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工业系统中广泛存在一类由多个相互关联的子系统组成的大系统. 尽管分布式控制结构的性能没有集中式控制好,但由于其具有较高的灵活性和容错性,相对于集中控制更加适合控制上述系统.在保持容错性的情况下如何提高系统的整体性能是分布式控制的一个难点问题.本文提出了一种分布式预测控制(Distributed model predictive control, DMPC)方法,该方法通过在各子系统预测控制器的性能指标中加入输入变量对其下游子系统的影响的二次函数,来扩大分布式预测控制的协调度,进而在不增加网络连通度,不改变系统容错性的前提下,提高系统的性能.另外,本文给出了基于该协调策略的带输入约束的分布式预测控制器的设计方法,在初始可行的前提下,该方法相继可行并可保证系统渐近稳定. 相似文献
The efficiency of any energy system can be charaterised by the relevant efficiency components in terms of performance, operation, equipment and technology (POET). The overall energy efficiency of the system can be optimised by studying the POET energy efficiency components. For an existing energy system, the improvement of operation efficiency will usually be a quick win for energy efficiency. Therefore, operation efficiency improvement will be the main purpose of this paper. General procedures to establish operation efficiency optimisation models are presented. Model predictive control, a popular technique in modern control theory, is applied to solve the obtained energy models. From the case studies in water pumping systems, model predictive control will have a prosperous application in more energy efficiency problems. 相似文献
Mohammad Anwar Hosen Mohd Azlan HussainFarouq S. Mjalli 《Control Engineering Practice》2011,19(5):454-467
Controlling batch polymerization reactors imposes great operational difficulties due to the complex reaction kinetics, inherent process nonlinearities and the continuous demand for running these reactors at varying operating conditions needed to produce different polymer grades. Model predictive control (MPC) has become the leading technology of advanced nonlinear control adopted for such chemical process industries. The usual practice for operating polymerization reactors is to optimize the reactor temperature profile since the end use properties of the product polymer depend highly on temperature. This is because the end use properties of the product polymer depend highly on temperature. The reactor is then run to track the optimized temperature set-point profile. In this work, a neural network-model predictive control (NN-MPC) algorithm was implemented to control the temperature of a polystyrene (PS) batch reactors and the controller set-point tracking and load rejection performance was investigated. In this approach, a neural network model is trained to predict the future process response over the specified horizon. The predictions are passed to a numerical optimization routine which attempts to minimize a specified cost function to calculate a suitable control signal at each sample instant. The performance results of the NN-MPC were compared with a conventional PID controller. Based on the experimental results, it is concluded that the NN-MPC performance is superior to the conventional PID controller especially during process startup. The NN-MPC resulted in smoother controller moves and less variability. 相似文献
An approach to the softening of constraints is explored for a class of MPC algorithms that employ off-line-computed constraint-admissible sets for simplified on-line computations. The proposed approach relies on the use of exact penalty functions to ensure that the solution coincides with the actual optimal solution if the original MPC problem is feasible and that there are constraint violations at minimum possible levels if the original problem is infeasible. The approach is implemented for a class of linear systems with additive and multiplicative disturbances using a dynamic-policy-based MPC algorithm. Results specific to the cases of non-stochastic and stochastic disturbances are explored and assessed with simulation examples. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with robust model predictive control for linear continuous uncertain systems with state delay and control constraints, A piecewise constant control sequence is calculated by minimizing the upper-bound of the infinite horizon quadratic cost function, At each sampling time, the sufficient conditions for the existence of the model predictive control are derived, and expressed as a set of linear matrix inequalities. The robust stability of the closed-loop svstems is guaranteed bv the proposed design method. A numerical example is given to illustrate the main results. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with robust model predictive control for linear continuous uncertain systems with state delay and control constraints. A piecewise constant control sequence is calculated by minimizing the upper-bound of the infinite horizon quadratic cost function. At each sampling time, the sufficient conditions for the existence of the model predictive control are derived, and expressed as a set of linear matrix inequalities. The robust stability of the closed-loop systems is guaranteed by the proposed design method. A numerical example is given to illustrate the main results. 相似文献
