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在绿色设计基础上,探索出一条具有中国民族精神的工业设计之路。文章基于对绿色设计理念的理解,分析了中国土地上具有低碳性质的民族文化、元素,又从另一个方面就是工业设计民族性,论证在绿色设计的基础上如何实现具有中国民族特色的产品。工业设计的民族性是一个国家的设计能否走的持久的标志,针对中国现有资源的合理应用,设计出即贴近生活的设计,又符合可持续发展的绿色设计理念的产品。  相似文献   

在设计上,尤其是平面设计和排版里,文字的设计,运用和排列是视觉传达的重要组成部分,运用中文字体和运用英文字体所产生的效果有明显的不同。当然首先要说明一下的是,任何一种语言和文字在其本质上都是平等的,没有贵贱之分,这里所讨论的只是把文字看作设计中的一种元素运用于平面设计和排版之中,从而在视觉上给人产生的不同感受。对于大多数搞设计的人员来说,在总体上,中文字体的排版效果比英文字体来得逊色一点。因为在设计排版中,字体并非仅仅是作为传达文本意义的符号而存在,字体也同时参与到视觉传达与视觉享受的过程中去了。在平面设计中作为基本概念的"点、线、面"三要素,在字体的运用和排版上同样存在。单个的汉字和由字母组成的单个英文单词,作为单独的点元素来说,已经有太大的差别;当他们分别组成了一行文字构成了线元素之后,差别进一步扩大;而当一行行的文字组成了整排的文章形成了面元素之后,在人们视觉中产生的差别就可想而知了。在对中英文字体做了比较和分析,了解了两者的差别和特点之后,作为中国设计师,就要想办法从多种角度出发,运用多种办法来尽可能的提高中文字体在平面设计中的观赏性。  相似文献   

基于实例的产品设计知识获取方法及实现   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
现代产品设计是面向市场、功能驱动以及基于新知识的设计,而知识获取是关键步骤。采用设计实例的形式对已有设计进行封装和组织,通过产品设计实例面向对象表达模型,将设计需求(包括性能需求、环境约束和成本约束)、设计任务、设计过程和设计方案封装在一个设计实例中,体现了功能驱动、面向市场的现代设计特征。在此基础上,利用Sybase公司的PowerDesigner8.0建模工具,进一步提出产品设计实例的获取模型,并对实例获取的关键技术进行了讨论。以滑动轴承设计为工程应用背景,选择应用于涡轮机的四油叶径向滑动轴承为设计实例,详细描述了集成于SolidWorks2000的滑动轴承设计实例获取模块的应用过程,验证了上述模型的正确性和可行性。通过对设计实例进行表达、获取和存储,为后续的基于实例推理的产品设计方法打下基础,同时以对外提供功能的形式对并行设计环境下的功能检索提供支持,推动现代产品概念设计自动化进程。  相似文献   

欧洲是设计风格奢华之梦的故乡,在古老的欧洲土地上,有最前沿的设计风格和最传统的设计文化。欧洲的设计往往是现代设计的标尺,欧洲设计中的奢华之风,影响了世界各地的设计。如梦般变幻的奢华设计风格让人痴迷、让人惊叹,但它又如此实实在在、触手可及,研究设计风格中的奢华风格,有利于认识欧洲设计风格的特征和脉络。  相似文献   

To support the design process fully from preliminary to detailed design stages in a natural way, a computer-integrated design system is needed. In early design stages more than one design alternatives are considered as possible solutions. The representation of design alternatives must be uniform and unbiased to be equally treated. In this study, an entity-based approach has been adopted to develop product and process models for representing design alternatives, which is more desirable for top–down design process because it allows high-level abstraction in representing design information and design activities. The entity-based approach has several benefits: (1) a unified representation of design alternatives; (2) a consistent development of product and process models based on the entity-based concepts; and (3) an easy integration of the product and process models. The work toward product and process models for structural design presented in this paper is a useful step toward integrated computer-aided design systems.  相似文献   

