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After an overview of the lego plant simulation tools (LegoPST), the paper gives some details about the ongoing LegoPST extension for modelling lead fast reactor plants. It refers to a simple mathematical model of the liquid lead channel dynamic process and shows the preliminary results of its application in dynamic simulation of the BREST 300 liquid lead steam generator. Steady state results agree with reference data [IAEA-TECDOC 1531, Fast Reactor Database, 2006 Update] both for water and lead.  相似文献   

A large number of new fast reactors may be needed earlier than foreseen in the Generation IV plans. According to the median forecast of the Special Report on Emission Scenarios commissioned by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control nuclear power will increase by a factor of four by 2050. The drivers for this expected boost are the increasing energy demand in developing countries, energy security, but also climate concerns. However, staying with a once-through cycle will lead to both a substantially increased amount of high-level nuclear waste and an upward pressure on the price of uranium and even concerns about its availability in the coming decades. Therefore, it appears wise to accelerate the development of fast reactors and efficient re-processing technologies.In this paper, two fast reactor systems are discussed—the sodium-cooled fast reactor, which has already been built and can be further improved, and the lead-cooled fast reactor that could be developed relatively soon. An accelerated development of the latter is possible due to the sizeable experience on lead/bismuth eutectic coolant in Russian Alpha-class submarine reactors and the research efforts on accelerator-driven systems in the EU and other countries.First, comparative calculations on critical masses, fissile enrichments and burn-up swings of mid-sized SFRs and LFRs (600 MWe) are presented. Monte Carlo transport and burn-up codes were used in the analyses. Moreover, Doppler and coolant temperature and axial fuel expansion reactivity coefficients were also evaluated with MCNP and subsequently used in the European Accident Code-2 to calculate reactivity transients and unprotected Loss-of-Flow (ULOF) and Loss-of-Heat Sink (ULOHS) accidents. Further, ULOFs as well as decay heat removal (protected Total Loss-of-Power, TLOP) were calculated with the STAR-CD CFD code for both systems.We show that LFRs and SFRs can be used both as burners and as self-breeders, homogeneously incinerating minor actinides. The tight pin lattice SFRs (P/D = 1.2) appears to have a better neutron economy than wide channel LFRs (P/D = 1.6), resulting in larger BOL actinide inventories and lower burn-up swings for LFRs. The reactivity burn-up swing of an LFR self-breeder employing BeO moderator pins could be limited to 1.3$ in 1 year. For a 600 MWe LFR burner, LWR-to-burner support ratio was about two for (U, TRU)O2-fuelled system, while it increased to approximately 2.8 when (Th, TRU)O2 fuel was employed. The corresponding figures for an SFR were somewhat lower. The calculations revealed that LFRs have an advantage over SFRs in coping with the investigated severe accident initiators (ULOF, ULOHS, TLOP). The reason is better natural circulation behavior of LFR systems and the much higher boiling temperature of lead. A ULOF accident in an LFR only leads to a 220 K coolant outlet temperature increase whereas for an SFR the coolant may boil. Regarding the economics, the LFR seems to have an advantage since it does not require an intermediate coolant circuit. However, it was also proposed to avoid an intermediate coolant circuit in an SFR by using a supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle. But in an LFR, the reduced concern about air and water ingress may decrease its cost further.  相似文献   

Thermohydraulic studies of reactor facilities with fast reactors are complex experimentally and computationally. Extensive experimental data are obtained on the velocity and temperature profiles, hydrodynamic resistance and heat emission, initial heat section, and interchannel mixing of the coolant in the fuel assemblies. These are used to develop engineering methods of performing thermohydraulic calculations of fuel assemblies as well as computational compute codes. The particulars of the hydrodynamics and heat transfer in intermediate heat exchangers and steam generators of reactor facilities with fast reactors are studied. This has made it possible to validate their thermohydraulic characteristics.  相似文献   

