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For ray tracing based methods, traversing a hierarchical acceleration data structure takes up a substantial portion of the total rendering time. We propose an additional data structure which cuts off large parts of the hierarchical traversal. We use the idea of ray classification combined with the hierarchical scene representation provided by a bounding volume hierarchy. We precompute short arrays of indices to subtrees inside the hierarchy and use them to initiate the traversal for a given ray class. This arrangement is compact enough to be cache‐friendly, preventing the method from negating its traversal gains by excessive memory traffic. The method is easy to use with existing renderers which we demonstrate by integrating it to the PBRT renderer. The proposed technique reduces the number of traversal steps by 42% on average, saving around 15% of time of finding ray‐scene intersection on average.  相似文献   

The efficient evaluation of visibility in a three‐dimensional scene is a longstanding problem in computer graphics. Visibility evaluations come in many different forms: figuring out what object is visible in a pixel; determining whether a point is visible to a light source; or evaluating the mutual visibility between 2 surface points. This paper provides a new, experimental view on visibility, based on a probabilistic evaluation of the visibility function. Instead of checking the visibility against all possible intervening geometry the visibility between 2 points is now evaluated by testing only a random subset of objects. The result is not a Boolean value that is either 0 or 1, but a numerical value that can even be negative. Because we use the visibility evaluation as part of the integrand in illumination computations, the probabilistic evaluation of visibility becomes part of the Monte Carlo procedure of estimating the illumination integral, and results in an unbiased computation of illumination values in the scene. Moreover, the number of intersections tests for any given ray is decreased, since only a random selection of geometric primitives is tested. Although probabilistic visibility is an experimental and new idea, we present a practical algorithm for direct illumination that uses the probabilistic nature of visibility evaluations.  相似文献   

Ray‐traced global illumination (GI) is becoming widespread in production rendering but incoherent secondary ray traversal limits practical rendering to scenes that fit in memory. Incoherent shading also leads to intractable performance with production‐scale textures forcing renderers to resort to caching of irradiance, radiosity, and other values to amortize expensive shading. Unfortunately, such caching strategies complicate artist workflow, are difficult to parallelize effectively, and contend for precious memory. Worse, these caches involve approximations that compromise quality. In this paper, we introduce a novel path‐tracing framework that avoids these tradeoffs. We sort large, potentially out‐of‐core ray batches to ensure coherence of ray traversal. We then defer shading of ray hits until we have sorted them, achieving perfectly coherent shading and avoiding the need for shading caches.  相似文献   

Simulation of light transport through lens systems plays an important role in graphics. While basic imaging properties can be conveniently derived from linear models (like ABCD matrices), these approximations fail to describe nonlinear effects and aberrations that arise in real optics. Such effects can be computed by proper ray tracing, for which, however, finding suitable sampling and filtering strategies is often not a trivial task. Inspired by aberration theory, which describes the deviation from the linear ray transfer in terms of wavefront distortions, we propose a ray‐space formulation for nonlinear effects. In particular, we approximate the analytical solution to the ray tracing problem by means of a Taylor expansion in the ray parameters. This representation enables a construction‐kit approach to complex optical systems in the spirit of matrix optics. It is also very simple to evaluate, which allows for efficient execution on CPU and GPU alike, including the computation of mixed derivatives of any order. We evaluate fidelity and performance of our polynomial model, and show applications in high‐quality offline rendering and at interactive frame rates.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a novel method for high‐quality rendering of scenes with participating media. Our technique is based on instant radiosity, which is used to approximate indirect illumination between surfaces by gathering light from a set of virtual point lights (VPLs). It has been shown that this principle can be applied to participating media as well, so that the combined single scattering contribution of VPLs within the medium yields full multiple scattering. As in the surface case, VPL methods for participating media are prone to singularities, which appear as bright “splotches” in the image. These artifacts are usually countered by clamping the VPLs' contribution, but this leads to energy loss within the short‐distance light transport. Bias compensation recovers the missing energy, but previous approaches are prohibitively costly. We investigate VPL‐based methods for rendering scenes with participating media, and propose a novel and efficient approximate bias compensation technique. We evaluate our technique using various test scenes, showing it to be visually indistinguishable from ground truth.  相似文献   

Modeling of realistic garments is essential for online shopping and many other applications including virtual characters. Most of existing methods either require a multi‐camera capture setup or a restricted mannequin pose. We address the garment modeling problem according to a single input image. We design an all‐pose garment outline interpretation, and a shading‐based detail modeling algorithm. Our method first estimates the mannequin pose and body shape from the input image. It further interprets the garment outline with an oriented facet decided according to the mannequin pose to generate the initial 3D garment model. Shape details such as folds and wrinkles are modeled by shape‐from‐shading techniques, to improve the realism of the garment model. Our method achieves similar result quality as prior methods from just a single image, significantly improving the flexibility of garment modeling.  相似文献   