Electromechanical actuators are widely used in many industrial applications. There are usually some constraints existing in a designed system. This paper proposes a simple method to design constrained controllers for electromechanical actuators. The controllers merge the ideas exploited in internal model control and model predictive control. They are designed using the standard control system structure with unity negative feedback. The structure of the controllers is relatively simple as well as the design process. The output constraint handling mechanism is based on prediction of the control plant behavior many time steps ahead. The mechanism increases control performance and safety of the control plant. The benefits offered by the proposed controllers have been demonstrated in real-life experiments carried out in control systems of two electromechanical actuators: a DC motor and an electrohydraulic actuator. 相似文献
本文给出一种双层结构预测控制的整体解决方案. 该方案分为开环预测、稳态目标计算和动态控制三个模块. 开环预测基于实测被控变量值和过去的操作变量值, 在假设未来操作变量不再变化的情况下, 估计未来的被控变量值. 稳态目标计算根据开环预测结果和外部目标等要求, 计算操作变量、被控变量的稳态目标值以及软约束的放松量. 动态控制根据开环预测结果和稳态目标输出结果, 计算未来的控制作用增量序列, 采用经典的动态矩阵控制策略. 这个整体解决方案保证了三个模块在模型、约束、目标上的一致性. 该算法是在已有文献的基础上, 将三个模块统一处理得到的. 仿真与应用例子证实了该算法的有效性. 相似文献
将迭代学习控制(Iterative learning control, ILC)系统看作一类具有2维动态特性的控制系统,根据模型预测控制(Model predictive control, MPC)和性能参考模型控制思想, 提出了一种基于2维性能参考模型的2维模型预测迭代学习控制系统设计方案.在该控制系统设计方案中,可以通过选择适当的2 维性能参考模型来构造2 维动态变化的设定值信号和预测控制信号,从而引导迭代学习控制系统收敛到合理的控制性能,并有效避 免系统性能收敛过程中控制输入可能发生的剧烈波动.通过对控制系统的结构分析可知,所得的迭代学习控制器本质上是由沿时 间指标的参考模型预测控制器和沿周期指标的迭代学习控制器组成,闭环系统的收敛性等价于一个2维滤波系统的稳定性.数值仿 真结果证明了该设计方案的有效性和鲁棒性. 相似文献
30多年来, 模型预测控制(Model predictive control, MPC)的理论和技术得到了长足的发展, 但面对经济社会迅速发展对约束优化控制提出的不断增长的要求, 现有的模型预测控制理论和技术仍面临着巨大挑战. 本文简要回顾了预测控制理论和工业应用的发展, 分析了现有理论和技术所存在的局限性, 提出需要加强预测控制的科学性、有效性、易用性和非线性研究. 文中简要综述了近年来预测控制研究和应用领域发展的新动向, 并指出了研究大系统、快速系统、低成本系统和非线性系统的预测控制对进一步发展预测控制理论和拓宽其应用范围的意义. 相似文献
研究包含稳态目标计算(Steady-state target calculation,SSTC)层和动态控制层的双层结构预测控制(Model predictive control,MPC)及其实现方法. 我们将已有的辨识、优化和控制方案适当地组合并软件化. 通过在多优先级稳态目标计算中引入新的变量,给出了稳态目标计算的统一表达方法,每个优先级的优化问题或是跟踪外部目标,或是放松软约束. 通过仿真算例和应用实例相结合的方式验证了软件功能. 相似文献
This note shows that the solvability of the modified quasi-min-max MPC algorithm of the paper Lu and Arkun, Automatica 36 (2000) 527 for the systems with input constraints is not guaranteed and the proof of the theorems are not sufficient via a counterexample of the Remark 5. 相似文献
考虑约束非线性系统,提出一种新的具有稳定性保证的经济模型预测控制(Economic model predictive control,EMPC)策略.由于经济性能指标的非凸性和非正定性,引入关于经济最优平衡点的正定辅助函数.利用辅助函数的最优值函数定义原始EMPC优化问题的稳定性约束.应用终端约束集、终端代价函数和局部控制器三要素,建立闭环系统关于经济最优平衡点的渐近稳定性和渐近平均性能.进一步,结合多目标理想点概念,将提出的控制策略用于多个经济性能指标的优化控制,得到稳定多目标EMPC策略.最后,以连续搅拌反应器为例,比较仿真结果验证本文策略的有效性. 相似文献
This paper proposed a cooperative merging path generation method for vehicles to merge smoothly on the motorway using a Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme which optimizes the motions of the relevant vehicles simultaneously. The cooperative merging is a merging in where the most relevant vehicle in the main lane would accelerate or decelerate slightly to let the merging vehicle merge in easily. The proposed path generation algorithm can generate the merging path ensuring the merging vehicle can access the whole acceleration area, and do not exceed it. We have introduced a state variable to the optimization problem by which the merging point for the merging vehicle is optimized. The simulation results showed that the cooperative merging path can be successfully generated under some typical traffic situations without re-adjustment of the optimization parameters. 相似文献
为利用过程数据实时监控模型预测控制(Model predictive control, MPC)的性能, 提出一种基于协方差预测残差的性能监控方法.首先在分析模型预测控制器优 化函数和控制结构的基础上, 构造包含预测误差、控制量和过程输出的监控变量集, 然后利用滑动时间窗口建立基于协方差的实时性能评价 指标.针对协方差指标缺少控制限的问题, 建立实时协方差指标的时间序列模型, 根据协方差指标的预测残差检测模型预测控制性能下降.进 一步利用基于数据集相似度的性能诊断方法确定性能恶化源.最后通过Wood-Berry二元精馏塔上的仿真研究验证了所提方法的有效性. 相似文献
In the water distribution network (WDN), although the water demand of the node is changing constantly, the water quantity and water pressure of the node need to be met at each moment. To realize energy saving and consumption reduction, it is proposed to control the nodal water head of WDN in an appropriate narrow range. The frequent large fluctuation of the water demand, which may lead the water pressure exceed the expected range, increases the difficulty of the zone control. To realize optimized WND control, a novel zone predictive control is proposed, where two switching cases are considered. The switching condition is whether there are feasible solutions to keep the pressure within the expected region over the prediction horizon. When the condition is satisfied, the controller minimizes the variation of inputs with constraints of pressure range for ensuring the tank level staying within the expected zone and obtaining optimal economic cost. When the current pressure is out of the expected region or the condition is not satisfied due to the large variation of water demand, a reference trajectory of outputs is introduced, which is combined with the inputs as an optimization variable, and the constraints of expected zone are moved from the output to the introduced reference trajectory. Through minimizing the distance between reference trajectory and output, the controller will keep the tank level from deviating too far from the expected zone and will drive the tank level rapidly into the expected zone once the tank level exceeds the expected range. An application of the proposed zone MPC to WDN in Shinan District of Shanghai is given to illustrate its effectiveness. 相似文献