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从脆硫铅锑矿冶炼渣中回收的高银粗铜(含Cu 88.1%~92.3%,Ag 1.58%~4.52%)须折价出售,若选用适宜方法进行高银粗铜电解回收粗铜中的银、铜等有价金属,实现银、铜增值将给生产厂家带来直接的经济效益.某厂通过试验选用Cu(NO3)2-HNO3溶液进行电解生产实践,研究了影响电解的因素,确定了适宜的工艺技术条件,实现了高银粗铜中产出阴极铜和富集回收银及其它有价金属的目的,产出的阴极铜中Cu纯度为99.03%~99.21%,铜阳极泥富集了银、铅等有价金属,其化学成份为:Ag 9.58%~13.42%,Pb 8.24%~9.13%,Bi 17.34%~20.67%,Sb 9.19%~10.64%,Cu 15.17%~21.36%.结果表明采用该法可有效提纯铜,同时亦可更经济有效地回收银及其它有价金属. 相似文献
大红山铜矿伴生金银综合回收技术试验研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
针对大红山铜矿伴生金银在浮选时回收率较低的问题,开展试验研究。在工艺矿物学研究分析的基础上,研究出了适合的浮选药剂。通过小型试验、扩大连续性试验、工业试验验证,形成了大红山铜矿伴生金银综合回收的工艺技术。与原生产工艺流程相比,铜回收率提高1 47%、金回收率提高16 4%、银回收率提高10 71%;取提了显著的经济效益。 相似文献
J. BRENT HISKEY V. P. ATLURI 《Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review》2013,34(1-2):95-134
Cyanide has been recognized for a long time as a powerful lixiviant for gold and silver, forming very stable cyano complexes with both metals. While cyanide is very effective in leaching free milling ores, there are certain classes of gold and silver ores (i.e., carbonaceous, pyritic. arsenical, manganiferous, cuperferous) that are considered refractory to conventional cyanidation dissolution. Recently there has been considerable effort directed towards new and improved reagents for leaching these difficult-to-treat ores and concentrates. A large portion of this effort has been devoted to finding alternative lixiviants that might compete with conventional cyanidation. Furthermore, there is a general interest in developing non-toxic environmentally safe substitutes for cyanide. There are a number of reagents that form stable complexes with gold and silver e.g., thiourea, thiosulfate, halides, malononitrile, acetonitrile and polysulfides. The chemistry of gold and silver dissolution using alternative lixiviants is discussed in this paper. Special emphasis is given to the application of Eh-pH diagrams to interpret the dissolution behavior. 相似文献
金银湿法冶炼物料中铜的快速测定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对金银湿法冶炼物料中含有效硫低的特点,建立了铜测定的快速溶样方法。采用盐酸和过氧化氢联合溶样,试样溶解完全,污染小,与GB/T3884.1—2000方法比对,结果测定同样快速准确。 相似文献
火试金法测定非浮选铜精矿中金银的条件分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目前非浮选铜精矿中含杂质种类繁多且含量高,严重干扰金银正常测定,火试金法测定铜精矿中金和银量国家标准方法不能完全适用。文中对火试金方法快速准确分析非浮选铜精矿中金和银量的各种条件进行了分析。 相似文献
提高丰山铜矿金银回收率的工艺研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
概述了丰山铜矿金银回收现状和影响因素,在研究矿石中金银工艺矿物学特性的基础上,推荐采用铜硫混合浮选,粗精矿再磨,铜硫分离浮选新工艺,提高了金银回收率,通过实践,取得了良好的经济效益。 相似文献
对某浮选铜精矿进行了焙烧一氰化法提取金、银和铜的工艺方法研究。研究表明,将浮选金精矿(0.074 mm所占比例>90%)于600℃条件下焙烧,产生的SO2用于制酸,焙砂采用5%H2SO4浸取回收铜,酸浸渣先用新型调整剂(NH4HCO3+NaOH)调浸出液pH值≈9.5,以氰化法进行浸出。其金、银和铜的浸出率分别达到98.18%、32.17%和93.6%,经济效益和社会效益显著,为铜精矿的湿法提取工艺提供了一个有效的工艺方法。 相似文献
The effects of copper(I) and copper(II) metal centers on the atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of styrene and methyl acrylate were investigated. The free-radical polymerizations were initiated by AIBN in the presence of copper(I) and copper(II) complexes. For methyl acrylate, the rate of the polymerization was reduced in the presence of CuIBr/dNbpy and CuIOTf/dTbpy but was unaffected by the presence of CuII(OTf)2/dTbpy. For styrene, under conditions which yield relatively low molecular weight polymer (16 000), no effect was observed in the presence of CuII(OTf)2/dNbpy; however, under conditions which yield high molecular weight polystyrene (50 000-100 000), the polymerization was limited in the molecular weight attainable and stopped at partial conversion. No effect was observed for the free-radical polymerization of styrene in the presence of copper(I) complexes. These results indicate that control in ATRP does not originate in interactions of growing radicals with copper complexes but in the reversible halogen atom transfer. 相似文献
