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Retrieval algorithms for the EOS Microwave limb sounder (MLS)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The retrieval algorithms for the Earth Observing System Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Aura spacecraft, launched on July 15, 2004, are described. These algorithms are used to produce estimates of geophysical parameters such as vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and composition ("Level 2" data) from the calibrated MLS observations of microwave limb radiance ("Level 1" data). The MLS algorithms are based on the standard optimal estimation approach, a weighted nonlinear least squares optimization with a priori constraints. New aspects include adaptation to a two-dimensional system, and an approach to the issues of retrieval "phasing" and error propagation that differs from that taken for previous similar instruments. Important new aspects of the software that implements these algorithms are also described, along with the algorithm configuration for the "version 1.5" dataset. Some examples are shown from MLS in-orbit observations.  相似文献   

The wave propagation experiments using Japanese geostationary satellites CS (20/30 GHz) and BSE (12/14 GHz) satellites have been performed at the Kashima earth station of the Radio Research Laboratories (RRL). Cumulative rain attenuation and cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) statistics are given for the period of three years at 11.7 GHz (vertical polarization) and for the period of four years at 19.5 GHz (circular polarization). It is shown that the yearly rainfall rate and attenuation distributions are well approximated by log-normal distributions, and the XPD distribution is well approximated by a normal distribution. Monthly and time-of-day variation of the attenuation and XPD distributions are presented. Duration statistics of attenuation and XPD are presented and characterized. Other characteristics in the wave propagation, such as effective path length, frequency dependence of attenuation, and joint statistics of attenuation and XPD are derived and discussed. Rainfall events are classified into three rainfall types, "stratus," "cumulus," and "others" using measurements of the radar reflectivity factor along the satellite-to-earth path, and the dependence of XPD characteristics on the rainfall type is also presented and discussed. Some prediction methods of calculating attenuation and XPD statistics are applied to the data obtained in these experiments and the predicted results are compared with the measured ones. It is found that some corrections are needed when the XPD statistics are predicted from the attenuation statistics using the theoretical relation between XPD and attenuation.  相似文献   

The surface processes and ecosystem changes through response analysis (SPECTRA) Barrax campaigns were validation campaigns developed in the framework of the SPECTRA mission in order to verify that the geophysical data products provided by satellite imagery are consistent with the measurements made by independent means. Two campaigns took place in Barrax, Spain, during the summers of 2003 and 2004. This paper presents the results of the characterization of the atmospheric composition from solar radiation, radiosoundings, and lidar measurements. Several potentially interesting situations involving atmospheric layers with different types of aerosols and water content are discussed. The presence of a residual layer capping the mixing layer during some days of the 2003 campaign and the arrival of a dust-rich air mass from the Sahara on the last two days of the 2004 campaign provide some relevant aerosol vertical profiles to test atmospheric correction algorithms. The study of the effects of these atmospheric situations on radiative transfer calculations is required in the development and validation of advanced atmospheric correction codes for the new generation of Earth observation systems.  相似文献   

The atmospheric meteorology parameters of the earth, such as temperature, pressure, and humidity, strongly influence the propagation of signals in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). The propagation delays associated with GNSS signals can be modeled and explained based on the atmospheric temperature, pressure, and humidity, as well as the locations of the satellites and receivers. In this paper, we propose an optimized and simplified low cost GNSS base weather station that can be used to provide a global estimate of the integrated water vapor value. Our algorithm can be used to measure the zenith tropospheric delay based on the measured propagation delays in the received signals. We also present the results of the data measurements performed at our station located in the Tlemcen region of Algeria.  相似文献   

For pt.I see ibid., vol.39, no.11, p.2490-8 (2001). This is the second paper of the series on atmospheric correction of Enhanced Thematic Mapper-Plus (ETM+) land surface imagery. In the first paper, a new algorithm that corrects heterogeneous aerosol scattering and surface adjacency effects was presented. In this study, our objectives are to (1) evaluate the accuracy of this new atmospheric correction algorithm using ground radiometric measurements, (2) apply this algorithm to correct Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and SeaWiFS imagery, and (3) demonstrate how much atmospheric correction of ETM+ imagery can improve land cover classification, change detection, and broadband albedo calculations. Validation results indicate that this new algorithm can retrieve surface reflectance from ETM+ imagery accurately. All experimental cases demonstrate that this algorithm can be used for correcting both MODIS and SeaWiFS imagery. Although more tests and validation exercises are needed, it has been proven promising to correct different multispectral imagery operationally. We have also demonstrated that atmospheric correction does matter.  相似文献   

