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The correlation between morphology and charge‐carrier mobility in the vertical direction in thin films of poly(2‐methoxy‐5‐(2′‐ethylhexyloxy)‐1,4‐phenylenevinylene) (MEH‐PPV) is investigated by a combination of X‐ray reflectivity (XRR), field‐emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), fluorescence optical microscopy (FOM), photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL), photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy (PLE), as well as time‐of‐flight (TOF) and transient electroluminescence (TrEL) techniques. The mobility is about two orders of magnitude greater for drop‐cast films than for their spin‐cast counterparts. Drop‐casting in the presence of a vertical static electric field (E‐casting) results in films with an additional increase in mobility of about one order of magnitude. While PL and PLE spectra vary with the method of film preparation, there is no correlation between emission spectra and charge‐carrier mobility. Our XRR measurements on spin‐cast films indicate layering along the film depth while no such structure is found in drop‐cast or E‐cast films, whereas FESEM examination indicates that nanodomains within drop‐cast films are eliminated in the E‐cast case. These observations indicate that carrier transport is influenced by structure on two different length scales. The low mobility observed in spin‐cast films is a direct result of a global layered structure with characteristic thickness of ca. 4 nm: in the absence of this layered structure, drop‐cast films with inherent nanoscale heterogeneities (ca. 20 nm in size) exhibit much better hole mobility. Elimination of nanodomains via electric‐field alignment results in further improved charge mobility.  相似文献   

The influence of various thermal treatment steps on the morphology and the photoconductive properties of a non‐contacted, 50 nm thick blend (50:50 wt.‐%) of [6,6]‐phenyl C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) and poly(3‐hexyl thiophene) (P3HT) spin‐coated from chloroform has been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the electrodeless time‐resolved microwave conductivity technique. After annealing the film for 5 min at 80 °C, TEM images show the formation of crystalline fibrils of P3HT due to a more ordered packing of the polymer chains. The thermal treatment results in a large increase of the photoconductivity, due to an enhancement of the hole mobility in these crystalline P3HT domains from 0.0056 cm2 V–1 s –1 for the non‐annealed sample to 0.044 cm2 V–1 s –1 for the sample annealed at 80 °C. In contrast, the temporal shape of the photoconductivity, with typical decay half‐times, τ1/2, of 1 μs for the lowest excitation intensities, is unaffected by the temperature treatment. Further annealing of the sample at 130 °C results in the formation of three different substructures within the heterojunction: a PCBM:P3HT blend with PCBM‐rich clusters, a region depleted of PCBM, and large PCBM single crystals. Only a minor increase in the amplitude, but a tenfold rise of the decay time of the photoconductivity, is observed. This is explained by the formation of PCBM‐rich clusters and large PCBM single crystals, resulting in an increased diffusional escape probability for mobile charge carriers and hence reduced recombination.  相似文献   

In this study, pentacene thin‐film transistors (TFTs) operating at low voltages with high mobilities and low leakage currents are successfully fabricated by the surface modification of the CeO2–SiO2 gate dielectrics. The surface of the gate dielectric plays a crucial role in determining the performance and electrical reliability of the pentacene TFTs. Nearly hysteresis‐free transistors are obtained by passivating the devices with appropriate polymeric dielectrics. After coating with poly(4‐vinylphenol) (PVP), the reduced roughness of the surface induces the formation of uniform and large pentacene grains; moreover, –OH groups on CeO2–SiO2 are terminated by C6H5, resulting in the formation of a more hydrophobic surface. Enhanced pentacene quality and reduced hysteresis is observed in current–voltage (I–V) measurements of the PVP‐coated pentacene TFTs. Since grain boundaries and –OH groups are believed to act as electron traps, an OH‐free and smooth gate dielectric leads to a low trap density at the interface between the pentacene and the gate dielectric. The realization of electrically stable devices that can be operated at low voltages makes the OTFTs excellent candidates for future flexible displays and electronics applications.  相似文献   

