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Diabetes is associated with a two to three-fold increase in risk of cardiovascular disease. However, intensive glucose-lowering therapy aiming at reducing HbA1c to a near-normal level failed to suppress cardiovascular events in recent randomized controlled trials. HbA1c reflects average glucose level rather than glycemic variability. In in vivo and in vitro studies, glycemic variability has been shown to be associated with greater reactive oxygen species production and vascular damage, compared to chronic hyperglycemia. These findings suggest that management of glycemic variability may reduce cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes; however, clinical studies have shown conflicting results. This review summarizes the current knowledge on glycemic variability and oxidative stress, and discusses the clinical implications.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health problem worldwide, with an estimated 1.9 million new cases and 915,880 deaths in 2020 alone. The etiology of CRC is complex and involves both genetic and lifestyle factors. Obesity is a major risk factor for CRC, and the mechanisms underlying this link are still unclear. However, the generalized inflammatory state of adipose tissue in obesity is thought to play a role in the association between CRC risk and development. Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) is a major source of proinflammatory cytokines and other factors that contribute to the characteristic systemic low-grade inflammation associated with obesity. VAT is also closely associated with the tumor microenvironment (TME), and recent evidence suggests that adipocytes within the TME undergo phenotypic changes that contribute to tumor progression. In this review, we aim to summarize the current evidence linking obesity and CRC, with a focus on the role of VAT in tumor etiology and progression.  相似文献   

Depression is associated with an increased risk of aging-related diseases. It is also seemingly a common psychological reaction to pandemic outbreaks with forced quarantines and lockdowns. Thus, depression represents, now more than ever, a major global health burden with therapeutic management challenges. Clinical data highlights that physical exercise is gaining momentum as a non-pharmacological intervention in depressive disorders. Although it may contribute to the reduction of systemic inflammation associated with depression, the mechanisms underlying the beneficial physical exercise effects in emotional behavior remain to be elucidated. Current investigations indicate that a rapid release of extracellular vesicles into the circulation might be the signaling mediators of systemic adaptations to physical exercise. These biological entities are now well-established intercellular communicators, playing a major role in relevant physiological and pathophysiological functions, including brain cell–cell communication. We also reviewed emerging evidence correlating depression with modified circulating extracellular vesicle surfaces and cargo signatures (e.g., microRNAs and proteins), envisioned as potential biomarkers for diagnosis, efficient disease stratification and appropriate therapeutic management. Accordingly, the clinical data summarized in the present review prompted us to hypothesize that physical exercise-related circulating extracellular vesicles contribute to its antidepressant effects, particularly through the modulation of inflammation. This review sheds light on the triad “physical exercise–extracellular vesicles–depression” and suggests new avenues in this novel emerging field.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction and impairment of the ubiquitin proteasome system have been described as two hallmarks of the ageing process. Additionally, both systems have been implicated in the etiopathogenesis of many age-related diseases, particularly neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Interestingly, these two systems are closely interconnected, with the ubiquitin proteasome system maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis by regulating organelle dynamics, the proteome, and mitophagy, and mitochondrial dysfunction impairing cellular protein homeostasis by oxidative damage. Here, we review the current literature and argue that the interplay of the two systems should be considered in order to better understand the cellular dysfunction observed in ageing and age-related diseases. Such an approach may provide valuable insights into molecular mechanisms underlying the ageing process, and further discovery of treatments to counteract ageing and its associated diseases. Furthermore, we provide a hypothetical model for the heterogeneity described among individuals during ageing.  相似文献   

A key objective in immuno-oncology is to reactivate the dormant immune system and increase tumour immunogenicity. Adenosine is an omnipresent purine that is formed in response to stress stimuli in order to restore physiological balance, mainly via anti-inflammatory, tissue-protective, and anti-nociceptive mechanisms. Adenosine overproduction occurs in all stages of tumorigenesis, from the initial inflammation/local tissue damage to the precancerous niche and the developed tumour, making the adenosinergic pathway an attractive but challenging therapeutic target. Many current efforts in immuno-oncology are focused on restoring immunosurveillance, largely by blocking adenosine-producing enzymes in the tumour microenvironment (TME) and adenosine receptors on immune cells either alone or combined with chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy. However, the effects of adenosinergic immunotherapy are not restricted to immune cells; other cells in the TME including cancer and stromal cells are also affected. Here we summarise recent advancements in the understanding of the tumour adenosinergic system and highlight the impact of current and prospective immunomodulatory therapies on other cell types within the TME, focusing on adenosine receptors in tumour cells. In addition, we evaluate the structure- and context-related limitations of targeting this pathway and highlight avenues that could possibly be exploited in future adenosinergic therapies.  相似文献   