低碳经济时代下,工业设计应该如何应对新的挑战呢?文章从哲学的角度出发,分析了设计的秩序和自由的博弈,寻求设计秩序理念和设计自由思想之间的一种平衡,从而重点阐述设计秩序观的理论,以此来协调现代设计观。作为一种新的设计思维方法,设计秩序观的提出具有重大的积极意义。设计秩序引导设计自由,设计自由激活设计秩序。秩序观是人类的既定要求,也是工业设计发展的最高层次。  相似文献   

研究设计的发展规律对于我们更好地认清设计的发展方向具有重要作用。本文以产品本身为对象,通过分析设计史,探究设计的发展规律。结果发现,工业设计的发展过程具有功能性与情感化设计交替上升的特点。结合这一规律的背景因素,得出了一些有关设计趋势的结论:在两者的同步行进时期,设计往往处于平稳发展阶段,发展的形式主要表现为小规模的量变;每当有一方异军突起时,设计往往处于迅猛发展阶段,容易发生推动性的质变。  相似文献   

This paper reviews work conducted at the University of Waterloo during the 1980s concerning the computer-automated design of least-weight structural steel frameworks. First, design under static loads is considered whereby the members of the structure are automatically sized using commercial steel sections in full conformance with design standard provisions for elastic strength/stability and stiffness. This problem is illustrated for the least-weight design of a steel mill crane framework comprised of a variety of member types and subject to a number of load effects. Then, the design methodology is extended to the least-weight design of structural steel frameworks under both service and ultimate loading conditions. Here, acceptable elastic stresses and displacements are ensured at the service-load level while, simultaneously, adequate safety against plastic collapse is ensured at the ultimate-load level. This design problem is illustrated for the least-weight design of an industrial steel mill framework for which plastic behaviour is governed by conservative piecewise linear yield conditions. Finally, the computer-based design methodology is extended to the least-weight design of structural steel frameworks subjected to dynamic loading. Constraints are placed on dynamic displacements, dynamic stresses, natural frequencies and member sizes. The design problem is illustrated for the least-weight design of a steel trussed arch subjected to non-structural masses and an impulse force.  相似文献   

In recent years, the influence of design patterns on software quality has attracted an increasing attention in the area of software engineering, as design patterns encapsulate valuable knowledge to resolve design problems, and more importantly to improve design quality. As the paradigm continues to increase in popularity, a systematic and objective approach to verify the design of a pattern is increasingly important. The intent session in a design pattern indicates the problem the design pattern wants to resolve, and the solution session describes the structural model for the problem. When the problem in the intent is a quality problem, the structure model should provide a solution to improve the relevant quality. In this work we provide an approach, based on object-oriented quality model, to validate if a design pattern is well-designed, i.e., it answers the question of the proposed structural model really resolves the quality problems described in the intent. We propose a validation approach to help pattern developers check if a design pattern is well-designed. In addition, a quantitative method is proposed to measure the effectiveness of the quality improvement of a design pattern that pattern users can determine which design patterns are applicable to meet their functional and quality requirements.  相似文献   

在室内设计中,建筑设计是一个不能忽视的问题,是室内设计的前提和依据。室内设计是建筑设计的延伸和深化,不仅是功能与空间的延伸、继续和发展,更是文化的延伸、继续与发展。最理想的状态当然是建筑设计与室内设计的结合,也是一种必然的趋势。  相似文献   

传统的珠宝设计思维定式是:追求造型的变化来表达设计的创新。但随着"以人为本"的设计思想的日益深入,珠宝设计思维也应不断拓展。围绕珠宝设计中的造型、色彩、材质和工艺等任一设计要素为中心,都可以实现有着明确目的的珠宝设计创新,用以满足人性化的各种需求,由此才能真正实现珠宝设计的价值,珠宝艺术的发展也才能拥有更广阔的空间。  相似文献   

