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The transition of delamination growth between different ply interfaces in composite tape laminates, known as migration, was investigated experimentally. The test method used promotes delamination growth initially along a 0/θ ply interface, which eventually migrates to a neighbouring θ/0 ply interface. Specimens with θ = 60° and 75° were tested. Migration occurs in two main stages: (1) the initial 0/θ interface delamination turns, transforming into intraply cracks that grow through the θ plies; this process occurs at multiple locations across the width of a specimen, (2) one or more of these cracks growing through the θ plies reaches and turns into the θ/0 ply interface, where it continues to grow as a delamination. A correlation was established between these experimental observations and the shear stress sign at the delamination front, obtained by finite element analyses.Overall, the experiments provide insight into the key mechanisms that govern delamination growth and migration.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) model is created with cohesive zone elements (CZE) to simulate a mechanically fastened [0°/90°]s pin-loaded joint in a composite laminate. The model incorporates fully integrated solid elements in the pin-loaded area to accurately capture the high stress gradients. Contact based cohesive elements with a bilinear traction–separation law are inserted between the layers to capture the onset and growth of delamination. The stress distribution around the pin-loaded hole was verified with the widely used cosine stress distribution model. Results from the FE model show that delamination damage initiated at the point of maximum average shear stress at the 0°/90° interface. The delaminated area develops an elliptical shape which grows in a non-self similar manner with increasing pin displacement. It is concluded that a progressive damage model should be included to provide a full understanding of the failure sequence, work that the authors are currently engaged with.  相似文献   

A finite element model for predicting delamination resistance of z-pin reinforced laminates under the mode-II load condition is presented. End notched flexure specimen is simulated using a cohesive zone model. The main difference of this approach to previously published cohesive zone models is that the individual bridging force exerted by z-pin is governed by a specific traction-separation law derived from a unit-cell model of single pin failure process, which is independent of the fracture toughness of the unreinforced laminate. Therefore, two separate traction-separation laws are employed; one represents unreinforced laminate properties and the other for the enhanced delamination toughness owing to the pin bridging action. This approach can account for the so-called large scale bridging effect and avoid using concentrated pin forces in numerical models, thus removing the mesh-size dependency and permitting more accurate and reliable computational solutions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cohesive zone model based finite element analysis of delamination resistance of z-pin reinforced double cantilever beam (DCB). The main difference between this and existing cohesive zone models is that each z-pin bridging force is governed by a traction-separation law derived from a meso-mechanical model of the pin pullout process, which is independent of the fracture toughness of unreinforced laminate. Therefore, two different traction-separation laws are used: one representing the toughness of unreinforced laminate and the other the enhanced delamination toughness owing to the pin bridging action. This approach can account for the large scale bridging effect and avoid using concentrated pin forces, thus removing the mesh dependency and permitting more accurate analysis solution. Computations were performed using a simplified unit strip model. Predicted delamination growth and load vs. displacement relation are in excellent agreement with the prediction by a complete model, and both models are in good agreement with test measured load vs. displacement relation. For a pinned DCB specimen, the unit strip model can reduce the computing time by 85%.  相似文献   

A novel modeling approach is proposed that combines the Floating Node Method (FNM) with the Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) to capture delamination migration in cross-ply tape laminates. Delamination migration is the damage process by which a delamination propagating at an interface relocates to a different interface via one or multiple matrix cracks. In the approach proposed, delamination, matrix cracking, and their interaction, are represented in a single element. The kinematics of both delamination and matrix cracks are represented explicitly. Migration onset location, and subsequent path, are determined as part of the solution, in a mesh-independent fashion. Delamination growth, matrix cracking, and migration onset, are all modeled using fracture mechanics based failure and migration criteria. The proposed approach is applied to the modeling of the Delamination Migration (DM) test, showing good qualitative and quantitative agreement with experiments.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the fatigue delamination growth behavior in woven glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite laminates under mixed-mode I/II conditions at cryogenic temperatures. Fatigue delamination tests were performed with the mixed-mode bending (MMB) test apparatus at room temperature, liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K) and liquid helium temperature (4 K), in order to obtain the delamination growth rate as a function of the range of the energy release rate, and the dependence of the delamination growth behavior on the temperature and the mixed-mode ratio of mode I and mode II was examined. The energy release rate was evaluated using three-dimensional finite element analysis. The fractographic examinations by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also carried out to assess the mixed-mode fatigue delamination growth mechanisms in the woven GFRP laminates at cryogenic temperatures.  相似文献   

