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通过对半固态合金流变充型过程的物理分析,结合半固态合金包含圣维南体和假塑性体的流变特性,根据充型驱动力大于或等于充型阻力,阻流通道内不可流动层厚度小于阻流截面最小厚度的1/2这两个充型临界条件,运用不可压缩粘性流体流动理论,建立半固态合金充满型腔获得完整零件的两个临界条件的数学表达式。为了验证其准确性,对钩舌、轴箱体零件进行了流变成形实验,实验结果证实该临界条件数学表达式的正确性。该式包含设备参数、工艺参数、材料参数和模具参数,可用来指导半固态流变成形工艺设计、设备选型,并能进行缺陷预测和充型过程控制。  相似文献   

Based on the experimental data of apparent viscosity about semi-solid A356 aluminum alloy,the apparent viscosity model was developed and inserted into a commercial software Castsoft6.0,and a key-shaped component filling process was simulated.The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental filling results,which indicates that the apparent viscosity model established is effective and available.The process parameters on the cavity filling of the key-shaped components have been optimized.The injection pressure should be more than 15MPa.the slurry flowing velocity in the in-gate should be more than 1.73m/s,and the slurry temperature should be over 585℃.  相似文献   

确定半固态触变成形的边界条件,在半固态表观粘度耦合于流场的动量方程上,建立半固态AlSi7Mg充型过程的计算模型.对不同充填速度、浇口形状以及浇口设置位置下半固态成形过程进行模拟分析.结果表明:半固态合金的充填速度对流态及成形质量具有明显影响,与压铸相比,半固态浇口形状、设置位置等因素对充填流态影响相对较小,所以半固态工艺设计较为灵活.半固态压铸机的充填流量及充填压力取决于浇口面积、充填速度以及合金种类.充填速度决定半固态浆料流动形态,进而影响半固态制件的成形质量.  相似文献   

The main problems caused by improper gating are entrained aluminum oxide films and entrapped gas. In this study, the slot gating system is employed to improve mold filling behavior and therefore, to improve the quality of aluminum castings produced in permanent molds. An equipment as well as operation procedures for real-time X-ray radiography of molten aluminum flowing into permanent molds have been developed. Graphite molds transparent to X-rays are utilized which make it possible to observe the flow pattern through a number of vertically oriented gating systems. The investigation discovers that there are many influencing factors on the mold filling process. This paper focuses its research on some of the factors, such as the dimensions of the vertical riser and slot thickness, as well as roughness of the coating layer. The results indicate that molten metal can smoothly fill into casting cavity with a proper slot gating system. A bigger vertical riser, proper slot thickness and rougher coating can provide not only a better mold filling pattern, but also hot melt into the top of the cavity. A proper temperature gradient is obtainable, higher at the bottom and lower at the top of the casting cavity, which is in favor of feeding during casting solidification.  相似文献   

利用Gleeble1500热/力模拟机研究了Ti14合金在应变速率为5×10-3~5 s-1,变形温度为1273~1423 K,变形量为60%条件下的半固态塑性变形行为。分析了合金流变应力与应变速率、变形温度之间的关系,根据分析结果建立了Ti14合金半固态变形流变本构方程,结果表明:合金在半固态条件下存在明显的屈服现象,流变应力受温度和应变速率影响较大,稳态流变应力和峰值流变应力随温度的增加而减小,相同温度下,流变应力随应变速率的增加而增加,分析可能是由于液相含量和分布对初生α-Ti骨架的解聚作用所致。  相似文献   

半固态A356合金流变充型的极限长度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对半固态合金流变充型机理分析,推导出可以定量计算半固态A356铝合金在圆管内流变充型极限长度的数学模型,该模型包括了工艺参数和半固态A356合金的自身特性。采用间接挤压铸造阿基米德螺旋线试样的方法对该数学模型进行了实验验证,实验结果表明:理论计算值与实验测定值之间的最大偏差小于8%;该数学模型可以定量分析和估算工艺因素对充型能力的影响,并可预测充型极限长度,这对半固态合金流变成形工艺设计和模具设计都有参考价值。实验和理论计算还表明,充型压力和充型速度是影响半固态合金充型能力的两个主要因素,提高充型压力、一定充型压力下适当减小充型速度都可以提高充型能力。  相似文献   

