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Asynchronous chain recursions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors study the compilation and efficient processing of asynchronous chain recursions and show that many complex function-free recursions, which may contain single or multiple linear recursive rules, nonlinear recursive rules, mutually recursive rules, and multiple-level recursions, can be compiled to asynchronous chain recursions. The study on the compilation methods, the simplification of compiled formulas, and the query-processing techniques shows that asynchronous chain recursions can be compiled to relatively simple compiled formulas and processed efficiently using transitive closure query-processing methods  相似文献   

We study a general class of single linear recursions and the properties of their expansions by analyzing the structures of the recursions. We show that the expansions of a linear recursion of this class are very regular in that the variable connections are heavily shared and change periodically with respect to the expansions. The variable connections can be precisely characterized as static bindings and chain connections. We conclude that a single linear recursion under our assumptions either is bounded or can be expressed as chain recursions. This study contributes to query processing, because it provides the basis for rule compilation as a general and powerful technique for query processing. Combined with query information, the expansion properties of the recursion provide optimized query-processing plans  相似文献   

The authors present a graph model which is powerful in classifying and compiling linear recursive formulas in deductive databases. The graph model consists of two kinds of graphs: I-graph and resolution graph. Essential properties of a recursive formula can be extracted from its I-graph, and the compiled formula and the query evaluation plan of the recursive formulas can be determined from its resolution graph. It is demonstrated that based on the graph model all the linear recursive formulas can be classified into a taxonomy of classes and each class shares common characteristics in query compilation and query processing. The compiled formulas and the corresponding query evaluation plans can be derived based on the study of the compilation of each class  相似文献   

The execution model for mobile, dynamically‐linked, object‐oriented programs has evolved from fast interpretation to a mix of interpreted and dynamically compiled execution. The primary motivation for dynamic compilation is that compiled code executes significantly faster than interpreted code. However, dynamic compilation, which is performed while the application is running, introduces execution delay. In this paper we present two dynamic compilation techniques that enable high performance execution while reducing the effect of this compilation overhead. These techniques can be classified as (1) decreasing the amount of compilation performed, and (2) overlapping compilation with execution. We first present and evaluate lazy compilation, an approach used in most dynamic compilation systems in which individual methods are compiled on‐demand upon their first invocation. This is in contrast to eager compilation, in which all methods in a class are compiled when a new class is loaded. In this work, we describe our experience with eager compilation, as well as the implementation and transition to lazy compilation. We empirically detail the effectiveness of this decision. Our experimental results using the SpecJVM Java benchmarks and the Jalapeño JVM show that, compared to eager compilation, lazy compilation results in 57% fewer methods being compiled and reductions in total time of 14 to 26%. Total time in this context is compilation plus execution time. Next, we present profile‐driven, background compilation, a technique that augments lazy compilation by using idle cycles in multiprocessor systems to overlap compilation with application execution. With this approach, compilation occurs on a thread separate from that of application threads so as to reduce intermittent, and possibly substantial, delay in execution. Profile information is used to prioritize methods as candidates for background compilation. Methods are compiled according to this priority scheme so that performance‐critical methods are invoked using optimized code as soon as possible. Our results indicate that background compilation can achieve the performance of off‐line compiled applications and masks almost all compilation overhead. We show significant reductions in total time of 14 to 71% over lazy compilation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Knowledge Compilation Using the Extension Rule   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we define a new class of tractable theories: EPCCL theories. Using EPCCL theories as a target language, we propose a new method for knowledge compilation. It is different from existing approaches in that both the compilation and the querying are based on the extension rule, a newly introduced inference rule. With our compilation method, arbitrary queries about the compiled knowledge base can be answered in linear time in the size of the compiled knowledge base. For some theories, the compilation can be done very efficiently, and the size of the compiled theory is small. Furthermore, our method suggests a new family of knowledge compilation methods.  相似文献   

