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The G protein alpha subunit (Galpha) is composed of two distinct folding domains: a GTP-binding Ras-like domain and an alpha helical domain (HD). We have recently reported that the helical domain (HDt) of the vertebrate visual transducin alpha subunit (Galphat) synergizes activation of retinal cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) by activated Galphat (Liu, W., and Northup, J. K., (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 12878-12883). Here, we examine the molecular basis for this HD-based signaling regulation, and we provide a new model for the activation of the target effector. The HD proteins derived from visual transducin or taste gustducin alpha subunits, but no other Galpha HD proteins, each attenuate the PDE catalytic core (Palphabeta) and synergize Galphat stimulation of the holoPDE (Palphabetagamma2) with similar apparent affinities. The data from studies of both HDt-mediated attenuation and stimulation indicate that the HDt and the PDE inhibitory subunit (Pgamma) interact with PDE at independent sites and that Palphabeta contains the binding sites for HD. The saturation of both processes by HDt displays positive cooperativity with Hill coefficients of 1.5 for the attenuation of Palphabeta activity and 2.1 for synergism of holoPDE activation. Our data suggest the that Galphat-HDt regulates PDE by allosterically decreasing the affinity of Palphabeta for Pgamma and thus simultaneously facilitating the interaction of the activated Galphat-Ras-like domain with Pgamma. Thus, we propose a new model for the high efficiency of PDE activation as well as deactivation, and, overall, a novel mechanism for controlling fidelity, sensitivity, and efficacy of G protein signaling.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase, a key enzyme in phototransduction, is composed of P alpha beta and two P gamma subunits. Interaction of P gamma with P alpha beta or with the alpha subunit (T alpha) of transducin is crucial for the regulation of cGMP phosphodiesterase in retinal photoreceptors. Here we have investigated phosphorylation of P gamma by cAMP-dependent protein kinase and its functional effect on the P gamma interaction with P alpha beta or T alpha in vitro. P gamma, but not P gamma complexed with T alpha (both GTP and GDP forms), is phosphorylated. Measurement of 32P radioactivity in phosphorylated P gamma, analysis of phosphorylated P gamma by laser mass spectrometry, identification of phosphoamino acid, and phosphorylation of mutant forms of P gamma indicate that only threonine 35 in P gamma is phosphorylated. Phosphorylation of P gamma mutants also reveals that the C and N terminals of P gamma which are required for the regulation of P alpha beta functions are not involved in the P gamma phosphorylation but that arginine 33, which is ADP-ribosylated by an endogenous ADP-ribosyltransferase, is required for the phosphorylation. Phosphorylated P gamma has a higher inhibitory activity for trypsin-activated cGMP phosphodiesterase than nonphosphorylated P gamma, indicating that the P gamma-P alpha beta interaction is affected by P gamma phosphorylation. Nonphosphorylated P gamma inhibits both the GTPase activity of T alpha and the binding of a hydrolysis-resistant GTP analogue to T alpha, while P gamma phosphorylation reduces these inhibitory activities. These observations suggest that a P gamma domain containing threonine 35 is involved in the P gamma-T alpha interaction, and P gamma phosphorylation regulates the P gamma-T alpha interaction. Our observation suggests that P gamma phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase may function for the regulation of phototransduction in vertebrate rod photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT), an oligomeric protein with one A subunit (LTA) and five B subunits, exerts its effects via the ADP-ribosylation of Gsalpha, a guanine nucleotide-binding (G) protein that activates adenylyl cyclase. LTA also ADP-ribosylates simple guanidino compounds (e.g., arginine) and catalyzes its own auto-ADP-ribosylation. All LTA-catalyzed reactions are enhanced by ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs), 20-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding proteins. Replacement of arginine-7 (R7K), valine-53 (V53D), serine-63 (S63K), valine 97 (V97K), or tyrosine-104 (Y104K) in LTA resulted in fully assembled but nontoxic proteins. S63K, V53D, and R7K are catalytic-site mutations, whereas V97K and Y104K are amino acid replacements adjacent to and outside of the catalytic site, respectively. The effects of mutagenesis were quantified by measuring ADP-ribosyltransferase activity (i.e., auto-ADP-ribosylation and ADP-ribosylagmatine synthesis) and interaction with ARF (i.e., inhibition of ARF-stimulated cholera toxin ADP-ribosyltransferase activity and effects of ARF on mutant auto-ADP-ribosylation). All mutants were inactive in the ADP-ribosyltransferase assay; however, auto-ADP-ribosylation in the presence of recombinant human ARF6 was detected, albeit much less than that of native LT (Y104K > V53D > V97K > R7K, S63K). Based on the lack of inhibition by free ADP-ribose, the observed auto-ADP-ribosylation activity was enzymatic and not due to the nonenzymatic addition of free ADP-ribose. V53D, S63K, and R7K were more effective than Y104K or V97K in blocking ARF stimulation of cholera toxin ADP-ribosyltransferase. Based on these data, it appears that ARF-binding and catalytic sites are not identical and that a region outside the NAD cleft may participate in the LTA-ARF interaction.  相似文献   

