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The effect of plastic deformation of a 08Kh18N10T (analogue AISI321)-steel welded joint on electromagnetic and acoustic properties of the material has been studied by eddy-current and ultrasonic methods. It has been established that structural inhomogeneity in heat- affected zone leads to a nonuniform distribution of acoustic properties in the weld. The possibility for determining the plastic resource of material from ultrasonic data is demonstrated.  相似文献   

传统超声探伤只能定点聚焦,影响管道环焊缝缺陷检测自动化水平的提高.为此引入超声相控阵技术.本文设计用于管道环焊缝缺陷检测的便携式超声相控阵系统.文章首先介绍系统的构成,然后分析单声束通道的硬件结构及其信号处理过程,实现对探头各阵元发射或接收相位的精确控制.试验表明该系统具有良好的超声发射和回波合成能力.  相似文献   

In nuclear industry, several kinds of components or materials are subjected to wear phenomena. As the real system cannot be fully instrumented parameters regarding contact kinematics are not perfectly known. Mock up scale 1 and parametric tribometers are used to approach these phenomena. Initially, it is essential to be able to observe worn parts taken from reality or very similar system. It is then considered essential to research on the exact conditions of the encountered and to isolate them. To be representative of the effectively activated wear mode, the tests will have to feature similar wear kinetics and aspects (including shape and dimension). The damage survey is the key point in order to be realistic for improving solutions.  相似文献   

Ultrasound waves are propagated in upper frequencies from the limit of human hearing and have lower wavelength and more attenuation coefficient. Ultrasound in higher frequencies and low powers has a good sensitivity and no effects on mechanical or chemical properties of material but only causes vibrations in the molecules. High power ultrasound with lower frequencies has the acoustic energy packages which induces physical, mechanical, and chemical changes in the material. The major reason in this process is the cavitation phenomenon which provides high temperature and pressure by collapsing the micro-bubbles. Ultrasound applications are classified into high intensity and low intensity. Analytical ultrasound involves the monitoring and quality control of dairy products based on the physicochemical variations during storage or processing. High intensity ultrasound has been employed for processing applications such as pasteurization, homogenization, fermentation, and extraction. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the potential applications of ultrasonic techniques in milk industry.  相似文献   

Agent-based supply-chain planning in the forest products industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The new economic challenges and recent trends in globalization have made it very difficult for Canadian forest product companies to improve their financial position without the coordinated involvement of the entire company, including their supply chains (distributed facilities, company offices, industrial customers, and distributors). Such a new level of efficiency involves their distributed facilities and offices spread around the world, and their customers. One consequence of this new reality is that forest products companies are now facing the need to re-engineer their organizational processes and business practices with their partners. To do this they must adopt new technologies to support the coordination of their planning and control efforts in a customer-centered environment. This paper first proposes a generic software architecture for development of an experimentation environment to design and test distributed advanced planning and scheduling systems. This architecture enables combination of agent-based technology and operations research-based tools in order to first take advantage of the ability of agent technology to integrate distributed decision problems, and, second, to take advantage of the ability of operations research to develop and exploit specific normative decision models. Next, this paper describes how this architecture has been configured into an advanced planning and scheduling tool for the lumber industry. Finally, we present how an application of this advanced planning tool is currently being validated and tested in a real manufacturing setting.
J. GaudreaultEmail:

介绍了中国核电的现状及其发展前景,阐述了起重运输设备在核电工业中的重要作用,详细论述了基于MarkMan系统的科尼桥式起重机整体设计和专业部件设计及在核电工业中的卓越表现。  相似文献   

受“限塑令”影响,塑料袋生产企业面临洗牌。未来两三年内,珠三角塑料制品行业将面临全面转产,半数超薄塑料袋厂濒临破产,产量减少,环保袋增产成主流。  相似文献   

本文讨论了时差法成品油超声波流量计的基本原理、优缺点等。给出成品油典型的计量设计流程图和在线实流标定方法、检定曲线。为广大设计工程师提供出一种设计的技术选择方案。  相似文献   

