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The ability to correlate the elastic properties of melt infiltrated SiC/SiC composites to properties of constituent phases using a hybrid Finite Element approach is examined and the influence of material internal features, such as the fabric architecture and intra-tow voids, on such correlation is elucidated. Tensile testing was carried out in air at room temperature and 1204 °C. Through-thickness compressive elastic modulus utilizing the stacked disk method was measured at room temperature. In situ moduli of constituent materials were experimentally evaluated using nano-indentation techniques at room temperature. A consistent relationship is observed between constituent properties and composite properties for in-plane normal and shear moduli and Poisson’s ratio at room temperature. However, experimental data for through-thickness compressive elastic modulus is lower than the calculated value. It is hypothesized that the existence of voids inside the fiber tows and their collapse under compressive loads is the cause of such discrepancy. Estimates for the change in elastic moduli of constituent phases with temperature were obtained from literature and used to calculate the elastic properties of the composites at 1204 °C. A reasonable correlation between the in-plane elastic moduli of the composite and the in situ elastic properties of constituent phases is observed.  相似文献   

A resol type phenolic resin was prepared for the impregnation of wood particles used for the reinforcement of PLA. A preliminary study showed that the resin penetrates wood with rates depending on the concentration of the solution and on temperature. Treatment with a solution of 1 wt% resin resulted in a considerable increase of composite strength and decrease of water absorption. Composite strength improved as a result of increased inherent strength of the wood, but interfacial adhesion might be modified as well. When wood was treated with resin solutions of larger concentrations, the strength of the composites decreased, first slightly, then drastically to a very small value. A larger amount of resin results in a thick coating on wood with inferior mechanical properties. At large resin contents the mechanism of deformation changes; the thick coating breaks very easily leading to the catastrophic failure of the composites at very small loads.  相似文献   

SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composites (SiC/SiC) are under consideration as a structural material for a range of nuclear applications. While these materials have been studied for decades, recently new small scale materials testing techniques have emerged which can be used to characterize SiC/SiC materials from a new perspective. In this work cross section nanoindentation was performed on SiC/SiC composites revealing that both the hardness and Young’s modulus was substantially lower in the fiber compared to the matrix despite both being SiC. Using scanning electron microscopy it was observed that the grain growth of the matrix during formation was radially out from the fiber with a changing grain structure as a function of radius from the fiber center. Focused ion beam machining was used to manufacture micro-cantilever samples and evaluate the fracture toughness and fracture strength in the matrix as a function of grain orientation in the matrix. Additionally microstructural characterization techniques like Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and microtomography were used to evaluate differences in the matrix and fibers of the composite.  相似文献   

SiCp/TiNif/Al composite with 20 Vol.% TiNi fibers were fabricated by pressure infiltration method. The effect of volume fraction of SiC particle on the mechanical properties and damping capacity of the composite were studied. Four different volume fractions of SiC particle in the composite were 0%, 5%, 20% and 35% respectively. The microstructure and damping capacity of the composites was studied by SEM and DMA respectively. As the gliding of dislocation in the Al matrix was hindered by SiC particle, the yield strength and elastic modulus of the composites increased, while the elongation decreased with the increase in volume fraction of SiC particle. Furthermore, the damping capacity of the composites at room temperature was decreased when the mount of strain was more than 1 × 10−4. In the heating process, the damping peak at the temperature of 135 °C was attributed to the reverse martensitic transformation from B19′ to B2 in the TiNi fibers.  相似文献   

Excessive bending has been identified as a concern for the hybrid composite core that is currently being used as the structural member for the Aluminum Conductor Composite Core Trapezoidal Wire (ACCC/TW™) transmission line. In this work the flexure strength of the ACCC core was measured in a series of four point bend tests while monitoring acoustic emissions. To quantify the stress state within the rods and to evaluate its flexure strength, an analytic solution for the bending stress was derived and numerically verified using the finite element method. In the second part of the study several specimens that had been subjected to excessive bending were subsequently tested for their residual tensile strength. It was found that wrapping the ACCC core around a 1 m mandrel, which is a common loading condition in practice, will not generate significant structural damage in the composite core. It was determined that the diameter of the mandrel that would cause failure of the composite core is 467 mm. From this work it was found that excessive bending, up to 90% of the flexural strength of the ACCC core, had no detrimental effect on the residual tensile strength of the hybrid composite. It was observed that the majority of the micro-structural damage that was accrued during the excessive bending of the cores presented itself in the form of matrix damage without any significant fiber kinking.  相似文献   