采用电磁搅拌法制备了具有不同微观组织特征的半固态A356合金浆料,用图像分析软件对浇注前浆料金相试样的初生相微观组织特征进行了测定,利用间接挤压铸造方法铸造阿基米德螺旋线试样,以挤压成形后的螺旋线试样长度衡量充型能力,通过多元回归,建立了半固态A356合金初生相微观组织特征与充型长度之间的数学表达式。结果表明:半固态浆料充型能力不仅与初生相微观组织特征参数有关,微观组织特征参数的交互作用对充型能力的影响也较大。利用该表达式可以对半固态浆料充型能力进行预测,进而指导半固态浆料制备参数设计、间接挤压铸造工艺设计和缺陷预测。  相似文献   

铝合金铸件充型过程及氧化膜卷入的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于直接有限差分法,提出了单元表面无量纲距离、表面充填比率和体积充填比率,以描述铸件充型过程中自由表面的形状,建立了相应的充型过程数学模型,考虑了自由表面形状对动量、质量和能量传输的影响;提出了充型过程自由表面碰撞中表面氧化膜破碎,及其后破碎氧化膜流动的计算模型。对实验铝合金铸件进行了模拟应用,通过实际铸件充型过程的特殊X射线实时观察和记录。及实际铸件的气孔、收缩缺陷分布的检测,对模拟结果进行了验证分析。结果表明:充型过程模拟结果与X射线实时观察结果吻合较好,尤其是自由表面的变化;氧化膜卷入模拟结果与实际铸件气孔、收缩缺陷的分布存在一定的对应关系。  相似文献   

针对半固态触变压铸工艺特点,对国产J1128卧式冷室普通液态压铸机的压射系统和模具系统进行了结构改进,对压铸工艺参数进行了优化选择,并采用半固态专用铝合金AlSi6Mg2和商用铝合金A357开展了大量半固态触变压铸试验研究.结果显示:半固态触变压铸工艺与普通液态压铸有很大的不同,在压射室和模具预热温度分别为100℃和250℃,低压压力为4.0MPa,射料二速工作压力为12MPa,增压压力为20MPa,快压射速度为1.4m/s条件下可获得冲型完好的汽车用铝合金半固态零件.  相似文献   

研究了ZL201铝合金半固态流变压铸组织与性能,包括半固态浆料的制备、压铸成形和固溶、时效处理。结果表明:在ZL201铝合金液相线温度附近施加交变电磁场,能够获得均匀、细小、近球形非枝晶组织的半固态浆料;半固态浆料经压铸成形后,零件具有等轴或蔷薇状晶粒组织;经T5热处理后,ZL201铝合金的抗拉强度为253N/mm2,伸长率为7%。流变压铸件的组织和性能优于半固态触变压铸件的。  相似文献   

半固态流变模锻工艺参数对铝合金制件质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析半固态流变模锻技术的工艺过程及其特点,指出影响铝合金性能的工艺参数主要有:浇注温度、模锻比压、模锻速度、保压时间、模具温度。根据有关试验结果,归纳出采用半固态流变模锻工艺生产的铝合金可能出现的缺陷有:裂纹、冷隔、型腔充填不满、皮下针孔、疏松、缩孔、气孔。针对这些缺陷提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

Semi-solid processing of A380 aluminum alloy was performed by gas induced semi-solid (GISS) process. The effects of argon inert gas flow rate, starting temperature and duration of gas purging as key GISS parameters and also modification with Sr on the structural refinements, hardness and impact strength of GISS alloys were investigated. Microstructural evolution shows that there is an important effect of the pouring temperature and Sr addition on the morphology and size of primary α(A1) in the alloy to change from coarse dendritic to fine globular structure. The best sample which has fine grains of 51.18 μm in average size and a high level of globularity of 0.89 is achieved from a GISS processing of Sr modified alloy in which the gas purging started at 610 °C. The impact strength of the GISS optimized samples ((4.67±0.18) J/cm2) shows an increase of about 40% with respect to the as-cast sample due to the globular structure and fibrous Si morphology. Moreover, the hardness of the optimized GISS sample ((89.34±2.85) HB) increases to (93.84±3.14) HB by modification with the Sr and GISS process. The fracture surface of Sr modified alloy is also dominated by complex topography showing typical ductile fracture features.  相似文献   