The failure of a quasi-isotropic composite laminate containing an embedded out-of-plane fibre wrinkle defect was investigated under tension loading. Laboratory test specimens with controlled severity of fibre waviness were manufactured. Along with recording load–displacement data, high resolution camera images were taken at regular intervals which monitored the initiation and interaction of different damage mechanisms during test. Three-dimensional FE models were built following the geometry of actual test specimens. The information obtained from the tests was used to develop user material subroutines, implemented in Abaqus/Explicit as continuum damage and cohesive zone models for intra- and inter-ply failure respectively. The results of the simulations showed very good correlation with test observations in terms of failure load, location of damage initiation and interaction between different damage mechanisms for a range of waviness cases tested.  相似文献   

A nonlinear constitutive model for a single lamina is proposed for the failure analysis of composite laminates. In the material model, both fiber and matrix are assumed to behave as elastic-plastic and the in-plane shear is assumed to behave nonlinearly with a variable shear parameter. The damage onset for individual lamina is detected by a mixed failure criterion, composed of the Tsai-Wu criterion and the maximum stress criterion. After damage takes place within the lamina, the fiber and in-plane shear are assumed to exhibit brittle behavior, and the matrix is assumed to exhibit degrading behavior. The proposed nonlinear constitutive model is tested against experimental data and good agreement is obtained. Then, numerical analyses are carried out to study the failure behavior of symmetric angle-ply composite laminates and symmetric cross-ply composite laminates subjected to biaxial loads. Finally, the conclusions obtained from the numerical analysis are given.  相似文献   

In experimental studies, a size effect has been measured for the fracture energy in the transverse crack tension test. This paper presents a numerical investigation into the cause of this size effect. A finite element model has been developed that includes delamination, friction and shear nonlinearity. After calibration of the model, the size effect was reproduced well. It is shown that shear nonlinearity and friction separately contribute to the measured size effect and that significant amplification of the size effect takes place because of their interaction. As a consequence of their interaction, the unstable crack growth that was observed for the thicker specimens in the experiments is also present in the model results.  相似文献   

An investigation of the effects of water, hydraulic fluid and deicing fluid exposure on mode II delamination propagation in an aerospace grade composite is presented. All exposed specimens suffered a loss in delamination toughness and an increase in fatigue delamination growth rate, which was particularly significant for deicing fluid exposure. The number of cycles for delamination onset was also reduced by these exposures, although scanning electron micrographs showed no significant differences between the fracture pattern of dry and exposed specimens. It was also shown that environmental effects can be simply accounted for in a cohesive zone based finite element model.  相似文献   

In this paper, a modified adaptive cohesive element is presented. The new elements are developed and implemented in LS-DYNA, as a user defined material subroutine (UMAT), to stabilize the finite element simulations of delamination propagation in composite laminates under transverse loads. In this model, a pre-softening zone is proposed ahead of the existing softening zone. In this pre-softening zone, the initial stiffness and the interface strength are gradually decreased. The onset displacement corresponding to the onset damage is not changed in the proposed model. In addition, the critical energy release rate of the materials is kept constant. Moreover, the constitutive equation of the new cohesive model is developed to be dependent on the opening velocity of the displacement jump. The traction based model includes a cohesive zone viscosity parameter (η) to vary the degree of rate dependence and to adjust the maximum traction. The numerical simulation results of DCB in Mode-I is presented to illustrate the validity of the new model. It is shown that the proposed model brings stable simulations, overcoming the numerical instability and can be widely used in quasi-static, dynamic and impact problems.  相似文献   