The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder/Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit/Humidity Sounder for Brazil (AIRS/AMSU/HSB) instrument suite onboard Aqua observes infrared and microwave radiances twice daily over most of the planet. AIRS offers unprecedented radiometric accuracy and signal to noise throughout the thermal infrared. Observations from the combined suite of AIRS, AMSU, and HSB are processed into retrievals of atmospheric parameters such as temperature, water vapor, and trace gases under all but the cloudiest conditions. A more limited retrieval set based on the microwave radiances is obtained under heavy cloud cover. Before measurements and retrievals from AIRS/AMSU/HSB instruments can be fully utilized they must be compared with the best possible in situ and other ancillary "truth" observations. Validation is the process of estimating the measurement and retrieval uncertainties through comparison with a set of correlative data of known uncertainties. The ultimate goal of the validation effort is retrieved product uncertainties constrained to those of radiosondes: tropospheric rms uncertainties of 1.0 degC over a 1-km layer for temperature, and 10% over 2-km layers for water vapor. This paper describes the data sources and approaches to be used for validation of the AIRS/AMSU/HSB instrument suite, including validation of the forward models necessary for calculating observed radiances, validation of the observed radiances themselves, and validation of products retrieved from the observed radiances. Constraint of the AIRS product uncertainties to within the claimed specification of 1 K/1 km over well-instrumented regions is feasible within 12 months of launch, but global validation of all AIRS/AMSU/HSB products may require considerably more time due to the novelty and complexity of this dataset and the sparsity of some types of correlative observations.  相似文献   

Collocated measurements of opacity (from water vapor radiometer brightness temperatures) and wet path delay (from ground-based tracking of global positioning satellites) are used to constrain the model of atmospheric water vapor absorption in the 20-32 GHz band. A differential approach is presented in which the slope of opacity-versus-wet delay data is used as the absorption model constraint. This technique minimizes the effects of radiometric calibration errors and oxygen model uncertainties in the derivation of a best-fit vapor absorption model. A total of approximately five months of data was obtained from two experiment sites. At the Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART) site near Lamont, Oklahoma, three independent water vapor radiometers (WVRs) provided near-continuous opacity measurements over the interval July-September 1998. At the NASA/Goldstone tracking station in the California desert two WVRs; obtained opacity data over the September-October 1997 interval. At both sites a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receiver and surface barometer obtained the data required for deriving the zenith wet delays over the same time frames. Measured values of the opacity-versus-wet delay slope parameter were obtained at four WVR frequencies (20.7, 22.2, 23.8, and 31.4 GHz) and compared with predictions of four candidate absorption models referenced in the literature. With one exception, all three models provide agreement within 5% of the opacity-versus-wet delay slope measurements at all WVR frequencies at both sites. One model provides agreement for all channels at both sites to the 2-3% level. This absorption model accuracy level represents a significant improvement over that attainable using radiosondes.  相似文献   

The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) onboard the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura spacecraft is a nadir-viewing spectrometer that measures solar reflected and backscattered light in a selected range of the ultraviolet and visible spectrum. The instrument has a 2600-km-wide viewing swath, and it is capable of daily, global contiguous mapping. We developed and implemented a surface ultraviolet (UV) irradiance algorithm for OMI that produces noontime surface spectral UV irradiance estimates at four wavelengths (305, 310, 324, and 380 nm). Additionally, noontime erythemal dose rate and the erythemal daily dose are estimated. The OMI surface UV algorithm inherits from the surface UV algorithm developed by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS). The OMI surface UV irradiance products are produced and archived in HDF5-EOS format by Finnish Meteorological Institute. The accuracy of the surface UV estimates depend on UV wavelength and atmospheric and other geolocation specific conditions ranging from 7% to 30%. A postprocessing aerosol correction can be applied at sites with additional ground-based measurements of the aerosol absorption optical thickness. The current OMI surface UV product validation plan is presented.  相似文献   

This work supplements the Earth Observing System (EOS) Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) clear-sky unpolarized forward model with algorithms for modeling polarized emission from the Zeeman-split 118.75-GHz O/sub 2/ spectral line. The model accounts for polarization-dependent emission and for correlation between polarizations with complex, 2/spl times/2 intensity and absorption matrices. The oxygen line is split into three Zeeman components by the interaction of oxygen's electronic spin with an external magnetic field, and the splitting is of order /spl plusmn/0.5 MHz in a typical geomagnetic field. Zeeman splitting is only significant at pressures low enough that collisional broadening (/spl sim/1.6 MHz/hPa) is not very large by comparison. The polarized forward model becomes significant for MLS temperature retrievals at pressure below 1.0 hPa and is crucial at pressures below /spl sim/0.03 hPa. Interaction of the O/sub 2/ molecule with the radiation field depends upon the relative orientation of the radiation polarization mode and the geomagnetic field direction. The model provides both limb radiances and the derivatives of these radiances with respect to atmospheric temperature and composition, as required by MLS temperature retrievals. EOS MLS views the atmospheric limb at 118.75 GHz with a pair of linear-cross-polarized, 100-kHz-resolution, 10-MHz-wide spectrometers. The antennas of the associated receivers are scanned to view rays with tangent heights from the Earth's surface to 0.001 hPa. Comparisons of the modeled MLS radiances with measurements show generally good agreement in line positions and strengths, however residuals in the line centers at the highest tangent heights are larger than desired and still under investigation.  相似文献   

