative model has been developed based on a paper by Walley and Weiden. According to our model, facilitation effects are attributed to spreading activation in a network of neurons. Our model differs from Posner and Snyder's model in that we assume that automatic spreading activation, if strong enough to cause neurons to discharge, will produce inhibitory effects through a mechanism of recurrent lateral inhibition. Consequently, this model predicts that if spreading activation is strong enough, responding to unrelated target words will be inhibited even though attention is not directed to the related target. It is possible that even with strongly related prime-target pairs, spreading activation may not be sufficient to cause neurons to discharge and generate lateral inhibition without some additional facilitation resulting from effort-induced arousal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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