A novel approach able to predict debonding or fracture phenomena in multilayered composite beams is proposed. The structural model is based on the first-order shear deformable laminated beam theory and moving mesh strategy developed in the framework of Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation. The former is utilized to evaluate fracture parameters by using a multilayer approach, in which a low number of interface elements are introduced along the thickness, whereas the latter is utilized to reproduce crack tip motion due to the crack extension produced by moving boundaries. The model is able to avoid computational complexities introduced by an explicit crack representation in bi-dimensional structures, in which typically high computational efforts are expected for handling moving boundaries. To this aim, a moving mesh strategy is proposed for the first time in the context of beam modeling based on a multilayered configuration. Such an approach, essentially based on ALE formulation, is able to reproduce interfacial crack paths by using a low number of computational elements. The numerical method is proposed in the framework of the finite element formulation for a quasi-static or dynamic evolution of the crack tip front. In order to investigate the accuracy and to validate the proposed methodology, comparisons with experimental data and existing formulations available from the literature are developed. Moreover, a parametric study in the framework of dynamic fracture is developed to investigate the capability of the proposed model to reproduce more complex loading cases.  相似文献   

This work simulates numerically Double Cantilever Beam and End Notched Flexure experiments on Carbon Fibre Epoxy Resin specimens that have been performed by some of the authors in a previous work. Specimens have been nanomodified by interleaving plies with a layer of electrospun nanofibres in the delaminated interface. Eight different configurations of nanofibres have been used as interleave, for a total of 9 configurations (8 nanomodified plus the virgin one) to be simulated for both kind of tests to identify the cohesive zone parameters corresponding to the effect of nanofibre diameter, nanolayer thickness and nanofibre orientation on the delamination behaviour of the composite.Results showed that a bilinear damage law is necessary for almost all nanomodified configurations, and presented a clear relationship between nanomat layer parameters and the cohesive energy of the interface.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with the conditions for formation of the first (initial) cracks in composite laminates with cutouts or ply drop-offs subjected to in-plane loading. We study here the crack formation on the free edge of CFRP cross-ply laminates experimentally and by numerical stress and failure analysis. The free-edge surface strains are measured by the digital image correlation (DIC) technique. The numerical analysis consists of a two-scale approach, where the macro-level analysis is performed with a three-dimensional finite-element method (3D FEM) and the micro-level analysis uses a periodic unit-cell (PUC) in the transverse plies. The constitutive assumption made for the macro-level analysis is an orthotropic linear thermo-elastic solid for the unidirectional plies with a thin isotropic viscoplastic layer between the longitudinal and transverse plies. In the PUC, the fibers are assumed linear elastic, while the matrix is modeled as an elastic–viscoplastic solid. Crack formation is assumed to occur in the matrix by the dilatation induced brittle failure mechanism for which the dilatation energy density criterion is used.  相似文献   

During the experimental characterization of the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of multidirectional composite laminates, the crack tends to migrate from the propagation plane (crack jumping) or to grow asymmetrically, invalidating the tests.The aim of this study is to check the feasibility of defining the stacking sequence of Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) specimens so that these undesired effects do not occur, leading to meaningful onset and propagation data from the tests. Accordingly, a finite element model using cohesive elements for interlaminar delamination and an intralaminar ply failure criterion are exploited here to thoroughly investigate the effect of specimen stiffness and thermal residual stresses on crack jumping and asymmetric crack growth occurring in multidirectional DCB specimens.The results show that the higher the arm bending stiffness, the lower the tendency to crack jumping and the better the crack front symmetry. This analysis raises the prospect of defining a test campaign leading to meaningful fracture toughness results (onset and propagation data) in multidirectional laminates.  相似文献   