We report on our latest improvements in organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs) using ultra‐thin anodized gate insulators. Anodization of titanium (Ti) is an extremely cheap and simple technique to obtain high‐quality, very thin (~ 7.5 nm), pinhole‐free, and robust gate insulators for OFETs. The anodized insulators have been tested in transistors using pentacene and poly(triarylamine) (PTAA) as active layers. The fabricated devices display low‐threshold, normally “off” OFETs with negligible hysteresis, good carrier mobility, high gate capacitance, and exceptionally low inverse subthreshold slope. Device performance is improved via chemical modification of TiO2 with an octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) self‐assembled monolayer (SAM). As the result of this combination of favorable properties, we have demonstrated OFETs that can be operated with voltages well below 1 V.  相似文献   

Core‐chlorinated naphthalene tetracarboxylic diimides (NDIs) with fluoroalkyl chains are synthesized and employed for n‐channel organic thin‐film transistors (OTFTs). Structural analyses of the single crystals and thin films are performed and their charge‐transport behavior is investigated in terms of structure–property relationships. NDIs with two chlorine substituents are shown to exhibit a herringbone structure with a very close π‐plane distance (3.3–3.4 Å), a large π‐stack overlap (slipping angle ca. 62°), and high crystal densities (2.046–2.091 g cm?3). These features result in excellent field‐effect mobilities of up to 1.43 cm2 V?1 s?1 with minimal hysteresis and high on–off ratios (ca. 107) in air. This is similar to the highest n‐channel mobilities in air reported so far. Despite the repulsive interactions of bulky Cl substituents, tetrachlorinated NDIs adopt a slip‐stacked face‐to‐face packing with an interplanar distance of around 3.4 Å, resulting in a high mobility (up to 0.44 cm2 V?1 s?1). The air‐stability of dichlorinated NDIs is superior to that of tetrachlorinated NDIs, despite of their higher LUMO levels. This is closely related to the denser packing of the fluorocarbon chains of dichlorinated NDIs, which serves as a kinetic barrier to the diffusion of ambient oxidants. Interestingly, these NDIs show an optimal performance either on bare SiO2 or on octadecyltrimethoxysilane (OTS)‐treated SiO2, depending on the carbon number of the fluoroalkyl chains. Their synthetic simplicity and processing versatility combined with their high performance make these semiconductors highly promising for practical applications in flexible electronics.  相似文献   

A scanning Kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM) study of the surface potential of vacuum sublimed pentacene transistors under bias stress and its correlation with the film morphology is presented. While for thicker films there are some trapping centers inhomogeneously distributed over the film, as previously reported by other authors, by decreasing the film thickness the effect of thin intergrain regions (IGRs) becomes clear and a very good correlation between the topography and the potential data is observed. It is shown that in the thick pentacene grains the potential is homogeneous and independent of the gate bias applied with negligible charge trapping, while in the thin IGRs the potential varies with the applied gate bias, indicating that only an incomplete accumulation layer can be formed. Clear evidence for preferential charge trapping in the thin IGRs is obtained.  相似文献   

New thin‐film dielectrics and nanolaminates have been synthesized via aqueous‐solution deposition of Hf and Zr sulfates, where facile gelation and vitrification of the precursor solution have been achieved without organic additives. X‐ray reflectivity, imaging, and metal‐insulator‐metal capacitor performance reveal that smooth, atomically dense films are readily produced by spin coating and modest thermal treatment (T < 325 °C). Dielectric characteristics include permittivities covering the range of 9–12 with breakdown fields up to 6 MV cm–1. Performance as gate dielectrics is demonstrated in field‐effect transistors exhibiting small gate‐leakage currents and qualitatively ideal device performance. The low‐temperature processing, uniformity, and pore‐free nature of the films have also allowed construction of unique, high‐resolution nanolaminates exhibiting individual layers as thin as 3 nm.  相似文献   