在设计实践中,我们如何去发挥设计批评的作用,从而不断规范、引导和促进中国的设计实践活动,关键是要发挥设计批评的批判精神。本文对当下出现的商业主义设计、技术主义设计、形式主义设计和西方垄断式设计话语等等问题,进行了一番理性的分析、批评与判断;通过这些设计现象的揭示,以期把握中国当代设计健康的发展方向。  相似文献   

A reconfigurable machining system is usually a modularized system, and its configuration design concerns the selections of modules and the determination of geometric dimensions in some specific modules. All of its design perspectives from kinematics, dynamics, and control have to be taken into considerations simultaneously, and a multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) tool is required to support the configuration design process. This paper presents a new MDO tool for reconfigurable machining systems, and it includes the following works: (i) the literatures on the computer-aided design of reconfigurable parallel machining systems have been reviewed with a conclusion that the multidisciplinary design optimization is essential, but no comprehensive design tool is available to reconfigurable parallel machining systems; (ii) a class of reconfigurable systems called reconfigurable tripod-based machining system has been introduced, its reconfiguration problem is identified, and the corresponding design criteria have been discussed; (iii) design analysis in all of the disciplines including kinematics, dynamics, and control have been taken into considerations, and design models have been developed to evaluate various design candidates; in particular, the innovative solutions to direct kinematics, stiffness analysis for the design configurations of tripod-based machines with a passive leg, and concise dynamic modelling have been provided; and (iv) A design optimization approach is proposed to determine the best solution from all possible configurations. Based on the works presented in this paper, a computer-aided design and control tool have been implemented to support the system reconfiguration design and control processes. Some issues relevant to the practical implementation have also been discussed.  相似文献   

在设计教育活动中,针对设计理论与设计实践,设计批评的关注度有待提高;尤其在设计实践活动中,是需要设计批评及其标准的。而如何建构设计批评的标准,就是非常迫切的一个问题,本文试从文化的、哲学的、美学的、科学的、设计的五个角度来确立设计批评标准的理论视野。  相似文献   

工业设计是科学和艺术的综合体,创新思维在工业设计中具有十分重要的作用。它不仅决定了产品的外观,甚至还影响着产品的制造和使用过程。我国著名教育家陶行知先生认为,"处处是创造之地""天天是创造之时""人人是创造之人"。中国是制造大国,却不是设计大国。中国设计的原创性产品很少,中国的创新能力也亟待加强。但是随着科技的进步,中国的设计能力也在突飞猛进地发展。可以相信,未来的中国一定会成为一个设计大国。  相似文献   

The complexity of modern products and design tools has made the exchange of design information more complex. It is widely recognised that the seamless capture, storage, and retrieval of design information is one of the major challenges for the next generation of computer aided design tools. This paper presents a model for the flow of design information that is sufficiently formal to eventually support a semantics-based approach for developing information exchange standards. The model classifies design information into various types, organises these types into information states and levels of abstraction, and identifies the various transformations that operate within and between the information states. The model’s ability to support a variety of design process models is illustrated by applying it to the Systems Integration of Manufacturing Applications (SIMA) design process model, and the model is then applied to a design example.  相似文献   

To enable next generation CAD tools to effectively support top-down design of products, a top-down assembly design process is refined from the traditional product design process to better exhibit the recursive-execution and structure-evolvement characteristics of product design. Based on the top-down assembly design process, a multi-level assembly model is put forward to capture the abstract information, skeleton information and detailed information involved. The multi-level assembly model is a meta-level implementation and is easy to be extended. Moreover, the inheritance mechanisms are explored to ensure the feasibility of information transferring and conversion between different design phases in the top-down assembly design process. A top-down assembly design sample is analyzed at length to show the application effects of the multi-level assembly model and the relevant inheritance mechanisms. In addition, a practical topic about the model adaptation of existing CAD systems is also discussed for a broader application of the top-down assembly design. Finally, the conclusion of the work and the future directions for further exploration are given.  相似文献   

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