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文中介绍一个采用增量计算进行数据库操作的数据库引擎,阐述了利用部分求值技术实现增量式数据库查询的方法,给出了增量式数据库引擎的系统框架与实现方法。性能测试的实验结果的说明了这种数据库引擎的使用能够有效地提高数据库查询的效率。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an action analysis for implementing combing partial evaluation efficiently.By analyzing the results of binding time analysis.Operations,which should be used in the combining partial evaluation.are determined in advance,so that the computation in the combination of specialized programs is reduced effectively.  相似文献   

Because of its wide application, the subgraph matching problem has been studied extensively during the past decade. However, most existing solutions assume that a data graph is a vertex/edge-labeled graph (i.e., each vertex/edge has a simple label). These solutions build structural indices by considering the vertex labels. However, some real graphs contain rich-content vertices such as user profiles in social networks and HTML pages on the World Wide Web. In this study, we consider the problem of subgraph matching using a more general scenario. We build a structural index that does not depend on any vertex content. Based on the index, we design a holistic subgraph matching algorithm that considers the query graph as a whole and finds one match at a time. In order to further improve efficiency, we propose a “partial evaluation and assembly” framework to find subgraph matches over large graphs. Last but not least, our index has light maintenance overhead. Therefore, our method can work well on dynamic graphs. Extensive experiments on real graphs show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms.  相似文献   

XML树模式查询又称为Twig查询,是XML查询处理中最核心的操作。在Twig查询算法的研究中,TreeMatch算法由于极大程度上减少了中间结果的产生,被认为是最好的Twig查询算法之一。然而,在TreeMatch算法的核心操作getNext中,存在不少仅依赖Twig模式的计算。当getNext调用次数很多时,这种冗余的重复计算会影响TreeMatch算法的性能。为了进一步改进该算法,提出了一种基于部分求值和热踪编译的Twig查询优化方法,该方法以Twig模式作为不变量进行部分求值,把查询请求翻译成一种Twig查询机指令序列,避免了查询过程中对Twig模式的重复计算;并且针对这种查询机指令序列的解释过程,利用热踪编译技术进行了优化。对比实验说明基于部分求值和热踪编译的优化方法能够将Twig查询效率提高到20%到60%。  相似文献   

针对认知能力评价这类因素较多,且难以进行定量描述的问题,建立认知能力因素评价体系,利用灰色偏相关评价法建立认知型学生模型。首先分析各认知能力因素的相互影响关系,计算偏相关系数得到各认知能力因素的权重值。然后确定评价灰类,建立白化权函数,得到各认知能力因素关于各评价灰类的灰色评价权值,从而建立认知型学生综合评价模型。最后通过实例对方法模型进行验证。实例表明,该方法模型能够对学生知识水平作出评价并引导学生进行学习,其结果具有一定的可靠性。  相似文献   

Since logic programs are executable specifications, the main concern of logic programming, producing efficient programs, is tangential to the mainstream of formal methods. A fashionable automatic transformation technique for producing efficient programs, partial evaluation, applied to the concurrent logic programming language Parlog is discussed.  相似文献   

One of the most novel features in the functional programming language Haskell is the system oftype classes used to support a combination of overloading and polymorphism. Current implementations of type class overloading are based on the use ofdictionary values, passed as extra parameters to overloaded functions. Unfortunately, this can have a significant effect on run-time performance, for example, by reducing the effectiveness of important program analyses and optimizations.This paper describes how a simple partial evaluator can be used to avoid the need for dictionary values at run-time by generating specialized versions of overloaded functions. This eliminates the run-time costs of overloading. Furthermore, and somewhat surprisingly given the presence of multiple versions of some functions, for all of the examples that we have tried so far, specialization actually leads to a reduction in the size of compiled programs.This work was carried out while the author was a member of the Department of Computer Science, Yale University, and was supported in part by a grant from ARPA, contract number N00014-91-J-4043.  相似文献   

A formal relationship between program slicing and partial evaluation is established. It is proved that for terminating programs, a residual program produced by partial evaluation is semantically equivalent to a conditioned slice. Received May 2002 Revised Octber 2004 and July 2005 Accepted August 2005 by D. J. Cooke  相似文献   

利用偏最小二乘法的一种变量筛选法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据偏最小二乘法(PLS)建模中的回归系数等一些信息,筛选原始自变量,在不损失模型预报能力的前提下,除去冗余的或影响不大的一些原始自变量,使模型更简单。本研究中找到了用于删除变量的一种新判据,计算简单,使用效果好。研究结果表明,利用PL3法得到的删除变量的新判据筛选变量是一种非常实用和有效的变量筛选方法,该法非常适合处理海量数据或变量数很大的建模问题,可使最终所得的模型中变量数大大减少,使模型大大简化,因而便于分析和解决实际问题。在处理中药指纹图谱数据时,与传统的算法比较,模型得到了大大简化。  相似文献   

