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Component middleware provides dependable and efficient platforms that support key functional, and quality of service (QoS) needs of distributed real-time embedded (DRE) systems. Component middleware, however, also introduces challenges for DRE system developers, such as evaluating the predictability of DRE system behavior, and choosing the right design alternatives before committing to a specific platform or platform configuration. Model-based technologies help address these issues by enabling design-time analysis, and providing the means to automate the development, deployment, configuration, and integration of component-based DRE systems. To this end, this paper applies model checking techniques to DRE design models using model transformations to verify key QoS properties of component-based DRE systems developed using Real-time CORBA. We introduce a formal semantic domain for a general class of DRE systems that enables the verification of distributed non-preemptive real-time scheduling. Our results show that model-based techniques enable design-time analysis of timed properties and can be applied to effectively predict, simulate, and verify the event-driven behavior of component-based DRE systems. This research was supported by the NSF Grants CCR-0225610 and ACI-0204028 Gabor Madl is a Ph.D. student and a graduate student researcher at the Center for Embedded Computer Systems at the University of California, Irvine. His advisor is Nikil Dutt. His research interests include the formal verification, optimization, component-based composition, and QoS management of distributed real-time embedded systems. He received his M.S. in computer science from Vanderbilt University and in computer engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Dr. Sherif Abdelwahed received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada, in 2001. During 2000–2001, he was a research scientist with the system diagnosis group at the Rockwell Scientific Company. Since 2001 he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Vanderbilt University as a Research Assistant Professor. His research interests include verification and control of distributed real-time systems, and model-based diagnosis of discrete-event and hybrid systems. Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt is a Professor of Computer Science, Associate Chair of the Computer Science and Engineering program, and a Senior Researcher in the Institute for Software Integrated Systems (ISIS) all at Vanderbilt University. He has published over 300 technical papers and 6 books that cover a range of research topics, including patterns, optimization techniques, and empirical analyses of software frameworks and domain-specific modeling environments that facilitate the development of distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) middleware and applications. Dr. Schmidt has served as a Deputy Office Director and a Program Manager at DARPA, where he lead the national R&D effort on middleware for DRE systems. In addition to his academic research and government service, Dr. Schmidt has over fifteen years of experience leading the development of ACE, TAO, CIAO, and CoSMIC, which are widely used, open-source DRE middleware frameworks and model-driven tools that contain a rich set of components and domain-specific languages that implement patterns and product-line architectures for high-performance DRE systems.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of symbolic model checking technology to verify the design of an embedded satellite software control system called the attitude and orbit control system (AOCS). This system is mission critical because it is responsible for maintaining the attitude of the satellite and for performing fault detection, isolation, and recovery decisions. An executable AOCS implementation by Space Systems Finland has been provided in Ada source code form, and we use the input language of the symbolic model checker NuSMV 2 to model the implementation at a detailed level. We describe the modeling techniques and abstractions used to alleviate the state space explosion due to the handling of timers and the large number of system components controlled by the AOCS. The required behavior has been specified as extended state machine diagrams and translated to temporal logic properties. Besides well-known LTL and CTL model checking algorithms, we adapt a previously unexplored form of the liveness-to-safety approach to the problem. The latter new technique turns out to successfully prove all desired properties of the system, outperforming both the LTL and CTL implementations of NuSMV 2.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the feasibility of reducing a model-checking problem K???? for discrete time Duration Calculus to the decision problem for Presburger Arithmetic. Theoretical results point at severe limitations of this approach: (1) the reduction in Fränzle and Hansen (Int J Softw Inform 3(2–3):171–196, 2009) produces Presburger formulas whose sizes grow exponentially in the chop-depth of ?, where chop is an interval modality originating from Moszkowski (IEEE Comput 18(2):10–19, 1985), and (2) the decision problem for Presburger Arithmetic has a double exponential lower bound and a triple exponential upper bound. The generated Presburger formulas have a rich Boolean structure, many quantifiers and quantifier alternations. Such formulas are simplified using so-called guarded formulas, where a guard provides a context used to simplify the rest of the formula. A normal form for guarded formulas supports global effects of local simplifications. Combined with quantifier-elimination techniques, this normalization gives significant reductions in formula sizes and in the number of quantifiers. As an example, we solve a configuration problem using the SMT-solver Z3 as backend. Benefits and the current limits of the approach are illustrated by a family of examples.  相似文献   