A polymer composite with high dielectric permittivity was prepared by embedding silicon carbide (SiC) whisker with an average diameter of 500 nm–1 μm in poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF). However, the high dielectric loss and electrical conductivity of the two-phase composite prohibits its potential applications. Barium titanate (BT) particles with average diameter of 100 nm and 1 μm were incorporated as a third phase to fabricate a three-phase composite. The morphology structure, dielectric and electrical properties before and after the addition of BT particles were investigated. The three-phase composite exhibits largely suppressed dielectric loss and electrical conductivity without sacrificing the high dielectric permittivity, which was extremely hard to be realized for two-phase composite. It is also found that the nano-size BT is more favorable in achieving high dielectric permittivity than the micro-size BT, where their dielectric loss and electrical conductivity are similar. Furthermore, electric modulus analysis confirms the largely suppressed electron conduction process which results in the enhanced dielectric and electrical properties in three-phase composite.  相似文献   

An anhydride-cured thermosetting epoxy polymer was modified by incorporating 10 wt.% of well-dispersed silica nanoparticles. The stress-controlled tensile fatigue behaviour at a stress ratio of R = 0.1 was investigated for bulk specimens of the neat and the nanoparticle-modified epoxy. The addition of the silica nanoparticles increased the fatigue life by about three to four times. The neat and the nanoparticle-modified epoxy resins were used to fabricate glass fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP) composite laminates by resin infusion under flexible tooling (RIFT) technique. Tensile fatigue tests were performed on these composites, during which the matrix cracking and stiffness degradation was monitored. The fatigue life of the GFRP composite was increased by about three to four times due to the silica nanoparticles. Suppressed matrix cracking and reduced crack propagation rate in the nanoparticle-modified matrix were observed to contribute towards the enhanced fatigue life of the GFRP composite employing silica nanoparticle-modified epoxy matrix.  相似文献   

2D C/SiC复合材料的可靠性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用概率论和数理统计方法, 以研究分析2D C/SiC复合材料的弯曲强度分布规律为切入点, 比较了失效概率预测值与实验值, 用可靠度、 风险函数和可靠强度评价了该材料可靠性。通过线性回归分析和拟合优度检验得到正态、 对数正态和三参数Weibull分布模型均可表征其弯曲强度分布规律; 确定了该材料弯曲强度失效概率、 可靠度函数、 风险函数和可靠强度的数学模型中的参数, 可以预测给定强度条件和许用可靠度条件下的多种可靠性指标; 材料弯曲强度均值的三种模型预测值与实测值最大相对误差仅0.07%, 计算得到的失效概率曲线与实验弯曲强度的失效分布均符合很好。   相似文献   

Nano/micrometer hybrids are prepared by chemical vapor deposition growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on SiC, Al2O3 and graphene nanoplatelet (GNP). The mechanical and self-sensing behaviors of the hybrids reinforced epoxy composites are found to be highly dependent on CNT aspect ratio (AR), organization and substrates. The CNT–GNP hybrids exhibit the most significant reinforcing effectiveness, among the three hybrids with AR1200. During tensile loading, the in situ electrical resistance of the CNT–GNP/epoxy and the CNT–SiC/epoxy composites gradually increases to a maximum value and then decreases, which is remarkably different from the monotonic increase in the CNT–Al2O3/epoxy composites. However, the CNT–Al2O3 with increased AR  2000 endows the similar resistance change as the other two hybrids. Besides, when AR < 3200, the tensile modulus and strength of the CNT–Al2O3/epoxy composites gradually increase with AR. The interrelationship between the hybrid structure and the mechanical and self-sensing behaviors of the composites are analyzed.  相似文献   

A multi-scale model to predict the moduli of polymer–clay nanocomposites (PCNs) is presented. The model uses a locally orthotropic finite element model to develop constitutive equations to describe the stiffness properties of a group of aligned clay flakes with surrounding interphase suspended in a polymer matrix. The model then assembles a number of flake groups with varied orientations to predict the actual moduli seen in PCNs. The model is in good agreement with an experimentally obtained tensile modulus found in the literature. The model was also applied to estimate the relative influence of constituent properties and microstructural parameters on the anisotropic tensile modulus of the PCN.  相似文献   