In a previous study (Xu, Z., Vo, L., and Macher, B. A. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 8818-8823), a domain swapping approach demonstrated that a region of amino acids found in human alpha1, 3/4-fucosyltransferase III (FucT III) conferred a significant increase in alpha1,4-FucT acceptor substrate specificity into alpha1, 3-fucosyltransferase V (FucT V), which, under the same assay conditions, has extremely low alpha1,4-FucT acceptor substrate specificity. In the current study, site-directed mutagenesis was utilized to identify which of the eight amino acids, associated with alpha1,4-FucT acceptor substrate specificity, is/are responsible for conferring this new property. The results demonstrate that increased alpha1,4-FucT activity with both disaccharide and glycolipid acceptors can be conferred on FucT V by modifying as few as two (Asn86 to His and Thr87 to Ile) of the eight amino acids originally swapped from FucT III into the FucT V sequence. Neither single amino acid mutant had increased alpha1,4-FucT activity relative to that of FucT V. Kinetic analyses of FucT V mutants demonstrated a reduced Km for Galbeta1,3GlcNAc (type 1) acceptor substrates compared with native FucT V. However, this was about 20-fold higher than that found for native FucT III, suggesting that other amino acids in FucT III must contribute to its overall binding site for type 1 substrates. These results demonstrate that amino acid residues near the amino terminus of the catalytic domain of FucT III contribute to its acceptor substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Sarcosine oxidase from Arthrobacter sp. TE1826 (SoxA) tightly binds with the coenzyme flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). The amino-terminal region of this enzyme was recognized as a part of the FAD-binding domain by homology search analysis. Comparison with other structurally well-known flavoproteins suggested that the aspartate residue at position 35 (D-35) and the motif sequence (six residues at positions 12 to 17) were important for the interaction with FAD. Site-directed mutagenesis of each position was performed, and mutant SoxAs were purified and characterized. When D-35 was substituted with glutamate, asparagine, and alanine, it was indicated that the carboxyl group of the side chain interacted with FAD. Changes in the enzyme-bound FAD were also observed from the altered spectral profiles. Thirteen mutant SoxAs were obtained by replacing amino acids in the motif sequence. Most of them showed inhibited or remarkably decreased sarcosine oxidase activity, and their spectral profiles were altered. However, some of them were reactivated by chloride ion. Their spectral profiles also became close to that of wild type in the presence of chloride ion. These results strongly suggest that the inhibition of interaction of enzyme with FAD was caused by the substitution in the motif and that it could be recovered under different conditions.  相似文献   

