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为减少电液舵机的测试时间,减小测试对舵机的损伤,提高舵机的测试效率和精度,提出了以虚拟仪器为基础,设计了一套集机械、液压、电气以及计算机为一体的工业测控系统,硬件由工控机、PCI采集板卡、通讯总线、泵站和PLC控制柜、电气控制柜等组成,软件在LabWindows/CVI环境下编写,采用RTX实时系统、多线程处理和TDMS等核心处理方法,实现了对于某型电液舵机性能指标的自动化测试,试验表明系统运行稳定,测试结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

介绍了舵机性能测试系统的硬件组成、软件设计和功能测试实验。系统采用LabVIEW做为软件开发环境进行程序设计.实现了激励信号的产生、舵机输出信号的采集、回放、数据处理以及舵机性能分析等功能。测试过程分手动测试和自动测试两种,可根据不同情况进行相关性能指标的测试。实验结果表明,该系统极大地提高了测试效率和精度,降低了测试成本。  相似文献   

自主式液压舵机是某型飞机操纵系统的关键部件;为提高其性能测试过程的自动化程度和测试精度,设计开发了以计算机为核心、虚拟仪器技术为基础的自主式液压舵机性能测试系统;首先进行了测试系统的总体设计,然后研究了基于LabWindows/CVI的测控软件设计,最后进行了试验研究;试验结果验证了测试方案的可行性以及测试系统的有效性和可靠性.  相似文献   

为实现航空飞行器气动舵机性能测试,研制一套可用于多型航空飞行器气动舵机性能测试的通用自动测试平台;测试平台采用了电机、扭簧两种形式的加载装置作为加载台,通过舵机与摇臂之间对应运动关系计算所需的几何数据,推导出加载台推杆机构传动方式;在软件上采用了LABVIEW软件进行编程,实现了线性度、灵敏度、滞环特性、频率特性等气动舵机性能测试,同时针对在频率特性检测上的难点做了理论分析,提出单个正弦波扫频测量的解决方法;为提高测试平台测试精度,对测量舵机的频率特性做误差分析,提出了测试结果中减去与采样点N相应的固定值方法;理论计算与实际测试验证测试平台幅频特性的数据处理误差最大为0.007 dB,相角处理误差最大为0.607°,有效提高了测试平台的测试精度。  相似文献   

谭营  许化龙  吴琳 《微计算机信息》2007,23(31):133-134,286
针对某型号导弹舵机,使用内置数据采集卡的计算机和LabVIEW编程语言建立了一套舵机测试系统。该系统可以实现控制信号的产生、多通道连续数据采集、波形实时显示和回放等功能。文中详细介绍了系统的硬件组成、软件设计、功能模块的具体实现。实践结果表明,该系统工作良好,性能稳定,达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

给出了一种基于STM32F103VB微控制器的无人机全数字舵机控制系统硬件实现方案,该方案以STM32F103VB作为主控芯片,无刷直流电机作为该系统的伺服电机,采用三闭环的控制策略,实现了脉宽调制(PWM)控制信号的采样和输出,通过采样PWM信号实现舵机的控制,针对无人机对数据传输实时性的要求,利用CAN总线与上位机通讯,很好地满足了要求;该系统具有成本低廉、安全可靠且实现容易的特点,实现了舵机控制系统的数字化与小型化;经多次试验,证明是安全实用的.  相似文献   

本文介绍了谐波减速机测试系统的软件设计方法、软件结构及功能。  相似文献   

某舵机振动测试系统的研究与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
舵机振动测试系统是导弹生产线上的重要设备.文章介绍了某舵机测试系统的硬件组成、功能测试项目、软件设计,模拟信号的产生、采集、回放、自动测试等功能的实现.实践结果表明该系统工作良好,性能稳定,达到了设计要求.  相似文献   

无人机控制器测试系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为保证无人机控制系统的可靠性及稳定性,在其投入生产前,有必要对控制系统中各部分的设计、所使用器件及其功能的实现进行检测,为后续的调试与应用节省人力、物力与时间;为此针对某型无人机控制器提出并实现了一种以DSP为处理核心的测试系统方案,详细给出了系统整体方案的设计和具体功能模块的测试方法;该测试系统体积小、携带方便、可靠性高,经实际应用表明,该系统可以很好地完成控制器各部分的性能测试。  相似文献   

