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Background: Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. We aimed to identify novel lncRNAs associated with the early response to ischemia in the heart. Methods and Results: RNA sequencing data gathered from 81 paired left ventricle samples from patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass was collected before and after a period of ischemia. Novel lncRNAs were validated with Oxford Nanopore Technologies long-read sequencing. Gene modules associated with an early ischemic response were identified and the subcellular location of selected lncRNAs was determined with RNAscope. A total of 2446 mRNAs, 270 annotated lncRNAs and one novel lncRNA differed in response to ischemia (adjusted p < 0.001, absolute fold change >1.2). The novel lncRNA belonged to a gene module of highly correlated genes that also included 39 annotated lncRNAs. This module associated with ischemia (Pearson correlation coefficient = −0.69, p = 1 × 10−23) and activation of cell death pathways (p < 6 × 10−9). A further nine novel cardiac lncRNAs were identified, of which, one overlapped five cis-eQTL eSNPs for the gene RWD Domain-Containing Sumoylation Enhancer (RWDD3) and was itself correlated with RWDD3 expression (Pearson correlation coefficient −0.2, p = 0.002). Conclusion: We have identified 10 novel lncRNAs, one of which was associated with myocardial ischemia and may have potential as a novel therapeutic target or early marker for myocardial dysfunction.  相似文献   

Circular RNAs (circRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are differentially expressed in gastrointestinal cancers. These noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) regulate a variety of cellular activities by physically interacting with microRNAs and proteins and altering their activity. It has also been suggested that exosomes encapsulate circRNAs and lncRNAs in cancer cells. Exosomes are then discharged into the extracellular environment, where they are taken up by other cells. As a result, exosomal ncRNA cargo is critical for cell–cell communication within the cancer microenvironment. Exosomal ncRNAs can regulate a range of events, such as angiogenesis, metastasis, immune evasion, drug resistance, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. To set the groundwork for developing novel therapeutic strategies against gastrointestinal malignancies, a thorough understanding of circRNAs and lncRNAs is required. In this review, we discuss the function and intrinsic features of oncogenic circRNAs and lncRNAs that are enriched within exosomes.  相似文献   

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is characterized by important respiratory impairments frequently associated with severe cardiovascular damages. Moreover, patients with pre-existing comorbidity for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) often present a dramatic increase in inflammatory cytokines release, which increases the severity and adverse outcomes of the infection and, finally, mortality risk. Despite this evident association at the clinical level, the mechanisms linking CVD and COVID-19 are still blurry and unresolved. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are functional RNA molecules transcribed from DNA but usually not translated into proteins. They play an important role in the regulation of gene expression, either in relatively stable conditions or as a response to different stimuli, including viral infection, and are therefore considered a possible important target in the design of specific drugs. In this review, we introduce known associations and interactions between COVID-19 and CVD, discussing the role of ncRNAs within SARS-CoV-2 infection from the perspective of the development of efficient pharmacological tools to treat COVID-19 patients and taking into account the equally dramatic associated consequences, such as those affecting the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

PRINS, a noncoding RNA identified earlier by our research group, contributes to psoriasis susceptibility and cellular stress response. We have now studied the cellular and histological distribution of PRINS by using in situ hybridization and demonstrated variable expressions in different human tissues and a consistent staining pattern in epidermal keratinocytes and in vitro cultured keratinocytes. To identify the cellular function(s) of PRINS, we searched for a direct interacting partner(s) of this stress-induced molecule. In HaCaT and NHEK cell lysates, the protein proved to be nucleophosmin (NPM) protein as a potential physical interactor with PRINS. Immunohistochemical experiments revealed an elevated expression of NPM in the dividing cells of the basal layers of psoriatic involved skin samples as compared with healthy and psoriatic uninvolved samples. Others have previously shown that NPM is a ubiquitously expressed nucleolar phosphoprotein which shuttles to the nucleoplasm after UV-B irradiation in fibroblasts and cancer cells. We detected a similar translocation of NPM in UV-B-irradiated cultured keratinocytes. The gene-specific silencing of PRINS resulted in the retention of NPM in the nucleolus of UV-B-irradiated keratinocytes; suggesting that PRINS may play a role in the NPM-mediated cellular stress response in the skin.  相似文献   

Ischemic strokes (IS) and spinal cord injuries (SCI) are major causes of disability. RhoA is a small GTPase protein that activates a downstream effector, ROCK. The up-regulation of the RhoA/ROCK pathway contributes to neuronal apoptosis, neuroinflammation, blood-brain barrier dysfunction, astrogliosis, and axon growth inhibition in IS and SCI. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as microRNAs (miRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), were previously considered to be non-functional. However, they have attracted much attention because they play an essential role in regulating gene expression in physiological and pathological conditions. There is growing evidence that ROCK inhibitors, such as fasudil and VX-210, can reduce injury in IS and SCI in animal models and clinical trials. Recently, it has been reported that miRNAs are decreased in IS and SCI, while lncRNAs are increased. Inhibiting the Rho/ROCK pathway with miRNAs alleviates apoptosis, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and axon growth inhibition in IS and SCI. Further studies are required to explore the significance of ncRNAs in IS and SCI and to establish new strategies for preventing and treating these devastating diseases.  相似文献   