The study aimed to examine the impact of the oropharyngeal microbiome in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and to clarify whether there might be a bidirectional link between the oral microbiota and the brain in a context of dysbiosis-related neuroinflammation. We selected nine articles including three systemic reviews with several articles from the same research team. Different themes emerged, which we grouped into 5 distinct parts concerning the oropharyngeal phageome, the oropharyngeal microbiome, the salivary microbiome and periodontal disease potentially associated with schizophrenia, and the impact of drugs on the microbiome and schizophrenia. We pointed out the presence of phageoma in patients suffering from schizophrenia and that periodontal disease reinforces the role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Moreover, saliva could be an interesting substrate to characterize the different stages of schizophrenia. However, the few studies we have on the subject are limited in scope, and some of them are the work of a single team. At this stage of knowledge, it is difficult to conclude on the existence of a bidirectional link between the brain and the oral microbiome. Future studies on the subject will clarify these questions that for the moment remain unresolved.  相似文献   

The gut–kidney interaction implicating chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been the focus of increasing interest in recent years. Gut microbiota-targeted therapies could prevent CKD and its comorbidities. Considering that CKD can originate in early life, its treatment and prevention should start in childhood or even earlier in fetal life. Therefore, a better understanding of how the early-life gut microbiome impacts CKD in later life and how to develop ideal early interventions are unmet needs to reduce CKD. The purpose of the current review is to summarize (1) the current evidence on the gut microbiota dysbiosis implicated in pediatric CKD; (2) current knowledge supporting the impact of the gut–kidney axis in CKD, including inflammation, immune response, alterations of microbiota compositions, short-chain fatty acids, and uremic toxins; and (3) an overview of the studies documenting early gut microbiota-targeted interventions in animal models of CKD of developmental origins. Treatment options include prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics, etc. To accelerate the transition of gut microbiota-based therapies for early prevention of CKD, an extended comprehension of gut microbiota dysbiosis implicated in renal programming is needed, as well as a greater focus on pediatric CKD for further clinical translation.  相似文献   

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome is increasing in the pediatric population. Considering the different existing criteria to define metabolic syndrome, the use of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria has been suggested in children. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has been associated with beneficial effects on health. The evidence about the relationship of DHA status in blood and components of the metabolic syndrome is unclear. This review discusses the possible association between DHA content in plasma and erythrocytes and components of the metabolic syndrome included in the IDF criteria (obesity, alteration of glucose metabolism, blood lipid profile, and blood pressure) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese children. The current evidence is inconsistent and no definitive conclusion can be drawn in the pediatric population. Well-designed longitudinal and powered trials need to clarify the possible association between blood DHA status and metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Some say that all diseases begin in the gut. Interestingly, this concept is actually quite old, since it is attributed to the Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who proposed the hypothesis nearly 2500 years ago. The continuous breakthroughs in modern medicine have transformed our classic understanding of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and human health. Although the gut microbiota (GMB) has proven to be a core component of human health under standard metabolic conditions, there is now also a strong link connecting the composition and function of the GMB to the development of numerous diseases, especially the ones of musculoskeletal nature. The symbiotic microbes that reside in the gastrointestinal tract are very sensitive to biochemical stimuli and may respond in many different ways depending on the nature of these biological signals. Certain variables such as nutrition and physical modulation can either enhance or disrupt the equilibrium between the various species of gut microbes. In fact, fat-rich diets can cause dysbiosis, which decreases the number of protective bacteria and compromises the integrity of the epithelial barrier in the GIT. Overgrowth of pathogenic microbes then release higher quantities of toxic metabolites into the circulatory system, especially the pro-inflammatory cytokines detected in osteoarthritis (OA), thereby promoting inflammation and the initiation of many disease processes throughout the body. Although many studies link OA with GMB perturbations, further research is still needed.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, pruritic, inflammatory dermatosis that imposes significant patient and population burdens. In addition to the cutaneous signs and symptoms, growing evidence suggests that AD is systemic in nature. Certain diseases can possibly co-occur with AD as a result of coincidental exposure to similar environmental factors. However, it is also suspected that they are linked to the pathogenesis of AD through more complex genetic and immunological mechanisms, but these correlations remain less understood. It is of great need to seek explanations for the higher frequency of the number of cardiovascular, autoimmune, neurological, psychiatric, and metabolic disorders that have been observed in epidemiologic investigations among AD patients. Moreover, analysing the immunology of chronic inflammation and its correction, activation, or suppression may prevent the development of a variety of comorbidities. As comorbid diseases in patients diagnosed with AD may potentially go undetected, physicians should be aware of them.  相似文献   