Regioregular head‐to‐tail (HT)‐coupled poly(3‐hexylthiophene‐2,5‐diyl) (P3HT) with a weight‐average molecular weight (Mw) in the 7.3–69.6 kDa range is crystallized by directional epitaxial solidification in 1,3,5‐trichlorobenzene (TCB) to yield highly oriented thin films. An oriented and periodic lamellar structure consisting of crystalline lamellae separated by amorphous interlamellar zones is evidenced by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Both the overall crystallinity as well as the orientation of the crystalline lamellae decrease significantly with increasing Mw. The total lamellar periodicity is close to the length of “fully extended” chains for Mw = 7.3 kDa (polystyrene‐equivalent molecular weight, eq. PS) and it saturates to a value of ca. (25–28) ± 2 nm for Mw ≥ 18.8 kDa (eq. PS). This behavior is attributed to a transition from an oligomeric‐like system, for which P3HT chains are essentially in a fully extended all‐trans conformation and do not fold, to a semicrystalline system that involves a periodic alternation of crystalline lamellae separated by extended amorphous interlamellar zones, which harbor chain folds, chain ends, and tie molecules. For P3HT with Mw of ca. 7.3 kDa (eq. PS), epitaxial crystallization on TCB allows for the growth of both “edge‐on” and “flat‐on” oriented crystalline lamellae on the TCB substrate. The orientation of the lamellae is attributed to 1D epitaxy. Because of the large size of the “flat‐on” crystalline lamellae, a characteristic single‐crystal electron diffraction pattern corresponding to the [001] zone was obtained by selected area electron diffraction (SAED), indicating that P3HT crystallizes in a monoclinic unit cell with a = 16.0 Å, b = 7.8 Å, c = 7.8 Å, and γ = 93.5°.  相似文献   

Thickness‐dependent crystal structure, surface morphology, surface energy, and molecular structure and microstructure of a series of polycrystalline pentacene films with different film thickness ranging from several monolayers to the several hundred nanometers have been investigated using X‐ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle meter, and Raman spectroscopy. XRD studies indicate that thin film polymorphs transformation behaviours are from the orthorhombic phase to the thin‐film phase and then to the triclinic bulk phase as measured by the increased tilt angle (θtilt) of the pentacene molecule from the c‐axis toward the a‐axis. We propose a growth model that rationalizes the θtilt increased along with increasing film thickness in terms of grain size and surface energy varying with film growth using AFM combined with contact angle measurements. The vibrational characterizations of pentacene molecules in different thickness films were investigated by Raman spectroscopy compared to density functional theory calculations of an isolated molecule. In combination with XRD and AFM the method enables us to distinguish the molecular microstructures in different thin film polymorphs. We proposed a methodology to probe the microscopic parameters determining the carrier transport properties based on Davydov splitting and the characteristics of aromatic C–C stretching modes in Raman spectra. When compared to the triclinic bulk phase at a high thickness, we suggest that the first few monolayer structures located at the dielectric surface could have inferior carrier transport properties due to weak intermolecular interactions, large molecular relaxation energy, and more grain boundaries.  相似文献   

We report on electric‐field‐induced irreversible structural modifications in pentacene thin films after long‐term operation of organic field‐effect transistor (OFET) devices. Micro‐Raman spectroscopy allows for the analysis of the microstructural modifications of pentacene in the small active channel of OFET during device operation. The results suggest that the herringbone packing of pentacene molecules in a solid film is affected by an external electric field, particularly the source‐to‐drain field that parallels the a–b lattice plane. The analysis of vibrational frequency and Davydov splitting in the Raman spectra reveals a singular behavior suggesting a reduced separation distance between pentacene molecules after long‐term operations and, thus, large intermolecular interactions. These results provide evidence for improved OFET performance after long‐term operation, related to the microstructures of organic semiconductors. It is known that the application of large electric fields alters the semiconductor properties of the material owing to the generation of defects and the trapping of charges. However, we first suggest that large electric fields may alter the molecular geometry and further induce structural phase transitions in the pentacene films. These results provide a basis for understanding the improved electronic properties in test devices after long‐term operations, including enhanced field‐effect mobility, improved on/off current ratio, sharp sub‐threshold swing, and a slower decay rate in the output drain current. In addition, the effects of source‐to‐drain electric field, gate electric field, current and charge carriers, and thermal annealing on the pentacene films during OFET operations are discussed.  相似文献   