NDP kinase from Dictyostelium was mutated by site-directed mutagenesis at positions indicated by structural data to be involved in the trimer interface. The mutants were substitutions at residue Pro-100 (P100S and P100G) and deletions of 1-5 residues at the C terminus. Single mutants yielded proteins that kept both activity and hexameric structure. However, they were severely affected in their stability toward temperature and urea denaturation. When the P100S mutation was combined with any of the C-terminal deletions, the enzyme lost most of its activity and dissociated into dimers. Crystallographic analysis of the P100S protein was performed at 2.6 A resolution. The x-ray structure showed no direct alteration of intersubunits contacts at residue 100, but an induced disruption of the interaction between Asp-115 and the C terminus of another subunit. The substitution of proline 100 to serine corresponds to the Killer-of-prune mutation in Drosophila. Consequences of the mutation are discussed in view of the structural and biochemical properties observed in the mutant Dictyostelium protein.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in various cell types is induced by hypoxia and other stimuli. VEGF mediates endothelial cell proliferation, angiogenesis, vascular growth, and vascular permeability via the endothelial cell receptors, kinase insert domain-containing receptor (KDR)/fetal liver kinase 1 (Flk-1) and FLT-1. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis was used to identify a positively charged surface in VEGF that mediates binding to KDR/Flk-1. Arg82, Lys84 and His86, located in a hairpin loop, were found to be critical for binding KDR/Flk-1, while negatively charged residues, Asp63, Glu64, and Glu67, were associated with FLT-1 binding. A VEGF model based on PDGFb indicated these positively and negatively charged regions are distal in the monomer but are spatially close in the dimer. Mutations within the KDR site had minimal effect on FLT-1 binding, and mutants deficient in FLT-1 binding did not affect KDR binding. Endothelial cell mitogenesis was abolished in mutants lacking KDR affinity; however, FLT-1 deficient mutants induced normal proliferation. These results suggest dual sets of determinants in the VEGF dimer that cross-link cell surface receptors, triggering endothelial cell growth and angiogenesis. Furthermore, this mutational analysis implicates KDR, but not FLT-1, in VEGF induction of endothelial cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The heterotrimeric G proteins are often regarded functionally as a heterodimer, consisting of a guanine nucleotide-binding alpha subunit and a beta gamma subunit complex. Since the tightly associated beta gamma subunit complex can be separated only under denaturing conditions, studies aimed at determining the individual contributions of the beta and gamma subunits in terms of binding to the various alpha subunits, interacting with receptors, and regulating effectors, have not been possible. To circumvent this problem, we have used baculovirus-infected cells to direct the individual expression of the beta 1 and gamma 2 subunits. Application of extracts from baculovirus-infected cells to an alpha subunit of G protein (G(o) alpha)-affinity matrix resulted in the selective retention and AMF-specific elution of the expressed gamma 2 subunit, but not the expressed beta 1 subunit. Overall, these and other data provide the first evidence of a direct association between the gamma and alpha subunits, which is dependent on prenylation of gamma. The apparent direct association between the gamma and alpha subunits was further probed by limited trypsin proteolysis. Upon addition of trypsin, the G(o) alpha subunit was rapidly cleaved to a 24-kDa fragment. However, in the presence of the purified gamma 2 subunit, trypsin cleavage of the G(o) alpha subunit was completely prevented. This demonstration of a direct association between the gamma and alpha subunits is particularly intriguing in light of the increasingly large number of known alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, which raises important questions regarding the assembly of these subunits into functionally distinct G proteins. Thus, a direct association between the gamma and alpha subunits, which exhibit the greatest structural diversity, may provide the basis for the selective assembly of these subunits into G proteins with functional diversity.  相似文献   

A method is described for quantitation of underivatized enantiomers of propranolol and its major basic metabolite, 4-hydroxypropranolol, in urine samples by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, using a cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) chiral stationary phase. This method was found to be precise and accurate for the measurement of propranolol and 4-hydroxypropranolol concentrations in urine from pharmacokinetic investigations. This method represents the first assay for direct determination of 4-hydroxypropranolol enantiomers. The ability to easily measure 4-hydroxypropranolol enantiomers is valuable because the stereoselective disposition of propranolol is primarily due to stereoselective metabolism in the pathway responsible for generation of 4-hydroxypropranolol.  相似文献   

