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Proton-exchanged Z-cut LiNbO3 planar waveguides formed using phosphoric acid were characterized optically. The refractive index profile and the diffusion parameters were studied systematically. These waveguides have propagation losses of less than 1 dB/cm and exhibit properties that are different from those obtained using benzoic acid. The index profile is not a simple step function and can be modeled accurately by a polynomial expression. A maximum surface index increase of 0.145 was measured at a 0.633-μm wavelength. The diffusion constant D0 and the activation energy Q for the proton-exchange process using this acid were found to be 6.43×108 μm2/h and 82.91 kJ/mol, respectively. The annealing properties of these waveguides were also established, and the effects of annealing on surface index change and waveguide depth increase were found to follow a power-law relationship  相似文献   

Analytical and simulation results are presented to illustrate qualitatively the effect of doping on base transit time. Nonuniform base bandgap narrowing (BGN) in silicon bipolar transistors can give rise to an electric field that is comparable to and against the built-in field. The base transit time τ is subsequently increased, leading to a deterioration of the cutoff frequency f1. It is shown that the BGN effectively reduces the impurity profile grading factor K and subsequently the transit-time coefficient η. Physically, the minority carriers can be thought of as moving in a new profile characterized by a reduced η but in the absence of BGN. Unlike earlier investigations which also consider effective BGN dopings but ignore the field effects, this treatment includes their impact on the minority-carrier base transit time. For a steep exponential profile with strong BGN, an increase of η by a factor 3.57 at 300 K is calculated. Device simulations predict a smaller ft reduction factor of 1.5 for more general profiles  相似文献   

Complex scattering matrix parameters of a slot-coupled, waveguide tee junction are determined using a moment method of analysis with entire orthogonal basis functions and a rigorous analysis of the effect of wall thickness. The variations of the equivalent network parameter, coupling, and return loss with frequency are evaluated, and the results are compared with experimental data. The unitary property of the S matrix is verified. The dependence of coupling on slot length, slot width, and thickness is presented  相似文献   

The modal structure of finite lateral extent waveguides differs from that of the associated infinite structures by the presence of additional guided modes arising from the boundary conditions and by the discrete representation of the continuum modes. These differences are analyzed for a rib waveguide using matrix methods. The origin of the additional modes and their evolution with changing system parameters are discussed. The development of localized modes from delocalized modes is of particular interest, as is the evolution of radiation modes into discrete, localized modes of higher order as the rib increases in height. These developments are followed in detail and the changes in modal character are related to the properties of the finite system's dispersion curves. Illustrations of the effect of increasing system size on the localized and delocalized modes are given  相似文献   

An integrated passive N×N optical star coupler on silicon wafer is described. Antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides (ARROWs) are analyzed and utilized as the input and output waveguides of the N×N coupler. Combining the exact solutions of the slab ARROW waveguide with the effective index method, a 5×5 coupler is analyzed. In the slab waveguide analysis, the input waveguides are coupled to their neighbors. The interaction of the waveguides is described in terms of the normal modes of propagation. The resultant field distribution is then diffracted into the free space region which separates the input and output sections. The radiation illuminates the receiving aperture from which the receiving N waveguides branch out, each output element obtaining equal power levels. Different types of loss such as spillover loss and mismatch loss were analyzed and estimated for N=5. A 5×5 star coupler with a transmission efficiency of 56% at a wavelength of 1.3 μm is achievable  相似文献   

An analysis of a T-junction that differs from conventional H -plane T-junctions in that the T arm is rotated by 90° and coupling takes place through an inclined slot is presented. Since use of standard X-band waveguides results in such a T-junction operating above 11.7 GHz, nonstandard waveguide dimensions have been considered to bring down the operating frequency to 9.375 GHz. The effect of a change of the broad dimension of the primary feed waveguide on the resonant conductance is evaluated. The variations of resonant length with the angle of inclination of the slot, and coupling with frequency, are presented  相似文献   

A complete finite-element analysis of inhomogeneous E-plane waveguide junctions is presented. It is shown that at least two field components are needed for the analysis. This method solves for the three components of the magnetic field in two dimensions and calculates the scattering parameters of the junction. Precalculated matrices are used for fast matrix assembly. Results for a metallic post agree very well with earlier published values. A dielectric post was also analyzed  相似文献   

The use of an integrated TE-TM mode converter as a coherence multiplexer is described. The component is based on a buried waveguide obtained by proton exchange and postannealing. The electrode structure consists of three electrodes. Two are used to achieve TE-TM conversion, and the third is used to perform phase matching to ensure a high conversion efficiency  相似文献   

The effect of nonnormality on E{X} and R charts is reported. The effect of departure from normality can be examined by comparing the probabilities that E{X} and R lie outside their three-standard-deviation and two-standard-deviation control limits. Tukey's λ-family of symmetric distributions is used because it contains a wide spectrum of distributions with a variety of tail areas. The constants required to construct E{X} and R charts for the λ-family are computed. Control charts based on the assumption of normality give inaccurate results when the tails of the underlying distribution are thin or thick. The validity of the normality assumption is examined by using a numerical example  相似文献   