Regular model checking is the name of a family of techniques for analyzing infinite-state systems in which states are represented by words, sets of states by finite automata, and transitions by finite-state transducers. In this framework, the central problem is to compute the transitive closure of a transducer. Such a representation allows to compute the set of reachable states of the system and to detect loops between states. A main obstacle of this approach is that there exists many systems for which the reachable set of states is not regular. Recently, regular model checking has been extended to systems with tree-like architectures. In this paper, we provide a procedure, based on a new implementable acceleration technique, for computing the transitive closure of a tree transducer. The procedure consists of incrementally adding new transitions while merging states, which are related according to a pre-defined equivalence relation. The equivalence is induced by a downward and an upward simulation relation, which can be efficiently computed. Our technique can also be used to compute the set of reachable states without computing the transitive closure. We have implemented and applied our technique to various protocols.  相似文献   

International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer - This article is a follow-up contribution that extends the conference paper (Nxumalo, in: Laarman, Sokolova (eds)Model Checking...  相似文献   

We apply both model checking and logical reasoning to a real-time protocol for mutual exclusion. To this end we employ PLC-Automata, an abstract notion of programs for real-time systems. A logic-based semantics in terms of Duration Calculus is used to verify the correctness of the protocol by logical reasoning. An alternative but consistent operational semantics in terms of Timed Automata is used to verify the correctness by model checkers. Since model checking of the full model does not terminate in all cases within an acceptable time we examine abstractions and their influence on model-checking performance. We present two abstraction methods that can be applied successfully for the protocol presented.Received June 1999Accepted in revised form September 2003 by M.R. Hansen and C. B. Jones  相似文献   

SecSpaces is a Linda-like coordination model whose aim is to provide a support for secure coordination in Open System applications. Substantially it provides a methodology to restrict the access to the objects stored in the shared dataspace. In this paper we introduce a formal language for representing systems interacting via SecSpaces primitives and its operational semantics. Moreover in this context we consider a notion of observational equivalence, namely testing equivalence. In order to evaluate the adequacy of the model for limiting the access to the shared dataspace, we present some examples of interaction protocols that can be used to obtain some security properties (e.g., authentication or privacy of a datum).  相似文献   

In recent years, we have designed a lightweight approach to regular model checking specifically designed for parameterized systems with global conditions. Our approach combines the strength of regular languages, used for representing infinite sets of configurations, with symbolic model checking and approximations. In this paper, we give a uniform presentation of several variations of a symbolic backward reachability scheme in which different classes of regular expressions are used in place of BDDs. The classification of the proposed methods is based on the precision of the resulting approximated analysis.  相似文献   

Program checking is now a mature technology, but is not yet used on a large scale. We identify one cause of this gap in the decoupling of checking tools from the everyday development tools. To radically change the situation, we explore the integration of simple user-defined checks into the core of every development process: the compiler. The checks we implement express constrained reachability queries in the control flow graph taking the form “from x to y avoiding z”, where x, y, and z are native code patterns containing a blend of syntactic, semantic and dataflow information. Compiler integration enables continuous checking throughout development, but also a pervasive propagation of checking technology. This integration poses some interesting challenges, including tight bounds on the acceptable overhead, but in turn opens up new perspectives. Factorizing analyses between checking and compiling improves both the efficiency and the expressiveness of the checks.  相似文献   

Electronic payment systems play a vital role in modern business-to-consumer and business-to-business e-commerce. Atomicity, fault tolerance and security concerns form a problem domain of interdependent issues that are taken into account to assure the transaction guarantees of interest. We focus on the most notable payment transaction guarantees: money conservation, no double spending, goods atomicity, distributed payment atomicity, certified delivery or validated receipt and the high-level guarantees of fairness and protection of payment participants’ interests. Apart from a roadmap to the forenamed transaction guarantees, this work’s contribution is basically a full-fledged methodology for building and validating high-level protocol models and for proving payment transaction guarantees by model checking them from different participants perspectives (payer perspective, as well as payee perspective). Our approach lies on the use of Colored Petri Nets and the CPN Tools environment (i) for editing and analyzing protocol models, (ii) for proving the required transaction guarantees by CTL-based (Computation Tree Temporal Logic) model checking and (iii) for evaluating the need of candidate security requirements.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for checking security properties in programs written in high‐level languages. The method is based on the model checking technique. The SMV tool is used. The representation of the program is a Kripke structure modelling the control flow graph enriched with security information. The properties considered are secure information flow and the absence of covert channels caused by program termination. The formulae expressing these security properties are given using the logic CTL. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Real-time systems (RTS) are omnipresent in several domains. The trend is to use multiprocessor architecture to satisfy the timing constraints of such systems. The model-checking methods have proven to be useful for making the development process reliable at a high abstraction level. Based on this approach, the present paper proposes a new technique for scheduling analysis of a partitioned multiprocessor RTS. Starting from a model with dynamic priority time Petri Nets modeling the system, we have proposed a generation of a reduced states graph. Thus, through the properties of the graph the schedulability is checked. Our approach provides an implementation of a Partition Checker tool, which produces an affirmation of the schedulability or a counterexample in the case of non-schedulable system to reduce the SW/HW space exploration.  相似文献   

