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Indoor icerinks often have condensation problems in the roof due to radiant heat transfer between the ice and the roof ceiling, which can also account for 25 percent of the total cooling load. From case studies on two Danish indoor rinks involving computer modelling, this paper highlights the benefits from shielding or covering the ceiling with a fabric of low emissivity. Vagn Korsgaard is Professor at the Thermal Insulation Laboratory of the Technical University of Denmark. Teresa Forowicz, now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at Warsaw Technical University, worked on this project while she was a guest researcher at the Danish laboratory. 相似文献
Chungyoon Chun Alison Kwok Teruaki Mitamura Norie Miwa Akihiro Tamura 《Building and Environment》2008
To explore the relationship between thermal history and indoor comfort, surveys and measurements were conducted in Seoul, Korea and Yokohama, Japan. Fifty-two subjects were recruited from university campuses in Seoul and Yokohama during the hot season in August 2002. To collect information regarding people's daily thermal history, background questions (a thermal diary) were completed by subjects during the 24 h prior to entering in a climate chamber. Subjects changed into uniform clothing ensembles and complete thermal diary questions just prior to entering the chamber which was pre-conditioned to 28 °C and 50% relative humidity. Subjects entered the chamber and completed a set of thermal comfort questions at 10-min intervals for 1 h. Thermal history, prior to the chamber experiment, influenced the thermal sensation in chamber. Though the physical conditions in the climate chamber were identical (28 °C, 50% rh), Yokohama subjects responded with cooler thermal sensations than Seoul subjects. These subjects experienced hotter weather conditions (than the Seoul subjects) and voted that they felt cooler than the Seoul subjects who experienced cooler temperatures prior to entering the chamber. It was also found that subjects who use air-conditioning at home responded with warmer thermal sensations than the subjects who did not use air-conditioning. These results indicate that there is a strong interaction and influence of our experience with outdoor weather and our indoor thermal comfort. 相似文献
《Energy and Buildings》2002,34(7):737-744
In the assessment of buildings thermal indoor climate in The Netherlands, the directives used are the ones given in 1979 and 1991 by the Government Buildings Agency (GBA). The criteria formulated in 1991 in the form of ‘weighted excess hours’ were a subject for debate. This article treats these directives and their backgrounds. Additionally, it contains information about a project started (September 2000) with as a goal to innovate these directives. This project is developed with the support of NOVEM and the GBA. On the one hand, it tries to improve and optimize the communication necessary with regards to the debates on backgrounds. On the other hand, it treats new notions about desired comfort temperature (Brager and De Dear). This focuses on the relation of the indoor comfort temperature with the outside temperature in the preceding 1 month period. The new criteria and assessment instruments will be presented in a ISSO-publication. 相似文献
Vernacular architecture is still very popular and constructed widely in North-East India. In this paper, the result of long-term monitoring of two vernacular houses selected one in Tezpur (warm and humid climate) and other one in Cherrapunjee (cold and cloudy climate) are presented. Long-term monitoring work includes the measurements of temperature (inside and outside house), relative humidity (inside and outside house) and illumination level (inside and outside house) for 25 days in all the seasons (January: winter, April: spring/pre-summer, July: summer/monsoon and October: autumn/pre-winter) of the year 2008. Temperatures profile across all the seasons represents strong daily and seasonal fluctuations. Formulae have been developed based on part of the monitoring data to predict the indoor maximum, average and minimum temperatures inside the same house occupied by the same family. The predicted formulae were developed based on the measured data for the month of January and July and were validated with the measured data of April and October months. It is found that the correlation coefficient (R2 value) is above 0.96 for all the six formulae for the entire monitoring period. 相似文献
The object of this study was to provide a planological survey of the environment of houses, making use of ethological observation and analysis on human contact between behaviour indoors and that in the immediate outdoor surroundings of the dwellings. The means by which this study was conducted, based on the response to the thermal environment, is particularly unique.The method and results of the study will develop the new field of planology, which is expected to relate environmental engineering with planning, especially planning of residential districts, urban facilities, etc. 相似文献
