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4-Nonylphenol (4-NP) is of particular concern because of its ubiquity in aquatic environment and its endocrine-disrupting effects in aquatic organisms. On the basis of its octanol-water partition coefficient (104.6), it has a potential to bioaccumulate in aquatic food webs. However, there are no reported field studies on the trophodynamics of 4-NP and its precursor, nonylphenol polyethoxylate (NPEOs) surfactants, in aquatic food webs. This study reports the trophodynamics of 4-NP and NPEOs (4 < s < 16) in a marine aquatic food web from Bohai Bay, North China. 4-NP and NPEOs (4 < s < 16) were determined in 14 marine species including plankton, benthic invertebrates, fish, and marine birds. This paper provides the first report on the occurrence of NPEOs with s > 5 in marine biota. Co-analysis of DDTs in all samples allowed a direct comparison of the bioaccumulation behavior of DDTs with that of NP and NPEOs. The lipid equivalent concentration of DDE and 2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)-1-chloroethylene (DDMU) increased with increasing trophic level, and the trophic level was determined by stable isotope ratios. The trophic magnification factors (TMFs) of DDE and DDMU were 3.26 and 3.7, respectively. Lipid equivalent concentrations of 4-NP and of all NPEOs did not exhibit a statistically significant correlation with trophic levels in the food web, and the TMF of NP was 0.83, which was similar to those of all NPEOs (0.45-1.22). These results show that in the studied aquatic food web, there was no trophic magnification for 4-NP and NPEOs, whereas DDE and DDMU biomagnified.  相似文献   

Dialkyl phthalate esters (DPEs) are widely used chemicals, with over 4 million tonnes being produced worldwide each year. On the basis of their octanol-water partition coefficients (Kow), which range from 10(1.61) for dimethyl phthalate to 10(9.46) for di-iso-decyl phthalate, certain phthalate esters have the potential to bioconcentrate and biomagnify in aquatic food webs. However, there are no reported field studies on the trophodynamics of phthalate ester in aquatic food webs. This study reports the distribution of 8 individual phthalate esters (i.e., dimethyl, diethyl, di-isobutyl, di-n-butyl, butylbenzyl, di(2-ethylhexyl), di-n-octyl, and di-n-nonyl) and 5 commercial isomeric mixtures (i.e., di-iso-hexyl (C6), di-iso-heptyl (C7), di-iso-octyl (C8), di-iso-nonyl (C9), and di-iso-decyl (C10)) in a marine aquatic food web. DPE concentrations were determined in 18 marine species, representing approximately 4 trophic levels. Co-analysis of DPEs and 6 PCB congeners (i.e., PCB-18, 99, 118, 180, 194, and 209) in all samples produced a direct comparison of the bioaccumulation behavior of PCBs and DPEs. Lipid equivalent concentrations of the PCBs increased with increasing trophic position and stable isotope ratios (delta15N). The Food-Web Magnification Factor (FWMF) of the PCB congeners ranged from 1.8 to 9.5. Lipid equivalent concentrations of low and intermediate molecular weight DPEs (i.e., C1-C7 DPEs: dimethyl, diethyl, di-iso-butyl, di-n-butyl, benzylbutyl, and C6 and C7 isomers) did not exhibit statistically significant trends with trophic position or stable nitrogen isotope ratios (delta15N) in the food web and FWMFs were not significantly different from 1. Lipid equivalent concentrations of the high-molecular-weight DPEs (i.e., C8-C10 DPEs: di(2-ethylhexyl), di-n-octyl, di-n-nonyl, C8, C9, and C10) declined significantly with increasing trophic position and stable isotope ratios (delta15N), producing FWMFs between 0.25 and 0.48. These results show that all DPEs tested did not biomagnify in the studied aquatic food web whereas PCBs did biomagnify.  相似文献   

