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以偏高岭土、水玻璃和氢氧化钠为主要原料制备地聚合物,研究了氧化物组分摩尔比(n(SiO_2)/n(Al_2O_3)、n(Na2O)/n(Al_2O_3)和n(H2O)/n(Al_2O_3))对偏高岭土基地聚合物抗压强度的影响,采用X射线衍射(XRD)和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)对地聚合物的结构和组成进行了分析。结果表明,三种摩尔比在一定范围内均存在最佳值,在最佳配比下制得的地聚合物样品3,7,28 d抗压强度分别为62.6,69.4,77.2 MPa。在地聚合反应中,主要形成无定形凝胶结构,当n(SiO_2)/n(Al_2O_3)<3.6和n(Na2O)/n(Al_2O_3)<0.8时,产生结晶度良好的沸石晶体。  相似文献   

李盾兴  陈小平  张业  谢鲜梅 《当代化工》2017,(11):2181-2184
以高炉矿渣、偏高岭土、水玻璃和氢氧化钠为主要原料,制备矿粉-偏高岭土体系地聚合物。通过调节矿粉掺量(0%~50%范围内),研究钙组分含量对地聚合物抗压强度、凝结时间、物相组成和微观结构的影响。结果表明:当矿粉掺量为30%时,地聚合物样品310 min初凝,395 min终凝,1、3、7和28 d抗压强度分别达到52.8、73.9、87.1和102.3 MPa,达到快凝、早强和高强的目的。  相似文献   

以偏高岭土为原料,分别以钠水玻璃和钾水玻璃为碱激发剂,制备地聚合物,并对两组地聚合物样品高温陶瓷化特性进行研究.地聚合物样品的XRD、线性收缩、气孔率和抗压强度分析表明,在800~1000℃时,两组地聚合物均呈无定形凝胶状态;1100℃开始,由于粘性烧结,K-基地聚合物开始形成稳定的白榴石陶瓷相,线性收缩达到最大值23%,气孔率达到最小值1.22%,抗压强度提高至47.76 MPa;Na-基地聚合物在1200℃开始出现霞石陶瓷相和大孔莫来石相,气孔率最小值为3.10%,最高抗压强度为34.78 MPa;1300℃开始,两组地聚合物三维网状结构均完全破坏并生成稳定的陶瓷相.  相似文献   

通过测定不同磷渣掺量时偏高岭土-矿渣地聚合物标准稠度用水量、凝结时间和抗压强度,研究磷渣对地聚合物性能的影响,并利用SEM、XRD分析碱激发地聚合物水化产物。结果表明:磷渣对复合地聚合物标准稠度用水量影响较小,当磷渣掺量由0增至50%,标准稠度用水量由0.34降至0.32;凝结时间随磷渣掺量增大而延长,磷渣掺量50%的试样初凝时间达84min;抗压强度随磷渣掺量增加先增大后减小,当磷渣掺量为25%时,28d抗压强度达到峰值65.5MPa。掺磷渣后地聚合物碱激发产物为无定形玻璃体,片层状产物与C-S-H凝胶交织在一起形成致密的结构。  相似文献   

摩尔比对脲醛树脂初期产物结构影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜官本 《粘接》1999,20(3):1-5
使用高分辨^13C核磁共振仪研究碱性环境下摩尔比对脲醛树脂初期产物结构的影响。结果表明尿素与甲醛摩尔比对初期产物结构有很大影响,即使在摩尔比为0.8的初期产物中,仍观测到大量的三羟甲基脲或交联的羟甲基和亚甲基包括交联的亚甲基存在,而此时尚有大量的游离尿素存在。  相似文献   

偏高岭土基地质聚合物的制备和力学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩丹  车云轩  宋鹏  王琦 《四川水泥》2014,(5):120-123
以高岭土为原料,煅烧为具有火山灰活性的偏高岭土,以NaOH,水玻璃为碱激发剂,标准养护条件下制备偏高岭土基地质聚合物。测试样品的力学性能,并利用XRD、SEM、DSC和TG、FT-IR等测试手段来研究矿物组成、反应机理、微观形貌;结果显示:高岭土的煅烧温度为800℃,煅烧时间2h,水玻璃模数为1.3,碱含量15%条件下,抗压强度最高可达72.10MPa。矿物聚合物的28d抗压强度相比于3d,7d有较大幅度提高。  相似文献   