An analysis of an n-port including a radial or coaxial cavity and E-plane coupled rectangular waveguides is presented. A nonstandard field matching technique which exploits both circular and rectangular boundaries, is used to determine the scattering matrix parameters of the n-port. Validity of the analysis is verified through comparison with an alternative analysis and experiment  相似文献   

A figure of merit, G/T, for a multichannel active array antenna was derived, and the effects of the beamforming network on the overall noise figure of the system were studied. Also examined are the dependence of the noise figure on various losses, and the difference between a resistive and nonresistive taper in the combining network. When the amplifier gain is sufficiently large, the losses following the LNA can usually be ignored. For a photonic array with lossy time shift elements, however, the downstream losses become significant. Also, if resistive tapering is employed, not only the array gain but also the noise figure will be degraded by the collective effect of the feed network  相似文献   

A method for obtaining power spectra for the self-noise components in phase and in quadrature to the desired generated clock signal for PAM systems is described. A previously recognized cross spectrum is also discussed. Results can be expressed either in a closed form or as the sum of rapidly convergent series, depending on the signalling waveform used. A computation of the in-phase and quadrature spectra for Nyquist pulses for excess bandwidth factors ranging from 0.1-0.9 is included, along with demonstration showing that for signalling waveforms with even or odd symmetry, cross power spectrum is zero at all frequencies. It is also shown that if the cross power spectrum is not zero due to asymmetry in the signalling waveform, sampling keyed to other than zero-crossing of the timing wave can give a lower timing jitter  相似文献   

Modeling of Q-switched laser operation for four-level lasers with finite lower-laser-level lifetime is presented. Extraction efficiency is reduced and pulse shape altered in comparison to the case of infinitely fast lower-level relaxation. This reduction in efficiency is dependent on the ratio of the lower state lifetime to the cavity lifetime, the number of times above threshold, and occupancy factors of the upper and lower laser manifolds. The model is applied to the case of a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1.064 μm. At worst, the extraction efficiency is 68% of that expected for infinitely fast relaxation  相似文献   

For the original article see ibid., vol.36, no.9, p.1343-51 (1988). In the above-named work, K. Ise and M. Koshiba consider a lossy dielectric post in a rectangular waveguide. In Figures 6 through 10, they compare their results with results published by the commenters (see ibid., vol.35, no.1 p.48-59, 1987) and conclude that their results are more reasonable. The commenters rechecked their results and noted that the results of Ise and Koshiba are indeed the more accurate ones. The inaccuracy was due to the fact that the library subroutine used by the commenters for calculating Hankel functions with complex arguments was defective  相似文献   

Planar optical waveguides in z-cut LiNbO3 fabricated by the annealed proton-exchange technique using pure pyrophosphoric acid as the initial proton source have been investigated. A generalized Gaussian function was used to accurately model the refractive-index profile, resulting in considerable improvements over previous work. The nonlinear dependence of the index on the proton concentration was verified by directly calculating the change in the area under the index versus depth curves. Annealing was found to allow for flexibility in the tailoring of the waveguide parameters. An empirical correlation of the changes in these parameters with the fabrication conditions was achieved through the use of a general power law  相似文献   

An integrated-carrier loop/symbol synchronizer, using a digital Costas loop with matched arm filters to demodulate staggered quaternary phase-shift keyed (QPSK) signals, is analyzed. An expression is derived for the S curve, parameterized by bit synchronization error. This result suggests that the demodulator structure offers an inherent I/Q channel reversal correcting capability. Computer simulation results are presented that support this conclusion, and suggest that ambiguity resolution performance depends on the ratio of carrier and synchronization loop bandwidths  相似文献   

Efficient wavelength shifting by means of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in hydrogen and liquid nitrogen of the blue-green XeF( CA) excimer laser was demonstrated. Energy conversion into the first Stokes line with an efficiency of 38% was achieved. Continuously tunable radiation of 523-579 nm and of 578-650 nm with pulse energies ranging from 100 to 210 mJ was generated in liquid nitrogen and hydrogen, respectively. A peak power of 35 MW at 549.0 nm was obtained  相似文献   

A technique that enables the attenuation constant α of a microstrip line to be found from the measured return loss curve as a function of frequency for a half-wavelength resonator is described. Data averaging is incorporated and the effects of dispersion are included. This method does not require the use of an equivalent resonator model for the stripline, nor does it rely on graphical techniques  相似文献   

Si/SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) were fabricated by growing the complete layer structure with molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The typical base doping of 2×1019 cm-3 largely exceeded the emitter impurity level and led to sheet resistances of about 1 kΩ/□. The devices exhibited a 500-V Early voltage and a maximum room-temperature current gain of 550, rising to 13000 at 77 K. Devices built on buried-layer substrates had an fmax of 40 GHz. The transit frequency reached 42 GHz  相似文献   

IR microscopy allows the correlation of anomalous latch-up electrical characteristics with current distribution in CMOS ICs, showing that anomalous behaviour is due to the competition of different pnpn paths and consequent current redistribution  相似文献   

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