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介绍了国内外压水堆(PWR)和重水堆(HWR)核电厂流出物中14C的产生和释放管理现状、减少14C产生和释放的方法以及14C的提取、净化和分析方法,为我国核电厂气态和液态流出物中14C的监测和控制提供基础资料.此外,针对我国核电厂14C的排放和监测情况,提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

本文根据《核电厂放射性液态流出物排放技术要求》(GB 14587—2011)的基本要求,提出基于核电厂蒸汽发生器排污水放射性控制进行常规岛液态流出物排放管理的思路,并针对M310/CPR1000、WWER、AP1000和EPR四种堆型工程设计及存在的问题,通过研究提出我国压水堆核电厂常规岛液态流出物的排放管理改进建议,可供核安全监管和核电厂设计、运行管理参考。  相似文献   

本文调研分析压水堆核电厂液态流出物中排放55Fe的来源、排放的统计参考值和55Fe的分析方法,提出开展核电厂液态流出物中55Fe监测的建议。统计分析了美国41座压水堆核电厂在2005~2017年液态流出物中55Fe的排放量,其发电量归一化排放量的几何平均值范围为5.18×10-6~8.14×10-5 GBq/GWh,所有压水堆电厂液态流出物中55Fe排放量的几何平均值为1.52×10-5 GBq/GWh,各年度55Fe排放量在液态流出物中占比在12%以上,排第1至第4位。根据我国典型压水堆核电厂液态流出物排放体积,估算了液态流出物中55Fe的排放浓度,约10.7 Bq/L。建议推进核电厂液态流出物中55Fe监测方法的建立和完善。通过对55Fe监测方法的调研,推荐采用固相萃取树脂的快速分析方法。  相似文献   

关于核设施放射性流出物导出排放限值的讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈晓秋  刘华 《辐射防护》2003,23(3):138-145
本文简要描述了计算导出排放限值的方法 ,并结合秦山核电厂址气态流出物的排放情况 ,讨论了关于导出排放限值的几个问题。  相似文献   

流出物监测是核电厂环境管理的主要内容之一.核电厂营运单位通过对流出物的监测统计核电厂向环境排放放射性物质的量,并将监测结果作为评估核电厂辐射环境影响是否满足国家有关法规标准和限值的主要依据.本文收集了美国41座压水堆核电厂2005—2017年以及欧洲主要国家压水堆核电厂1995—2017年共约2400堆年的流出物监测数...  相似文献   

核动力站向环境排放的放射性物质在核工业排放量中占相当大的部分。本文收集了国内外关于核动力站对公众的剂量当量限值、压水堆电站排放量限值及实际排放量等方面的数据,试图推荐符合我国实际的、合理可行的排放量限值,为制订我国核动力站辐射防护标准提供依据。  相似文献   

实现液态流出物在核电厂的复用,进而减少液态流出物向环境的排放,不仅对于保护水资源环境具有重要意义,而且对于满足能源发展规划和厂址选址的主要安全要求、但受环境水体条件限制液态流出物排放的内陆核电厂址,可能将是一种必须的选择。本文基于压水堆核电厂设计及运行经验,研究液态流出物复用的可行性。结果表明,液态流出物中的洗衣废水在热洗衣房循环利用,地面排水作为乏燃料水池补水复用于反应堆换料水池和乏燃料水池冷却和处理系统具备可行性;结合压水堆核电厂实际运行经验,复用后双机组每年可减少液态流出物向环境排放达8 400 m3,占液态流出物总量的51.8%;除氚、C-14外核素排放减少量4.8×105 Bq,占液态流出物除氚、C-14外核素总量的36.9 %。  相似文献   

核电厂放射性液态流出物排放浓度限值的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪萍  吴浩  刘新华 《核安全》2007,(4):35-38
本文简要探讨了运行核电厂确定放射性液态流出物排放浓度限值中存在的主要问题,描述了审评原则,并介绍了秦山三期、大亚湾核电基地和田湾核电厂关于液态流出物排放限值的审评实践.  相似文献   

建立了一种测量核电厂液态流出物中14C的分析方法——使用1030 W总碳分析仪将样品中的碳酸化、氧化成CO2,然后用NaOH溶液吸收,最后用3180液闪计数器对NaOH吸收液进行测量。该方法能够有效消除其他放射性核素的干扰,且能准确测定样品中14C的活度。实验结果表明,方法的加标回收率平均为96.91%,探测限为2.07 Bq/L,测定结果的精密度(相对标准偏差)小于±5%,准确度(相对误差)小于±5%。  相似文献   

介绍了压水堆核电厂放射性流出物源项审评计算软件的编制。该软件分别基于AP1000、CAP1400和EPR三种堆型,设计了19道计算例题对软件进行了测试和验证。将测试结果与美国核管理委员会的PWR-GALE软件及EPR设计参数进行了对比。测试结果表明:该软件适用于我国压水堆核电厂放射性流出物源项审评计算,并具有较强的拓展性,可为我国多种新堆型的气液态流出物源项审评提供参考。  相似文献   