There are two major ways of calculating ray and parametric surface intersections in rendering. The first is through the use of tessellated triangles, and the second is to use parametric surfaces together with numerical methods such as Newton's method. Both methods are computationally expensive and complicated to implement. In this paper, we focus on Phong Tessellation and introduce a simple direct ray tracing method for Phong Tessellation. Our method enables rendering smooth surfaces in a computationally inexpensive yet robust way.  相似文献   

We present metalights, a novel Virtual Point Light (VPL) encapsulating structure which enhances classic interleaved shading by improving VPL sampling, based on few initial screen space samples to estimate VPL contribution to current view. Our method leads to important noise variance reduction in the final picture by only adding a small fraction of computation. The implementation is straight‐forward and well adapted to both CPU and GPU‐based engines. We also present different image‐space assignment schemes for the VPL subsets to break the regularity of the noise pattern or to adapt it to simple antialiasing.  相似文献   

We propose a novel algorithm for construction of bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) for multi‐core CPU architectures. The algorithm constructs the BVH by a divisive top‐down approach using a progressively refined cut of an existing auxiliary BVH. We propose a new strategy for refining the cut that significantly reduces the workload of individual steps of BVH construction. Additionally, we propose a new method for integrating spatial splits into the BVH construction algorithm. The auxiliary BVH is constructed using a very fast method such as LBVH based on Morton codes. We show that the method provides a very good trade‐off between the build time and ray tracing performance. We evaluated the method within the Embree ray tracing framework and show that it compares favorably with the Embree BVH builders regarding build time while maintaining comparable ray tracing speed.  相似文献   

Skinning is a simple yet popular deformation technique combining compact storage with efficient hardware accelerated rendering. While skinned meshes (such as virtual characters) are traditionally created by artists, previous work proposes algorithms to construct skinning automatically from a given vertex animation. However, these methods typically perform well only for a certain class of input sequences and often require long pre‐processing times. We present an algorithm based on iterative coordinate descent optimization which handles arbitrary animations and produces more accurate approximations than previous techniques, while using only standard linear skinning without any modifications or extensions. To overcome the computational complexity associated with the iterative optimization, we work in a suitable linear subspace (obtained by quick approximate dimensionality reduction) and take advantage of the typically very sparse vertex weights. As a result, our method requires about one or two orders of magnitude less pre‐processing time than previous methods.  相似文献   

The visual simulation of natural phenomena has been widely studied. Although several methods have been proposed to simulate melting, the flows of meltwater drops on the surfaces of objects are not taken into account. In this paper, we propose a particle‐based method for the simulation of the melting and freezing of ice objects and the interactions between ice and fluids. To simulate the flow of meltwater on ice and the formation of water droplets, a simple interfacial tension is proposed, which can be easily incorporated into common particle‐based simulation methods such as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. The computations of heat transfer, the phase transition between ice and water, the interactions between ice and fluids, and the separation of ice due to melting are further accelerated by implementing our method using CUDA. We demonstrate our simulation and rendering method for depicting melting ice at interactive frame‐rates.  相似文献   

When simulating fluids, tetrahedral methods provide flexibility and ease of adaptivity that Cartesian grids find difficult to match. However, this approach has so far been limited by two conflicting requirements. First, accurate simulation requires quality Delaunay meshes and the use of circumcentric pressures. Second, meshes must align with potentially complex moving surfaces and boundaries, necessitating continuous remeshing. Unfortunately, sacrificing mesh quality in favour of speed yields inaccurate velocities and simulation artifacts. We describe how to eliminate the boundary‐matching constraint by adapting recent embedded boundary techniques to tetrahedra, so that neither air nor solid boundaries need to align with mesh geometry. This enables the use of high quality, arbitrarily graded, non‐conforming Delaunay meshes, which are simpler and faster to generate. Temporal coherence can also be exploited by reusing meshes over adjacent timesteps to further reduce meshing costs. Lastly, our free surface boundary condition eliminates the spurious currents that previous methods exhibited for slow or static scenarios. We provide several examples demonstrating that our efficient tetrahedral embedded boundary method can substantially increase the flexibility and accuracy of adaptive Eulerian fluid simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new method for improving the performance of the widely used Bounding Volume Hierarchies for collision detection. The major contribution of our work is a culling algorithm that serves as a generalization of the Separating Axis Theorem for non parallel axes, based on the well‐known concept of support planes. We also provide a rigorous definition of support plane mappings and implementation details regarding the application of the proposed method to commonly used bounding volumes. The paper describes the theoretical foundation and an overall evaluation of the proposed algorithm. It demonstrates its high culling efficiency and in its application, significant improvement of timing performance with different types of bounding volumes and support plane mappings for rigid body simulations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method to detect free‐surfaces on particle‐based volume representation. In contrast to most particle‐based free‐surface detection methods, which perform the surface identification based on physical and geometrical properties derived from the underlying fluid flow simulation, the proposed approach only demands the spatial location of the particles to properly recognize surface particles, avoiding even the use of kernels. Boundary particles are identified through a Hidden Point Removal (HPR) operator used for visibility test. Our method is very simple, fast, easy to implement and robust to changes in the distribution of particles, even when facing large deformation of the free‐surface. A set of comparisons against state‐of‐the‐art boundary detection methods show the effectiveness of our approach. The good performance of our method is also attested in the context of fluid flow simulation involving free‐surface, mainly when using level‐sets for rendering purposes.  相似文献   