Organic field‐effect transistors suffer from ultra‐high operating voltages in addition to their relative low mobility. A general approach to low‐operating‐voltage organic field‐effect transistors (OFETs) using donor/acceptor buffer layers is demonstrated. P‐type OFETs with acceptor molecule buffer layers show reduced operating voltages (from 60–100 V to 10–20 V), with mobility up to 0.19 cm2 V?1 s?1 and an on/off ratio of 3 × 106. The subthreshold slopes of the devices are greatly reduced from 5–12 V/decade to 1.68–3 V/decade. This favorable combination of properties means that such OFETs can be operated successfully at voltages below 20 V (|VDS| ≤ 20 V, |VGS| ≤ 20 V). This method also works for n‐type semiconductors. The reduced operating voltage and low pinch‐off voltage contribute to the improved ordering of the polycrystalline films, reduced grain boundary resistance, and steeper subthreshold slopes.  相似文献   

The charge‐transport properties of the spiro‐linked compounds 2,2′,7,7′‐tetrakis(diphenylamino)‐9,9′‐spirobifluorene, 2,2′,7,7′‐tetrakis(N,N′‐di‐p‐methylphenylamino)‐9,9′‐spirobifluorene, 2,2′,7,7′‐tetra(m‐tolyl‐phenylamino)‐9,9′‐spirobifluorene, and 2,2′,7,7′‐tetra(N‐phenyl‐1‐naphthylamine)‐9,9′‐spirobifluorene, and their corresponding parent compounds, N,N,N′,N′‐tetraphenylbenzidine, N,N,N′,N′‐tetrakis(4‐methylphenyl)benzidine, and N,N′‐bis(3‐methylphenyl)‐(1,1′‐biphenyl)‐4,4′‐diamine, N,N′‐diphenyl‐N,N′‐bis(1‐naphthyl)‐1,1′‐biphenyl‐4,4′‐diamine, are investigated. The field‐effect mobilities of charge carriers in thin films of the parent compounds are slightly higher than those of the spiro‐linked compounds. However, the transistor action of the parent‐compound thin films vanishes because the films crystallize after being stored in ambient atmosphere for a few days. In contrast, the hole mobilities in thin films of the spiro‐linked compounds do not change significantly after the samples are stored in ambient atmosphere for up to nine months. Also discussed is the temperature dependency of the mobilities of charge carriers, which is presented using two models, namely the Arrhenius and the Gaussian disorder models.  相似文献   

Liquid‐polymer films sandwiched between two electrodes develop a surface instability caused by the electric field, giving rise to polymer structures that span the two plates. This study investigates the development of the resulting polymer morphologies as a function of time. The initial phase of the structure formation process is a sinusoidal surface undulation, irrespective of the sample parameters. The later stages of pattern formation depend on the relative amount of polymer in the capacitor gap (filling ratio). For high enough filling ratios, the final morphology of the pattern is determined by the partial coalescence of the initial pattern. The introduction of lateral‐field heterogeneities influences the initial pattern formation, with columns nucleated at locations of highest electric field (isolated points or edges). The subsequently formed secondary columns have higher degree of lateral symmetry compared to the pattern formed in a homogeneous field. The nucleation of individual columns or plugs also dominates the pattern formation in the presence of an electrode consisting of an array of lines. The results of this study therefore allow us to draw the conclusion that the accurate replication of structured electrodes typically proceeds by the initial nucleation of individual columns, followed by a coalescence process that yields the polymer replica.  相似文献   

The molecular orientation of linear‐shaped molecules in organic amorphous films is demonstrated to be controllable by the substrate temperature. It is also shown that the molecular orientation affects the charge‐transport characteristics of the films. Although linear‐shaped 4,4′‐bis[(N‐carbazole)styryl]biphenyl molecules deposited on substrates at room temperature are horizontally oriented in amorphous films, their orientation when deposited on heated substrates with smooth surfaces becomes more random as the substrate temperature increases, even at temperatures under the glass transition temperature. Another factor dominating the orientation of the molecules deposited on heated substrates is the surface roughness of the substrate. Lower carrier mobilities are observed in films composed of randomly oriented molecules, demonstrating the significant effect of a horizontal molecular orientation on the charge‐transport characteristics of organic amorphous films.  相似文献   

