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Ceramic materials that are widely employed in dental prosthetics and repairs exhibit luminescent properties. Because of their use in the body, these materials are potentially of interest in situations where retrospective dosimetry for individuals is required but where monitoring was not planned. The luminescent properties of dental ceramics obtained from Germany, Spain and the UK were examined. Linear dose-response characteristics were obtained in the range < 100 mGy to 10 Gy using thermoluminescence (TL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) measurement techniques. Measurements of time-resolved luminescence were also performed to examine the nature of the luminescence recombination under visible (470 nm) and IR (855 nm) stimulation. The results obtained by TL and optically stimulated techniques suggest that there may be deeper traps than previously observed in certain types of dental ceramic. Such traps may be less susceptible to optical and athermal fading than was reported in earlier studies.  相似文献   

The pre-dose technique of thermoluminescence for quartz has been used extensively for retrospective dosimetry of quartz and other natural materials. A recently published model that is a modification of the well-known Zimmerman theory is used here to simulate the complete sequence of experimental steps taken during the additive dose version of the pre-dose technique. The results of simulation show how the method can reproduce accurately the accumulated dose or paleodose received by the sample. The solution of the kinetic differential equations elucidates the various electron and hole processes taking place during the experimental pre-dose procedure and shows clearly the mechanism of hole transfer from the reservoir to the luminescence centre caused by heating to the activation temperature. The numerical results show that the pre-dose technique can reproduce the paleodose with an accuracy of +/- 1-5%, even when the paleodose is varied over more than an order of magnitude. New quantitative results are presented for the effect of the test dose and of the calibration beta dose, beta, on the accuracy of the pre-dose technique. The conclusions drawn from the simple model for quartz can be used to make improvements to more general quartz models.  相似文献   

A methodology was developed for reduction of uncertainties in estimates of internal dose for residents of the Techa Riverside communities, who were exposed as a result of releases of radionuclides from the Mayak plutonium production facility in 1949-56. The 'Techa River Dosimetry System' (TRDS) was specifically elaborated for reconstruction of doses. A preliminary analysis of uncertainty for doses estimated using the current version of the TRDS showed large ranges in the uncertainty of internal absorbed dose and led to suggestions of methods to reduce uncertainties. The new methodological approaches described in this paper will allow for significant reduction of uncertainties of 90Sr-dose. The major sources of reduction are: making use of individual measured values of 90Sr and through development of a Household Registry to associate unmeasured persons with measured persons living in the same household(s).  相似文献   

Anomalies present in the hard tissue of teeth are manifested in several ways such as cavities, decay, and caries. The most extensively and commonly used diagnostic modality for the assessment of these abnormalities are x-rays. Unfortunately, these rays are harmful to the human body and may be a source of health risk. This work describes the development of a new testing technique that uses ultrasound designed to complement, or even replace, existing tools used in dentistry applications. Previous studies have shown several models of acoustic field simulation, propagation, and interaction of ultrasound with the layers of several tooth structures. In this paper, experimental data is gathered for the purpose of assessing the viability of this technique in an attempt to detect cavities and fractures in extracted human teeth. A low-intensity, high-frequency ultrasonic set-up is used in all in vitro tests. Four cases have been examined: an intact tooth, a tooth containing an amalgam restoration and a natural surface fissure, a tooth containing a machine side-drilled hole that mimics a cavity, and a calcified tooth-a rare naturally occurring condition. Upon analysis of the obtained A-scans and B-scans, it is verified that these experimental measurements confirm predictions reported in earlier finite element and transmission line studies and suggest that ultrasound is a valuable tool which has the potential to be an addition to, or even an improvement upon, current dental imaging systems.  相似文献   

The current focus on networking and mutual assistance in the management of radiation accidents or incidents has demonstrated the importance of a joined-up approach in physical and biological dosimetry. To this end, the European Radiation Dosimetry Working Group 10 on 'Retrospective Dosimetry' has been set up by individuals from a wide range of disciplines across Europe. Here, established and emerging dosimetry methods are reviewed, which can be used immediately and retrospectively following external ionising radiation exposure. Endpoints and assays include dicentrics, translocations, premature chromosome condensation, micronuclei, somatic mutations, gene expression, electron paramagnetic resonance, thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, neutron activation, haematology, protein biomarkers and analytical dose reconstruction. Individual characteristics of these techniques, their limitations and potential for further development are reviewed, and their usefulness in specific exposure scenarios is discussed. Whilst no single technique fulfils the criteria of an ideal dosemeter, an integrated approach using multiple techniques tailored to the exposure scenario can cover most requirements.  相似文献   

