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蓄一片翠绿,容一控鲁波,从春唱到秋,奉献一首,富与美的赞歌。水库@于明~~  相似文献   

<正>1工程概况周公宅水库电站属引水式,采用1洞2机布置形式。电站厂房距大坝约1.85km,厂房内安装2台6300kW立式水轮发电机组。2创建特色(1)周公宅水库管理局机构设置完善、管理规范、制度健全,执行工作目标考核,落实奖惩机制。(2)管理局联合开发水库综合管理信息平台并于2013年开始试点应用,以标准化、信息化促进水库、电  相似文献   

<正>风景秀丽、群山环绕的东张水库座落于龙江中游,是一座以防洪、农业灌溉、原水供应为主,结合发电、旅游等综合开发利用的大(二)型水库。水库总库容2.06亿立方米,水面面积15平方公里,本流域集雨面积200平方公里。另有一都溪和太城溪两个引水工程,引水流域集雨面积115平方公里。  相似文献   

结合伊朗塞菲德吕德大坝,综述水库淤积、水库排沙、流域治理等问题。塞菲德吕德坝运用冲沙方法得到了较为理想的结果。这个1961年竣工的高坝形成的原始水库库容有18亿m ̄3,但是到了1981年由于泥沙淤积已经损失了8亿m ̄3,后来经过8年的冲沙运用,约3亿m ̄3泥沙山5个与河底高程相同的大坝底孔排出了水库。当不发电时,这些底孔还可用于灌溉取水。  相似文献   

石漫滩水库水文分析与水库规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了石漫滩水库水文分析计算部分的径流和设计洪水的主要成果,同时也概述了水库规划中的水库兴利调节计算和调洪计算的主要成果。  相似文献   

柏叶口水库是我省“兴水战略”中35项应急水源工程之一。水库位于吕梁市交城县会立乡柏叶口村上游,是一座以防洪、城市及工业供水、灌溉为主,兼顾发电、养殖等综合利用的中型水库。  相似文献   

水库防洪是利用水库调蓄洪水,承担下游防洪任务的工程措施。水库防洪有两种:一是在综合利用水库划出一部分库容承担防洪任务;二是兴建专用于防(拦)洪的水库。水库根据下游防洪需要及统一的防洪规划,可以合理调蓄入库洪水,降低出库洪峰流量,拦蓄下游成灾水量,错开下游洪水高峰,使下游防洪保  相似文献   

一、水库移民工作30年发展历程 新中国成立以来,开展了大规模的水利水电工程建设,产生了巨大的经济、社会和生态效益,为我国经济社会持续健康发展起到了重要的支撑与保障作用。同时,也产生了2000多万水库移民。党中央、国务院历来重视水库移民工作,特别是改革开放以来,随着国家对水库移民工作规律认识的不断提高,政策法规不断完善,移民工作取得了显著成绩。回顾30年来水库移民工作,大致可分为三个阶段。  相似文献   

汾河水库是山西省最大的水库,位于娄烦县下石家庄村北,距汾河发源地——宁武县境内的管涔山122km,距省会太原市河道距离95km,直线距离约45km,控制流域面积5268km^2,为多年调节的大(2)型水利枢纽。枢纽工程由大坝、溢洪道、8m泄洪排沙洞、4m输水洞、3m引黄输水洞和水电站6部分组成。  相似文献   

漳泽水库又名太行湖,位于长治市市郊浊漳河南源干流上,水库总面积37km^2,水面面积30km^2。是一座以工业、城市供水、灌溉、防洪为主,兼顾养殖和旅游的大型调节水库。  相似文献   

This study focused on providing a photodiagrammatic database illustrating various types of fishing gear and practical skills currently used in artisanal and commercial fishing in the shoreline, nearshore and offshore areas drainage systems of Kenya in the Lake Victoria drainage basin. It also identified the fish species typically caught by the fishing gear, and the gear catch per unit effort and selectivity. Four artisanal fishing gears (spear, trap, basket and hook) and two commercial gears (mosquito seine and purse seine) are used to fish in shoreline areas. Five commercial fishing gears (gill net, parallel tennis net, semicircular‐tennis net, sett net, long line) are used to fish in nearshore areas, while two commercial gears (drift net and offshore seine net) are used in offshore areas. For artisanal fishing, the basket is the most efficient gear for catching six fish species. The mosquito seine is the most efficient commercial fishing gear for catching 22 fish species. There is evidence for a chronological shift to more efficient artisanal and commercial fisher handmade fishing gear, resulting in overexploitation of diverse fish species. At the same time, the licensing and management policies for the use of various fishing gear are unclear, suggesting re‐evaluation of policies to cater for the use of handmade fishing gear.  相似文献   