Korean pressurized water reactors (PWRs) generally use radioactive effluent monitors for monitoring the concentration of radioactive effluents released to the environment. In this study, the operating margins for radioactive effluent monitors were analyzed to determine the levels of real-time concentration of effluents compared to effluent control limits (ECLs), the regulatory limits. The results show that the concentration of radioactive effluents released from Korean PWRs complied with the ECLs during the years 2012–2016. It was also found that outages at Korean PWRs did not impact the operating margins for radioactive effluent monitors; that is, there was no remarkable difference of the concentration of effluents between normal operation and maintenance periods. In terms of simultaneous effluent releases, the results demonstrate that exceeding the ECLs is unlikely to occur even under the hypothetical condition of coincident effluent releases from multiple discharge points at a Korean PWR.  相似文献   

分析了压水堆核电厂运行状态下气液态放射性流出物的产生和排放途径,建立了压水堆核电厂运行状态下气液态放射性流出物源项的计算模型,开发了具有良好人机界面的计算程序CPGale,并采用国内在役压水堆核电厂的流出物源项实测值对程序进行了验证。结果表明,基于CPGale程序计算所得流出物源项相比实测值具有适度的保守性,可满足工程设计的需求。  相似文献   

1 Introduction With respect to the inherent safety of nuclear re- actors, application of passive systems/components including natural circulation phenomena as the main mechanism is intended to simplify the safety-related systems and to improve their reliability, to reduce the effect of human errors and equipment failures, and to provide more time to enable the operators to prevent or mitigate serious accidents. Natural circulation is the main mode of heat removal for removing decay heat from t…  相似文献   

In 1989 Framatome and Siemens, the two most experienced European nuclear power plant suppliers, decided to join the efforts for the development of a new reactor type for the next generation in their equally owned subsidiary Nuclear Power International (NPI). In 1992 Electricité de France and the major German utilities operating nuclear power plants merged their own development programs with that of Nuclear Power International and initiated the European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) project. In order to reach the two major targets of the project, the licensability in both countries, France and Germany, and the competitiveness of nuclear energy with other alternative energy sources, the design basis which had differently developed in the two countries needed to be harmonized. In parallel, the licensing authorities of both countries extended their existing cooperation in the field of a safety survey of existing nuclear power plants to the definition of safety criteria for the next generation of nuclear power plants. Through this cooperation the licensability of EPR in France and Germany will be assured. Continuously performed cost analysis show in addition that also the second target of the project, the competitiveness with alternative primary energy sources, can be achieved. Thanks to the fruitful cooperation between all parties involved, satisfactory results have been achieved not by a simple superposition of existing design features but through a careful evaluation and combination of the best available alternatives. At the end of 1997 the basic design results were compiled in a final report. Subsequently an optimization phase was launched that further improves the competitiveness of the power generation costs.  相似文献   

A systematic study on the long-lived fission product (LLFP) transmutation in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) is performed, aiming at an optimal transmutation strategy for present nuclear energy development. The LLFPs selected in the analysis include 99Tc and 129I discharged from light water reactors (LWRs). The isotope 127I is also considered to avoid the difficulties in isotopes separation. To minimize the negative impacts of LLFPs on the core performance and safety parameters, metallic technetium or MgI2 target pins mixed with ZrH2 are designed and investigated. Through the numerical analysis on equilibrium cycles, the transmuted amounts of 99Tc and 129I equal to the yields from 1.94 and 4.22 PWRs with a power of 1000 MWe, respectively. Numerical results indicate that both 99Tc and 129I can be transmuted conveniently in present PWRs in the form of target pins.  相似文献   

The previous investigations were mainly conducted under the condition of low pressure,however,the steam-water specific volume and the interphase evaporation rate in high pressure are much different from those in low pressure,Therefore,the new experimental and theoretical investigation are performed in Xi‘an Jiaotong University.The investigation results could be directly applied to the analysis of loss-of -coolant accident for pressurized water reacor.The system transition characteristics of cold leg and hot leg break loss-of -coolant tests are described for convective circulation test loop.Two types of loss-of-coolant accident are identified for :hot leg” break,while three types for “cold leg”break and the effect parameters on the break geometries.Tests indicate that the mass flow rate with convergent-divergent nozzle reaches the maximum value among the different break sections at the same inlet fluid condition because the fluid separation does not occur.A wall surface cavity nucleation model is developed for prediction of the critical mass flow rate with water flowing in convergentdivergent nozzles.  相似文献   

田湾核电站14C和3H年产生量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了压水堆核电站堆芯燃料和冷却剂中14^C和3^H产生量的计算方法,计算了田湾核电站每年在堆芯燃料和冷却剂中产生的14^C和3^H的总活度,将该计算结果与俄罗斯在田湾核电站最终安全分析报告中给出的数据进行了比较分析,并从减少这两种核素产生量的角度提出了一些设计建议。  相似文献   

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