Earth rotation and polar motion studies are embarking on a new era with the advent of highly accurate space geodetic techniques and the availability of global atmospheric angular momentum measurements. Space geodesy is opening new doors, answering old questions, and posing new ones. The angular momentum balance and the transfer of angular momentum between the solid Earth, atmosphere, and oceans are emerging as a problem of great scientific interest overlapping many areas, such as atmospheric science, oceanography, geodesy, and geodynamics. Here, the measurements of Earth rotation and polar motion (collectively referred to as Earth orientation) are described; the combination, smoothing, and intercomparison of these results from various techniques are presented. The calculation of atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) excitation functions are outlined; comparisons of the AAM excitation functions with variations in the length of day (LOD) and polar motion results are discussed. The associated geophysical implications (e.g., J2, 50-day oscillations) are stressed; anticipated advances and prospects for the future are high lighted.  相似文献   

下一代导航系统拟纳入低轨卫星(LEO)作为增强和备份。研究了地面基准站网与星载GNSS融合的高中低轨卫星联合精密定轨(POD)理论与方法,基于实测国际地面站(IGS)和低轨卫星星载GNSS数据,通过建立高精度动力学模型和观测模型,根据全球测站和区域测站两种情况进行了导航星与低轨星的联合精密定轨试验。结果表明,联合定轨可同时获得导航星和低轨星厘米级的定轨精度。低轨星作为高动态天基测站,对导航星定轨精度的提升程度可达20%~90%。  相似文献   

LAN Protocol Validation and Evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We are using simulation to validate and evaluate the performance of the proposed IEEE 802.4 Token-Passing Bus Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocol for local area networks. We will use our discussion of this modeling study to present our technique for protocol validation. We will also present some of our validation and performance results. Our modeling technique is unusual in two important respects. First, it transforms the formal specification of the protocol by a direct and simple technique into a simulation program. Second, testable assertions about the protocors expected behavior, under both normal and abnormal conditions, are easily transformed into simulation test cases. Our protocol validation technique runs test cases on the simulation model. These test cases are based upon "behavioral assertions" which were derived from the design objectives and expected use of the protocol. Our validation results are discussed in terms of the behavioral assertions tested and the success or failure of meeting these assertions. We also report on simulation performance predictions for some special test cases.  相似文献   

Brightness temperatures over the Amazon rainforest are obtained from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Units (AMSU-A and AMSU-B) instruments onboard three NOAA satellites (NOAA-15, -16, and -17, respectively) for the months of July, August, and October, 2002. The three AMSU-A instruments provided six daily measurements, separated by 2.5-5.5 h of the diurnal time intervals, over the Amazon rainforest region, and these measurements offer a unique opportunity for investigation of the diurnal variation of the brightness temperatures over the Amazon rainforests. The angular distributions of brightness temperatures over the Amazon rainforest are very stable and can be simulated with a radiative transfer model, which consists of an atmospheric radiative component and a rainforest-canopy model that treats the rainforest as a uniform layer with an effective canopy temperature. The simulated results agree well with the observations. The diurnal variation of brightness temperatures over the Amazon rainforest is simulated with a Fourier-series model. It shows that a second order of Fourier series can reproduce the observed pattern of diurnal variation of the brightness temperatures at zenith angles of 0deg, 28.7deg, and 58.1deg, respectively. In a practical application, the coefficients of Fourier-series expansion can be used to generate the brightness temperatures as a function of diurnal hours. These results can be applied to postlaunch calibration of satellite-borne microwave radiometer with different equator crossing time. In addition, the results presented in this paper indicate that the Amazon rainforest can be used as a hot calibration reference target. The availability of a land calibration target is important for calibration and validation of spaceborne microwave radiometers  相似文献   

