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1 前言 随着我国经济的发展,人民生活水平提高,以及全球变暖的气候影响,我国制冷市场需求快速提高。现阶段制冷的主要能源为电力,燃料油和天然气只占很小比例。电空调是一种高能耗设备,而且是负荷非均衡性的能耗设备,虽然国家建设  相似文献   

全球气候概况及变化趋势,气候变化对生物物种及繁衍的影响,气候变暖导致山区植物向顶峰迁移,气候变暖促使喜暖热森林类型向北迁移,气候变暖使冻土退化,覆盖与永久性冻土之上的针叶林带状分布受到破坏,高寒草甸植物群落发生演替。促使危害林木的昆虫大量繁殖,降影响林木生长,导致荒漠化加剧及对水资源和海岸线的影响。  相似文献   

应对气候变化的城市规划与设计——前沿及对中国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着全球变暖和极端气候事件频繁发生,全球气候变化及其不利影响日益成为人类共同关心的问题。文章首先介绍了国外已有的相关研究,并以国外前沿研究为启示,分析了中国气候变化现状、影响及应对措施,认为中国面临的气候形势极为严峻,从而提出了减缓和适应气候变化的城市空间、规模、交通规划理念,又对各类灾害多发区制定了相应的设计法则,并提出了"气候·多规融合"的想法。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,地球气候正经历一次以全球变暖为主要特征的显著变化,已经给全球与我国的自然生态系统和社会经济发展带来显著深远的影响。人们开始认识到,和其它影响农业生产的常规因素一样,气候变暖已经成为影响农业生产的一个主要因素。而黑龙江省是我国气候变暖最明显的地区之一。一、玉米种植过程中的气候条件分析在玉米生长过程中,对热量、光照等方面有比较高的要求,而黑龙江地区光照比较充足,因此比较适宜玉米种植。  相似文献   

王富华  曾新中  庞旭卿 《山西建筑》2007,33(33):211-212
针对全球气候呈现变暖趋势的现状,文中从动植物化石及历史文献入手,分析了动植物在黄土高原的迁徙与气候冷暖的关系,从自然历史规律出发预测了全球变暖对黄土高原地区恢复秀美山川可能是有利的。  相似文献   

通风系统可分为自然通风与机械通风两种。建筑中的机械通风系统主要是二氧化碳释放的过程,易对环境造成不利影响.加剧全球气候变暖,尤其是在热带地区,因此,自然通风受到越来越多的重视。捕风器作为一个绿色建筑构件,在被动制冷与自然通风的过程中被当做一个可持续性的绿色通风措施在国外被广泛使用。捕风器的节能技术及它的应用情况将在本篇文章中做具体介绍,包括它的形态、特质、工作原理以及在各种建筑中的使用情况。  相似文献   

气候变暖:21世纪全球面临的最严重挑战之一全球气候变暖:一个不争的事实2007年2月2日,据政府间气候专门委员会(IPCC)发表的《第四次气候评估报告》显示,地球气候的温度在过去100年中变暖了0.74℃,主要的变暖阶段是最近50年;同时,未来20年每10年地球的气候还会变暖0.2℃。  相似文献   

随着全球气候变暖,极端天气气候事件增多,我国森林火灾发生频次和造成的损失都呈上升趋势。本文从气温、降水、风力和极端天气气候事件4个方面研究气候变化对森林火灾的影响,分析森林火灾对气候变化的反馈作用,研讨了气候继续变暖背景下森林火灾的情势,并提出针对性的预防对策。  相似文献   

块石路堤上覆砂砾石厚度对冻土路基冷却效果的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
用数值模拟的方法得到不同上覆砂砾石厚度的块石路堤及普通路堤作用下铁路路基的温度场,通过对比分析显示:块石路堤相对于普通路堤能明显提高路基下多年冻土上限,降低多年冻土地温,有较强的主动制冷作用;块石上覆砂砾石厚度的增加,会减弱块石的制冷作用,降低路基多年冻土上限;当砂砾石大于某一厚度时,中部一定范围的块石几乎丧失主动制冷能力,多年冻土地温逐渐升高,这对路基稳定及冻土保护极为不利。考虑全球气候变暖趋势及高路堤带来的高荷载影响,建议块石路堤上覆砂砾石不要太厚,应寻求制冷与多年冻土上限抬升两者兼得的最优厚度。  相似文献   

人类过去200年左右所收集、整理的数据清晰地表明了全球气候总体上在变暖。气候变暖的主要原因为何?大多数科学家认定是人类活动向大气中排放了过量的温室气体。全球气候变暖会对全人类的福祉乃至生存带来严重的后果。例如,如气候变暖的趋势得不到扭转,冰川融化,今日繁荣的大都市例如上海、纽约、鹿特丹等地,明日将位于海平面之下[1]。  相似文献   


The refrigeration and air conditioning system is a booming research in the research area. In refrigeration, the scientists focus on the new refrigerant in order to reduce the global warming potential (GWP), high coefficient of performance (COP) and meet zero ozone depletion potential (ODP). Not only the new refrigerant as a solution to attain zero ODP, high COP and at the same time to optimise the design of refrigeration system to meet ODP and COP as a required level. This paper aims to optimise the design of a double refrigerator evaporator for a refrigerator employing non ozone-depleting hydrocarbon refrigerant using brine as a secondary solution with a low GWP. It is done by numerical modelling followed by the parametric modelling using CATIA V5.  相似文献   