本文对红透山选矿产品工艺矿物学研究,重点查明伴生金银的赋存状态、嵌布粒度等工艺特征;对矿物组成、单体解离度行进行了系统考查。为确定合理的选矿工艺流程及条件提供依据。 相似文献
J. R. Parga M. Rodríguez V. Vázquez J. L. Valenzuela H. Moreno 《Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review》2013,34(6):363-373
Cyanidation is the predominant process by which gold and silver are recovered from their ores in metallurgical operations, and it is recognized that the Carbon in Pulp, the Merrill–Crowe, the Ion Exchange, and Solvent Extraction processes are used for concentration and purification of gold and silver from cyanide solutions. Among other available options for recovery of precious metals from cyanide solutions, Electrocoagulation (EC) is a very promising water and wastewater electrochemical technique that does not require high concentrations of silver and gold in cyanide solutions to yield excellent results. In this work, an introduction to the fundamentals of the EC process is given, followed by the conditions and results of the EC test run for removal of precious metals from cyanide solutions, and finally the characterization of the solid products formed during the EC process with X-ray Diffraction, SEM, and Transmission Mossbauer Spectroscopy. Results suggest that magnetite particles and amorphous iron oxyhydroxides are present (Lepidocrocite and Gohetite). With the EC process, the achieved removal efficiency of silver and gold from cyanide solutions, within 5 min, exceeded 99%. 相似文献
提高铜浮渣反射炉熔炼金银回收率的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对某冶炼厂生产浮渣含硫低、含铜高的特点,提出了采用加铅精矿代替加硫精砂熔炼.小型试验结果表明:铅、金和银直收率分别提高了4.14%、5.2%、5.89%;冰铜品位由30%提高到33%以上;炉渣中Pb、Au、Ag含量降低. 相似文献
测定炭样(载金炭、尾炭)中金、银和铜的传统化学分析法[1]分析手续复杂,氨味浓、环境差,且氰化钾剧毒,会危害操作人员身体健康。经试验,炭样中除含金、银和铜外,其它元素含量均较低,样品不经富集分离,其它元素不干扰其测定;在酸性介质中硫脲对金、银和铜具有较强的络合能力[2,3],样品经灼烧、王水溶解后,加入高氯酸和硫脲可使金、银、铜与硫脲形成较稳定的络合物,而全部进入溶液,由此可实现在同一溶液中,用火焰原子吸收法同时测定炭样中的金、银和铜。该法具有简单、快速、准确、经济、无毒无污染等优点。1实验部分… 相似文献
利用热重分析法、SEM(EDX)和X射线衍射研究了一种Ni-Cr-Co基高温合金在两种不同水蒸汽含量的空气中的高温腐蚀行为.结果表明:合金在750℃含有10%H2O的空气中的腐蚀动力学规律为先遵从抛物线后遵从直线规律,试样表面形成Cr2O3层,并且有内氧化物生成.合金在775℃含有5%H2O的空气中腐蚀时,试样表面致密的氧化层由Cr2O3,TiO2和CoCr2O4组成,同时也发生了内氧化现象.水蒸汽加速了合金的腐蚀速度.整个腐蚀过程由元素通过氧化膜的传输控制. 相似文献
湿法冶炼中氰化金泥杂质元素含量的波动,容易造成冶炼副产品铜渣中的贵金属含量过高,从而影响到黄金精炼的回收率,直接关系到企业的经济效益。为了更有效地回收贵金属,提高企业经济效益,利用金银与其他贱金属的电位差异,通过加入氧化剂调整体系电位,以此达到金银与贱金属分离的目的。从铜渣中进一步提取贵金属工艺采用控电位氯化技术分离出杂质铜-废液置换铜-含金银渣进一步除杂分出金-剩下含银渣铸阳极板银电解回收银,来处理含金品位高的铜渣能够最终实现金、银、铜的分离,提高黄金冶炼回收率。 相似文献
复杂银阳极泥回收金工艺是通过对其水溶液氯化得到分金液,使用亚钠进行还原得到合格金粉,由于外购原料增多,经水溶液氯化得到的分金液含有铂钯,分金液亚钠还原效率仅能控制在65%左右,需二次亚钠还原回收金。然而,得到的二次金粉中钯含量超标,返工易富集循环,不利于钯回收。本研究改进了复杂银阳极泥氯化分金液在进行亚钠一次还原后提取金、钯的工艺,具体工艺流程:首先,通过小型试验对还原后液开展DBC萃金并提纯金工艺,萃余液在进行传统的提取钯工艺的基础上,采用水合肼还原二氯二氨络亚钯得到钯黑。之后,进行工业扩大试验,确定最佳工艺技术条件。整个工艺过程中,金和钯的直收率分别为99.52%和94.53%,技术指标良好。 相似文献
本文主要研究了火试金法分析铜精矿中Au、Ag时,在同一试样情况下,不同的试样粒度对Au、Ag分析结果的影响,证实铜精矿试样粒度为180目时,火试金法分析的Au、Ag结果具有最好的精密度和准确度. 相似文献
Jacobson Nathan S. Savadkouei Kayvon Morin Christophe Fenstad Jo Copland Evan H. 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》2016,47(6):3533-3543
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Laboratory studies and a literature search indicate that there is no definitive procedure for combustion analysis of low levels of carbon in Cu, Ag, and... 相似文献
火试金法测定银阳极泥中的金和银 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
运用火试金法分离并捕集银阳极泥中的金和银,灰吹所得金银合粒称重后,加入一定量纯银标准并进行二次灰吹,使金银合粒能被稀硝酸溶解。利用金不溶于硝酸的性质使金、银分离,用重量法测定金量和银量。应用于实际试料的分析,方法的精密度(RSD,n=5)分别为Au<0.1%,Ag<0.2%。加标回收率分别为Au:99.88%~100.67%,Ag:98.81%~100.06%。 相似文献