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We study the strategies in feature selection with sparse support vector machine (SVM). Recently, the socalled L p -SVM (0 < p < 1) has attracted much attention because it can encourage better sparsity than the widely used L 1-SVM. However, L p -SVM is a non-convex and non-Lipschitz optimization problem. Solving this problem numerically is challenging. In this paper, we reformulate the L p -SVM into an optimization model with linear objective function and smooth constraints (LOSC-SVM) so that it can be solved by numerical methods for smooth constrained optimization. Our numerical experiments on artificial datasets show that LOSC-SVM (0 < p < 1) can improve the classification performance in both feature selection and classification by choosing a suitable parameter p. We also apply it to some real-life datasets and experimental results show that it is superior to L 1-SVM.  相似文献   

To address the issue of malware detection through large sets of applications, researchers have recently started to investigate the capabilities of machine-learning techniques for proposing effective approaches. So far, several promising results were recorded in the literature, many approaches being assessed with what we call in the lab validation scenarios. This paper revisits the purpose of malware detection to discuss whether such in the lab validation scenarios provide reliable indications on the performance of malware detectors in real-world settings, aka in the wild. To this end, we have devised several Machine Learning classifiers that rely on a set of features built from applications’ CFGs. We use a sizeable dataset of over 50 000 Android applications collected from sources where state-of-the art approaches have selected their data. We show that, in the lab, our approach outperforms existing machine learning-based approaches. However, this high performance does not translate in high performance in the wild. The performance gap we observed—F-measures dropping from over 0.9 in the lab to below 0.1 in the wild—raises one important question: How do state-of-the-art approaches perform in the wild?  相似文献   

In this paper, we mainly focus on two issues (1) SVM is very sensitive to noise. (2) The solution of SVM does not take into consideration of the intrinsic structure and the discriminant information of the data. To address these two problems, we first propose an integration model to integrate both the local manifold structure and the local discriminant information into ?1 graph embedding. Then we add the integration model into the objection function of υ-support vector machine. Therefore, a discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding υ-support vector machine (υ-DSNPESVM) method is proposed. The theoretical analysis demonstrates that υ-DSNPESVM is a reasonable maximum margin classifier and can obtain a very lower generalization error upper bound by minimizing the integration model and the upper bound of margin error. Moreover, in the nonlinear case, we construct the kernel sparse representation-based ?1 graph for υ-DSNPESVM, which is more conducive to improve the classification accuracy than ?1 graph constructed in the original space. Experimental results on real datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed υ-DSNPESVM method.  相似文献   

Consider a random k-conjunctive normal form Fk(n, rn) with n variables and rn clauses. We prove that if the probability that the formula Fk(n, rn) is satisfiable tends to 0 as n→∞, then r ? 2.83, 8.09, 18.91, 40.81, and 84.87, for k = 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, respectively.  相似文献   

The authors solve problems of finding the greatest lower bounds for the probability F (\( \upsilon \)) - F (u),0< u < \( \upsilon \) < ∞, in the set of distribution functions F (x) of nonnegative random variables with unimodal density with mode m, u < m < \( \upsilon \), and fixed two first moments.  相似文献   

According to New York Times, 5.6 million people in the United States are paralyzed to some degree. Motivated by requirements of these paralyzed patients in controlling assisted-devices that support their mobility, we present a novel EEG-based BCI system, which is composed of an Emotive EPOC neuroheadset, a laptop and a Lego Mindstorms NXT robot in this paper. We provide online learning algorithms that consist of k-means clustering and principal component analysis to classify the signals from the headset into corresponding action commands. Moreover, we also discuss how to integrate the Emotiv EPOC headset into the system, and how to integrate the LEGO robot. Finally, we evaluate the proposed online learning algorithms of our BCI system in terms of precision, recall, and the F-measure, and our results show that the algorithms can accurately classify the subjects’ thoughts into corresponding action commands.  相似文献   

Virtual reality games for rehabilitation are attracting increasing growth. In particular, there is a demand for games that allow therapists to identify an individual’s difficulties and customize the control of variables, such as speed, size, distance, as well as visual and auditory feedback. This study presents and describes a virtual reality software package (Bridge Games) to promote rehabilitation of individuals living with disabilities and highlights preliminary researches of its use for implementing motor learning and rehabilitation. First, the study presents seven games in the software package that can be chosen by the rehabilitation team, considering the patient’s needs. All game characteristics are described including name, function presentation, objective and valuable measurements for rehabilitation. Second, preliminary results illustrate some applications of two games, considering 343 people with various disabilities and health status. Based on the results, in the Coincident Timing game, there was a main effect of movement sensor type (in this instance the most functional device was the keyboard when compared with Kinect and touch screen) on average time reached by sample analyzed, F(2, 225) = 4.42, p < 0.05. Similarly, in the Challenge! game, a main effect was found for movement sensor type. However, in this case, touch screen provided better performance than Kinect and Leap Motion, F(2, 709) = 5.90, p < 0.01. Thus, Bridge Games is a possible software game to quantify motor learning. Moreover, the findings suggest that motor skills might be practiced differently depending on the environmental interface in which the game may be used.  相似文献   

