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国际原子能机构于1985年修订《放射性物质安全运输条例》。编写和修订该条例的目的,是帮助人们考虑发生事故的可能性,指明为了把对人身、财产和环境的危害减少到可接受的水平应采取的措施,从而使运输工作成为可能。该条例以机构的辐射防护基本原则为基础,并与联合国《运输危险货物推荐意见》中的原则相一致。许多国家  相似文献   

一、引言核能的开发和利用,以及放射性同位素和辐射技术在工业、农业、医学和科学研究等领域的日益广泛的应用,要求放射性物质从生产地点运到使用地点,或者把放射性物质从一个地方运到另一个地方。放射性物质运输的品种和数量随之不断地增加。到八十年代初期,估计国际运输放射性物质的货包数每年为1800万至3800万件,国内为10万件左右。  相似文献   

中国辐射防护研究院放射性物质安全运输方面的研究活动主要包括对我国放射性物质运输概况的调查,参与编制国家标准《放射性物质安全运输规定》,参加IAEA(国际原子能机构)协调研究计划(CRP)《放射性物质安全运输概率危害评价技术的开发》等方面的工作。  相似文献   

GB 11806—89《放射性物质安全运输规定》已修订为GB 11806-2004《放射性物质安全运输规程》。新版的GB 11806-2004于2004年11月2日发布,2005年8月1日将正式实施。该标准是关于放射性物质运输的最重要的顶层安全标准,是制定和修订放射性物质运输相关标准的基础和重要依据。  相似文献   

本文用实际事例说明:只要包装的设计和试验符合《放射性物质安全运输规程》的要求,则放射性物质运输事故不会对工作人员、公众和环境产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

放射性物质运输货包安全试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了中国放射性物质运输遵守的法规和中国辐射防护研究院用于放射性物质运输货包试验的下落试验设施、耐热试验设施和数据获取能力。试验设施根据IAEA的《放射性物质安全运输条例》(TS-R-1)和中国的《放射性物质安全运输规程》(GB 11806-2004)的要求建设。下落试验设施能用于13 t级以下的A型和B型货包的自由下落试验、贯穿试验、力学试验(自由下落试验Ⅰ、自由下落试验Ⅱ和自由下落试验Ⅲ)。耐热试验设施能完成B型货包的耐热试验。利用这些设施已进行了FCo70-YQ型货包、30A-HB-01型货包、SY-I型货包和XAYT-I型货包的遵章取证试验  相似文献   

放射性物质运输一直受到国际社会与公众的关注。国际原子能机构(IAEA)非常重视放射性物质安全运输,早在1961年就以IAEA安全丛书第6号发表了“放射性物质安全运输条例”(以下简称《条例》)。之后,随着科学技术的发展,放射性物质运输业的扩大及其运营经验的积累,IAEA不断地、或全面地修订《条例》。至1996年,已出版了第五个全面修订版。由于有了这样一个《条例》,IAEA成员国和与放射性物质运输有关的国际组织及地区性组织执行了《条例》,或执行了以《条例》为基础的各自的运输规程。在世界范围内,放射性物质运输保持了良好的安全记录。  相似文献   

一、引言我国于1989年颁布了国家标准《放射性物质安全运输规定》(GB11806-89)。有了这个规定,托运者按照规定要求,严格包装;承运者严格执行运输程序,即可使放射性物质安全快速运抵目的地,减少运输中有关人员及附近公众照射剂量。为有效地贯彻放射性物质安全运输规定,本文就放射性物质运输与环境保护的关系以及环境保护对策进行探讨,以期促进放射性物质正常运输,促进核事业的发展,保护公众,保障公众健康。  相似文献   

本文重点介绍以下几个内容:放射性物质在国际范围内的运输概况,IAEA 第6号安全丛书《放射性物质安全运输规程》的主要内容和支持性文件及其广泛应用情况,国际和一些区域性组织的有关运输文件,IAEA的协调研究计划和IAEA放射性物质安全运输数据库概况。由于《规程》的广泛采用,国际范围内放射性物质的安全运输保持了一个很好的安全记录。  相似文献   

我国放射性物质运输概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了我国放射性物质运输概况(除台湾省外)。目前,全国放射性物质货包的年运输最约10万件,总放射性活度为1.8PBq,运输的放射性同位素主要是~(131)I、~(32)P 和~(198)Au 等。承运人员的年剂量当量是相当低的,一般小于5mSv。由于十分重视放射性物质的安全运输,所以没有发生过严重事故。文中还讨论了放射性物质运输中的防护问题。  相似文献   