吕俊怀  夏劲伟 《微计算机应用》2005,26(2):233-233,243,246
汽车已经进入普通家庭,安全性是首要问题。采用防抱死技术是汽车制动过程中的安全措施之一,它的原理是用气囊缓冲制动过程,平稳刹车;防抱死技术简称为ABS技术。在防抱死系统中气压阀体是重要的组成部分,气压阀体的好坏直接影响制动系统的工作效果,做好气压阀体的测试至关重要,气压阀体的测试由计算机控制测试机床自动进行。测试过程是加压测试→减压测试→进气测试→排气测试。  相似文献   

An iterative temporal registration algorithm is presented in this article for registering 3D range images obtained from unmanned ground and aerial vehicles traversing unstructured environments. We are primarily motivated by the development of 3D registration algorithms to overcome both the unavailability and unreliability of Global Positioning System (GPS) within required accuracy bounds for Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) navigation. After suitable modifications to the well-known Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm, the modified algorithm is shown to be robust to outliers and false matches during the registration of successive range images obtained from a scanning LAser Detection And Ranging (LADAR) rangefinder on the UGV. Towards registering LADAR images from the UGV with those from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that flies over the terrain being traversed, we then propose a hybrid registration approach. In this approach to air to ground registration to estimate and update the position of the UGV, we register range data from two LADARs by combining a feature-based method with the aforementioned modified ICP algorithm. Registration of range data guarantees an estimate of the vehicle's position even when only one of the vehicles has GPS information. Temporal range registration enables position information to be continually maintained even when both vehicles can no longer maintain GPS contact. We present results of the registration algorithm in rugged terrain and urban environments using real field data acquired from two different LADARs on the UGV. ★Commercial equipment and materials are identified in this article in order to adequately specify certain procedures. Such identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose.  相似文献   

王祝  徐广通  龙腾 《自动化学报》2023,49(11):2374-2385
为提高多无人机(Unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV)协同轨迹规划(Cooperative trajectory planning, CTP)效率, 在解耦序列凸优化(Sequential convex programming, SCP)方法基础上, 提出一种高效求解凸优化子问题的定制内点法. 首先引入松弛变量, 构建子问题的等价描述形式, 并推导该形式下的子问题最优性条件. 然后在预测−校正原对偶内点法的框架下, 构建一套高效求解最优性条件方程组的计算流程以降低子问题计算复杂度, 并利用约束矩阵特征提出一种快速计算原对偶搜索方向的方法以提高规划效率. 仿真结果表明, 在解耦序列凸优化框架下, 定制内点法可将协同轨迹规划耗时降低一个数量级, 达到秒级.  相似文献   

无人机偏振遥感载荷系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分析我国发展无人机航空遥感的必要性和可行性,针对某型民用无人机,利用系统集成的方法,设计无人机航空遥感偏振载荷系统。介绍系统的构成和工作流程,阐述系统的软硬件设计原理及实现的功能。地面联合调试结果表明该系统能够满足即将开展的航空遥感作业的要求。  相似文献   

研究了无人直升机飞行控制系统实时软件系统设计架构,针对机载嵌入式飞控计算机系统和地面站计算机系统,提出了基于VxWorks实时操作系统的多线程任务机载软件设计方案和基于WindowsXP操作系统的地面站软件设计方案,有助于加快完成无人直升机飞行控制系统的设计和验证。机载系统软件设计为数据采集和测量、伺服舵机驱动、飞行控制与发动机控制实现、通信和数据请求存储等功能。地面站系统软件设计为与机载系统的数据通信、终端用户操控,以及实时飞行状态监视等功能。利用组件对象模型设计技术实现了系统软件设计的模块化、软件结构分层组件化,方便了软件系统的集成与扩展。采用多任务线程机制,有效地满足了飞行控制系统实时性要求。利用实时操作系统的定时器任务机制,确保飞行模式的任务管理和调度。依据所提出的软件设计架构完成了实时机载软件和地面站软件组件模块的设计与开发,而且软件集成快捷方便。研究成果已成功应用于某型无人直升机飞行控制系统。  相似文献   