Service-oriented development methodologies are very often considered for distributed system development. The quality of service-oriented computing can be best assessed by the use of software metrics that are considered to design the prediction model. Feature selection technique is a process of selecting a subset of features that may lead to build improved prediction models. Feature selection techniques can be broadly classified into two subclasses such as feature ranking and feature subset selection technique. In this study, eight different types of feature ranking and four different types of feature subset selection techniques have been considered for improving the performance of a prediction model focusing on maintainability criterion. The performance of these feature selection techniques is evaluated using support vector machine with different types of kernels over a case study, i.e., five different versions of eBay Web service. The performances are measured using accuracy and F-measure value. The results show that maintainability of the service-oriented computing paradigm can be predicted by using object-oriented metrics. The results also show that it is possible to find a small subset of object-oriented metrics which helps to predict maintainability with higher accuracy and also reduces the value of misclassification errors.  相似文献   

In practice, some bugs have more impact than others and thus deserve more immediate attention. Due to tight schedule and limited human resources, developers may not have enough time to inspect all bugs. Thus, they often concentrate on bugs that are highly impactful. In the literature, high-impact bugs are used to refer to the bugs which appear at unexpected time or locations and bring more unexpected effects (i.e., surprise bugs), or break pre-existing functionalities and destroy the user experience (i.e., breakage bugs). Unfortunately, identifying high-impact bugs from thousands of bug reports in a bug tracking system is not an easy feat. Thus, an automated technique that can identify high-impact bug reports can help developers to be aware of them early, rectify them quickly, and minimize the damages they cause. Considering that only a small proportion of bugs are high-impact bugs, the identification of high-impact bug reports is a difficult task. In this paper, we propose an approach to identify high-impact bug reports by leveraging imbalanced learning strategies. We investigate the effectiveness of various variants, each of which combines one particular imbalanced learning strategy and one particular classification algorithm. In particular, we choose four widely used strategies for dealing with imbalanced data and four state-of-the-art text classification algorithms to conduct experiments on four datasets from four different open source projects. We mainly perform an analytical study on two types of high-impact bugs, i.e., surprise bugs and breakage bugs. The results show that different variants have different performances, and the best performing variants SMOTE (synthetic minority over-sampling technique) + KNN (K-nearest neighbours) for surprise bug identification and RUS (random under-sampling) + NB (naive Bayes) for breakage bug identification outperform the F1-scores of the two state-of-the-art approaches by Thung et al. and Garcia and Shihab.  相似文献   

This paper suggests ways to facilitate creativity and innovation in software development. The paper applies four perspectives – Product, Project, Process, and People – to identify an outlook for software innovation. The paper then describes a new facility – Software Innovation Research Lab (SIRL) – and a new method concept for software innovation – Essence – based on views, modes, and team roles. Finally, the paper reports from an early experiment using SIRL and Essence and identifies further research.  相似文献   

In this paper, an optimized support vector machine (SVM) based on a new bio-inspired method called magnetic bacteria optimization algorithm method is proposed to construct a high performance classifier for motor imagery electroencephalograph based brain–computer interface (BCI). Butterworth band-pass filter and artifact removal technique are combined to extract the feature of frequency band of the ERD/ERS. Common spatial pattern is used to extract the feature vector which are put into the classifier later. The optimization mechanism involves kernel parameters setting in the SVM training procedure, which significantly influences the classification accuracy. Our novel approach aims to optimize the penalty factor parameter C and kernel parameter g of the SVM. The experimental results on the BCI Competition IV dataset II-a clearly present the effectiveness of the proposed method outperforming other competing methods in the literature such as genetic algorithm, particle swarm algorithm, artificial bee colony, biogeography based optimization.  相似文献   

We study the properties of possible static, spherically symmetric configurations in k-essence theories with the Lagrangian functions of the form F(X), X?,α ?,α. A no-go theorem has been proved, claiming that a possible black-hole-like Killing horizon of finite radius cannot exist if the function F(X) is required to have a finite derivative dF/dX. Two exact solutions are obtained for special cases of kessence: one for F(X) = F 0 X 1/3, another for F(X) = F 0|X|1/2 ? 2Λ, where F 0 and Λ are constants. Both solutions contain horizons, are not asymptotically flat, and provide illustrations for the obtained nogo theorem. The first solution may be interpreted as describing a black hole in an asymptotically singular space-time, while in the second solution two horizons of infinite area are connected by a wormhole.  相似文献   