Tension–tension fatigue properties of SiC fiber reinforced Ti–6Al–4V matrix composite (SiCf/Ti–6Al–4V) at room temperature were investigated. Fatigue tests were conducted under a load-controlled mode with a stress ratio 0.1 and a frequency 10 Hz under a maximum applied stress ranging from 600 to 1200 MPa. The relationship between the applied stress and fatigue life was determined and fracture surfaces were examined to study the fatigue damage and fracture failure mechanisms using SEM. The results show that, the fatigue life of the SiCf/Ti–6Al–4V composite decreases substantially in proportion to the increase in maximum applied stress. Moreover, in the medium and high life range, the relationship between the maximum applied stress and cycles to failure in the semi-logarithmic system could be fitted as a linear equation: Smax/μ = 1.381  0.152 × lgNf. Fractographic analysis revealed that fatigue fracture surfaces consist of a fatigued region and a fast fracture region. The fraction of the fatigued region with respect to the total fracture surface decreases with the increase of the applied maximum stresses.  相似文献   

This paper presents the properties of epoxy nanocomposites, prepared using a synthesized hybrid carbon nanotube–alumina (CNT–Al2O3) filler, via chemical vapour deposition and a physically mixed CNT–Al2O3 filler, at various filler loadings (i.e., 1–5%). The tensile and thermal properties of both nanocomposites were investigated at different weight percentages of filler loading. The CNT–Al2O3 hybrid epoxy composites showed higher tensile and thermal properties than the CNT–Al2O3 physically mixed epoxy composites. This increase was associated with the homogenous dispersion of CNT–Al2O3 particle filler; as observed under a field emission scanning electron microscope. It was demonstrated that the CNT–Al2O3 hybrid epoxy composites are capable of increasing tensile strength by up to 30%, giving a tensile modulus of 39%, thermal conductivity of 20%, and a glass transition temperature value of 25%, when compared to a neat epoxy composite.  相似文献   

含PyC-TaC-PyC复合界面C/C材料的氧乙炔焰烧蚀行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用化学气相渗透方法,在准三维针刺炭毡中预沉积热解炭(PyC)和TaC涂层,再利用热解炭和树脂炭对该预制体进行后续致密化,制得含PyC-TaC-PyC复合界面的C/C复合材料(TaC-C/C),并对其进行氧乙炔焰烧蚀。与C/C相比,3 vol%TaC-C/C材料耐烧蚀性能无明显提高,且无法承受长时间的氧炔焰烧蚀;而14 vol%TaC-C/C材料表现出较好的长时间耐烧蚀性能。氧炔焰烧蚀后,复合材料表面由C、TaC、(Ta,O)及Ta2O5相组成。3 vol%TaC-C/C材料表面主要形成细小弥散的烧蚀斑点(5~20s)和烧蚀凹坑(120s);而14 vol%TaC-C/C材料表面则主要形成烧蚀斑点(5s)、较完整的氧化钽层(20s)以及烧蚀凹坑(120s)。14 vol%TaC-C/C材料在烧蚀20s后,复合材料可分为表面氧化物区、过渡区和基体区;复合材料表面完整连续的氧化钽层能有效保护复合材料。  相似文献   

Due to a high propensity of nano-particles to agglomerate, making aluminium matrix composites with a uniform dispersion of the nano-particles using liquid routes is an exceptionally difficult task. In this study, an innovative approach was utilised to prevent agglomeration of nano-particle by encapsulating SiC nano-particles using graphene sheets during ball milling. Subsequently, the milled mixture was incorporated into A356 molten alloy using non-contact ultrasonic vibration method. Two different shapes for graphene sheets were characterised using HRTEM, including onion-like shells encapsulating SiC particles and disk-shaped graphene nanosheets. This resulted in 45% and 84% improvement in yield strength and tensile ductility, respectively. The former was ascribed to the Orowan strengthening mechanism, while the latter is due primarily to the fiber pull-out mechanism, brought about by the alteration of the solidification mechanism from particle pushing to particle engulfment during solidification as a consequence of high thermal conductive graphene sheets encapsulating SiC particles.  相似文献   

Wen Huang  Xu Nie  Yuanming Xia   《Composites Part A》2003,34(12):246-1166
In order to investigate the effect of strain rate and high temperature exposure on the mechanical properties of the fibre in the unidirectional fibre reinforced metal-matrix composite, in situ SiC fibre bundles are extracted from two kinds of SiC/Al composite wires, which are heat-treated at two different temperatures (exposed in the air at 400 and 600 °C for 40 min after composition). Tensile tests for these two fibre bundles are performed at different strain rates (quasi-static test: 0.001 s−1, dynamic test: 200, 700, and 1200 s−1) and the stress–strain curves are obtained. The experimental results show that their mechanical properties are rate-dependent, the modulus E, strength σb and unstable strain b (the strain corresponding to σb) all increase with increasing strain rate. Compared with the mechanical properties of the original SiC fibre, those of the two in situ fibres degrade to some extent, the degradation of the in situ fibre extracted from the composite wire exposed at 600 °C (hereafter referred to as in situ fibre 2) is more serious than that of the in situ fibre extracted from the composite wire exposed at 400 °C (hereafter referred to as in situ fibre 1). The mechanism of the degradation is investigated. A bi-modal Weibull statistical constitutive equation is established to describe the stress–strain relationship of the two in situ fibre bundles. The simulated stress–strain curves agree well with the experimental results.  相似文献   