To define the presence and potential role of platelet-associated protease inhibitors, we initiated a study designed to characterize the platelet components that are responsible for the formation of two SDS-stable complexes of approximately 58 and 70 kDa initially observed following the incubation of 125I-thrombin and human platelets. We demonstrate that thermal-mediated unfolding of the 58-kDa complex between 125I-thrombin and a nonsecreted platelet protein leads to an apparent molecular mass of 70 kDa. This platelet component is functionally and immunologically indistinguishable from the cytoplasmic antiproteinase (CAP), also known as placental thrombin inhibitor, a recently cloned member of the ovalbumin family of intracellular serpins (serine proteinase inhibitors). CAP-specific mRNA and antigen were detected in human platelets, suggesting that CAP synthesis occurs concurrent with platelet development. Utilizing quantitative immunoblotting, CAP antigen was estimated at 1.014 +/- 0.181 microg/10(9) nonstimulated platelets. After platelet activation with the calcium ionophore A23187, CAP antigen was detected in released microparticles at approximately 0. 195 +/- 0.031 microg/10(9) platelets and a fraction of platelet CAP was proteolytically modified. We provide evidence that these lower molecular mass species arise by cleavage of CAP at or near the reactive site loop. Most importantly, molecular sieving chromatography indicates the presence of an approximately 68-kDa SDS-labile complex between cleaved CAP and a cellular component in A23187-stimulated platelets, suggesting a physiological target of this intracellular serpin and a potential role for this inhibitor in regulating proteolytic activity that may be formed during platelet activation.  相似文献   

The FcR family contains multiple receptors for Igs, of which the most distantly related ( approximately 20%) is the IgA receptor (human Fc alpha R), being more homologous ( approximately 35%) to another family of killer-inhibitory receptor-related immunoreceptors with a 19q13.4 chromosomal location in humans. This study of the Fc alpha R demonstrated that, like several IgG receptors, Fc alpha R is a low affinity receptor for Ab (Ka approximately 106 M-1). Rapid dissociation of the rsFc alpha R:IgA complex (t1/2 approximately 25 s) suggests that monomer IgA would bind transiently to cellular Fc alpha Rs, while IgA immune complexes could bind avidly. Mutagenesis of histidyl 85 and arginyl 82, in the FG loop of domain 1, demonstrated that these residues were essential for the IgA-binding activity of Fc alpha R, while arginyl 87 makes a minor contribution to the binding activity of the receptor. This site is unusual among the Fc receptors (Fc gamma RII, Fc gamma RIII, and Fc epsilon RI), in which the ligand binding site is in domain 2 rather than domain 1, but like Fc alpha R, the FG loop comprises part of the ligand binding site. The putative F and G strands flanking the Fc alpha R ligand binding site are highly homologous in the other killer-inhibitory receptor-related immunoreceptors, suggesting they comprise a conserved structural element on which divergent FG loops are presented and participate in the specific ligand interactions of each of these receptors.  相似文献   

For oxygenation of polyenoic fatty acids by 12- and 15-lipoxygenases the methyl terminus of the substrate constitutes the signal for the initial hydrogen abstraction. In contrast, for 5-lipoxygenases an inverse head to tail substrate orientation has been proposed. However, recent structure-based sequence alignments suggested a conserved uniform substrate orientation for 5S- and 15S-lipoxygenation. Oxygenation of 15S-HETE derivatives by various wild-type and mutant lipoxygenases was investigated, and the evidence proved an inverse substrate orientation: (i) Substrate affinity and Vmax of 15S-HETE oxygenation by arachidonic acid 15-lipoxygenases are >1 order of magnitude lower than the corresponding data for polyenoic fatty acids. 5S,15S- and 14R, 15S-DiH(P)ETE were identified as major reaction products. (ii) Methylation of the carboxylate group of 15S-HETE augmented the reaction rate and shifted the reaction specificity strongly toward 5S-lipoxygenation. In contrast, methyl arachidonate was less effectively oxygenated than the free acid. Methylation of 15S-HETrE(8,11,14), which lacks the C5-C6 double bond, was without major impact on the oxygenation rate and on the product specificity. (iii) Introduction of a bulky glycerol moiety at the carboxylic group of 15S-HETE reversed the kinetic effects of methylation and led to a 14R-oxygenation of the substrate. (iv) When the product pattern of 15S-HETE oxygenation by the recombinant wild-type rabbit 15-lipoxygenase was compared with that formed by the Arg403Leu mutant, 5S- and 8S-lipoxygenations were augmented and 14R, 15S-DiH(P)ETE formation was impaired. (v) Phe353Leu or Ile418Ala mutation of the same enzyme, which favored 12S-HETE formation from arachidonic acid, strongly augmented 8S-lipoxygenation of 15S-HETE methyl ester. These kinetic data and the alterations in the product specificity are consistent with the concept of an inverse head to tail substrate orientation during the oxygenation of 15S-HETE methyl ester and/or of free 15S-HETE by 15-LOXs. For 5S- and 8S-lipoxygenation, 15-HETE may slide into the substrate binding pocket with its carboxy terminus approaching the doubly allylic methylenes C-7 or C-10 to the non-heme iron.  相似文献   