Computer simulation codes were developed based on a proposed mathematical model for centrifugal mold filling processes and previous computer software for 3D mold filling and solidification of castings (CASM-3D for Windows). Sample simulations were implemented for mold filling processes of precision titanium castings under gravity and different centrifugal casting techniques. The computation results show that the alloy melt has a much stronger mold filling ability for thin section castings under a centrifugal force field than that only under the gravity. A "return back" mold filling manner is showed to be a reasonable technique for centrifugal casting processes, especially for thin section precision castings.  相似文献   

修正了传统Navier-Stoke方程,并利用该方程和Fluent软件对Zn-4Al合金充填微齿轮铸件的充型过程进行数值模拟.结果表明:在运动惯性的作用下,Zn-4Al合金在进入微齿轮型腔后途径齿轮盘部位时,合金并未横向扩展,而是保持入射状态首先填充对面的齿轮轴,撞击型腔壁后,产生二次压头,然后再向齿轮外围的各齿部位反充;型腔内气体被高速运动的金属液搅拌和切割,形成许多微气泡,然后被带入主流区,从排气道排除.  相似文献   

The hot cracking tendency of 7075 semi-solid alloy under different conditions was studied by critical diameter method. The experiment and simulation results show that the dendrite arms of the rod grow from the edge to the center. The smaller the diameter of the rod is, the more obvious the directional growth of dendrite is, and the greater the tendency of hot cracking is. Compared with ordinary melt, for semi-solid slurry, increasing mould temperature or decreasing pouring temperature can significantly decrease hot cracking tendency of 7075 alloy, decreasing hot cracking grade from 256 to 100 mm2. Furthermore, based on the RDG criterion, the effects of solidification conditions on the hot cracking tendency were discussed combined with simulation. At the same time, the application and development of RDG criterion were also researched.  相似文献   

镁合金压铸充型过程的模拟仿真与试验验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了耦合半固态镁合金表观黏度流变充型模拟的三维数学模型,对比了液态充型与半固态充型的流动特征,结果表明,液态充型呈紊流特征,而半固态充型平稳,呈层流特征,可减少铸件中出现气孔及氧化夹渣等铸造缺陷,最后通过试验发现半固态压铸件质量优于液态压铸件。  相似文献   

The self-developed taper barrel rheomoulding (TBR) machine for light alloy semi-solid slurry preparation was introduced. The semi-solid slurry was obtained from the intense shearing turbulence of the alloy melt in the cause of solidification, which was further caused by the relative rotation of the internal and external taper barrel whose surface contained wale and groove. The heat transmission model of TBR process, the flow rules and the shearing model of the alloy melt were deduced. Taking A365 as experimental material, the microstructure evolution rules under different slurry preparation processes were analyzed. The results show that decreasing the pouring temperature of A365 alloy melt properly or increasing the shearing rate helps to obtain ideal semi-solid microstructure with the primary particle size of about 70 μm and the shape factor of above 0.8.  相似文献   

Tensile properties of as-deformed 2A50 aluminum alloy were investigated in the high temperature solid and semi-solid states. The results show that temperature has almost no effect on the maximum tensile stress between 500 °C and 530 °C, and the maximum tensile stress decreases rapidly when the temperature is above 532 °C. The ductility decreases with increasing temperature and has an obvious fall when the temperature is above solidus temperature. This alloy almost has no ductility above 537 °C, and cannot sustain tensile stress above 550 °C. A brittle temperature range in which this alloy is prone to form microcracks was derived. The relation between microstructure, fraction solid and tensile properties were also investigated by examining the metallograph and fracture surface morphology of tested specimens, which could provide reference for forecasting the microcracks in this alloy occurring in semi-solid processing.  相似文献   

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