为检测分析HJ-1A/B星CCD相机在轨辐射探测性能及其辐射定标的有效性,提出了基于多种光学特性地面目标的在轨检测方法。首先,介绍了HJ-1A/B星CCD相机在轨辐射性能检测方法,并基于2013年HJ-1A/B卫星地面同步观测试验数据,获取了HJ-1A/B星过境时刻的卫星入瞳处等效辐亮度。然后以该等效辐亮度为基准,对HJ-1A/B星CCD相机历次在轨辐射定标结果进行检验,分析HJ-1A/B星CCD相机的在轨运行期间辐射探测性能变化趋势。结果表明:HJ-1A/B星在轨运行过程中,辐射性能在不断发生变化;在轨运行5年多时间里,HJ-1A/B星的CCD相机各波段的辐射性能平均衰变量最低为3.7%,最大为39.6%;为保证遥感数据的定量化精度,定期的在轨绝对辐射定标十分必要。  相似文献   

We present a new differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry algorithm for monitoring the temporal evolution of surface deformations. The presented technique is based on an appropriate combination of differential interferograms produced by data pairs characterized by a small orbital separation (baseline) in order to limit the spatial decorrelation phenomena. The application of the singular value decomposition method allows us to easily "link" independent SAR acquisition datasets, separated by large baselines, thus increasing the observation temporal sampling rate. The availability of both spatial and temporal information in the processed data is used to identify and filter out atmospheric phase artifacts. We present results obtained on the data acquired from 1992 to 2000 by the European Remote Sensing satellites and relative to the Campi Flegrei caldera and to the city of Naples, Italy, that demonstrate the capability of the proposed approach to follow the dynamics of the detected deformations.  相似文献   

Davies  O.T. Watson  P.A. 《Electronics letters》1997,33(25):2114-2116
Comparisons are presented of integrated precipitable water vapour (IPWV) measured using phase delay measurements from GPS satellites and predicted attenuation from a zenith-pointiny 93 GHz ground-based radiometer. These results illustrate the possibility of achieving high accuracy of measurement of IPWV using GPS and also open up a new method of absolute calibration for radiometers. In addition, the results demonstrate the availability of a significant new tool for millimetre-wave radio propagation prediction and event diagnosis  相似文献   

EOS MLS cloud ice measurements and cloudy-sky radiative transfer model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A cloud ice retrieval technique is described here using measurements at frequencies near 118, 190, 240, and 640 GHz and 2.5 THz from the Earth Observing System Microwave Limb Sounder on the NASA Aura satellite. Measurement principles, methods for cloud detection, and radiative transfer models for retrieving cloud properties are discussed. The 240-GHz data from high-tangent heights are used to retrieve ice water content at pressures <215 hPa, and the 118-, 190-, 240-, and 640-GHz radiances from low-tangent heights are used to retrieve ice water paths with different penetration depths. Some early Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) results are highlighted, and the observed cloud signatures are consistent with the expectation from model simulations, in general. The simultaneous measurements from MLS 240 and 640 GHz radiometers contain useful information on particle sizes. There are significant cloud-induced radiances at 2.5 THz, despite strong attenuation from the atmosphere. Cloud-scattering signatures are polarized at 122 GHz, but the polarization differences are typically less than 10% of the total cloud-induced radiance.  相似文献   

Two coupled investigations of TerraSAR-X (TSX) high-resolution data are described in this paper: geometric validation, and estimation of the tropospheric path delay using measurements of corner reflectors (CRs) placed at different altitudes but nearly identical ranges. The CRs were placed within Alpine and valley sites in Switzerland, where terrain diversity provides ideal territory for geometric validation studies. Geometric validation was conducted using slant-range complex products from the spotlight and stripmap (SM) modes in ascending and descending configurations. Based on the delivered product annotations, the CR image positions were predicted, and these predictions were compared to their measured image positions. To isolate path delays caused by the atmosphere, six TSX SM scenes $(sim!!hbox{35} times hbox{50} hbox{km})$ were examined containing four identical CRs with the same ranges and an altitude difference of $sim$ 3000 m. The CR arrangement made it possible to verify the annotated TSX atmospheric path delay by comparing the predicted slant range with the slant range obtained by measuring the reflector image coordinates. Range differences between the high- and low-altitude reflectors helped to quantify small variations in the path delay. Both SM and spotlight TSX products were verified to meet the specified accuracy requirements, even for scenes with extreme terrain variations, in spite of the simplicity of the atmospheric model currently integrated into the processor. Small potential improvements of the geolocation accuracy through the implementation of more comprehensive atmospheric modeling were demonstrated.   相似文献   

二氧化碳(CO2)是大气中重要的温室气体,准确掌握大气CO2的含量及变化可为气候变化预测及环境决策提供支持.为满足气候研究的需求,卫星观测大气CO2柱平均干空气混合比(XCO2)的反演精度需优于1%.搭载于高分五号卫星上的大气主要温室气体监测仪GMI(Greenhouse gases monitoring instru...  相似文献   

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