新疆布尔津河冲乎尔水电站集运鱼系统是国内第二例采用流速和灯光诱鱼方式的集鱼船技术进行河道鱼类保护的工程实例。介绍了集鱼船设计和建造方案、流速和灯光诱鱼的设备与实施方法。  相似文献   

Ecosystem‐based fisheries management (EBFM) is an important complement to existing fisheries management approaches to maintain ecosystem health and function; to translate goals and aspirations for sustainability into operational objectives, the preferences of the fishing communities should be considered for successful implementation of EBFM. This study analysed the preferences of the fishing community for alternative EBFM developments for Lake Naivasha, Kenya, and estimated the willingness to pay, using a choice experiment approach. Protection of fish breeding grounds, improving tilapia fish abundance and accessibility of fishing zones were identified as relevant EBFM attributes for the choice experiment. A monetary attribute (payment for fishing permit) was also included. In addition to a conditional logit model, mixed logit models are estimated to account for heterogeneity in preferences. This study results indicated fishing communities are most concerned about tilapia fish abundance and protection of fish breeding grounds. The welfare measures reveal that members of the Lake Naivasha fishing community are willing to pay a considerable sum of money for ecosystem services improvement, relative to their low income derived from fishing. These study findings highlighted that evaluating the preferences of the fishing community and valuing the fishery at an ecosystem level are vital to prioritize and choose between alternative interventions for sound implementation of EBFM.  相似文献   

During the period February to June 2020, heavy rainfall caused increases in levels and flooding in many lakes in East Africa. This coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic. These calamities affected ecosystems and livelihoods, especially of fishers who depend on fisheries as their only source of livelihood. This study examined the effects of COVID-19 and flooding on the major inland capture fisheries in Kenya to illustrate the effect of such calamities on vulnerable communities to guide interventions. Socioeconomic data were collected across the fish value chains during the peak of COVID-19 pandemic and flooding in Kenya from May to early June 2020. The measures put in place to contain COVID-19 pandemic notably dusk to dawn curfew (66%) and lock-downs (28%) in major cities that act as main fish markets were cited as the main factors that influenced fishing and fishing trade. Negative consequences reported included livelihood losses from the COVID-19 pandemic. Reduced fishing time and trips as well as a decline in consumables such as boat fuel resulted in low fish catches. Although COVID-19 pandemic affected livelihoods, the fish stocks benefited from reduction in fishing effort. Similarly flooding led to livelihood and material losses but positively impacted on stocks through expansion of fish breeding and nursery areas. The respondents recommended that governments should have disaster preparedness programs in place to address such calamities. There is also need for more detailed research on calamities that are increasing in frequency to provide information and data to guide policy and interventions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of habitat and fishing on fish communities along inshore areas of the Sanyati Basin, Lake Kariba. A one‐year experimental gillnet survey was carried out in 2007 from eight sampling sites located in two different habitats (river mouths and sheltered bays), and in areas open or closed to fishing. A total of 16 species were captured, although the numbers caught at each site varied widely, with only four species recorded at each of the eight sampling sites. The numbers of fish were higher in the fished areas, mainly because of large numbers of Synodontis zambezensis, although the differences were not significant. In contrast, there were significant differences in the abundance of all species between habitats, with the exception of Cyphomyrus discorhynchus and Marcusenius macrolepidotus. There were no significant differences in the diversity of fish in these areas, although mean diversity and evenness were slightly higher in unfished areas and in sheltered bays. Overall, 90% of the fish specimens caught were within a 10–25 cm size range, although there were no systematic differences in the mean length in relation to fishing. In contrast, most fish were generally larger in river mouth areas than in sheltered bays. These data suggest that fishing had little effect on fish communities. This is in contrast to general habitat, which had a significant effect, a finding consistent with earlier studies showing that vegetation, in particular, had a significant effect on fish stocks.  相似文献   

结合历史资料以及现状调查资料,分析了三峡库区形成后,库区江段鱼类资源变化的特征,以及造成库区鱼类资源变动的主要因素,并对库区鱼类所面临的主要生态环境问题进行了辨识。针对水利工程开发对鱼类生境造成的影响,提出了多种生态保护措施,如限制捕捞或全面禁捕、恢复洄游通道、栖息地生境保护等。指出大坝修建所导致的生境破碎化,是改变库区鱼类群落结构的重要因素;而不合理的人工捕捞是导致库区鱼类个体变小的直接原因。  相似文献   

