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韦佳  李涛 《山西建筑》2006,32(15):15-16
通过对南京市六幢办公楼办公空间现场测量与满意度调查,分析了当前我国办公空间声环境的现状与存在的问题,从噪声控制和语言私密度的保障等方面论述了办公室声环境设计的主要内容和方法,以期对城市办公环境的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

高层办公楼在城市的高速发展中缓解了用地紧张与城市人口增长之间的巨大矛盾,城市也因其高度、体量的多变而丰富多彩.然而相对于多层近地办公空间,层层标准化平面叠加而形成的整齐匀质的空间、单一重复的办公环境使其中的人们有着不可弥补的心理缺失.此外,对经济利益的无限追求亦造成室内公共交流空间的匿乏.人们内心对自然环境亲近的需求也加剧了使用者对高层建筑办公环境的乏味感.如何缓解其空间的压抑,令使用者舒适和欣愉,正是高层办公楼建筑设计追求的更高境界.  相似文献   

高层办公楼在城市的高速发展中缓解了用地紧张与城市人口增长之间的巨大矛盾,城市也因其高度、体量的多变而丰富多彩.然而相对于多层近地办公空间,层层标准化平面叠加而形成的整齐匀质的空间、单一重复的办公环境使其中的人们有着不可弥补的心理缺失.此外,对经济利益的无限追求亦造成室内公共交流空间的匿乏.人们内心对自然环境亲近的需求也加剧了使用者对高层建筑办公环境的乏味感.如何缓解其空间的压抑,令使用者舒适和欣愉,正是高层办公楼建筑设计追求的更高境界.  相似文献   

联合办公空间功能更加复合化与弹性化,如何维系功能安排和用户需求的平衡是联合办公空间设计所需面临的问题。为此,提出一种新的设计模式——联合办公空间参与式设计。在该模式下,倡导设计者、运营者、使用者联动,激发使用者的空间主人翁意识,使得联合办公空间设计结果更加贴近实际工作场景。结合粤港澳大湾区和创联合办公空间的实际实践,总结其具体应用策略和方法。本研究以期为日后类似的联合办公空间参与设计项目提供参考,给联合办公空间设计带来一种新的解题思路。  相似文献   

声音作为景观要素越来越受到重视,人们对声环境的感知受到声音本身特性以及声音与环境交互作用的共同影响。以天津水上公园为研究对象,将声音的响度、频率和多样性指数作为公园声音元素的特征指标,定量研究声音构成、景观要素和舒适度三者之间的相关关系。结果表明:水上公园的声音多样性指数(SDI)整体较高,声音类型丰富,但不同的景观要素对应的声音特征不显著;听觉舒适度与整体舒适度呈极显著正相关;听觉舒适度主要受到人类活动声和机械声的影响,其出现频率(POS)和响度(PLS)均干扰了被试者对自然声的感知。针对公园的景观格局、声环境现状及使用者需求,提出声环境的设计和管理优化策略,对改善公园声景观品质、提高公园整体的环境舒适度具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在烟草企业“联合重组”政策指导下,新卷烟厂办公楼建筑投入多、规模大、要求高。本文通过介绍深圳卷烟厂异地技术改造工程的综合办公楼建设方案,简述建筑师在设计过程中如何满足企业多方面需求,结合卷烟工业生产环境创造高质量的办公空间。  相似文献   

经济的飞速发展与商务办公活动的激增,对办公空间环境提出了更高的要求。通过对办公空间的现状、行为模式和使用者需求的分析,论述了如何创造一个符合社会和自身需求的现代化办公环境。  相似文献   

王艳 《山西建材》2012,(11):44-46
经济的飞速发展与商务办公活动的激增,对办公空间环境提出了更高的要求。通过对办公空间的现状、行为模式和使用者需求的分析,论述了如何创造一个符合社会和自身需求的现代化办公环境。  相似文献   