In recent years, global warming has reached critical levels and this has caused a gradual decrease in the use of refrigerants. In the 1997 Kyoto Conference, it was announced that after 2011, use of refrigerants which have higher global warming potential (GWP) of 150 will be restricted. Hence, it was foreseen that R410A, with a GWP of 2088, which has been used in residential heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, will be prohibited in the near future. This study investigates the thermodynamic performance using R32, which is a potential alternative because of its low GWP, and R410A in variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems. As a result of theoretical analysis, it was observed that the coefficient of performance of R32 is 5% higher in heating mode and 6% higher in cooling mode than that of R410A. Considering all of this, it was confirmed that R32 can be used in VRF systems as a replacement for R410A in terms of performance.  相似文献   

R410A与R22在家用空调中的应用比较(2)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文部分(2)利用Bin参数分析法对R410A与R22空调的全年运行耗电进行计算,采用寿命期气候性能(LCCP)指标对R410A与R22的温室效应总体影响进行考查,同时对R410A与R22空调的生产成本进行比较。结果表明R410A空调由于运行效率高,在使用过程中可以显著节约耗电和运行费用,而且随着原材料价格的上涨和R410A压缩机生产能力的扩大,R410A与R22空调具有相近的生产成本;同时,通过减小温室间接效应以及空调的制冷剂充灌量或泄露量,与R22相比,R410A反而还会有利于降低对气候变暖的影响。  相似文献   

An evaluation of the environmental impacts of an air-conditioning system which uses a bore-hole system for heating and cooling is the aim of this case study. To facilitate the evaluation, the bore-hole based air-conditioning system is compared with a reference system that uses a more traditional source of heat (district heating) and cooling energy (refrigeration). Environmental impacts of the system are examined by the life cycle assessment (LCA) method, including the weighting step. Results show that the bore-hole based system performs better in three of the four impact categories investigated: acidification, eutrofication, and global warming potential (GWP) with a 100-year horizon. This is mainly due to the fact that it uses less material in the production phase and less operating energy during the user stage. However, in the category of photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP), it performs four times worse than the more traditional system. Nevertheless, the overall environmental impact of the bore-hole based system, evaluated by common weighting methods, is better than the more traditional system. The most dominant environmental impact of both systems arises from the operating energy, although the energy use in the building studied is low.  相似文献   

吸收式太阳能空调技术的新进展与新构想   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
作可持续发展的观点出发,在总结现有太阳能制冷与空调技术的基础上,重点论述了以吸收式循环为基础的几种新型太阳能空调系统,指出目前存在的问题,提出了一种太阳能利用的新型方案,对于促进太阳能空调技术的产业化具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

在分析传统空调制冷系统设计软件存在的不足的基础上,开发了一种具有智能学习功能的空调制冷设计软件,该软件分为负荷计算、湿空气热物理性质计算、气流组织计算、风管系统设计计算、水系统计算、制冷系统热力计算、空调制冷设备选型和工质热物性查询等八大模块,对这些模块的设计思路、结构、功能和开发的定位范围进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

本文介绍了原有空调系统概况、存在问题及改造方案,并对全年供冷工艺性空调系统在秋、冬、春三季利用闭式冷却塔供冷的节能措施作了分析,总结了冷源的合理确定、自控水平及全年连续运行的空调系统在线施工改造的成功经验。  相似文献   

21世纪制冷空调行业绿色环保制冷剂的趋势与展望   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
朱明善 《暖通空调》2000,30(2):22-26
介绍了第 2 0届国际制冷大会和地球技术论坛中有关制冷剂替代物的简况 ,讨论了保护臭氧层和全球气候变化对制冷空调行业所使用的制冷剂提出的要求与国际社会所采取的相应对策 ,以及国际社会共同关注的问题 ,综述了 2 1世纪绿色环保制冷剂的发展趋势。  相似文献   

王保民 《暖通空调》2007,37(11):107-108
分析了柳州文化艺术中心集中空调系统制冷效果差、电能损耗高的问题,找出了设计安装中存在的问题和漏洞,并进行了技术改造。改造后的空调系统制冷效果良好,达到了节能节电的目的。  相似文献   

R22, a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC), is used widely in the air-conditioning and refrigeration industry; however, it is being phased out along with other HCFCs, due to concerns about its impact on ozone depletion. In the EEC countries its production, commercialization and use will be forbidden before the end of 1999.

According to the AREP (R22 Alternative Refrigerants Evaluation Program) project, coordinated by the Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) a group of substances has been pointed out as potential ozone-free R22 alternatives.

In this paper some working fluids, among those one considered by AREP, will be evaluated by means of a comparative thermodynamic analysis. Furthermore, particular interest will be paid to the environmental global impact joined to the substitution. To this aim, the Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) will be used as a tool to evaluate both direct and indirect contributions to the “greenhouse effect” linked to an operating vapour compression plant.  相似文献   

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