The interaction of the alpha subunit with the beta2 subunit of tryptophan synthase is known to be necessary for the activation of each subunit and for the catalytic efficiency of the alpha2beta2 complex. To elucidate the roles of hydrogen bonds in the interaction site between the alpha and beta subunits for subunit association, eight mutant alpha subunits at five hydrogen bonding residues (N104D, N104A, N108D, N108A, E134A, E135A, N157D, and N157A) were constructed, and the thermodynamic parameters of association with the beta subunit were obtained using a titration calorimeter. The N104D and N104A mutations remarkably decreased the stimulation activities, the association constants, and the association enthalpies. Although the association constant and the stimulation activities of E134A were reduced in the absence of salt, the change in the association enthalpy was relatively small, and the addition of salt could repair its defects. The substitutions at positions 135 and 157 did not affect the stimulation activity and decreased the Gibbs energy of association corresponding to the defect in 1 mol of hydrogen bond. The present results suggest that the alpha subunit which has a mutation at position 104 cannot fold into an intact conformation upon complex formation, resulting in reduced stimulation activities. The hydrogen bond with Asn-104, which is a conserved residue among 16 microorganisms, was especially important for alpha/beta interaction and mutual activation.  相似文献   

The activation of transducin (T) by photoexcited rhodopsin (R*) is kinetically dissected within the framework of Michaelis-Menten enzymology, taking transducin as substrate of the enzyme R*. The light scattering "release" signal (Vuong, T.M., M. Chabre, and L. Stryer, 1984, Nature (Lond.). 311:659-661) was used to monitor the kinetics of transducin activation at 20 degrees C. In addition, the influence of nonuniform distributions of R* on these activation kinetics is also explored. Sinusoidal patterns of R* were created with interference fringes from two crossed laser beams. Two characteristic times were extracted from the Michaelis-Menten analysis: t(form), the diffusion-related time needed to form the enzyme-substrate R*-transducin is 0.25 +/- 0.1 ms, and T(cat), the time taken by R* to perform the chemistry of catalysis on transducin is 1.2 +/- 0.2 ms, in the absence of added guanosine diphosphate (GDP) and at saturating levels of guanosine triphosphate (GTP). With t(form) being but 20% of the total activation time t(form) + t(cat), transducin activation by R* is not limited by lateral diffusion. This is further borne out by the observation that uniform and sinusoidal patterns of R* elicited release signals of indistinguishable kinetics. When (GDP) = (GTP) = 500 microM, t(cat) is lengthened twofold. As the in vivo GDP and GTP levels are comparable, the exchange of nucleotides may well be the rate-limiting process.  相似文献   