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rapidly progressive, fatal neurodegenerative disease of uncertain aetiology that belongs to the family of α-synucleinopathies. It clinically presents with parkinsonism, cerebellar, autonomic, and motor impairment in variable combinations. Pathological hallmarks are fibrillary α-synuclein (αSyn)-rich glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCIs) mainly involving oligodendroglia and to a lesser extent neurons, inducing a multisystem neurodegeneration, glial activation, and widespread demyelinization. The neuronal αSyn pathology of MSA has molecular properties different from Lewy bodies in Parkinson’s disease (PD), both of which could serve as a pool of αSyn (prion) seeds that could initiate and drive the pathogenesis of synucleinopathies. The molecular cascade leading to the “prion-like” transfer of “strains” of aggregated αSyn contributing to the progression of the disease is poorly understood, while some presented evidence that MSA is a prion disease. However, this hypothesis is difficult to reconcile with postmortem analysis of human brains and the fact that MSA-like pathology was induced by intracerebral inoculation of human MSA brain homogenates only in homozygous mutant 53T mice, without production of disease-specific GCIs, or with replication of MSA prions in primary astrocyte cultures from transgenic mice expressing human αSyn. Whereas recent intrastriatal injection of Lewy body-derived or synthetic human αSyn fibrils induced PD-like pathology including neuronal αSyn aggregates in macaques, no such transmission of αSyn pathology in non-human primates by MSA brain lysate has been reported until now. Given the similarities between αSyn and prions, there is a considerable debate whether they should be referred to as “prions”, “prion-like”, “prionoids”, or something else. Here, the findings supporting the proposed nature of αSyn as a prion and its self-propagation through seeding as well as the transmissibility of neurodegenerative disorders are discussed. The proof of disease causation rests on the concordance of scientific evidence, none of which has provided convincing evidence for the classification of MSA as a prion disease or its human transmission until now.  相似文献   

Vitamin D (1,25(OH)2D3) is a steroid hormone that has a range of physiological functions in skeletal and nonskeletal tissues, and can contribute to prevent and/or treat osteoporosis, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In bone metabolism, vitamin D increases the plasma levels of calcium and phosphorus, regulates osteoblast and osteoclast the activity, and combats PTH hypersecretion, promoting bone formation and preventing/treating osteoporosis. This evidence is supported by most clinical studies, especially those that have included calcium and assessed the effects of vitamin D doses (≥800 IU/day) on bone mineral density. However, annual megadoses should be avoided as they impair bone health. Recent findings suggest that low serum vitamin D is the consequence (not the cause) of obesity and the results from randomized double-blind clinical trials are still scarce and inconclusive to establish the relationship between vitamin D, obesity, and T2DM. Nevertheless, there is evidence that vitamin D inhibits fat accumulation, increases insulin synthesis and preserves pancreatic islet cells, decreases insulin resistance and reduces hunger, favoring obesity and T2DM control. To date, there is not enough scientific evidence to support the use of vitamin D as a pathway to prevent and/or treat obesity and T2DM.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced breast sarcomas (RIBS) are rare entities representing <1% of all primary breast malignancies, limiting most reports to small retrospective case series. They constitute a heterogeneous group of neoplasms, with high-grade angiosarcoma being the most common subtype. Other sarcoma histotypes, such as undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma and leiomyosarcoma, can also be identified. Radiation-induced breast angiosarcoma (RIBA) has an incidence of approximately 0.1% after breast-conserving therapy and arises mainly from the dermis of the irradiated breast. MYC gene amplification is highly indicative of secondary breast angiosarcomas. Their clinical presentation often mimics benign port-radiation lesions, leading to a delay in diagnosis and a lost window of opportunity for cure. Surgery with negative margins is the mainstay of treatment of localized RIBS. In the case of angiosarcoma, technical difficulties, including multifocality, infiltrative margins, and difficulty in assessing tumor margins, render surgical treatment quite challenging. A limited number of studies showed that adjuvant radiation therapy reduces local recurrences; therefore, it is proposed by many groups for large, high-grade tumors. Chemotherapy has been evaluated retrospectively in a small subset of patients, with some evidence supporting its use in angiosarcoma patients. Approximately half of patients with RIBA will show local recurrence. In the advanced setting, different therapeutic options are discussed in the review, including chemotherapy, antiangiogenic therapy, and immunotherapy, whereas the need for further research on molecular therapeutic targets is pointed out.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is considered a generalized disease. Similar or identical etiopathogenetic mechanisms and risk factors are involved in various atherosclerotic diseases, and the positive effects of preventive measures on atherogenesis in different parts of the arterial system were shown. However, until know, great emphasis has been placed on the aggressive pharmacological management of coronary artery disease (CHD), while less attention has been devoted to the management of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), despite its significant morbidity and mortality. Data on the efficacy of preventive measures in PAD patients have mostly been gained from subgroup analyses from studies devoted primarily to the management of coronary patients. These data have shown that treatment of risk factors for atherosclerosis with drugs can reduce cardiovascular events also in patients with PAD. The effects of some preventive procedures in PAD patients differ from coronary patients. Aspirin as a basic antiplatelet drug has been shown to be less effective in PAD patients than in coronary patients. The latest Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration (ATC) meta-analysis demonstrates no benefit of aspirin in reducing cardiovascular events in PAD. Statins reduce cardiovascular events in all three of the most frequently presented cardiovascular diseases, including PAD to a comparable extent. Recent studies indicate that in PAD patients, in addition to a reduction in cardiovascular events, statins may have some hemodynamic effects. They prolong walking distance and improve quality of life. Similarly, angiotensin enzyme inhibitors are also effective in the prevention of cardiovascular events in coronary, cerebrovascular, as well as PAD patients and show positive effects on the walking capacity of patients with intermittent claudication. In PAD patients, the treatment of hypertension and diabetes also effectively prevents cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. As PAD patients are at a highest risk of cardiovascular complications, the risk factors of atherosclerosis should be treated intensively in this group of patients. Most of the preventive measures, including the drugs used for prevention of CHD, are also effective in PAD patients.  相似文献   

