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二阶自抗扰控制器的参数简化 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为了克服PID控制器自身具有的缺陷,在PID的基础上提出了自抗扰控制器(ADRC)。该控制器由跟踪微分器、扩张状态观测器和非线性状态误差反馈三部分组成,其控制效果优于经典PID控制器,但是参数众多、调节复杂。通过线性简化和参数整合建立简化的线性自抗扰控制器。MATLAB仿真表明,简化的线性自抗扰控制器参数调节过程大大简化,而控制性能并未受到明显影响。 相似文献
研究了线性扩张状态观测器(Extended state observer, ESO)的估计能力,并且分析了在线性自抗扰控制(Linear active disturbance rejection control, LADRC)下闭环系统的稳定性. 对于系统模型未知的情形, 给出了线性扩张观测器估计误差有界的证明, 并通过分析得出了如下结论: 在扩张状态观测器跟踪误差趋于零的前提下, 在线性自抗扰控制下的闭环系统可以实现对设定信号的精确跟踪以及输入-输出有界(Bounded input and bounded output, BIBO)稳定. 相似文献
串联型扩张状态观测器构成的自抗扰控制器 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
利用自抗扰控制器控制m阶对象,需要调整扩张状态观测器的m+1个参数。结构和参数相同的m个二阶扩张状态观测器串联而成的串联型扩充状态观测器,具有m+1阶扩张状态观测器的功能。用其构成的自抗扰控制器参数易于调整,便于工程应用。 相似文献
针对一类具有网络时滞小于采样周期的网络控制系统提出网络控制的主要问题是网络通信系统模型的不确定性导致控制性能不佳;针对这一问题,采用基于无模型的自抗扰算法,将网络环节和被控对象一同视为控制对象,将网络时滞作为被控对象的不确定性因素,利用扩张状态观测器对不确定性因素进行实时观测估计;Matlab/TrueTime网络控制实验表明:自抗扰控制方法能够有效地减小网络诱导时滞对控制系统的影响。 相似文献
自抗扰控制器能将被控对象的内、外“总扰动”进行估计并用前馈补偿的方法将其抵消,适于力矩电机因直接驱动所带来干扰的补偿与控制;针对测量噪声对线性自抗扰控制器观测器带宽的限制,提出了二阶线性自抗扰的相似结构,并结合三阶积分链式微分器对其效果进行了对比仿真验证;力矩电机的控制仿真实验表明,与二阶线性自抗扰算法相比,基于相似结构的改进的力矩电机控制,能在有测量噪声情况下兼顾系统跟踪精度、突加负载时抗扰动性. 相似文献
The existing active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) method may not provide sufficient disturbance rejection to multiple mismatched disturbances for the fractional order systems. In this paper, a composite disturbance rejection approach is developed for a class of fractional order uncertain systems, by synthesizing the fractional order ADRC (FOADRC) approach and a disturbance observer (DO)-based compensation scheme. Taking advantage of more disturbance information and a filter structure, an improved DO is developed to achieve precise estimation of disturbances in the presence of sensor noises. In addition, a state transformation is developed to convert the system into a simple integral chain model with only matched disturbances. Then a composite control law is designed to compensate the disturbances and provide satisfying dynamic performance. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated by a numerical simulation and an actual servo control simulation, as well as the comparison with two kinds of the existing ADRC methods and the commonly used integral sliding mode control (I-SMC) method. 相似文献
Zhiqiang Gao 《Asian journal of control》2014,16(6):1612-1622
Piezoelectric beam dynamics are characterized by elastic properties, nonlinearities, uncertainties, and unknown disturbances, thus making vibration suppression a challenging control problem. To meet this challenge, a novel active control method has been designed and rigorously tested on actual hardware without the requirement of extensive modeling. In this unique approach, the piezoelectric beam dynamics, known or unknown, linear or nonlinear, and all external disturbances are treated in their totality as an input disturbance which is subsequently estimated and canceled in real time, reducing the challenging problem to a very manageable one. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this practical control method. The frequency domain characteristics of the proposed method are analyzed using Bode and describing function methods. 相似文献