We present a sparse evaluation technique that is effectively applicable to a set of elaborate semantic-based static analyses. Existing sparse evaluation techniques are effective only when the underlying analyses have comparably low precision. For example, if a pointer analysis precision is not affected by numeric statements like x≔1 then existing sparse evaluation techniques can remove the statement, but otherwise, the statement cannot be removed. Our technique, which is a fine-grained sparse evaluation technique, is effectively applicable even to elaborate analyses. A key insight of our technique is that, even though a statement is relevant to an analysis, it is typical that analyzing the statement involves only a tiny subset of its input abstract memory and the most are irrelevant. By exploiting this sparsity, our technique transforms the original analysis into a form that does not involve the fine-grained irrelevant semantic behaviors. We formalize our technique within the abstract interpretation framework. In experiments with a C static analyzer, our technique improved the analysis speed by on average 14×.  相似文献   

A methodological study on the use of neural networks for defect characterisation by means of a thermal method is presented. Neural networks are used here as defect classifiers, based on the infrared emission of the target object after heating. In this kind of application, there is a high degree of uncertainty in defect class boundaries due to several factors, such as the noise in the measurement, the uneven heating of the target object and the anisotropies in its thermal conductivity. For this reason, the classical 1 of N coding scheme during training did not provide satisfactory results. Much better results have instead been obtained using a smoother activation function for the output units during training. The non-destructive evaluation of material using neural networks proved extremely satisfactory, especially when compared to the classical procedures of thermographic analysis.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE) with dynamic controller governed by linear 1?d heat partial differential equation (PDE). The control input acts at the one boundary of the heat's controller domain and the second boundary injects a Dirichlet term in ODE plant. The main contribution of this article is the use of the recent infinite‐dimensional backstepping design for state feedback stabilization design of coupled PDE‐ODE systems, to stabilize exponentially the nonlinear uncertain systems, under the restrictions that (a) the right‐hand side of the ODE equation has the classical particular form: linear controllable part with an additive nonlinear uncertain function satisfying lower triangular linear growth condition, and (b) the length of the PDE domain has to be restricted. We solve the stabilization problem despite the fact that all known backstepping transformation in the literature cannot decouple the PDE and the ODE subsystems. Such difficulty is due to the presence of a nonlinear uncertain term in the ODE system. This is done by introducing a new globally exponentially stable target system for which the PDE and ODE subsystems are strongly coupled. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the design procedure of the proposed method.  相似文献   

在偏最小二乘回归和样条变换理论研究的基础上,提出炼油装置常压塔航油干点的软测量.采用偏最小二乘同归方法筛选一种辅助变昔和建立航油干点的软测最模型.仿真结果表明,本方法选择的辅助变量携带信息量大,对主导变量解释能力强.如样本集相同.比RBF网络和支持向量机软测量模型预测精度高,泛化能力强.  相似文献   

小波变换-偏最小二乘法用于柴油近红外光谱分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为了提高近红外光谱分析精度和速度,需要分别对近红外光谱扣除背景、降低噪音和优选变量等预处理,其过程稍嫌烦琐,本文提出用小波变换-偏最小二乘法(PLS)。该方法利用小波变换提取光谱变量,利用PLS将光谱变量和柴油性质进行关联,建立模型。利用该方法能够分析柴油的诸多性质,分析精度与传统处理方法(微分-PLS)基本一致。该方法具有预处理简单、优选参数少、建模变量少等特点,能够大大简化建模过程、提高建模和分析速度。  相似文献   

一个通用移动agent仿真平台的设计与实现*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对移动agent在广域网中的运行情况进行仿真从而评价其算法的性能是优化移动agent应用设计的关键问题之一。在前期工作基础上,采用直接执行仿真方法,设计并实现的通用移动agent仿真平台SimulAglets。实验结果表明,该平台可对复杂的移动agent算法进行有效的模拟,仿真结果与理论建模和专用仿真程序得到的结果完全相符。  相似文献   

Owing to increasing complexity in the real world, many attributes in decision science are uncertain. The interval data are more suitable for characterising those attributes. The interval comparison is an important research topic in this background. This paper proposes a new method for comparing two intervals based on a two-dimensional geometric interpretation. The equivalence is illustrated through a proof. Some mathematical experiments are provided to illustrate the validity. The proposed method is applied to the quality evaluation of software product. The results show that the provided method has important implications in both theoretical and practical perspectives.  相似文献   

Based on the study of the current two methods-interpretation and compilation-for the integration of logic programming and relational database,a new precompilation-based interpretive approach is proposed.It inherits the advantages of both methods,but overcomes the drawbacks of theirs.A new integrated system based on this approach is presented,which has been implemented on Micro VAX Ⅱ and applied to practise as the kernel of the GKBMS knowledge base management system.Also discussed are the key implementation techniques,including the coupling of logic and relational database systems,the compound of logic and relational database languages,the partial evaluation and static optimization of user‘s programs,fact scheduling and version management in problem-solving.  相似文献   

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