Planar curves are described by information about corners integrated over various levels of resolution. The detection of corners takes place on a digital representation. To compensate for ambiguities arising from sampling problems due to the discreteness, results about the local behavior of curvature extrema in continuous scale-space are employed  相似文献   

多值模型检测是解决形式化验证中状态爆炸问题的一种重要方法,三值模型检测是多值模型检测的基础,其中如何检验不确定状态的真值是一难点。针对不确定状态检验,提出了一种模型检测方法,首先对不完全Kripke结构PKS进行了扩展,然后在扩展后的模型上给出了检测不确定状态真值的方法,最后给出了基于扩展不完全Kripke结构的三值逻辑模型检测算法。与已有的三值逻辑模型检测算法相比,该算法降低了算法复杂度,完善了对于不确定或不一致信息的处理,从而增强了三值逻辑模型检测的实用性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates implementations of process algebras which are suitable for modeling concurrent real-time systems. It suggests an approach for efficiently implementing real-time semantics using dynamic priorities. For this purpose a process algebra with dynamic priority is defined, whose semantics corresponds one-to-one to traditional real-time semantics. The advantage of the dynamic-priority approach is that it drastically reduces the state-space sizes of the systems in question while preserving all properties of their functional and real-time behavior. The utility of the technique is demonstrated by a case study that deals with the formal modeling and verification of several aspects of the widely-used SCSI-2 bus-protocol. The case study is carried out in the Concurrency Workbench of North Carolina, an automated verification tool in which the process algebra with dynamic priority is implemented. It turns out that the state space of the bus-protocol model is about an order of magnitude smaller than the one resulting from real-time semantics. The accuracy of the model is proved by applying model checking for verifying several mandatory properties of the bus protocol. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach to making liveness model checking problems under fairness feasible. The proposed method divides such a problem into smaller ones that can be conquered. It is not superior to existing tools dedicated to model checking liveness properties under fairness assumptions in terms of model checking performance but has the following positive aspects: 1) the approach can be used to model check liveness properties under anti-fairness assumptions as well as fairness assumptions, 2) the approach can help humans better understand the reason why they need to use fairness and/or anti-fairness assumptions, and 3) the approach makes it possible to use existing linear temporal logic model checkers to model check liveness properties under fairness and/or anti-fairness assumptions.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of scheduling a set ofn tasks on a uniprocessor such that a feasible schedule that satisfies each task's time constraints is generated. Traditionally, researchers have looked at all the tasks as a group and applied heuristic or enumeration search to it. We propose a new approach called thedecomposition scheduling where tasks are decomposed into a sequence of subsets. The subsets are scheduled independently, in the order of the sequence. It is proved that a feasible schedule can be generated as long as one exists for the tasks. In addition, the overall scheduling cost is reduced to the sum of the scheduling costs of the tasks in each subset.Simulation experiments were conducted to analyze the performance of decomposition scheduling approach. The results show that in many cases decomposition scheduling performs better than the traditional branch-and-bound algorithms in terms of scheduling cost, and heuristic algorithms in terms of percentage of finding feasible schedules over randomly-generated task sets.  相似文献   

Social commitments have been extensively and effectively used to represent and model business contracts among autonomous agents having competing objectives in a variety of areas (e.g., modeling business processes and commitment-based protocols). However, the formal verification of social commitments and their fulfillment is still an active research topic. This paper presents CTLC+ that modifies CTLC, a temporal logic of commitments for agent communication that extends computation tree logic (CTL) logic to allow reasoning about communicating commitments and their fulfillment. The verification technique is based on reducing the problem of model checking CTLC+ into the problem of model checking ARCTL (the combination of CTL with action formulae) and the problem of model checking GCTL* (a generalized version of CTL* with action formulae) in order to respectively use the extended NuSMV symbolic model checker and the CWB-NC automata-based model checker as a benchmark. We also prove that the reduction techniques are sound and the complexity of model checking CTLC+ for concurrent programs with respect to the size of the components of these programs and the length of the formula is PSPACE-complete. This matches the complexity of model checking CTL for concurrent programs as shown by Kupferman et al. We finally provide two case studies taken from business domain along with their respective implementations and experimental results to illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed technique. The first one is about the NetBill protocol and the second one considers the Contract Net protocol.  相似文献   

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