Animals continuously release biogenic substances that vary in composition with physiological state. In aquatic systems, animals can gain insight about conditions or events upstream and alter their physiology and behavior to exploit this information. Here, we review observations on aquatic animals as diverse as snails, shrimp, fish, and frog tadpoles to probe the possibility that high-density aquaculture might generate chemical messages that cause conspecific or related individuals to reduce productive processes (growth, metamorphosis, ecdysis, reproduction) or even to sicken and die (loss of immunocompetence, anaphylaxis). The potential for ecological disruption logically is maximized under conditions that uncouple the parts of the system generating and receiving such signals—as would be the case when aquacultural effluents enter natural aquatic systems.  相似文献   

The study of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels has dramatically increased during the past few years. TRP channels function as sensors and effectors in the cellular adaptation to environmental changes. Here, we review literature investigating the physiological and pathophysiological roles of TRPC channels in the renal tubular system with a focus on TRPC3 and TRPC6. TRPC3 plays a key role in Ca2+ homeostasis and is involved in transcellular Ca2+ reabsorption in the proximal tubule and the collecting duct. TRPC3 also conveys the osmosensitivity of principal cells of the collecting duct and is implicated in vasopressin-induced membrane translocation of AQP-2. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) can often be attributed to mutations of the PKD2 gene. TRPC3 is supposed to have a detrimental role in ADPKD-like conditions. The tubule-specific physiological functions of TRPC6 have not yet been entirely elucidated. Its pathophysiological role in ischemia-reperfusion injuries is a subject of debate. However, TRPC6 seems to be involved in tumorigenesis of renal cell carcinoma. In summary, TRPC channels are relevant in multiples conditions of the renal tubular system. There is a need to further elucidate their pathophysiology to better understand certain renal disorders and ultimately create new therapeutic targets to improve patient care.  相似文献   

The statistical framework to systematically detect mean stationarity in the context of continuous manufacturing is described in this article. The methods presented in this article use econometric and financial time‐series analysis concepts in the form of unit‐root and stationarity hypothesis tests. The tests under discussion are the augmented Dickey‐Fuller, Philips‐Perron, Leybourne‐McCabe, and Kwiatkowski‐Phillips‐Schmidt‐Shin. These hypothesis tests are evaluated on data generated by a focused‐beam reflectance measurement sensor implemented on‐line in a continuous plug‐flow crystallizer. This contribution has shown that the hypothesis tests can be used to detect steady‐state conditions on‐line in a plug‐flow crystallizer. Furthermore, this econometric framework can be used as a mean stationarity “certificate” of collected samples to document that the process was mean stationary during the sampling. The statistical framework described in this article can be applied to any continuously operated unit operation or sensor measurement. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 2426–2437, 2018  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other forms of dementia was ranked 3rd in both the Americas and Europe in 2019 in a World Health Organization (WHO) publication listing the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Copper (Cu) imbalance has been reported in AD and increasing evidence suggests metal imbalance, including molybdenum (Mo), as a potential link with AD occurrence.We conducted an extensive literature review of the last 60 years of research on AD and its relationship with Cu, sulfur (S), and Mo at out of range levels.Weanalyzed the interactions among metallic elements’ metabolisms;Cu and Mo are biological antagonists, Mo is a sulfite oxidase and xanthine oxidase co-factor, and their low activities impair S metabolism and reduce uric acid, respectively. We found significant evidence in the literature of a new potential mechanism linking Cu imbalance to Mo and S abnormalities in AD etiology: under certain circumstances, the accumulation of Cu not bound to ceruloplasmin might affect the transport of Mo outside the blood vessels, causing a mild Mo deficiency that might lowerthe activity of Mo and S enzymes essential for neuronal activity. The current review provides an updated discussion of the plausible mechanisms combining Cu, S, and Mo alterations in AD.  相似文献   

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