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), which lack significant protein-coding capacity, regulate various biological processes through diverse and as yet poorly understood molecular mechanisms. However, a number of studies in the past few years have documented important functions for lncRNAs in human diseases. Among these lncRNAs, lincRNA-p21 has been proposed to be a novel regulator of cell proliferation, apoptosis and DNA damage response, and involved in the initiation and progression of human diseases. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of lincRNA-p21, mainly focus on the known biological functions and its underlying mechanisms. Moreover, we highlight the growing body of evidences for the importance of lincRNA-p21 in diverse human diseases, which indicate lincRNA-p21 as a potential diagnostic marker and/or a valuable therapeutic target for these diseases.  相似文献   

Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is defined as a loss of ovarian function before the age of 40 years, with a prevalence rate estimated at approximately 1%. It causes infertility and is related to serious long-term health consequences, including reduced life expectancy, increased cardiovascular risk, decreased bone mineral density and neurological disorders. There is currently no effective therapy for POI that is widely available in clinical practice; therefore, the treatment of patients with POI is based on hormone replacement therapy. One of the recent advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of POI has been the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) and other noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) in the disease. Moreover, intensive research on human folliculogenesis and reproductive biology has led to the development of novel promising therapeutic strategies with the use of exosomal miRNAs derived from mesenchymal stem cells to restore ovarian function in POI patients. This narrative review focuses on the new studies concerning the role of ncRNAs in the pathogenesis of POI, together with their potential as biomarkers of the disease and targets for therapy.  相似文献   

Temperature influences the physiological processes and ecology of both hosts and endophytes; however, it remains unclear how long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) modulate the consequences of temperature-dependent changes in host–pathogen interactions. To explore the role of lncRNAs in culm gall formation induced by the smut fungus Ustilago esculenta in Zizania latifolia, we employed RNA sequencing to identify lncRNAs and their potential cis-targets in Z. latifolia and U. esculenta under different temperatures. In Z. latifolia and U. esculenta, we identified 3194 and 173 lncRNAs as well as 126 and four potential target genes for differentially expressed lncRNAs, respectively. Further function and expression analysis revealed that lncRNA ZlMSTRG.11348 regulates amino acid metabolism in Z. latifolia and lncRNA UeMSTRG.02678 regulates amino acid transport in U. esculenta. The plant defence response was also found to be regulated by lncRNAs and suppressed in Z. latifolia infected with U. esculenta grown at 25 °C, which may result from the expression of effector genes in U. esculenta. Moreover, in Z. latifolia infected with U. esculenta, the expression of genes related to phytohormones was altered under different temperatures. Our results demonstrate that lncRNAs are important components of the regulatory networks in plant-microbe-environment interactions, and may play a part in regulating culm swelling in Z. latifolia plants.  相似文献   

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the immune system are deeply interrelated. The ANS regulates both innate and adaptive immunity through the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, and an imbalance in this system can determine an altered inflammatory response as typically observed in chronic conditions such as systemic autoimmune diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and systemic sclerosis all show a dysfunction of the ANS that is mutually related to the increase in inflammation and cardiovascular risk. Moreover, an interaction between ANS and the gut microbiota has direct effects on inflammation homeostasis. Recently vagal stimulation techniques have emerged as an unprecedented possibility to reduce ANS dysfunction, especially in chronic diseases characterized by pain and a decreased quality of life as well as in chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

Low body weight at birth has been shown to be a risk factor for future metabolic disorders, as well as stress response abnormalities and depression. We showed that low-birthweight rats had prolonged high blood corticosterone levels after stress exposure, and that an increase in Gas5 lncRNA, a decoy receptor for glucocorticoid receptors (GRs), reduces glucocorticoid responsiveness. Thus, we concluded that dampened pituitary glucocorticoid responsiveness disturbed the glucocorticoid feedback loop in low-birthweight rats. However, it remains unclear whether such glucocorticoid responsiveness is suppressed solely in the pituitary or systemically. The expression of Gas5 lncRNA increased only in the pituitary, and the intact induction of expression of the GR co-chaperone factor Fkbp5 against dexamethasone was seen in the liver, muscle, and adipose tissue. Intervention with a methyl-modulator diet (folate, VB12, choline, betaine, and zinc) immediately before or one week after delivery reversed the expression level of Gas5 lncRNA in the pituitary of the offspring. Consequently, it partially normalized the blood corticosterone levels after restraint stress exposure. In conclusion, the mode of glucocorticoid response in low-birthweight rats is impaired solely in the pituitary, and intervention with methyl-modulators ameliorates the impairment, but with a narrow therapeutic time window.  相似文献   