The development of methods to extract information from landscape analysis to refine risk assessment is becoming increasingly important. This paper presents results from a pesticide surface water exposure assessment at the watershed scale, based on a combination of edge of field studies, large-scale monitoring studies, and modeling activities with GIS-based landscape analysis methodologies covering an area of approximately 3200 ha surrounding the Simeto River in Sicily (Italy). The dynamic behavior of the pesticide chlorpyrifos-methyl was modeled in two different steps: calculation of the fraction of the application rate that is deposited beyond the field edge and simulation of the fate and persistence of the pesticide in the aquatic environment. Drift loads showed high spatial variability. Considering spray drift deposition as a fraction of the pesticide application rate, 60% of the results were < or = 0.02 (equal to 0.04 mg/m2). Only 8.5% of the results were above 0.5. The highly variability of the landscape factors was reflected in the results. More than 60% of the predicted pesticide concentrations were less than the limit of quantification (0.05 microg/L), affecting about 75% of the total length of the river tract analyzed. Predicted pesticide concentrations were higher than 0.1 microg/L in 23% of cases, but this corresponded to an insignificant portion of the river (1.2% of the total length). These results suggest that management options, such as increased no-spray zones, could provide further protection for surface water. These could be modeled to illustrate their overall impact. As an alternative, the introduction of a 20-m no-spray zone clearly reduced potential exposure, and 92% of the water body was protected. Estimated data are in agreement with data collected during a field monitoring study.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect that the taste of certain metals has on the perception of food. Four spoons plated with different metals (gold, copper, zinc, and stainless steel) were used to taste cream samples having different tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and plain. The results revealed that the zinc and copper spoons, in addition to transferring a somewhat metallic and bitter taste, enhanced to a greater or lesser extent, each cream’s dominant taste. Contrary to our expectations, the metallic taste of the copper and zinc spoons did not seem to affect the pleasantness of the samples significantly. These findings reveal that the effect that the metals from which cutlery can be made have on food perception differs from that found when the metal salts are added to the composition of the food itself.  相似文献   

Household food consumption surveys indicate that the diet in Kenya is ill balanced and that many families cannot afford nutrient-rich foods such as meat and fruits. In this regard, rural populations-the majority of the Kenyan population-are much worse off than urban populations. Agriculture, the most important sector in the Kenyan economy, contributes 27% of the gross domestic product and generates 65% of the country's export earnings. Food-enhancing biotechnologies thus could increase national food yields and fill nutrition gaps by contributing to household and national food security and poverty reduction in Kenya. To overcome barriers to adopting biotechnology to improve food crops in Kenya and elsewhere in Africa, policy makers must create a receptive environment for, increase public understanding of, and stimulate investment in the new technology.  相似文献   

Hu J  Zhen H  Wan Y  Gao J  An W  An L  Jin F  Jin X 《Environmental science & technology》2006,40(10):3142-3147
Organotins, especially tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT), are of particular concern due to their ubiquity in the aquatic environment and theirtoxicityto aquatic organisms. This study reports field studies on trophic magnification factors (TMF) of TBT and TPT in a marine food web. TBT, TPT, and their metabolites in plankton, five benthic invertebrate species, and six fish species collected from Bohai Bay, North China were determined, and it was found that the concentrations of TPT in marine fish were unexpectedly higherthan those of TBT. A positive relationship was found between trophic levels and concentrations of TPT, indicating trophic magnification of TPT in this food web. The TMF of TPT was calculated to be 3.70. On the other hand, concentrations of TBT, dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) did not exhibit statistically significant trends with trophic levels, and the TMF of TBT was 0.59. Analysis of organotins in the water and surface sediment from Bohai Bay revealed low inputs of TPT to the environment, which indicated that the high concentrations of TPT found in fish from Bohai Bay were due to the food web magnification of TPT.  相似文献   

New ingredients help the creation of novel foods. However, the management of ingredient combination remains a challenge for manufacturers since the definition of successful formulas still requires a number of trials and errors which are too time consuming to meet market demand. The authors describe a predictive approach to food design, based on the systematic exploitation of the functional properties of each potential ingredient. As an example, the methodology developed was applied to the formulation of syrups which were requested to have the same sensorial properties as those of the traditional product but a lower calorie content.  相似文献   

Saltworks have emerged as important alternative/complementary feeding habitats for avifauna. However, the consequences of such habitat shifts in terms of changes in exposure to contaminants are poorly understood. We evaluated the exposure of the waterbird community breeding at the saltworks of Thyna (Tunisia) to total Hg (THg) and Se according to their differential use of saltworks dietary resources, as revealed by δ13C and δ1?N values in their eggs (included species [n] -sorted according to increasing reliance on saltworks resources: Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis [12], Common Tern Sterna hirundo [12], Slender-billed Gull Larus genei [15], Little Egret Egretta garzetta [20], and Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta [22]). Concentrations of THg and Se were under the threshold points for deleterious effects. Egg THg concentrations significantly decreased as the dietary contribution of saltworks resources increased (mean: 3.23, 1.66, 0.76, 0.4, and 0.27 μg/g dw, respectively). Conversely, egg Se concentrations did not vary according to foraging habitats (2.49, 2.96, 2.61, 3.27, and 1.5 μg/g dw, respectively). Tracing waterbird exposure to THg and Se at saltworks was feasible through the use stable isotopic assays of eggs. Birds using saltworks are not exposed to higher concentrations of THg and Se than in adjacent marine habitats.  相似文献   