Memoing is often used in logic programming to avoid redundant evaluation of similar goals, often on programs that are inherently recursive in nature. The interaction between memoing and recursion, however, is quite complex. There are several top-down evaluation strategies for logic programs that utilize memoing to achieve completeness in the presence of recursion. This paper’s focus, however, is on the use ofnaive memoing in Prolog. Using memoingnaively in conjunction with recursion in Prolog may not produce expected results. For example, adding naive memoing to Prolog’s evaluation of a right-recursive transitive closure may be incomplete, whereas adding naive memoing to Prolog’s evaluation of a left-recursive transitive closure may be terminating and complete. This paper examines the completeness of naive memoing in linear-recursive, function-free logic programs evaluated with Prolog’s top-down evaluation strategy. In addition, we assume that the program is definite and safe, having finite base relations and exactly one recursive predicate. The goal of the paper is a theoretical study of the completeness of naive memoing and recursion in Prolog, illustrating the limitations imposed even for this simplified class of programs. The naive memoing approach utilized for this study is based on extension tables, which provide a memo mechanism with immediate update view semantics for Prolog programs, through a source transformation known as ET. We introduce the concept ofET-complete, which refers to the completeness of the evaluation of a query over a Prolog program that memos selected predicates through the ET transformation. We show that left-linear recursions defined by a single recursive rule are ET-complete. We generalize the class of left-linear recursions that are ET-complete by introducing pseudo-left-linear recursions, which are also defined by a single linear recursive rule. To add left-linear recursions defined bymultiple linear recursive rules to the class of ET-complete recursions, we present a left-factoring algorithm that converts left-linear recursions defined by multiple recusive rules into pseudo-left-linear recursions defined by a single recursive rule. Based on these results, the paper concludes by identifying research directions for expanding the class of Prolog programs to be examined in future work. This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-9008737. Suzanne Wagner Dietrich, Ph.D.: She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University. Her research emphasis is on the evaluation of declarative logic programs especially in the context of deductive databases, including materialized view maintenance and condition monitoring in active deductive databases. More recently, her research interests include the integration of active, object-oriented and deductive databases as well as the application of this emerging database technology to various disciplines such as software engineering. She received the B. S. degree in computer science in 1983 from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and as the recipient of an Office of Naval Research Graduate Fellowship, earned her Ph.D. degree in computer science at Stony Brook in 1987. Changguan Fan, M.S.: He is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University and a software engineer at the Regenisys Corporation in Scottsdale, AZ. His research interests include the evaluation of logic programs, deductive database systems and database management systems. He received his B.S. in Computer Science from the Shanghai Institute of Railway Technology, Shanghai, China in 1982 and his M.S. in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University in 1989.  相似文献   

Constraints play an important role in the efficient query evaluation in deductive databases. Constraint-based query evaluation in deductive databases is investigated, with emphasis on linear recursions with function symbols. Constraints are grouped into three classes: rule constraints, integrity constraints, and query constraints. Techniques are developed for the maximal use of different kinds of constraints in rule compilation and query evaluation. The study on the roles of different classes of constraints in set-oriented evaluation of linear recursions shows the following: rule constraints should be integrated with their corresponding deduction rules in the compilation of recursions; integrity constraints, including finiteness constraints and monotonicity constraints, should be used in the analysis of finite evaluability and termination for specific queries; and query constraints, which are often useful in search space reduction and termination, should be transformed, when necessary, and should be pushed into the compiled chains as deeply as possible for efficient evaluation. The constraint-based query-processing technique integrates query-independent compilation and chain-based query evaluation methods and demonstrates its great promise in deductive query evaluation  相似文献   

Recursive rules are important to deductive databases. A recursive rule may be compiled into expansions. In this article, the variable-predicate graph (V-P graph) based on the α-graph by loannidis is developed to represent linear recursive function-free rules and their expansions. A naming convention is used for variables and predicates in the V-P graph so that all equivalent recursive rules may map into a unique V-P graph. We propose a graphic construction method (g.c.m.) which derives V-P graphs of expansions directly from the V-P graph of the original rule. This graphic representation reveals some expansion properties not easy to obtain otherwise. We also propose a rule rewriting method in the context of deductive database so that constants, repeated distinguished variables, and/or repeated recursive variables may be removed from recursive rules.  相似文献   