In this paper, results of a long-term temperature monitoring in a passive solar house, located at the Sede-Boqer Campus of the Ben-Gurion University, in the Negev region of Israel are presented. Local latitude is 30.8°N and the elevation is approximately 480 m above sea level. The climate of the region is characterized by strong daily and seasonal thermal fluctuations, dry air and clear skies with intense solar radiation. The monitored building consists of a two storey, passive solar house and belongs to a student dormitory complex located at the Sede-Boqer Campus. Formulae were developed, based on part of the whole monitoring period, representing the measured daily indoor maximum, average and minimum temperatures. The formulae were then validated against measurements taken independently in different time periods. In managing the building, the main objective in the winter was to bring up the indoor temperature by direct and indirect solar gains while in the summer it was to keep the temperature down. Therefore, analysis of the data and development of predictive formulas of the indoor temperatures were done separately for the winter and for the summer. Measured data of each season were then divided into two sub-periods, the first one used to generate formulas based on measured data (generation) and the second for testing the predictability of the formulas by independent data (validation). In general, a fairly good agreement was verified between onsite measurements and results of the formulae, with regard to daily indoor maximum, average and minimum temperatures. The issue of using outdoor temperatures measured in the adjacent street canyon instead of those registered at the local meteorological site for evaluating the building's cooling demand is also addressed in the paper. The developed formulae were here used for estimating the building's thermal and energy performance in summer, taking into account: (1) solely climatic data from the meteorological station; (2) climatic data from the meteorological station, except for outdoor ambient temperature, which was monitored adjacent to building. Results indicated that the calculation of the building's energy demand for air-conditioning based on temperature data collected at the meteorological station would yield half of the cooling degree-days externally and about two-thirds of that internally, as compared to adopting measured canyon temperatures for such calculations. 相似文献
室内空气中潜在的化学反应与空气品质 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
探讨了室内污染物发生潜在反应的环境条件 ,分析了臭氧与室内无机物和有机物可能发生的化学反应和光化学反应 ,讨论了这些潜在的反应对室内空气品质的影响 ,提出了改善室内空气品质的途径 相似文献
冬季民用住宅室内热湿环境的实测调查研究--采暖设备和居住者热湿感觉、生活行为的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对大连市550户住宅的采暖设备和室内环境进行了问卷调查,并对30户有代表性住宅进行了实测调查.从采暖方式、运行方式、散热器位置三方面考察了大连市采暖设备现状,多角度研究了采暖设备和方式对室内热湿环境、主观感觉及居住者生活行为带来的影响. 相似文献
We performed the experimental and the numerical studies on thermal comfort (TC) and indoor air quality (IAQ) in the lecture room with cooling loads when the operating conditions are changed. Predicted mean vote (PMV) value and CO2 concentration of the lecture room were measured and compared to the numerical results. Both of them showed a reasonable agreement with each other and then we applied the numerical model to analyze TC and IAQ for a couple of different operating conditions. From the results we found that the increment of the discharge angle of 4-way cassette air-conditioner makes uniformity of TC worse, but rarely affects IAQ. It turned out that TC and IAQ are hardly affected by the variation of the discharge airflow. Finally TC was merely affected by the increment of the ventilation rate, but when the ventilation rate is more than 800 m3/h, the average CO2 concentration can be satisfied with the standard limits of Japanese in our case studies. 相似文献
This paper describes a comprehensive study of domestic indoor temperatures in Sweden. A statistical sample survey was carried out in nine municipalities during the spring of 1982, covering a total of 144 dwellings. Temperature measurements were taken continuously, using specially designed measuring equipment comprising a microcomputer and two temperature sensors. This report presents the survey results. Average indoor temperatures for different building categories by types of room and family composition are given. Different parts of the country are compared. Finally, the generalization of the results is discussed. Implications for energy saving potentials in dwellings as a result of lowering indoor temperatures are also discussed. 相似文献
Thermal feed-back as the way to reach higher and lower temperature potential in low energy processes
《Energy and Buildings》2001,33(8):825-830
In this paper, thermal feed-back (TFB) as the way to reach lower and higher temperatures, is analysed. By definition, in TFB application one part of the fluid passing through the system is backed by feed-back connection from outlet to inlet, exchanging the heat flux with incoming fluid flow. The effect of TFB is analysed in two cases: (1) fluid heating and (2) air cooling by adiabatic humidification. In both cases, the TFB moves temperature limits of fluid at exit beyond the limits that are possible in standard installations. The global effect of TFB could be defined as some kind of transition “from quantity to quality”. 相似文献
介绍了显性符号和隐性符号两种中国的传统符号,阐述了再现、点睛、共融、提炼等中国传统符号在室内设计中的应用,指出设计师在对空间、造型、色彩的处理中,应汲取传统文化的精神内核,并结合先进技术,以延续中国的室内设计文化。 相似文献
结合色彩的属性,从色彩的空间处理及整体协调论述如何使室内整体色调达到和谐,并对家具色彩与灯光色彩的设计进行归纳,以期实现室内生活生态环境的协调,创造可持续的生活空间。 相似文献
室内空气净化技术的研究与进展 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
介绍了净化室内不同空气污染物采取的相应净化技术,针对室内VOC,常用吸附法、光催化法、纳米材料净化法;针对室内空气颗粒物,主要采用机械过滤、静电除尘技术、低温等离子体技术、纳米光催化技术等,而微生物的净化主要是利用纳米TiO2光催化技术。还介绍了生物净化技术、膜分离技术等室内空气净化技术的最新进展。 相似文献