采用γ-缩水甘油醚氧丙基三甲氧基硅烷(KH 560)对偏高岭土基地聚合物进行改性,研究了KH 560用量对改性地聚合物制备的砂浆试件抗压强度、抗折强度、抗冻性能、抗硫酸盐腐蚀性能和结构密实程度的影响,并利用扫描电子显微镜、红外光谱、介孔分析等手段表征了产物结构。结果表明,添加适量KH 560能提高偏高岭土基地聚合物的抗压强度、抗折强度、抗冻性能、抗硫酸盐腐蚀系数和结构密实程度。对于KH 560改性地聚合物来说,随着KH 560用量从1%增至4%,抗压强度和抗折强度均逐渐降低,100次冻融循环后的质量损失率和抗压强度损失率升高,干湿循环28 d后的质量损失率升高、抗硫酸盐腐蚀系数降低,总孔容升高,介孔平均直径增大,结构的密实程度降低;当KH 560用量为1%时,改性地聚合物的耐久性能较佳,抗压强度为43.52 MPa,抗折强度为6.98 MPa, 100次冻融循环后质量损失率为4.47%、抗压强度损失率为17.76%,干湿循环28 d后的质量损失率为0.75%、抗硫酸盐腐蚀系数为0.93,总孔容为0.142 cm2/g,介孔平均直径为7.003 nm。  相似文献   

研究了不同渣土掺量对粉煤灰地聚合物力学性能的影响并对试样的微观结构进行分析.研究结果表明:(1)当渣土掺量为0时,粉煤灰地聚物试样的28 d抗压强度可达到43.6 MPa,当渣土掺量为100%时,无法合成地聚合物;(2)粉煤灰地聚合物的抗压强度随着渣土掺量的增加而降低;当渣土掺量低于60%时,水化产物中N-A-S-H凝胶的含量随着渣土掺量的增加而降低,而C-S-H凝胶、钙矾石晶体和石膏晶体的含量随着渣土掺量的增加而增加;当渣土掺量高于60%时,水化产物中的C-S-H凝胶、N-A-S-H凝胶、钙矾石晶体和石膏柱状晶体的含量均随着渣土掺量的增加而降低,且抗压强度随着养护龄期的增加而降低.  相似文献   

为了响应“双碳”政策节能减排的号召,本文采用偏高岭土和高炉矿渣为原材料制备地质聚合物。以抗压强度为指标优化制备条件,探讨确定影响地质聚合物强度的因素。通过正交试验确定偏高岭土基地质聚合物的最佳配比,通过热重和XRD分析不同温度煅烧的偏高岭土组分。研究结果表明,在高岭土煅烧温度为800 ℃时,偏高岭土基地质聚合物的最佳配合比为氢氧化钠与硅酸钠的质量比为6.5∶1,激发剂的质量掺量为14.2%,其28 d抗压强度能达到46.6 MPa。偏高岭土基地质聚合物抗压强度随激发剂的掺量增加而增大,随氢氧化钠与硅酸钠的质量比的增大先增大后减小,随高岭土煅烧温度的升高先增大后减小。  相似文献   