A self-designed new robot system to be employed in the weld inspection of nuclear pipes is introduced in this paper. This robot system can effectively serve as a substitute for a worker who would otherwise be exposed to a hazardous environment. The robot system includes a half clamp as a mounting unit and a half base as circumferential rotation joint. This system can be mounted on a branch pipe at any position. Its arm is designed with six joints for controlling the position and orientation of the ultrasonic probe (USP), which serves as an end-effector. All of these seven joints, which yield seven degrees of freedom (DOF), are driven by stepper motors. The communication between the Industrial Personal Computer (IPC) and Micro Chip Unit (MCU) is based on RS-485, which allows the robot system to be operated and monitored away from a radiative environment and can therefore limit radiation exposure for the operator. Taking the application at different working sites in nuclear power stations into consideration, the design of the system is based on a modular structure, and the substitution of the clamp and base, as well as the adjustment of the size of the arm links are taken into account. Finally, a test unit for the designed robot system is set up, and experiments show that this system could meet the requirements of a real nuclear power station environment.  相似文献   

主要介绍了相同装置事故件储备采取的几种形式,指出了它们的优缺点。并阐述随着信息系统的发展和大型石化装备国产化率的提高,实施供应商管理库存是可行的。  相似文献   

A review is provided of techniques for digital processing of noisy X-ray computed tomography and introscopy data that are represented by halftone images. The most hazardous crack flaws placed against a background with a wide range of brightness have been studied. Difference median and slit filters are proposed for processing such images.  相似文献   

机械工业产品防护包装与标准化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了机械工业产品防护包装中防锈、防潮、防水、防霉及缓冲五个防护要素在实施中应注意的问题以及有关国家包装标准的制修订情况。  相似文献   

近几年来,桂林机床股份有限公司紧紧依托科技进步和科技创新,积极开发一大批以数控龙门铣床、数控床身式铣床、加工中心等为代表的高新技术产品进入我国汽车工业领域,装备汽车工业,为汽车工业的发展作出了突出贡献.  相似文献   

为建设现代化的钢铁工业提供先进的风机产品   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、钢铁行业动态 1.发展迅速成绩斐然 我国钢铁行业的发展,有一个过程,1996年我国钢产量突破1亿t大关,近年来持续走高,2001年1.58亿t,2002年为1.815亿t,并进口3700万t,2003年第一次超过2亿t,约为2.2亿t,2004年我国产钢2.72亿t,2005年粗钢产量首次超过3亿t,达到34936.15万t,比2004年上涨24%以上,自1996年以来,已连续十年稳居世界第一位,2005年我国的钢铁产量,相当于全世界的30%左右,为产量排名第2、3、4位国家全部产量的总和,年产1000万t钢以上的企业由2004年的两家(宝钢、鞍钢)发展到2005年的8家,有关资料估计,到目前为止,中国钢铁产能为4.7亿t。  相似文献   

A method for sensitivity trimming during testing of welds by the bottom signal is recommended. A technique for sensitivity correction when changing from the separate to the transceiving operating mode is suggested. During the testing of austenitic welds, this technique allows taking into account the ultrasound attenuation in the built-up metal of a joint and checking of the testability with allowance for the weld structure.Translated from Defektoskopiya, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2005, pp. 3–9.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Ermolov, Vopilkin, Grebennikov, Samarin.  相似文献   

2010年11月24日,本刊记者应邀参加阿特拉斯·科普柯移动空气业务部在无锡灵山元一希尔顿逸林酒店举行的媒体见面会并采访了阿特拉斯·科普柯移动动力部总裁Geert Follens先生,期间参加了阿特拉斯·科普柯"活力体验之旅"VIP客户活动并且参观了阿特拉斯·科普柯(无锡)工厂。  相似文献   

通过介绍核电重装行业砂轮相关管理和使用现状,分析了《普通磨具安全规则》、《砂轮的回转试验方法》等国家标准的相关要求和行业现状,并结合对砂轮生产和回转试验机制造企业的调研情况和结论,从安全、经济两方面对核电重装行业中配备砂轮回转试验机的必要性进行了论证和探讨。  相似文献   

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