The options of a lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR) of the fourth generation (GEN-IV) reactor with the electric power of 600 MW are investigated in the ELSY Project. The fuel selection, design and optimization are important steps of the project. Three types of fuel are considered as candidates: highly enriched Pu-U mixed oxide (MOX) fuel for the first core, the MOX containing between 2.5% and 5.0% of the minor actinides (MA) for next core and Pu-U-MA nitride fuel as an advanced option. Reference fuel rods with claddings made of T91 ferrite-martensitic steel and two alternative fuel assembly designs (one uses a closed hexagonal wrapper and the other is an open square variant without wrapper) have been assessed. This study focuses on the core variant with the closed hexagonal fuel assemblies. Based on the neutronic parameters provided by Monte-Carlo modeling with MCNP5 and ALEPH codes, simulations have been carried out to assess the long-term thermal-mechanical behaviour of the hottest fuel rods. A modified version of the fuel performance code FEMAXI-SCK-1, adapted for fast neutron spectrum, new fuels, cladding materials and coolant, was utilized for these calculations. The obtained results show that the fuel rods can withstand more than four effective full power years under the normal operation conditions without pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI). In a variant with solid fuel pellets, a mild PCMI can appear during the fifth year, however, it remains at an acceptable level up to the end of operation when the peak fuel pellet burnup ∼80 MW d kg−1 of heavy metal (HM) and the maximum clad damage of about 82 displacements per atom (dpa) are reached. Annular pellets permit to delay PCMI for about 1 year. Based on the results of this simulation, further steps are envisioned for the optimization of the fuel rod design, aiming at achieving the fuel burnup of 100 MW d kg−1 of HM.  相似文献   

Atomic Energy - The results of a comparative thermohydraulic calculation of the core channels of two types of nuclear reactors – VVER and VVER-SKD, differing in the coolant parameters at the...  相似文献   

HP-STMCs空间堆堆芯典型瞬态热工分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以计算流体力学(CFD)为基础,编写HP-STMCs空间堆堆芯功率瞬变模型和反应性反馈模型的用户自定义函数(UDF),开发堆芯瞬态分析程序SNPS-FTASR。对程序的正确性进行验证并得到满意的结果后,用SNPS-FTASR分析1个控制鼓误动作向堆芯引入正反应性和堆芯1根热管失效时的瞬态响应特性。结果显示:在1个控制鼓误动作引入正反应性时,堆芯功率先迅速升高后因堆芯反应性负反馈而缓慢上升,最终堆芯功率稳定在额定功率的121.3%。在堆芯1根热管失效时,堆芯UN燃料芯块的温度先迅速升高后因反应性负反馈使得堆芯功率迅速下降,最终堆芯功率稳定在额定功率的88.7%,堆芯最高温度较稳定状态上升约140 K,表明热管冷却空间堆在一个控制鼓误动作和1根热管失效时热工方面是安全的。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the developing world is the next area for major energy demand growth, including demand for new and advanced nuclear energy systems. With limited existing industrial and grid infrastructures, there will be an important need for future nuclear energy systems that can provide small or moderate increments of electric power (10-700 MWe) on small or immature grids in developing nations. Most recently, the global nuclear energy partnership (GNEP) has identified, as one of its key objectives, the development and demonstration of concepts for small and medium-sized reactors (SMRs) that can be globally deployed while assuring a high level of proliferation resistance. Lead-cooled systems offer several key advantages in meeting these goals. The small lead-cooled fast reactor concept known as the small secure transportable autonomous reactor (SSTAR) has been under ongoing development as part of the US advanced nuclear energy systems programs. It is a system designed to provide energy security to developing nations while incorporating features to achieve nonproliferation goals, anticipating GNEP objectives. This paper presents the motivation for development of internationally deployable nuclear energy systems as well as a summary of one such system, SSTAR, which is the US Generation IV lead-cooled fast reactor system.  相似文献   

A packaging for the transport of irradiated fuel from research reactors was designed by a group of researchers to improve the capability in the management of spent fuel elements from the reactors operated in the region. Two half scale models for MTR fuel were constructed and tested so far and a third one for both MTR and TRIGA fuels will be constructed and tested next. Four test campaigns have been carried out, covering both normal and hypothetical accident conditions of transportation. The thermal test is part of the requirements for the qualification of transportation packages for nuclear reactors spent fuel elements. In this paper, both the numerical modelling and experimental thermal tests performed are presented and discussed. The cask is briefly described as well as the finite element model developed and the main adopted hypotheses for the thermal phenomena. The results of both numerical runs and experimental tests are discussed as a tool to validate the thermal modelling. The impact limiters, attached to the cask for protection, were not modelled.  相似文献   

The results of thermomechanical and thermohydraulic studies showing the relative effect of the deformation of fuel-element claddings and lattices in fast-reactor fuel assemblies on their temperature regimes are presented. It is shown that the temperature nonuniformities in fuel assemblies largely determine the deformation of fuel assemblies and, in turn, the operating efficiency and, correspondingly, the degree of burnup of nuclear fuel in fast reactors. The increase in the efficiency of the fuel assemblies is largely due to temperature smoothing, including smoothing of local temperature nonuniformities. Various solutions to technical and structural problems can accomplish this.  相似文献   

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