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are composed of nucleotides located in the nucleus and cytoplasm; these are transcribed by RNA polymerase II and are greater than 200 nt in length. LncRNAs fulfill important functions in a variety of biological processes, including genome imprinting, cell differentiation, apoptosis, stem cell pluripotency, X chromosome inactivation and nuclear transport. As high throughput sequencing technology develops, a substantial number of lncRNAs have been found to be related to a variety of biological processes, such as development of the testes, maintaining the self-renewal and differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells, and regulating spermatocyte meiosis. These indicate that lncRNAs can be used as biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets for male infertility. However, only a few comprehensive reviews have described the role of lncRNAs in male reproduction. In this paper, we summarize recent findings relating to the role of lncRNAs in spermatogenesis, their potential as biomarkers for male infertility and the relationship between reproductive arrest and transgenerational effects. Finally, we suggest specific targets for the treatment of male infertility from the perspective of lncRNAs.  相似文献   

The mammalian immune system senses foreign antigens by mechanisms that involve the interplay of various kinds of immune cells, culminating in inflammation resolution and tissue clearance. The ability of the immune cells to communicate (via chemokines) and to shift shape for migration, phagocytosis or antigen uptake is mainly supported by critical proteins such as aquaporins (AQPs) that regulate water fluid homeostasis and volume changes. AQPs are protein channels that facilitate water and small uncharged molecules’ (such as glycerol or hydrogen peroxide) diffusion through membranes. A number of AQP isoforms were found upregulated in inflammatory conditions and are considered essential for the migration and survival of immune cells. The present review updates information on AQPs’ involvement in immunity and inflammatory processes, highlighting their role as crucial players and promising targets for drug discovery.  相似文献   

The fibrinolytic system provides an essential means to remove fibrin deposits and blood clots. The actual protease responsible for this is plasmin, formed from its precursor, plasminogen. Fibrin is heralded as it most renowned substrate but for many years plasmin has been known to cleave many other substrates, and to also activate other proteolytic systems. Recent clinical studies have shown that the promotion of plasmin can lead to an immunosuppressed phenotype, in part via its ability to modulate cytokine expression. Almost all immune cells harbor at least one of a dozen plasminogen receptors that allows plasmin formation on the cell surface that in turn modulates immune cell behavior. Similarly, a multitude of pathogens can also express their own plasminogen activators, or contain surface proteins that provide binding sites host plasminogen. Plasmin formed under these circumstances also empowers these pathogens to modulate host immune defense mechanisms. Phylogenetic studies have revealed that the plasminogen activating system predates the appearance of fibrin, indicating that plasmin did not evolve as a fibrinolytic protease but perhaps has its roots as an immune modifying protease. While its fibrin removing capacity became apparent in lower vertebrates these primitive under-appreciated immune modifying functions still remain and are now becoming more recognised.  相似文献   

The idea that a common pathology underlies various neurodegenerative diseases and dementias has attracted considerable attention in the basic and medical sciences. Polyglutamine binding protein-1 (PQBP1) was identified in 1998 after a molecule was predicted to bind to polyglutamine tract amino acid sequences, which are associated with a family of neurodegenerative disorders called polyglutamine diseases. Hereditary gene mutations of PQBP1 cause intellectual disability, whereas acquired loss of function of PQBP1 contributes to dementia pathology. PQBP1 functions in innate immune cells as an intracellular receptor that recognizes pathogens and neurodegenerative proteins. It is an intrinsically disordered protein that generates intracellular foci, similar to other neurodegenerative disease proteins such as TDP43, FUS, and hnRNPs. The knowledge accumulated over more than 20 years has given rise to a new concept that shifts in the equilibrium between physiological and pathological processes have their basis in the dysregulation of common protein structure-linked molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

The oral cavity is inhabited by a wide spectrum of microbial species, and their colonization is mostly based on commensalism. These microbes are part of the normal oral flora, but there are also opportunistic species that can cause oral and systemic diseases. Although there is a strong exposure to various microorganisms, the oral mucosa reduces the colonization of microorganisms with high rotation and secretion of various types of cytokines and antimicrobial proteins such as defensins. In some circumstances, the imbalance between normal oral flora and pathogenic flora may lead to a change in the ratio of commensalism to parasitism. Healthy oral mucosa has many important functions. Thanks to its integrity, it is impermeable to most microorganisms and constitutes a mechanical barrier against their penetration into tissues. Our study aims to present the role and composition of the oral cavity microbiota as well as defense mechanisms within the oral mucosa which allow for maintaining a balance between such numerous species of microorganisms. We highlight the specific aspects of the oral mucosa protecting barrier and discuss up-to-date information on the immune cell system that ensures microbiota balance. This study presents the latest data on specific tissue stimuli in the regulation of the immune system with particular emphasis on the resistance of the gingival barrier. Despite advances in understanding the mechanisms regulating the balance on the microorganism/host axis, more research is still needed on how the combination of these diverse signals is involved in the regulation of immunity at the oral mucosa barrier.  相似文献   

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