This paper describes a probabilistic model, based on the Johnson-Ettinger algorithm, developed to characterize the current and historic exposure to tricholorethylene (TCE) and tetrachlorethylene (PCE) in indoor air from plumes of groundwater contamination emanating from the former Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. We estimate indoor air concentration, house by house, in 30?101 homes and compare the estimated concentrations with measured values in a small subset of homes. We also compare two versions of the Johnson-Ettinger model: one used by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and another based on an alternative parametrization. The modeled mean predicted PCE concentration historically exceeded PCE screening levels (0.41 ug/m(3)) in 5.5% of houses, and the 95th percentile of the predicted concentration exceeded screening levels in 85.3% of houses. For TCE, the mean concentration exceeded the screening level (0.25 ug/m(3)) in 49% of homes, and the 95th percentile of the predicted concentration exceeded the screening level in 99% of homes. The EPA model predicts slightly lower indoor concentrations than the alternative parametrization. Comparison with measured samples suggests both models, with the inputs selected, underestimate indoor concentrations and that the 95th percentiles of the predicted concentrations are closer to measured concentrations than predicted mean values.  相似文献   

Recreational marine beaches in California are posted as unfit for swimming when the concentration of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) exceeds any of seven concentration standards. Finding and mitigating sources of shoreline FIB is complicated by the many potential human and nonhuman sources of these organisms and the complex fate and transport processes that control their concentrations. In this study, a three-tiered approach is used to identify human and nonhuman sources of FIB in Avalon Bay, a popular resort community on Catalina Island in southern California. The first and second tiers utilize standard FIB tests to spatially isolate the FIB signal, to characterize the variability of FIB over a range of temporal scales, and to measure FIB concentrations in potential sources of these organisms. In the third tier, water samples from FIB "hot spots" and sources are tested for human-specific bacteria Bacteroides/Prevotella and enterovirus to determine whether the FIB are from human sewage or from nonhuman sources such as bird feces. FIB in Avalon Bay appear to be from multiple, primarily land-based, sources including bird droppings, contaminated subsurface water, leaking drains, and runoff from street wash-down actvities. Multiple shoreline samples and two subsurface water samples tested positive for human-specific bacteria and enterovirus, suggesting that at least a portion of the FIB contamination is from human sewage.  相似文献   

The following is a personal account of a school-based research co-ordinator, tracing the development of the Norwich Consortium in one school. It also draws on written evidence provided by other teachers involved in the project.  相似文献   

Time–intensity (TI) is an increasingly used sensory method, however, no proper guidelines for training panellists with TI seem to have been set up, hence comparison of results from different TI studies is difficult. In this paper a three steps approach is proposed: (1) introduction to the method; (2) training for the TI task through a simple product assessment: basic taste beverages; (3) running a TI pilot experiment. The loadings from a principal components analysis (PCA) on TI data have proved to be useful in assessing panel agreement and providing information about individual differences. Pilot profiling proved useful for choosing the attributes to be used in the TI study. This minimises the chance of performing a TI study with irrelevant attributes. It is concluded that, following the steps in this study, most panellists are able to learn to perform a TI task reliably.  相似文献   

Using the Niagara Peninsula Appellation as the case study, qualitative research was employed through the use of interviews conducted with wineries and industry associations, in an attempt to answer two specific questions: (1) how does the wine industry and wine tourism aid in the development of Niagara’s rural area using the integrated rural tourism (IRT) concept, and (2) how can IRT aid in rural development through direct, experiential, conservation, development, and synergistic benefits. It is apparent that the seven components of IRT provide a reasonable framework to analyse the ability of IRT to realize benefits, although that the addition of marketing and future needs/desires as components improve its explanatory power. Using the modified IRT framework, this research found that wine tourism has derived direct, experiential, conservation, and synergistic benefits, with work still to be undertaken in order to improve upon tourism’s positive impacts in Niagara and peripherally rural areas more generally in the areas of community engagement and improved industry synergy.  相似文献   

在很多纺纱厂,只要关注一下它们的生产标准、废料控制、劳动力及运转状况,不难发现在很多环节可以通过较小的投入来降低输入成本。  相似文献   

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