Area lights add tremendous realism, but rendering them interactively proves challenging. Integrating visibility is costly, even with current shadowing techniques, and existing methods frequently ignore illumination variations at unoccluded points due to changing radiance over the light's surface. We extend recent image‐space work that reduces costs by gathering illumination in a multiresolution fashion, rendering varying frequencies at corresponding resolutions. To compute visibility, we eschew shadow maps and instead rely on a coarse screen‐space voxelization, which effectively provides a cheap layered depth image for binary visibility queries via ray marching. Our technique requires no precomputation and runs at interactive rates, allowing scenes with large area lights, including dynamic content such as video screens.  相似文献   

Computer graphics is one of the most efficient ways to create a stereoscopic image. The process of stereoscopic CG generation is, however, still very inefficient compared to that of monoscopic CG generation. Despite that stereo images are very similar to each other, they are rendered and manipulated independently. Additional requirements for disparity control specific to stereo images lead to even greater inefficiency. This paper proposes a method to reduce the inefficiency accompanied in the creation of a stereoscopic image. The system automatically generates an optimized single image representation of the entire visible area from both cameras. The single image can be easily manipulated with conventional techniques, as it is spatially smooth and maintains the original shapes of scene objects. In addition, a stereo image pair can be easily generated with an arbitrary disparity setting. These convenient and efficient features are achieved by the automatic generation of a stereo camera pair, robust occlusion detection with a pair of Z‐buffers, an optimization method for spatial smoothness, and stereo image pair generation with a non‐linear disparity adjustment. Experiments show that our technique dramatically improves the efficiency of stereoscopic image creation while preserving the quality of the results.  相似文献   

Signed distance functions (SDF) to explicit or implicit surface representations are intensively used in various computer graphics and visualization algorithms. Among others, they are applied to optimize collision detection, are used to reconstruct data fields or surfaces, and, in particular, are an obligatory ingredient for most level set methods. Level set methods are common in scientific visualization to extract surfaces from scalar or vector fields. Usual approaches for the construction of an SDF to a surface are either based on iterative solutions of a special partial differential equation or on marching algorithms involving a polygonization of the surface. We propose a novel method for a non‐iterative approximation of an SDF and its derivatives in a vicinity of a manifold. We use a second‐order algebraic fitting scheme to ensure high accuracy of the approximation. The manifold is defined (explicitly or implicitly) as an isosurface of a given volumetric scalar field. The field may be given at a set of irregular and unstructured samples. Stability and reliability of the SDF generation is achieved by a proper scaling of weights for the Moving Least Squares approximation, accurate choice of neighbors, and appropriate handling of degenerate cases. We obtain the solution in an explicit form, such that no iterative solving is necessary, which makes our approach fast.  相似文献   

We present novel visual and interactive techniques for exploratory visualization of animal kinematics using instantaneous helical axes (IHAs). The helical axis has been used in orthopedics, biomechanics, and structural mechanics as a construct for describing rigid body motion. Within biomechanics, recent imaging advances have made possible accurate high‐speed measurements of individual bone positions and orientations during experiments. From this high‐speed data, instantaneous helical axes of motion may be calculated. We address questions of effective interactive, exploratory visualization of this high‐speed 3D motion data. A 3D glyph that encodes all parameters of the IHA in visual form is presented. Interactive controls are used to examine the change in the IHA over time and relate the IHA to anatomical features of interest selected by a user. The techniques developed are applied to a stereoscopic, interactive visualization of the mechanics of pig mastication and assessed by a team of evolutionary biologists who found interactive IHA‐based analysis a useful addition to more traditional motion analysis techniques.  相似文献   

Digital landscape realism often comes from the multitude of details that are hard to model such as fallen leaves, rock piles or entangled fallen branches. In this article, we present a method for augmenting natural scenes with a huge amount of details such as grass tufts, stones, leaves or twigs. Our approach takes advantage of the observation that those details can be approximated by replications of a few similar objects and therefore relies on mass‐instancing. We propose an original structure, the Ghost Tile, that stores a huge number of overlapping candidate objects in a tile, along with a pre‐computed collision graph. Details are created by traversing the scene with the Ghost Tile and generating instances according to user‐defined density fields that allow to sculpt layers and piles of entangled objects while providing control over their density and distribution.  相似文献   

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