Ambipolar thin‐film transistors based on a series of air‐stable, solution‐processed blends of an n‐type polymer poly(benzobisimidazobenzophenanthroline) (BBL) and a p‐type small molecule, copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) are demonstrated, where all fabrication and measurements are performed under ambient conditions. The hole mobilities are in the range of 6.0 × 10–6 to 2.0 × 10–4 cm2 V–1 s–1 and electron mobilities are in the range of 2.0 × 10–6 to 3.0 × 10–5 cm2 V–1 s–1, depending on the blend composition. UV‐vis spectroscopy and electron diffraction show crystallization of CuPc in the metastable α‐crystal form within the semicrystalline BBL matrix. These CuPc domains develop into elongated ribbon‐like crystalline nanostructures when the blend films are processed in methanol, but not when they are processed in water. On methylene chloride vapor annealing of the blend films, a phase transformation of CuPc from the α‐form to the β‐form is observed, as shown by optical absorption spectroscopy and electron diffraction. Ambipolar charge transport is only observed in the blend films where CuPc crystallized in the elongated ribbon‐like nanostructures (α‐form). Ambipolar behavior is not observed with CuPc in the β‐polymorph. Unipolar hole mobilities as high as 2.0 × 10–3 cm2 V–1 s–1 are observed in these solution‐processed blend field‐effect transistors (FETs) on prolonged treatment in methanol, comparable to previously reported hole mobilities in thermally evaporated CuPc FETs. These results show that ambipolar charge transport and carrier mobilities in multicomponent organic semiconductors are intricately related to the phase‐separated nanoscale and crystalline morphology.  相似文献   

Four soluble dialkylated tetrathienoacene ( TTAR) ‐based small molecular semiconductors featuring the combination of a TTAR central core, π‐conjugated spacers comprising bithiophene ( bT ) or thiophene ( T ), and with/without cyanoacrylate ( CA ) end‐capping moieties are synthesized and characterized. The molecule DbT‐TTAR exhibits a promising hole mobility up to 0.36 cm2 V?1 s?1 due to the enhanced crystallinity of the microribbon‐like films. Binary blends of the p‐type DbT‐TTAR and the n‐type dicyanomethylene substituted dithienothiophene‐quinoid ( DTTQ‐11 ) are investigated in terms of film morphology, microstructure, and organic field‐effect transistor (OFET) performance. The data indicate that as the DbT‐TTAR content in the blend film increases, the charge transport characteristics vary from unipolar (electron‐only) to ambipolar and then back to unipolar (hole‐only). With a 1:1 weight ratio of DbT‐TTAR DTTQ‐11 in the blend, well‐defined pathways for both charge carriers are achieved and resulted in ambipolar transport with high hole and electron mobilities of 0.83 and 0.37 cm2 V?1 s?1, respectively. This study provides a viable way for tuning microstructure and charge carrier transport in small molecules and their blends to achieve high‐performance solution‐processable OFETs.  相似文献   

New electroactive and photoactive conjugated copolymers consisting of alternating 2,7‐carbazole and oligothiophene moieties linked by vinylene groups have been developed. Different oligothiophene units have been introduced to study the relationship between the polymer structure and the electronic properties. The resulting copolymers are characterized by UV‐vis spectroscopy, size‐exclusion chromatography, and thermal and electrochemical analyses. Bulk heterojunction photovoltaic cells from different copolymers and a soluble fullerene derivative, [6,6]‐phenyl‐C61 butyric acid methyl ester, have been fabricated, and promising preliminary results are obtained. For instance, non‐optimized devices using poly(N‐(4‐octyloxyphenyl)‐2,7‐carbazolenevinylene‐alt‐3″,4″‐dihexyl‐2,2′;5′,2″;5″,2″′;5″′,2″″‐quinquethiophenevinylene 1″,1″‐dioxide) as an absorbing and hole‐carrier semiconductor exhibit power conversion efficiency up to 0.8 % under air mass (AM) 1.5 illumination. These features make 2,7‐carbazolenevinylene‐based and related polymers attractive candidates for solar‐cell applications.  相似文献   

Poly(4,8‐didodecyl‐2,6‐bis‐(3‐methylthiophen‐2‐yl)‐benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]dithiophene) self‐assembled on appropriate substrates from solution and formed highly structured thin films at low temperatures. As an as‐prepared thin‐film semiconductor without thermal annealing, it exhibited excellent field‐effect transistor properties with mobility of ~ 0.15 cm2 V–1 s–1 in thin‐film transistors.  相似文献   

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