岳华  靳飞  柯坦 《华中建筑》2013,(12):58-62
上海济光学院学生活动中心项目规模约7000m^2,主要包含了文化、娱乐、办公、会议、展示等多项功能内容.该项目建成后将成为师生课余文化、娱乐活动的主要空间场所.该文从校园空间环境现状的分析与思考,“整合”、“交流”与“认同”——三个核心设计理念的阐释和空间策略及单体设计分析等三方面对该项目的建筑方案设计进行了全面的介绍,旨在倡导一种从建成环境分析入手,注重新建筑与建成环境的联系,尊重空间使用者的行为方式与心理需求的建筑设计理念以及探索如何以空间的方式促进使用者心理、认知、情感、文化等高层次目标的实现。  相似文献   

近年来,联合办公开始大量进驻高端写字楼,联合办公多样的功能空间与写字楼空间有限的自然采光、紧张的使用面积之间的矛盾愈加明显。基于国内对联合办公空间设计还处于起步阶段,文章从实际案例着手,通过实地调研及比较分析中发现的不足和成功的经验,提出对置于写字楼的联合办公空间进行设计时要遵循灵活性、生活化、经济性三个设计原则,同时提出平衡私密性和开放性、弹性设计两个设计策略,最后针对回字形写字楼平面,整理出联合办公各功能空间的位置关系建议。  相似文献   

卢炫 《城市建筑》2014,(17):29-29
各个地区的办公建筑数量越来越多。和普通建筑工程相比,办公建筑更加注重公共空间的设计,旨在为人们提供一个舒适、健康、快捷的环境。因此要不断优化和完善办公建筑中的公共空间设计,推动办公建筑快速发展。  相似文献   


Over the past decades, the use of mobile technology has increased and the attitude towards work has changed, making it possible to work anywhere at any time. However, workers still seek work environments that stimulate networking and collaboration possibilities. This has led to the growing popularity of co-working spaces. However, little is known about the specific preferences of co-working space users. The aim of this research is to analyse user preferences for co-working space characteristics. Stated choice data were collected by means of a questionnaire which was completed by 219 respondents of 25 co-working spaces in the Netherlands. A mixed-multinomial logit model was used to analyse the user preferences. Results show that the main motivations for co-workers to work in a co-working space were that they were looking for a workplace outside their home that allows them to work in an inspiring work environment where the accommodation is affordable. Accessibility and atmosphere/interior are the most important characteristics when choosing a specific co-working space. These results provide owners or managers of co-working spaces with clear insights about how to cope with co-worker preferences by offering co-working spaces with good accessibility by car and public transport, a semi-open layout and a homelike interior.  相似文献   

Sustainable low-energy office buildings attempt to harness the buildings architecture and physics to provide a high quality working environment with the least possible primary energy consumption. A promising approach to condition those buildings in summer employs the utilization of the building's thermal storage activated by natural heat sinks (e.g., ambient air, ground water or soil) through night ventilation or thermally activated building systems (TABS). However, a certain room temperature cannot be guaranteed as occupants may influence the room energy balance by window opening, internal heat gains or sun shading control. Between 2001 and 2005, monitoring campaigns were carried out over 2 or 3 years in 12 low-energy office buildings which are located in three different summer climate zones in Germany. These climate zones are defined as summer-cool, moderate and summer-hot. The weather at the building site and the room temperatures in several office rooms were monitored by different scientific teams. The raw data are processed for data evaluation using a sophisticated method to remove errors and outliers from the database and to identify the time of occupancy. The comfort in all office rooms in each building is evaluated separately. For data presentation, these separate comfort votes per office room are averaged using the median instead of the arithmetic mean in order not to overestimate extremely cold or hot room temperatures. A comfort evaluation in these 12 low-energy office buildings indicates clearly, that buildings which use only natural heat sinks for cooling provide good thermal comfort during typical and warm summer periods in Germany. However, long heat waves such as during the extreme European summer of 2003 overstrain passively cooled buildings with air-driven cooling concepts in terms of thermal comfort.  相似文献   