Concurrent abuse of cocaine and opioids is frequently observed clinically, and we have developed a model of "speedball" self-administration involving the simultaneous injection of cocaine and heroin combinations in rhesus monkeys (Mello et al. (1995) J Pharmacol Exp Ther 274:1325). In the present study, we evaluated the effects of buprenorphine (0.0075-0.75 mg/kg/day i.v.) and saline on speedball combinations of cocaine [0.001, 0.01 or 0.10 mg/kg/inj] and heroin [0.0001-0.032 mg/kg/inj]. We also examined the effects of buprenorphine (0.075 and 0.237 mg/kg/day i.v.) on self-administration of heroin alone (0.0001-0.01 mg/kg/inj). Drug and food (1-g banana pellets) self-administration were maintained on a second-order FR4 (VR16:S) schedule in four 1-hr sessions each day. Each buprenorphine or saline control treatment was evaluated for 10 consecutive days, and monkeys returned to base-line performance between each treatment condition. Buprenorphine (0.075-0.75 mg/kg/day) selectively reduced self-administration of speedball combinations of low-dose cocaine (0.001 mg/kg/inj) and heroin (0.001 or 0.0032 mg/kg/inj) (P < .05-.01), and buprenorphine (0.237 mg/kg/day) shifted dose-effect curves for speedball combinations of cocaine (0.001 mg/kg/inj) and heroin (0.0001-0.032 mg/kg/inj) downward (P < .05-.01) and approximately 1 log unit to the right. Buprenorphine treatment was less effective in decreasing responding maintained by speedball combinations of heroin and 0.01 and 0.10 mg/kg/inj cocaine. Buprenorphine treatment (0.075 and 0.237 mg/kg/day) also shifted the heroin dose-effect curve downward (P < .01-.001) and to the right. Both speedball and heroin self-administration were associated with dose-dependent decreases in food-maintained responding during saline control treatment. However, food-maintained responding was often higher than control levels during buprenorphine treatment (P < .05-.001), which suggests that buprenorphine antagonized the rate-decreasing effects of speedballs and of heroin. Buprenorphine's selective reduction of speedball and heroin self-administration is consistent with clinical treatment trials in opioid abusers and polydrug abusers. Thus, these primate models of speedball and heroin self-administration should be useful for preclinical evaluation of novel drug abuse treatment medications.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of a specific galloping exercise regimen on collagen fibril mass-average diameters (MAD) in the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) and suspensory ligament (SL) of young Thoroughbreds. ANIMALS: 12 Thoroughbred fillies, 21 +/- 1 (mean +/- SD) months old. PROCEDURE: 6 horses underwent a specific 18-month treadmill training program involving galloping exercise. The remaining 6 horses served as controls, undertaking low-volume walking exercise over the same period. Sections were excised from the midpoint of the DDFT and SL, and small strips were dissected from central and peripheral locations for each structure. Fibril diameters were measured from micrographs of transverse ultrathin sections, using a computerized image analysis program. An MAD value was calculated for the central and peripheral regions of the DDFT and SL for each horse. Values for both regions were compared between exercised and control horses. RESULTS: The MAD did not change significantly with exercise for either the DDFT or the SL. CONCLUSION: Loading of the DDFT as a result of this exercise regimen was not sufficient to stimulate collagen fibril hypertrophy, in keeping with current data that indicate this tendon, compared with the SL and superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), is subjected to low loads. Microtrauma, in terms of reduction in fibril MAD, may have occurred in the SL at a site different from that sampled. Another possibility is that, between the trot and the gallop, loading of the SL does not increase to the same extent as that of the SDFT.  相似文献   