现行国标《放射性物质安全运输规程》(GB 11806—2004)等同采用了IAEA《放射性物质安全运输条例》(以下简称“IAEA《条例》”)(2003年版),技术内容完全相同。其后,IAEA多次修订了《条例》,其中2012和2018年修订版的技术内容变化较大,部分变化内容对相关行业实施放射性物品运输产生了重大影响。本文扼要阐述了IAEA《条例》(2018版)的重要变化内容,结合我国实践,进行剖析及适用性例证,以期更好地修订和理解GB 11806。  相似文献   

我国放射性物品运输实施分类监管。试验是验证放射性物品运输容器安全性能最直接的手段。本文对放射性物品运输容器的试验要求与检测方法进行了综述,并对运输容器安全性能试验的经验进行了总结。  相似文献   

放射性物质运输后果评价软件是放射性物质运输后果评价的重要工具。本文介绍了放射性物质运输后果评价软件CRAMTRA 1.0的评价模型、软件开发和测试结果。  相似文献   


In the past the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) transport regulations have normally been reviewed or revised within a 10 year cycle to support changes in transport operations arising from administrative and technical developments and new knowledge in fields concerning the transport of radioactive material. Beginning in 2003, consistent with the time schedules of the United Nations (UN) Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and of the relevant international modal organisations, a regular 2 year review of the IAEA transport regulations was established, with a view to issuing a revised or amended edition as necessary. This paper describes the process of the review/revision itself, the transfer to the regulations of the UN and the modal organisations as well as implementation within the legislation of the member states. The advantages and disadvantages of the more frequent process are analysed: on the one hand harmonisation with the UN and the modal organisations, on the other hand a possible lack of sufficient stability in the regulations themselves. The need for the 'Schedules of requirements for the transport of specified types of radioactive material consignment', which are an integral part of the IAEA transport regulations TS-R-1 but which from 1 January 2005 are no longer a part of the international modal regulations, is discussed.  相似文献   


The main objectives of this research work are the determination of the quantities of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) that can be excepted from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Transport Regulations, the establishment of quantities of NORM that can be transported in excepted packages as well as the provision of sound basis for the establishment of limiting values for the classification of NORM as low specific activity material I raw for transport purposes, in order to compare with the actual transport limits established in the IAEA Transport Regulations for this type of material.  相似文献   

本文阐述了我国高水平放射性废物处理处置标准的重要性,对国内外高水平放射性废物处理处置标准现状进行了阐述和分析,针对高放废物处理处置标准体系、高水平放射性废液成份分析、高放废液固化体性能要求及检验方法、高放废物处理处置工程经济及深地质处置等方面的标准化问题进行了研究分析,提出了开展高水平放射性废物处理处置标准化工作的意见和建议。  相似文献   

放射性物质的大气弥散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过仿真计算,分析了核事故发生放射性物质泄漏期间,在各种大气稳定度条件下,相对于不同地理环境的烟羽弥散趋势,以及事故泄漏周围区域放射性物质的时间积分浓度分布情况。模拟的结果很好,符合放射性物质在近地面轴线上的浓度分布情况,为核事故应急提供了有利的依据。  相似文献   


Questions are frequently asked regarding the source of some of the package test requirements in the Transport Regulations, the philosophy behind them and the basis for selecting them. This paper summarises the results of a review of early historical documents and elaborates on the early philosophy behind the regulatory requirements. To the extent possible, the paper compares the early philosophy with the current structure of the Transport Regulations in key topic areas with a focus on the test requirements for packages that are designed to withstand accident conditions of transport.  相似文献   


Since 2001, the IAEA 'Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material' are directly implemented into the UN 'Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods', Model Regulations (the so called 'Orange Book') as class 7: radioactive material. At the same time, consistent with the time schedule of the United Nations Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and the relevant international modal organisations, a regular review process of the IAEA Transport Regulations intended to issue a revised or amended edition, as necessary, every two years, was established. The last published version, the fourteenth revised edition of the 'Orange Book', includes the IAEA Transport Regulations, 2005 edition. However, the IAEA had decided not to publish a 2007 edition of the Transport Regulations, and as a consequence, did not recommend to the UN to implement the changes which had been adopted in the IAEA review cycle 2004–2005. In the last two years, further efforts have been made for better harmonisation between both documents. The harmonisation and assimilation with the UN Model Regulations concerning the transport of all nine classes of dangerous goods brings the class 7 'radioactive material' in line with the other classes for a worldwide implementation into the national and international modal regulations. The paper will discuss the benefits as well as some problems of this harmonisation process. The option to publish the 2009 edition of the IAEA Transport Regulations with the changes from the review revision cycle 2004–2005 and the harmonisation changes with the UN is considered to be important to keep the leading role of the IAEA in the further development of all aspects concerning the safe transport of radioactive material based on their competence in radiation protection.  相似文献   

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