范明 《软件学报》1994,5(1):56-61
本文给出拓广的左线性递归变换算法并证明其正确性.拓广的左线性递归中可以包含一个或多个IDB谓词,它是左线性递归的一般化.和左线性递归计算算法一样,本文提供的算法遵循魔集的模式:首先改写规则,然后用半扑质的自底向上算法计算新规则.算法的有效性也在本文作简略讨论.  相似文献   

A linear recursive procedure is one each of whose executions activates at most one invocation of itself. When linear recursion cannot be replaced by iteration, it is usually implemented with a stack of size proportional to the depth of recursion. In this paper we analyze implementations of linear recursion which permit large reductions in storage space at the expense of a small increase in computation time. For example, if the depth of recursion isn, storage space can be reduced to \(\sqrt n \) at the cost of a constant factor increase in running time. The problem is treated by abstracting any implementation of linear recursion as the pebbling of a simple graph, and for this abstraction we exhibit the optimal space-time tradeoffs.  相似文献   

Detecting bounded recursions is a powerful optimization technique for recursive database query languages, as bounded recursions can be replaced by equivalent nonrecursive definitions. The problem is also of theoretical interest in that varying the class of recursions considered generates problem instances that vary from linearly decidable to NP-hard to undecidable. In this paper we review and clarify the existing definitions of boundedness. We then specify a class of recursions C such that membership in C guarantees that a certain simple condition is necessary and sufficient for boundedness. We use the notion of membership in C to unify and extend previous work on determining decidable classes of bounded recursions.  相似文献   

We present a method for analyzing assembly programs obtained by compilation and checking safety properties on compiled programs. It proceeds by analyzing the source program, translating the invariant obtained at the source level, and then checking the soundness of the translated invariant with respect to the assembly program. This process is especially adapted to the certification of assembly or other machine-level kinds of programs. Furthermore, the success of invariant checking enhances the level of confidence in the results of both the compilation and the static analysis. From a practical point of view, our method is generic in the choice of an abstract domain for representing sets of stores, and the process does not interact with the compilation itself. Hence a certification tool can be interfaced with an existing analyzer and designed so as to work with a class of compilers that do not need to be modified. Finally, a prototype was implemented to validate the approach.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a logic programming methodology which applies standardized logic program recursion forms afforded by a system of general purpose recursion schemes. The recursion schemes are conceived of as quasi higher-order predicates which accept predicate arguments, thereby representing parameterized program modules. This use of higher-order predicates is analogous to higher-order functionals in functional programming. However, these quasi higher-order predicates are handled by a metalogic programming technique within ordinary logic programming. Some of the proposed recursion operators are actualizations of mathematical induction principles (e.g. structural induction as generalization of primitive recursion). Others are heuristic schemes for commonly occurring recursive program forms. The intention is to handle all recursions in logic programs through the given repertoire of higher-order predicates. We carry out a pragmatic feasibility study of the proposed recursion operators with respect to the corpus of common textbook logic programs. This pragmatic investigation is accompanied with an analysis of the theoretical expressivity. The main theoretical results concerning computability are
  1. Primitive recursive functions can be re-expressed in logic programming by predicates defined solely by non-recursive clauses augmented with afold recursion predicate akin to the fold operators in functional programming.
  2. General recursive functions can be re-expressed likewise sincefold allows re-expression of alinrec recursion predicate facilitating linear, unbounded recursion.