In the European research project OFFICAIR, a procedure was developed to determine associations between characteristics of European offices and health and comfort of office workers, through a checklist and a self‐administered questionnaire including environmental, physiological, psychological, and social aspects. This procedure was applied in 167 office buildings in eight European countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Finland) during the winter of 2011–2012. About 26 735 survey invitation e‐mails were sent, and 7441 office workers were included in the survey. Among respondents who rated an overall comfort less than 4 (23%), ‘noise (other than from building systems)’, air ‘too dry’, and temperature ‘too variable’ were the main complaints selected. An increase of perceived control over indoor climate was positively associated with the perceived indoor environment quality. Almost one‐third of office workers suffered from dry eyes and headache in the last 4 weeks. Physical building characteristics were associated with occupants’ overall satisfaction (acoustical solutions, mold growth, complaints procedure, cleaning activities) and health (number of occupants, lack of operable windows, presence of carpet and cleaning activities). OFFICAIR project provides a useful database to identify stressors related to indoor environmental quality and office worker's health.  相似文献   

工业建筑的外部空间是城市空间的有机组成部分,在"以人为本"的建筑设计理念的指引下,人们对工业建筑的外部空间进行了各种有益的探索,其中对工业建筑外部空间进行绿化设计的理念得到广泛的认可,所以对外部空间充分的绿色植物设计将是工业建筑外部空间设计的发展方向。  相似文献   

以深圳地区某内廊式办公建筑大空间化改造为对象,以自然光环境营建为目标,通过空间重组路径优化和界面优化等改造策略,结合计算机仿真手段进行优化验证,得出既有办公建筑大空间化改造的自然采光优化设计与数值验证研究的方法,为此类既有建筑改造设计的自然采光优化提供佐证支撑。  相似文献   

This research study tries to establish the neutral temperature and comfort range for the workers engaged in light office work. Some 596 office workers from seven multi-storey office buildings in Jakarta participated in the study.  相似文献   

天然光环境更有利于人体健康与视觉舒适,这促使机场等大空间建筑对于天然采光设计的重视程度逐渐提高。比较广州新白云机场、深圳宝安机场T3航站楼两个大型机场的采光设计方案及其实际采光效果,文章旨在提出机场等大空间公共建筑采光设计应注意的问题以及设计原则。通过理论分析、现场测量、使用后评价等方法,研究两者在天然采光设计方面的优劣。经调研对比后发现开敞式大空间建筑使用集中式带型天窗不利于在整个室内实现均匀的天然光环境,而使用分散式平天窗更有利于营造均匀的天然光环境。  相似文献   

曹琰 《城市建筑》2013,(6):18-18
"办公"这个活动古来有之。纵观整个办公建筑的发展史,可以看出对于办公楼公共空间的研究缺乏连续性和统一性。直至19世纪商业经济的迅速发展,人们才开始把工作空间和居住空间分离开,办公建筑也因此得到快速的发展。  相似文献   

Spot monitoring for determining thermal comfort in office buildings taking into account different ventilation and air‐conditioning options. Compliance with thermal comfort criteria for workspaces is becoming an increasingly important issue in the context of efforts to minimise energy consumption in new and existing office buildings. Current standards fail to take into account user adaptation, although empirical data suggest that this is a key factor for assessing thermal comfort, particularly in non‐air‐conditioned rooms. Spot monitoring is as short‐term measurement technique for analysing thermal comfort. The technique for determining the neutral temperature was evaluated based on field tests in 30 office buildings with different levels of air‐conditioning. The approach consists of short‐term measurements during different seasons and in office spaces facing in different directions. In parallel with logging of the key parameters for determining the quality of the room climate (operative temperature, air velocity, etc.) user surveys were carried out with the aim of obtaining subjective assessments of the state of the room climate. The neutral temperature determined taking into account user sensation is proportional to the change in operational temperature and therefore not constant. The results indicate a significant effect of user adaptation on the assessment of thermal comfort in offices and other spaces.  相似文献   

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