Establishing a system for measuring plant health and bacterial infection is critical in agriculture. Previously, the farmers themselves, who observed them with their eyes and relied on their experience in analysis, which could have been incorrect. Plant inspection can determine which plants reflect the quantity of green light and near-infrared using infrared light, both visible and eye using a drone. The goal of this study was to create algorithms for assessing bacterial infections in rice using images from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with an ensemble classification technique. Convolution neural networks in unmanned aerial vehicles image were used. To convey this interest, the rice’s health and bacterial infection inside the photo were detected. The project entailed using pictures to identify bacterial illnesses in rice. The shape and distinct characteristics of each infection were observed. Rice symptoms were defined using machine learning and image processing techniques. Two steps of a convolution neural network based on an image from a UAV were used in this study to determine whether this area will be affected by bacteria. The proposed algorithms can be utilized to classify the types of rice deceases with an accuracy rate of 89.84 percent.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new distributed formation flight protocol for unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)to perform coordinated circular tracking around a set of circles on a target sphere.Different from the previous results limited in bidirectional networks and disturbance-free motions,this paper handles the circular formation flight control problem with both directed network and spatiotemporal disturbance with the knowledge of its upper bound.Distinguishing from the design of a common Lyapunov fiunction for bidirectional cases,we separately design the control for the circular tracking subsystem and the formation keeping subsystem with the circular tracking error as input.Then the whole control system is regarded as a cascade connection of these two subsystems,which is proved to be stable by input-tostate stability(ISS)theory.For the purpose of encountering the external disturbance,the backstepping technology is introduced to design the control inputs of each UAV pointing to North and Down along the special sphere(say,the circular tracking control algorithm)with the help of the switching function.Meanwhile,the distributed linear consensus protocol integrated with anther switching anti-interference item is developed to construct the control input of each UAV pointing to east along the special sphere(say,the formation keeping control law)for formation keeping.The validity of the proposed control law is proved both in the rigorous theory and through numerical simulations.  相似文献   

无人机飞行控制系统软件白盒测试用例设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件测试在软件生存期中占有非常突出的重要地位,也是保证软件质量的重要手段,首先介绍软件测试中白盒测试的方法;然后以某型无人机飞行控制系统软件测试为例,具体研究了无人机飞行控制系统软件白盒测试的测试用例的设计方法,总结了白盒测试的测试用例的设计步骤,比较了几种覆盖准则,指出了修正条件/判定覆盖的优点,提出并讨论了无人机飞行控制系统软件白盒测试的覆盖准则。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于工业控制计算机开发的某型无人机飞行控制系统模拟器设计;详细介绍了系统设计原理,给出了硬件构成方案、软件功能模块组成和程序流程图,最后分析了测试结果;该模拟器充分利用了当前计算机技术、自动控制技术、系统实时仿真技术和面向对象编程技术,具有功能强大、界面友好、操作灵活的特点。可用于无人机系统先期设计验证或后期测试维护;实际使用情况表明该系统性能良好,完全能够代替真实飞行控制系统进行实时仿真试验。  相似文献   

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones introduced for military applications are gaining popularity in several other fields as well such as security and surveillance, due to their ability to perform repetitive and tedious tasks in hazardous environments. Their increased demand created the requirement for enabling the UAVs to traverse independently through the Three Dimensional (3D) flight environment consisting of various obstacles which have been efficiently addressed by metaheuristics in past literature. However, not a single optimization algorithms can solve all kind of optimization problem effectively. Therefore, there is dire need to integrate metaheuristic for general acceptability. To address this issue, in this paper, a novel reinforcement learning controlled Grey Wolf Optimisation-Archimedes Optimisation Algorithm (QGA) has been exhaustively introduced and exhaustively validated firstly on 22 benchmark functions and then, utilized to obtain the optimum flyable path without collision for UAVs in three dimensional environment. The performance of the developed QGA has been compared against the various metaheuristics. The simulation experimental results reveal that the QGA algorithm acquire a feasible and effective flyable path more efficiently in complicated environment.  相似文献   

小型无人机自身负载小,所能携带的通信设备比较有限,可以安装鱼眼镜头作为相互之间的视觉通信设备以扩大无人机的可视范围,但鱼眼镜头仍然存在视觉盲区.为了解决这一问题,论文提出了存在视觉盲区的小型无人机群自主控制算法.论文的主要思想是,首先,对无人机的飞行时的运动状态进行分析,进而建立其飞行时的运动学方程;其次,针对无人机飞...  相似文献   

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