To develop retrospective dosimetry of unexpected radiation accident, basic studies on violet thermoluminescence (VTL) phenomena were conducted using natural quartz grains. All VTL glowcurves of as-received samples did not exhibit peaks <250 degrees C, although for artificially irradiated quartz samples there were VTL peaks in the temperature region <250 degrees C. Therefore, accident doses could be estimated without the interference of naturally accumulated doses by VTL measurements from natural quartz. The mean lives of VTL were evaluated by the various heating rates method and the range of values was found to be between some days and ten thousands of years depending on each peak. Especially, the mean life of VTL peak at 200 degrees C was years order. Furthermore, the lower detection limit was calculated to be tens of mGy from the response curve. This value was lower than that of other methods such as ESR dosimetry. From these results, we conclude that VTL dosimetry can be preferred for accidental evaluation.  相似文献   

Several European laboratories have combined their research efforts to arrive at a consensus view on using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) for retrospective dosimetry. The aim of this review is to report these views and to highlight some areas where further work is needed. Translocations in the stable cells should be measured only in the cells that contain the full complement of the painted material. Two-way and one-way translocations should be combined with equal weight. The control level of translocations has a strong dependence on age, which has now been measured and the system has been calibrated. In conclusion, the technique works and a lifetime dose to the bone marrow from low-linear energy transfer radiation of 0.5 Gy above normal background levels can be measured for any individual. The main application is considered to provide an independent verification of lifetime doses to individuals who might form a part of an epidemiological study.  相似文献   

Following the as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) practice, there is a need to measure very low doses, of the same order of magnitude as the natural background, and the limits of detection of the dosimetry systems. The different contributions of the background signals to the total zero dose reading of thermoluminescence dosemeter (TLD) cards were analysed by using the common basic definitions of statistical indicators: the critical level (L(C)), the detection limit (L(D)) and the determination limit (L(Q)). These key statistical parameters for the system operated at NRC-Negev were quantified, based on the history of readings of the calibration cards in use. The electronic noise seems to play a minor role, but the reading of the Teflon coating (without the presence of a TLD crystal) gave a significant contribution.  相似文献   

The Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) organized a biological dosimetry international intercomparison with the purpose of comparing (i) dicentrics yield produced in human lymphocytes; (ii) the gamma and neutron dose estimate according to the corresponding laboratory calibration curve. The experimental reactor SILENE was used with different configurations: bare source 4 Gy, lead shield 1 and 2 Gy and a 60Co source 2 Gy. An increasing variation of dicentric yield per cell was observed between participants when there were more damages in the samples. Doses were derived from the observed dicentric rates according to the dose-effect relationship provided by each laboratory. Differences in dicentric rate values are more important than those in the corresponding dose values. The doses obtained by the participants were found to be in agreement with the given physical dose within 20%. The evaluation of the respective gamma and neutron dose was achieved only by four laboratories, with some small variations among them.  相似文献   

Coloured glasses produced commercially by Cebracê, S?o Paulo, were analysed by the thermoluminescent (TL) method, to verify the possibility of their use as high-dose dosemeters or irradiation indicators in industrial areas, due to their easy handling and their low cost. The samples were exposed to different radiation doses, using the Gamma-Cell 220 system (60Co) of IPEN. The TL emission curves presented main peaks at 135, 150 and 145 degrees C in the bronze, brown and green glass samples, respectively. Calibration curves were obtained for the glasses between 50 Gy and 360 kGy. Reproducibility of TL response and the lower detection doses were determined for each kind of glass. All tested glasses showed their usefulness as irradiation indicators and as high-dose dosemeters.  相似文献   

The Techa River was contaminated as a result of radioactive releases by the Mayak plutonium production facility in 1949-1956. The residents of riverside communities were exposed to internal irradiation from radionuclides ingested mainly with river water, and also to external gamma irradiation resulting from shoreline and flood-plain contamination. The most important role in population exposure was played by (89,90)Sr and 137Cs. The persons born after the onset of the contamination have been identified as the 'Techa River Offspring Cohort' (TROC). The TROC has the potential to provide direct data on health effects in progeny that resulted from exposure of a general population to chronic radiation. This report describes the results of the calculation of fetal doses due to intakes of radionuclides by their mothers. Particular attention has been given to fetal dose from 90Sr because this nuclide is the most significant in terms of population dose for the Techa River. The comparison of the fetal bone marrow doses evaluated using different approaches proposed in the literature has shown a large dispersal in dose values. The main cause of this is the difference in model assumptions simplifying some developmental aspects of fetal haematopoiesis and bone formation. This paper presents an analysis of these basic assumptions that could be useful for further improvements in fetal dosimetry.  相似文献   