研究了以粉煤灰替代偏高岭土为主要原料制备的地质聚合物胶凝材料的抗压强度,并用SEM观察其微观形貌。结果表明,用含有质量分数20%、40%、60%粉煤灰替代偏高岭土为原料制得的地质聚合物,其受压破坏面物相成分较杂乱,有较多的球状粉煤灰颗粒和裂缝;与单用偏高岭土作原料制备的地质聚合物相比,试样各龄期抗压强度值均不高。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2016,42(13):14416-14422
Geopolymer with Si/Al ratios from 2 to 4 were prepared by adding different contents of fused silica into geopolymer matrix. Effects of Si/Al ratios on the structure, mechanical properties and chemical stability in air of the obtained geopolymer were systematically investigated. The results showed that all the geopolymer samples were XRD amorphous. Geopolymer with Si/Al ratios of 2 and 2.5 showed similar structure and property and they were classed as KGP-I; and geopolymer with Si/Al ratios of 3, 3.5 and 4 were similar and they were class as KGP-II. In alkaline solution, reactivity of fused silica were higher than that of metakaolin, resulting in higher content of both residual metakaolin and free alkaline cation in KGP-II than in KGP-I. Fused silica partially reacted with the alkaline solution in KGP-II indicating chemical interfacial bonding between silica and binder phase. With the increase in Si/Al ratios, KGP-II especially for geopolymer with Si/Al of 4 showed much higher mechanical properties than KGP-I due to the increased Si-O-Si bonds and residual silica as reinforcement. However, KGP-II showed worse chemical stability in air than KGP-I, with the presence of efflorescence on the surface, which was attributed to their higher residual free K+.  相似文献   

The nanostructural evolution during formation of geopolymers and its correlation with setting have not been well understood. In this study, penetration resistance and ultrasonic wave reflection tests were conducted to measure setting, and solid‐state 27Al NMR and liquid‐state 29Si NMR were used to examine nanostructural changes in a metakaolin geopolymer as a function of time. Aluminum was released rapidly during the first 10 hour after mixing and immediately condensed with silicate species in solution to form larger sized aluminosilicate oligomers, which then condensed to form large structural units. Our evidence suggests these units form near metakaolin particle surface. Smaller sized silicate ions in the sol phase then attach to these units to form a gel with a more interconnected network structure. The initial stage of this attaching process was seen to be associated with set, which in this mixture occurred at 15 hour.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2017,43(2):2325-2332
In this paper graphite/metakaolin was first ball-milled to get homogeneous powder, which was then mixed with potassium silicate solution through mechanically stirring. Post curing, we got graphite/geopolymer composites with graphite to geopolymer ratio from 0 to 18 and part the samples were further dealt with heat treatment at 600 °C. Effects of the graphite content on the mechanical properties and microwave absorption properties of the composites were systematically investigated. The results proved that when graphite to geopolymer ratio is not higher than 12, graphite dispersed homogeneously in the composites. However, graphite agglomeration was noted when graphite to geopolymer ratios are 15 and 18. With the increase in graphite to geopolymer ratio, flexural strength and fracture toughness of the composites first increased, reaching the peak value and then decreased. When the graphite to geopolymer ratio is 12, the composite showed the highest flexural strength and fracture toughness, which should be explained by the mixing rule of composites since the mechanical properties of graphite are much higher than geopolymer matrix. With the increase in graphite content, the dielectric constants of the composite increased gradually, but the magnetic constants nearly kept unchanged. It implied that the main microwave absorbing mechanism would be dielectric loss of the composites. The maximum wave reflection loss showed similar trend to the mechanical properties of composites. It reached the peak value when graphite to geopolymer ratio is 12 and then started to decline, which might also be related to the graphite agglomeration. After 600 °C heat treatment, slight decline of the reflect loss peak and obvious decrease on the thickness corresponding to the maximum reflection loss were observed.  相似文献   

用模数m=1.0、1.2、1.4和1.6的4种硅酸钠溶液作激发剂制备偏高岭土基无机聚合物,通过强度测试、红外分析(IR)、X线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)等方法考察激发剂模数对无机聚合物力学性能和微观结构的影响。结果表明:模数在1.0~1.6变化时,激发剂中硅氧四面体呈低聚合态;随养护时间延长,无机聚合物抗压强度和抗折强度提高,m=1.2的无机聚合物28 d抗压强度最高(74.6 MPa),抗折强度为11.2 MPa;4种无机聚合物主体相均呈非晶态,结构上由凝胶体和残留原料颗粒组成,其中,m=1.2时无机聚合物的显微结构最平整。  相似文献   

Unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced geopolymer composite (Cuf/geopolymer) is prepared by a simple ultrasonic-assisted slurry infiltration method, and then heat treated at elevated temperatures. Effects of high-temperature heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the composites are studied. Mechanical properties and fracture behavior are correlated with their microstructure evolution including fiber/matrix interface change. When the composites are heat treated in a temperature range from 1100 to 1300 °C, it is found that mechanical properties can be greatly improved. For the composite heat treated at 1100 °C, flexural strength, work of fracture and Young's modulus reach their highest values increasing by 76%, 15% and 75%, respectively, relative to their original state before heat treatment. The property improvement can be attributed to the densified and crystallized matrix, and the enhanced fiber/matrix interface bonding based on the fine-integrity of carbon fibers. In contrast, for composite heat treated at 1400 °C, the mechanical properties lower substantially and it tends to fracture in a very brittle manner owing to the seriously degraded carbon fibers together with matrix melting and crystal phases dissolve.  相似文献   

This paper evaluated mechanical and thermal stability of alkali-activated materials obtained from metakaolin and alternative silica sources, such as rice husk ash (RHA) and silica fume (SF), and were reinforced with recycled ceramic particles (RP) obtained by grinding bricks. Specimens were produced, and after 7 days of curing, they were exposed to temperatures between 300 and 1200°C to determine the influence that different percentages of RP had on the mechanical behavior and microstructure of the produced composites. The results showed a reduction in the linear contraction by 10.22% with 20 wt% RP and that the reinforcing materials improved the mechanical performance of the geopolymers after exposure to high temperatures; the compressive strengths reached 137.7 (±11.4)  MPa after being exposed to 1200°C for the matrix based on RHA and 180.6 (±19.15) MPa after being reinforced with 20 wt% RP. The improvement was mainly due to densification and the formation of crystalline products such as leucite, kalsilite, and mullite.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of crystallinity and temperature on the mechanical properties of PEEK. Crystallinity in PEEK Increases with annealing temperature up to a maximum of 28 percent with a melting point at 335°C. A minor melting peak also occurs about 10°C above the annealing temperature. In cold drawing the samples exhibited a yield stress and necking followed by homogeneous drawing. The yield stress increases with crystallinity, but there is no change in the modulus. The extension in the necking process also increases with crystallinity, however there is only a slight increase in extension-to-break since necking is compensated by the final amount of homogeneous drawing. The yield stress of PEEK when drawn at Tg (145°C) is significantly lower than at room temperature indicating a reduction in mechanical properties at temperatures approaching Tg. After mechanical drawing the minor melting peak disappears and on heating the material undergoes cold crystallization near the onset of Tg. There is evidence that this minor crystalline component might contribute to the yield stress changes with annealing history. Cold drawing induces crystallization of amorphous PEEK but decreases crystallinity and generates microscopic voids in crystalline PEEK, The various effects of crystallinity on mechanical properties could be important in determining the stress response of PEEK as the matrix in composites.  相似文献   

In this paper, phosphate-based geopolymer composites are studied and the effects of different carbon fiber felt contents (from 20?vol% to 40?vol%) on the phase composition, microstructure, mechanical properties and microwave absorbent properties from 2?GHz to 18?GHz frequency band of the composites were systematically investigated. The results indicate that with the increase in carbon fiber felt contents, flexural strength and Young's modulus of the composites gradually increased. The fracture mode of the composite changed from brittle failure to ductile failure with the presence of carbon fiber felt. It was mainly due to the micropore deformation as well as fibers pulling-out and the crack deflection, which consumed most fracture energy. However, microwave absorbent performance tended to increase at first and then decreased as the carbon fiber felt content ramping up. When the content of carbon fiber felt in the composite was 26.7?vol%, the composite showed the best microwave absorbent performance and the reflection loss reached to ??59.3?dB. It is mainly attributed to the Debye polarization of the carbon fibers and the interface polarization between fibers and the matrix.  相似文献   

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