针对一类包含模型不确定和外界干扰等非重复扰动的线性离散系统,本文通过将迭代学习控制与自抗扰技术相结合,提出一种新的基于扩张观测器的鲁棒迭代学习控制方法.本文以时间轴和迭代轴两个方向同时出发考虑系统的非重复扰动估计和稳定收敛问题.将与时间和迭代轴同时相关的模型不确定及外界干扰等因素归纳为系统总扰动,针对其非重复变化特性给出了扩张观测器的设计,保证在批次内快速、准确地估计系统总扰动;基于上述扰动估计,设计新型的迭代学习控制律,利用线性矩阵不等式方法证明了整个鲁棒迭代学习系统的稳定性和收敛性,并给出合理的控制器参数估计条件.此外,讨论了迭代学习控制中第一批次的控制律设计问题,给出合理的自抗扰控制器设计.最后通过仿真对比实验验证了本文方法的可行性和有效性. 相似文献
为实现导弹对目标的高精度拦截, 本文提出了基于加权齐次函数的非线性自抗扰拦截制导设计方法. 首先, 提出了基于加权齐次函数的非线性扩张状态观测器在线估计视线角速率和由目标加速度等内外不确定性因素构成的总扰动. 其次, 设计了基于非线性扩张状态观测器的非线性自抗扰三维制导律对总扰动进行补偿, 该制导律克服了高阶非线性项与强耦合项等不利因素的影响, 提高了拦截制导精度. 本文通过分析误差系统的动力学行为证明了闭环制导系统的稳定性和收敛性. 本文提出的方法在拦截精度等方面优于已有的基于线性扩张状态观测器和基于fal函数的扩张状态观测器的自抗扰制导方法. 仿真结果验证了本文所提出方法的有效性和优越性. 相似文献
三阶扩张状态观测器的优化参数配置方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究三阶非线性扩张状态观测器扰动观测性能的优化问题。首先,采用系数冻结法固定与观测器状态相关的非线性系数,利用线性系统的极点配置方法进行频带拓展;然后,分析配置后的极点随非线性系数的变化规律,在此基础上,提出一种保证扰动观测带宽受系统状态变化影响最小的参数配置方法;最后,通过算例和仿真对比表明了所提出参数配置方法的有效性和优越性。 相似文献
自抗扰控制技术应用已日渐成熟, 但当系统中存在高频非平稳噪声信号时, 线性自抗扰控制(LADRC) 存在难以选取合适的观测器带宽的问题: 当带宽较小时, 线性扩张状态观测器(LESO)难以实现对总扰动的实时观测, 会造成时滞; 当带宽较大时, LESO又会放大噪声对系统的影响, 从而造成总扰动观测失真. 为了解决这一问题, 将小波降噪环节加入LADRC中, 通过设计基于滑动窗实时小波降噪的LESO, 对含噪输出信号进行实时降噪. 使用Simulink搭建系统模型, 分别在输出信号中加入高斯白噪声或谐波等不同类型的高频非平稳噪声进行仿真实验, 并将所提方法与滑动平均法进行对比, 结果验证了所提方法的有效性. 相似文献
自抗扰控制技术应用已日渐成熟,但当系统中存在高频非平稳噪声信号时,线性自抗扰控制(LADRC)存在难以选取合适的观测器带宽的问题:当带宽较小时,线性扩张状态观测器(LESO)难以实现对总扰动的实时观测,会造成时滞;当带宽较大时,LESO又会放大噪声对系统的影响,从而造成总扰动观测失真.为了解决这一问题,将小波降噪环节加入LADRC中,通过设计基于滑动窗实时小波降噪的LESO,对含噪输出信号进行实时降噪.使用Simulink搭建系统模型,分别在输出信号中加入高斯白噪声或谐波等不同类型的高频非平稳噪声进行仿真实验,并将所提方法与滑动平均法进行对比,结果验证了所提方法的有效性. 相似文献
In this paper, a model predictive control (MPC) solution, assisted by extended state observer (ESO), is proposed for the common rail pressure control in gasoline engines. The rail pressure dynamic, nonlinear with large uncertainty, is modeled as a simple first order system. The discrepancy of the model from the real plant is lumped as ``total disturbance'', to be estimated in real-time by ESO and then mitigated in the nonlinear MPC, assuming the total disturbance does not change in the prediction horizon. The nonlinear MPC problem is solved using the Newton/generalized minimum residual (GMRES) algorithm. The proposed ESO-MPC solution, is compared with the conventional proportional-integral-differential (PID) controller, based on the high-fidelity model provided in the benchmark problem in IFAC-E-CoSM. Results show the following benefits from using ESO-MPC relative to PID (benchmark): 1) the disturbance rejection capability to fuel inject pulse step is improved by 12% in terms of recovery time; 2) the transient response of rail pressure is improved by 5% in terms of the integrated absolute tracking error; and 3) the robustness is improved without need for gain scheduling, which is required in PID. Additionally, increasing the bandwidth of ESO allows reducing the complexity of the model implemented in MPC, while maintaining the disturbance rejection performance at the cost of high noise-sensitivity. Therefore, the ESO-MPC combination offers a simpler and more practical solution for common rail pressure control, relative to the standard MPC, which is consistent with the findings in simulation. 相似文献