We explore the possibilities for refrigerants having low global warming potential (GWP). A set of about 1200 candidate fluids is identified from more than 56 000 small molecules examined by applying screening criteria to estimates for GWP, flammability, stability, toxicity, and critical temperature. Methodologies for this screening have been presented in earlier works and are summarized here. The fluids with critical temperatures between 300 K and 400 K (i.e., those that could be used in current types of equipment with minor modifications) number 62. The fluids include halogenated olefins; compounds containing oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur; as well as carbon dioxide. We discuss the tradeoffs presented by these 62 candidates, considering their thermodynamic properties and their stability and toxicity characteristics. No fluid is ideal in all regards—all have one or more negative attributes: poor thermodynamic properties, toxicity, chemical instability, low to moderate flammability, or very high operating pressures.  相似文献   

Measurements of 90Sr in human bone of inhabitants of the Techa river region were started in 1951, and since 1974 the Techa river population has been studied with a whole-body counter. One of the dosimetric tasks that could be decided using data on 90Sr measurements is direct evaluation of strontium transfer to the fetus from the maternal skeleton. Six cases were selected for which 90Sr measurements were available both for stillborn infants and their mothers. The ratio of 90Sr concentrations in fetal bone to maternal bone for the year of pregnancy has been evaluated. Two clusters of values were found and the difference between clusters could be explained by age-dependent features of maternal bone formation and remodelling. When the mother's 90Sr intake occurred in the period of intensive compact bone growth, the transfer coefficient was very low (0.012-0.032). If 90Sr ingestion occurred during the woman's reproductive age, the transfer to fetus was equal to 0.21-0.26.  相似文献   

The basic features of computerised glow curve analysis methods are presented, together with the advantages derived from their use for dosimetry. The rapid development of personal computers with progressively greater computation capability has permitted the application of different analysis methods for practical dosimetry. A very simple glow curve analysis method, specifically developed for the measurement of low or very low doses usually measured in personal and environmental dosimetry, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Reliable estimates of tissue doses to individuals exposed as a result of radioactive releases to the Techa River are essential prerequisites for epidemiological analyses. This paper describes progress made in collaborative studies, sponsored by the European Union, between the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine and the UK Health Protection Agency to provide dose estimates to Techa River populations following in utero exposures and infant exposures resulting from breast-feeding. Studies have concentrated on the assessment of internal doses from 90Sr as the main contributor to internal doses to the Techa River populations.  相似文献   

Driving while sleepy is a serious contributor to automobile accidents. Previous research has shown that drowsy drivers produce systematic errors (variability) in vehicle behavior which are detectable using vehicle monitoring technology. The current study developed a new methodological approach using a vehicle heading difference metric to detect drowsy driving more effectively than other more commonly used methods. Twenty participants completed a driving scenario as well as several measures of fatigue in five testing sessions across a night of sleep deprivation. Each simulated highway driving session lasted 20 min, and was analyzed for lateral lane position variability and vehicle heading difference variability with two statistical methods. Fatigue measures monitored reaction time, attention, and oculomotor movement. The results showed that examining lane heading difference using the absolute value of the raw data detected driving variability better across the night than other statistical models. The results from the fatigue measures indicated an increase in reaction time and response lapses, as well as a decrease in oculomotor reactivity across the night. These results suggest that in fatigued drivers the statistical model using the absolute value of lane heading could be an improved metric for drowsy driving detection that could accurately detect detriments in driving ability at lower levels of fatigue.  相似文献   

给出了活动识别的定义,阐述了活动识别对智能健康监护和老年人护理的重要意义,并给出了基于传感器的活动识别系统的构成,详细描述了系统的传感器数据采集、数据预处理及机器学习等技术的研究进展,介绍了人类活动识别实验取得的结果。最后指出,老年人活动识别、多人活动识别以及实时活动识别是未来活动识别的发展方向;活动识别研究已成为普适计算一个重要和富有挑战性的研究课题,构建用于处理复杂的现实情况和环境的可靠的活动识别系统仍然是一个挑战,需要多学科交叉研究。  相似文献   

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