We present a methodology for determining stress distributions ahead of blunt notches in plates of fiber-reinforced ceramic–matrix composites subject to uniaxial tensile loading, accounting for the effects of inelastic straining due to matrix cracking. The methodology is based on linear transformations of the corresponding elastic distributions. The transformations are derived from adaptations of Neuber’s law for stress concentrations in inelastic materials. Comparisons are made with results computed by finite element analysis using an idealized (bilinear) form of the Genin–Hutchinson constitutive law for ceramic composite laminates. Effects of notch size and shape as well as the post-cracking tangent modulus are examined. The comparisons show that, for realistic composite properties, the analytical solutions are remarkably accurate in their prediction of stress concentrations and stress distributions, even in cases of large-scale and net-section inelasticity. Preliminary assessments also demonstrate the utility of the solution method in predicting the fields under multiaxial stressing conditions.  相似文献   

Simple approach based on Classical Laminate Theory (CLT) and effective stiffness of damaged layer is suggested for bending stiffness determination of laminate with intralaminar cracks in surface 90-layers and delaminations initiated from intralaminar cracks. The effective stiffness of a layer with damage is back-calculated comparing the in-plane stiffness of a symmetric reference cross-ply laminate with and without damage. The in-plane stiffness of the damaged reference cross-ply laminate was calculated in two ways: (1) using FEM model of representative volume element (RVE) and (2) using the analytical GLOB-LOC model. The obtained effective stiffness of a layer at varying crack density and delamination length was used to calculate the A, B and D matrices in the unsymmetrically damaged laminate. The applicability of the effective stiffness in CLT to solve bending problems was validated analyzing bending of the damaged laminate in 4-point bending test which was also simulated with 3-D FEM.  相似文献   

Clamping force is a key element that alters the mechanism and sequence of failure in bolted joints of composite laminates. The mode of failure in bolted joints can be controlled by geometrical parameters and the preferred fail safe mode of failure is ‘bearing’ which generally consists of matrix cracks, delamination and fibre microbuckling. Three-dimensional (3-D) pinned (without clamping force) and bolted (1 kN clamping force) joint models were developed in [0/90]s carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminates to show the clamping force effect on the onset and growth of delamination. It is shown that delamination was resulted from the shear stress components (Mode II & III) at the interface and the contribution of the out-of-plane component (Mode I - opening), so the clamping force, was negligible without modelling the in-plane failure modes and their coupling with delamination, which will be considered in future work.  相似文献   

Bridging by intact fibers in composite materials is one of the most important toughening mechanisms. However, a direct experimental assessment of its contribution is not easy to achieve. In this work a semi-experimental method is proposed to quantify its contribution to fracture of unidirectional carbon fiber/epoxy double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens in mode I delamination under monotonic and 1 Hz fatigue loads. In each specimen, an embedded optical fiber with an array of eight wavelength-multiplexed fiber Bragg gratings is used to measure local strains close to the crack plane. The measured strain distribution serves in an inverse identification procedure to determine the tractions in the bridging zone in monotonic and fatigue loads. These tractions are used to calculate the energy release rate (ERR) associated with bridging fibers. The results indicate that the ERR due to bridging is about 40% higher in fatigue. The bridging tractions are further included in a cohesive element model which allows to predict precisely the complete load displacement curve of monotonic DCB tests. Using the principle of superposition and the identified tractions, the total stress intensity factor (SIF) is calculated. The results show that the SIF, at initiation, is very close to the one calculated at crack propagation and bridging by intact fibers is responsible for the entire increase in toughness seen in the DCB specimens used herein.  相似文献   

Unidirectional fiber-reinforced composite laminates are widely used in aerospace industry for a great variety of structural parts. In order to enhance the exploitation of material reserves, there is a need for the integration of progressive damage scenarios in the design phase. Due to their hazardous effects on the load-carrying capacity of composite structures, this work focusses on the simulation of delaminations. A finite element based on a cohesive zone approach is developed. Two constitutive laws are proposed. One is characterized by linear degradation after delamination onset, the other is governed by exponential softening response. The damage process is history-dependent leading to an irreversible stiffness degradation in damaged zones. The practicability of the proposed model and the assets and drawbacks of the two material laws are shown by some numerical examples.  相似文献   

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