We report our experience from implementing and experimentally evaluating the performance of various register allocation schemes, focusing on the recently proposed linear scan register allocator. In particular, we describe in detail our implementation of linear scan and report on its behavior both on register‐rich and on register‐poor computer architectures. We also extensively investigate how different options to the basic algorithm and to the compilation process as a whole affect compilation times and quality of the produced code. In a nutshell, our experience is that a well‐tuned linear scan register allocator is a good choice on register‐rich architectures. It performs competitively with graph coloring based allocation schemes and results in significantly lower compilation times. When compilation time is a concern, such as in just‐in‐time compilers, it can also be a viable option on register‐poor architectures. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

M. K. Crowe 《Software》1987,17(7):455-467
A system for dynamic compilation under the Unix operating system is described. The basis of the system is an incremental assembler that can be used statically or during program execution to insert or replace a module in an executable image. All cross-module references are via offets into a run-time symbol table. All generated code is independent of its location or the location of the symbol table. The symbol table and all modules reside in memory segments compatible with the memory allocator malloc() . The symbol table origin is maintained in a processor register. Library procedures allow the assembler (or C compiler) to be called to alter the currently executing program, or to place a stub function which acts as a trap, so that when the stub is invoked it caues a file to be dynamically compiled into the executing program to replace the stub with a bona fide procedure. This facilitates the construction of advanced interactive environments using native code. Some example applications, to Prolog and to incremental compilation, are considered.  相似文献   

This paper distinguishes among three kinds of linear recursions:canonical strongly linear recursion(CSLR),non-interdependent linear recursion(NILR)and interdependent linear recurstion(ILR)and presents an optimal algorithm for each.First,for the CSLRs,the magic-set method is refined in such a way that queries can be evaluated efficiently.Then,for the NILRs and ILRs,the concept of query dependency graphs is introduced to partition the rules of a program into a set of CSLRs and the computation is elaborated so that the oplimization for CSLRs can also be applied.  相似文献   

The bounded Kn,n-problem is the question whether or not a graph language of a given graph grammar contains arbitrarily large complete bipartite subgraphs Kn,n. In this paper, we investigate the complexity of this problem for all relevant classes of node replacement graph grammers. Our main result states that the bounded Kn,n-problem is NL-complete for reduced nonblocking eNCE graph grammars and for reduced linear NCE graph grammars. As an application, our results settle the complexity of the problems whether or not the graph language of a given confluent, boundary, or linear graph grammar has bounded tree-width and whether or not it is an HR graph language.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the extent to which knowledge compilation can be used to circumvent the complexity of skeptical inference from a stratified belief base (SBB). We first analyze the compilability of skeptical inference from an SBB, under various requirements concerning both the selection policy under consideration, the possibility to make the stratification vary at the on-line query answering stage and the expected complexity of inference from the compiled form. Not surprisingly, the results are mainly negative. However, since they concern the worst case situation only, they do not prevent a compilation-based approach from being practically useful for some families of instances. While many approaches to compile an SBB can be designed, we are primarily interested in those which take advantage of existing knowledge compilation techniques for classical inference. Specifically, we present a general framework for compiling SBBs into so-called C-normal SBBs, where C is any tractable class for clausal entailment which is the target class of a compilation function. Another major advantage of the proposed approach lies in the flexibility of the C-normal belief bases obtained, which means that changing the stratification does not require to re-compile the SBB. For several families of compiled SBBs and several selection policies, the complexity of skeptical inference is identified. Some tractable restrictions are exhibited for each policy. Finally, some empirical results are presented.  相似文献   

Region-based compilation: Introduction, motivation, and initial experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most important task of a compiler designed to exploit instruction-level parallelism (ILP) is instruction scheduling. If higher levels of ILP are to be achieved, the compiler must use, as the unit of scheduling, regions consisting of multiple basic blocks—preferably those that frequently execute consecutively, and which capture cycles in the program’s execution. Traditionally, compilers have been built using the function as the unit of compilation. In this framework, function boundaries often act as barriers to the formation of the most suitable scheduling regions. Function inlining may be used to circumvent this problem by assembling strongly coupled functions into the same compilation unit, but at the cost of very large function bodies. Consequently, global optimizations whose compile time and space requirements are superlinear in the size of the compilation unit, may be rendered prohibitively expensive. This paper introduces a new approach, called region-based compilation, wherein the compiler, after inlining, repartitions the program into more desirable compilation units, termed regions. Region-based compilation allows the compiler to control problem size and complexity while exposing inter-procedural scheduling, optimization and code motion opportunities.  相似文献   

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