The flammability, thermal and mechanical properties on cotton fabric were improved by being finished with the composite containing montmorillonite. To this aim, polymer dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride-allyl glycidyl ether (PDMDAAC-AGE) was prepared and its structure characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR). The quaternary ammonium salt copolymer/montmorillonite composite (PDMDAAC-AGE/MMT) was obtained by polymer intercalation method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated that the MMT interlayer spacing increased after the polymer intercalation. Composite materials were loaded onto the cotton fabrics by a dip-pad-dry method. The thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), vertical flame test and limiting oxygen index (LOI) results showed that the thermal and flammability properties of the cotton fabric were improved after it was finished with the composite. Tensile testing revealed an increase on mechanical properties of the finished fabric, but the physical properties hardly changed from the bending length and whiteness results. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy disperse X-ray spectroscope (EDX) results verified the improvement of those properties due to the presence of montmorillonite in the composite.  相似文献   

Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) reinforced epoxy based composites were fabricated by using an innovative ultrasonic dual mixing (UDM) process consists of ultrasonic mixing with simultaneous magnetic stirring. The effect of addition of varying amount of MWCNTs on thermal stability and tensile properties of the epoxy based composite has been investigated. It is found that the thermal stability, tensile strength and toughness of the epoxy base improves with the increase of MWCNTs addition up to 1.5 wt.% and UDM processing at certain capacity of the system. Tensile tests and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) were performed on each group of composites containing different amount of MWCNTs to determine their mechanical and thermal properties respectively. The dispersion of 1.5 wt.% MWCNTs fillers in epoxy nanocomposites was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as well as by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) applied on their tensile fracture surface.  相似文献   

Nanoindentation tests were carried out to investigate certain elastic properties of Al2O3/SiCp composites at microscopic scales (nm up to μm) and under ultra-low loads from 3 mN to 250 mN, with special attention paid to effects caused by SiC particles and pores. The measured Young’s modulus depends on the volume fraction of SiC particles and on the composite porosity and it can compare with that of alumina. The Young’s modulus exhibits large scatters at small penetrations, but it tends to be constant with lesser dispersion as the indentation depth increases. Further analysis indicated that the scatter results from specific microstructural heterogeneities. The measured Young’s moduli are in agreement with predictions, provided the actual role of the microstructure is taken into account.  相似文献   

In this paper, the phase-field oxidation mechanism of ultra-high temperature ZrB2/SiC ceramics is investigated theoretically. Firstly, a phase-field model is developed to analyze the oxidation behaviors of multiphase materials. Secondly, the evolutions of the porosity and the oxidation stress for the oxidized ZrB2/SiC ceramics with different temperatures and different oxygen partial pressures are predicted, and the influences of the mechanical factors on the oxidation behaviors of ZrB2/SiC ceramics are discussed. Finally, two-dimensional oxidation behaviors of ZrB2/SiC ceramics are simulated and analyzed.  相似文献   

The fatigue behavior of a SiC/SiC CMC (ceramic matrix composite) was investigated at 1200 °C in laboratory air and in steam environment. The composite consists of a SiC matrix reinforced with laminated woven Hi-Nicalon™ fibers. Fiber preforms had boron nitride fiber coating applied and were then densified with CVI SiC. Tensile stress-strain behavior and tensile properties were evaluated at 1200 °C. Tension-tension fatigue tests were conducted at frequencies of 0.1, 1.0, and 10 Hz for fatigue stresses ranging from 80 to 120 MPa in air and from 60 to 110 MPa in steam. Fatigue run-out was defined as 105 cycles at the frequency of 0.1 Hz and as 2 × 105 cycles at the frequencies of 1.0 and 10 Hz. Presence of steam significantly degraded the fatigue performance. In both test environments the fatigue limit and fatigue lifetime decreased with increasing frequency. Specimens that achieved run-out were subjected to tensile tests to failure to characterize the retained tensile properties. The material retained 100% of its tensile strength, yet modulus loss up to 22% was observed. Composite microstructure, as well as damage and failure mechanisms were investigated.  相似文献   

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