A comprehensive analysis of the efficiency of different fishing gear in capturing Cyprinidae (major carp) species in Kaptai Reservoir, Bangladesh, was conducted. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) data were collected during a 1‐year survey, covering a total of 493 independent fishing units spread across the four major fishing grounds of the reservoir. The study examines the CPUE and catch composition between months and study sites, and the effects of reservoir water level fluctuations, gear diversity and fish distribution patterns on the fish catches. The mean CPUE for all gear ranged between 2.91 and 30.86 kg unit?1 day?1. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the fishing gear types. The CPUE differed significantly between months for lift nets, large‐meshed (LM) gill nets, cluster hooks and hand lines. None of the fishing gear exhibited significant differences between sites except for cluster hooks. The CPUE of small‐meshed (SM) seine nets was significantly higher than that of other gear. The reasons for such differences in the fish catches were identified as the choice of fishing places, the net sizes, the number of hooks, lures and baits, water turbidity, wind, waves and rainfall. The CPUE indices for lift nets showed significant variation between months for the Cyprinidae species. A significant variation in catch at the different sites was found for all nets, except SM seine nets. The contribution of the Cyprinidae species showed significant differences between sites only for hand lines. The coefficient of variation of CPUE for fishing nets did not vary much more than 55% (lift net), whereas the highest variation of 49% was recorded for hand lines among the hooks and line. Higher reservoir water levels were followed by reduced CPUEs for the Cyprinidae species and vice versa, whereas the highest water levels corresponded to the higher CPUE for the Clupeidae species.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the fish communities in two lake ecosystems in Mali (Lakes Manantali and Selingue) was based on monitoring small‐scale fishery landings for a 13‐month period. The main difference between the two lakes is the fishing pressure, being higher in Lake Selingue and lower in Lake Manantali. The effects of fishing on the structure of the fish communities in the two lakes were analysed with the use of diversity indices, rank species abundance (RSA) and abundance–biomass comparative curve (ABC) methods. The diversity differed significantly between the lakes, being higher for Lake Selingue. Analysis of the community structure, using RSA curves, indicated a more regular distribution of the weights between fish species for Lake Selingue than for Lake Manantali. The two lakes exhibited different exploited fish community structures. For Lake Selingue, the fishery was based on smaller‐sized species, compared to that for Lake Manantali. The indicators based on the species composition of exploited fish communities, in terms of abundance and life‐history traits, seemed to be more relevant in this study. Indicators such as diversity indices and RSA curves depend strongly on the exploitation strategy, being unreliable for evaluating exploited fish communities from catch data.  相似文献   

This study reports on the population parameters, catch distribution and feeding ecology of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from bottom trawls and commercial catches obtained in the Kenyan portion of Lake Victoria during 1997–2006. The population parameters were analysed using the FAO‐ICLARM stock assessment tool (FISAT). The fish biomass and the food ingested by the fish were estimated using the swept area and point methods, respectively. Immature fish comprised ≈70% of the total fish population. The asymptotic length, maximum weight, maximum age, exploitation rate (E) and length at 50% maturity of Nile tilapia have decreased, whereas the growth curvature and fishing mortality have increased. The commercial catches increased from 13.93 t in 1997, to 23.70 t in 1999, decreasing thereafter to 18.73 t in 2005. The bottom trawl catches increased from 46.90 kg ha?1 in 1997, to 401.48 kg ha?1 in 2000, decreasing thereafter to 15.57 kg ha?1 in 2006. The major food items ingested by the fish were algae, insects and other fish. Population parameters, and the catch and diet of O. niloticus, have changed over the years in Lake Victoria. The population characteristics suggest a population under stress, attributable to intense catch exploitation. Even under intense exploitation (E = 0.68), however, the mature fish constituted ≈30% of the population. The commercial catches are still high, indicating a very resilient fishery. Nevertheless, despite this resilience, the future of Oreochromis fishery is threatened by increased fishing capacity in the lake, and there is need to re‐evaluate the effectiveness of current fishery management measures, with the goal of possibly adopting new measures. Enactment of new fishery policies also should provide for co‐management to enhance the management process. Furthermore, there is a need to reduce fishing capacity and illegal fishing methods, and to seek alternative livelihoods for lake fishers and other stakeholders.  相似文献   

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