This work addresses the problem of profiling drivers based on their driving features. A purpose-built hardware integrated with a software tool is used to record data from multiple drivers. The recorded data is then profiled using clustering techniques. k-means has been used for clustering and the results are counterchecked with Fuzzy c-means (FCM) and Model Based Clustering (MBC). Based on the results of clustering, a classifier, i.e., an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is trained to classify a driver during driving in one of the four discovered clusters (profiles). The performance of ANN is compared with that of a Support Vector Machine (SVM). Comparison of the clustering techniques shows that different subsets of the recorded dataset with a diverse combination of attributes provide approximately the same number of profiles, i.e., four. Analysis of features shows that average speed, maximum speed, number of times brakes were applied, and number of times horn was used provide the information regarding drivers’ driving behavior, which is useful for clustering. Both one versus one (SVM) and one versus rest (SVM) method for classification have been applied. Average accuracy and average mean square error achieved in the case of ANN was 84.2 % and 0.05 respectively. Whereas the average performance for SVM was 47 %, the maximum performance was 86 % using RBF kernel. The proposed system can be used in modern vehicles for early warning system, based on drivers’ driving features, to avoid accidents.  相似文献   

A video segmentation algorithm that takes advantage of using a background subtraction (BS) model with low learning rate (LLR) or a BS model with high learning rate (HLR) depending on the video scene dynamics is presented in this paper. These BS models are based on a neural network architecture, the self-organized map (SOM), and the algorithm is termed temporal modular self-adaptive SOM, TMSA_SOM. Depending on the type of scenario, the TMSA_SOM automatically classifies and processes each video into one of four different specialized modules based on an initial sequence analysis. This approach is convenient because unlike state-of-the-art (SoA) models, our proposed model solves different situations that may occur in the video scene (severe dynamic background, initial frames with dynamic objects, static background, stationary objects, etc.) with a specialized module. Furthermore, TMSA_SOM automatically identifies whether the scene has drastically changed (e.g., stationary objects of interest become dynamic or drastic illumination changes have occurred) and automatically detects when the scene has become stable again and uses this information to update the background model in a fast way. The proposed model was validated with three different video databases: Change Detection, BMC, and Wallflower. Findings showed a very competitive performance considering metrics commonly used in the literature to compare SoA models. TMSA_SOM also achieved the best results on two perceptual metrics, Ssim and D-Score, and obtained the best performance on the global quality measure, FSD (based on F-Measure, Ssim, and D-Score), demonstrating its robustness with different and complicated non-controlled scenarios. TMSA_SOM was also compared against SoA neural network approaches obtaining the best average performance on Re, Pr, and F-Measure.  相似文献   

We consider a single-cell network with a hybrid full-/half-duplex base station. For the practical scenario with N channels, K uplink users, and M downlink users (max{K,M} ≤ NK + M), we tackle the issue of user admission and power control to simultaneously maximize the user admission number and minimize the total transmit power when guaranteeing the quality-of-service requirement of individual users. We formulate a 0–1 integer programming problem for the joint-user admission and power allocation problem. Because finding the optimal solution of this problem is NP-hard in general, a low-complexity algorithm is proposed by introducing the novel concept of adding dummy users. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves performance similar to that of branch and bound algorithm and significantly outperforms the random pairing algorithm.  相似文献   

The author solves the problem of finding greatest lower bounds for the probability F (??) – F (u),0 < u <, ?? < ∞, where \( u= m-{\upsigma}_{\mu}3\sqrt{3},\kern0.5em \upupsilon = m+{\upsigma}_{\mu}3\sqrt{3},\kern0.5em \mathrm{and}\kern0.5em {\upsigma}_{\mu} \) is a fixed dispersion in the set of distribution functions F (x) of non-negative random variables with unimodal differentiable density with mode m and two first fixed moments μ 1 and μ 2. The case is considered where the mode coincides with the first moment: m = μ 1. The greatest lower bound of all possible greatest lower bounds for this problem is obtained and it is nearly one, namely, 0.98430.  相似文献   

Learning from imbalanced data is a challenging task in a wide range of applications, which attracts significant research efforts from machine learning and data mining community. As a natural approach to this issue, oversampling balances the training samples through replicating existing samples or synthesizing new samples. In general, synthesization outperforms replication by supplying additional information on the minority class. However, the additional information needs to follow the same normal distribution of the training set, which further constrains the new samples within the predefined range of training set. In this paper, we present the Wiener process oversampling (WPO) technique that brings the physics phenomena into sample synthesization. WPO constructs a robust decision region by expanding the attribute ranges in training set while keeping the same normal distribution. The satisfactory performance of WPO can be achieved with much lower computing complexity. In addition, by integrating WPO with ensemble learning, the WPOBoost algorithm outperformsmany prevalent imbalance learning solutions.  相似文献   

This work introduces a new scheme for action unit detection in 3D facial videos. Sets of features that define action unit activation in a robust manner are proposed. These features are computed based on eight detected facial landmarks on each facial mesh that involve angles, areas and distances. Support vector machine classifiers are then trained using the above features in order to perform action unit detection. The proposed AU detection scheme is used in a dynamic 3D facial expression retrieval and recognition pipeline, highlighting the most important AU s, in terms of providing facial expression information, and at the same time, resulting in better performance than state-of-the-art methodologies.  相似文献   

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