To elucidate the minimum requirement of amino acid residues for the active center in human adenylate kinase (hAK1), we carried out random site-directed mutagenesis of key lysine residues (K9, K21, K27, K31, K63, K131, and K194), which were conserved in mammalian AK1 species, with the pMEX8-hAK1 plasmid [Ayabe, T., et al. (1996) Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 38, 373-381]. Twenty different mutants were obtained and analyzed by steady-state kinetics, and all mutants showed activity loss by Km and/or k(cat) effects on MgATP2-, AMP2-, or both. The results have led to the following conclusions. (1) Lys9 would appear to interact with both MgATP2- and AMP2- but to a larger extent than with AMP2-. (2) Lys21 is likely to play a role in substrate binding of both MgATP2- and AMP2- but more strongly affects MgATP2-. (3) Lys27 and Lys131 would appear to play a functional role in catalysis by interacting strongly with MgATP2-. (4) Lys31 would appear to interact with MgATP2- and AMP2- at the MgATP2- site. (5) Lys63 would be more likely to interact with MgATP2- than with AMP2-. (6) Lys194 in the flanking C-terminal domain would appear to interact not only with MgATP2- but also with AMP2- at the MgATP2- site by stabilizing substrate binding. The loss of the positively charged epsilon-amino group of lysine affects both the affinity for the substrate and the catalytic efficiency. Hence, hydrophilic lysine residues in hAK1 would appear to be essential for substrate-enzyme interaction with the coordination of some arginine residues, reported previously [Kim, H. J., et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 1107-1111].  相似文献   

The objective of this study has been to determine which Na,K-ATPase isoforms are expressed in red blood cells and whether kinetic differences in the uncoupled sodium efflux mode between the human red blood cell Na,K-ATPase and other preparations can be explained by differences in the underlying subunit composition. To this end, human reticulocyte RNA was isolated, reverse transcribed, amplified by PCR and appropriate primers, and sequenced. Primers from highly conserved areas as well as isoform-specific primers were used. The alpha1 and alpha3 isoforms of the alpha subunit, and the beta2 and beta3 isoforms of the beta subunit were found. The complete coding regions of the cDNAs for the reticulocyte subunits were sequenced from overlapping PCR fragments. No difference was found between the reticulocyte isoforms and the ones already known. The fact that we found beta2 but not beta1 in reticulocyte single-stranded cDNA, and beta1 but not beta2 in a leukocyte library indicates that leukocyte contamination of our reticulocyte preparation was negligible. Analysis of a human bone marrow library showed that alpha1, alpha2, and alpha3 as well as all three beta isoforms were present. The extent to which the kinetic properties of uncoupled sodium efflux might depend on different isoform combinations is not yet known.  相似文献   

Caveolin, a 21-24-kDa integral membrane protein, is a principal component of caveolae membranes. We have suggested that caveolin functions as a scaffolding protein to organize and concentrate certain caveolin-interacting proteins within caveolae membranes. In this regard, caveolin co-purifies with a variety of lipid-modified signaling molecules, including G-proteins, Src-like kinases, Ha-Ras, and eNOS. Using several independent approaches, it has been shown that a 20-amino acid membrane proximal region of the cytosolic amino-terminal domain of caveolin is sufficient to mediate these interactions. For example, this domain interacts with G-protein alpha subunits and Src-like kinases and can functionally suppress their activity. This caveolinderived protein domain has been termed the caveolin-scaffolding domain. However, it remains unknown how the caveolin-scaffolding domain recognizes these molecules. Here, we have used the caveolin-scaffolding domain as a receptor to select random peptide ligands from phage display libraries. These caveolin-selected peptide ligands are rich in aromatic amino acids and have a characteristic spacing in many cases. A known caveolin-interacting protein, Gi2alpha, was used as a ligand to further investigate the nature of this interaction. Gi2alpha and other G-protein alpha subunits contain a single region that generally resembles the sequences derived from phage display. We show that this short peptide sequence derived from Gi2alpha interacts directly with the caveolin-scaffolding domain and competitively inhibits the interaction of the caveolin-scaffolding domain with the appropriate region of Gi2alpha. This interaction is strictly dependent on the presence of aromatic residues within the peptide ligand, as replacement of these residues with alanine or glycine prevents their interaction with the caveolin-scaffolding domain. In addition, we have used this interaction to define which residues within the caveolin-scaffolding domain are critical for recognizing these peptide and protein ligands. Also, we find that the scaffolding domains of caveolins 1 and 3 both recognize the same peptide ligands, whereas the corresponding domain within caveolin-2 fails to recognize these ligands under the same conditions. These results serve to further demonstrate the specificity of this interaction. The implications of our current findings are discussed regarding other caveolin- and caveolae-associated proteins.  相似文献   

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