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Browsing is a fundamental aspect of exploratory information‐seeking. Associative browsing represents a common and intuitive set of exploratory strategies in which users step iteratively from familiar to novel bits of information. In this paper, we examine associative browsing as a strategy for bottom‐up exploration of large, heterogeneous networks. We present Refinery, an interactive visualization system informed by guidelines for associative browsing drawn from literature on exploratory information‐seeking. These guidelines motivate Refinery's query model, which allows users to simply and expressively construct queries using heterogeneous sets of nodes. This system computes degree‐of‐interest scores for associated content using a fast, random‐walk algorithm. Refinery visualizes query nodes within a subgraph of results, providing explanatory context, facilitating serendipitous discovery, and stimulating continued exploration. A study of 12 academic researchers using Refinery to browse publication data demonstrates how the system enables discovery of valuable new content, even within existing areas of expertise.  相似文献   

We propose 2D stick figures as a unified medium for visualizing and searching for human motion data. The stick figures can express a wide range or human motion, and they are easy to be drawn by people without any professional training. In our interface, the user can browse overall motion by viewing the stick figure images generated from the database and retrieve them directly by using sketched stick figures as an input query. We started with a preliminary survey to observe how people draw stick figures. Based on the rules observed from the user study, we developed an algorithm converting motion data to a sequence of stick figures. The feature‐based comparison method between the stick figures provides an interactive and progressive search for the users. They assist the user's sketching by showing the current retrieval result at each stroke. We demonstrate the utility of the system with a user study, in which the participants retrieved example motion segments from the database with 102 motion files by using our interface.  相似文献   

Social network analysis is the study of patterns of interaction between social entities. The field is attracting increasing attention from diverse disciplines including sociology, epidemiology, and behavioral ecology. An important sociological phenomenon that draws the attention of analysts is the emergence of communities, which tend to form, evolve, and dissolve gradually over a period of time. Understanding this evolution is crucial to sociologists and domain scientists, and often leads to a better appreciation of the social system under study. Therefore, it is imperative that social network visualization tools support this task. While graph‐based representations are well suited for investigating structural properties of networks at a single point in time, they appear to be significantly less useful when used to analyze gradual structural changes over a period of time. In this paper, we present an interactive visualization methodology for dynamic social networks. Our technique focuses on revealing the community structure implied by the evolving interaction patterns between individuals. We apply our visualization to analyze the community structure in the US House of Representatives. We also report on a user study conducted with the participation of behavioral ecologists working with social network datasets that depict interactions between wild animals. Findings from the user study confirm that the visualization was helpful in providing answers to sociological questions as well as eliciting new observations on the social organization of the population under study.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel framework that allows for a flexible and an efficient retrieval of motion capture data in huge databases. The method first converts an action sequence into a novel representation, i.e. the Self‐Similarity Matrix (SSM), which is based on the notion of self‐similarity. This conversion of the motion sequences into compact and low‐rank subspace representations greatly reduces the spatiotemporal dimensionality of the sequences. The SSMs are then used to construct order‐3 tensors, and we propose a low‐rank decomposition scheme that allows for converting the motion sequence volumes into compact lower dimensional representations, without losing the nonlinear dynamics of the motion manifold. Thus, unlike existing linear dimensionality reduction methods that distort the motion manifold and lose very critical and discriminative components, the proposed method performs well even when inter‐class differences are small or intra‐class differences are large. In addition, the method allows for an efficient retrieval and does not require the time‐alignment of the motion sequences. We evaluate the performance of our retrieval framework on the CMU mocap dataset under two experimental settings, both demonstrating promising retrieval rates.  相似文献   

Matrix visualization is an established technique in the analysis of relational data. It is applicable to large, dense networks, where node‐link representations may not be effective. Recently, domains have emerged in which the comparative analysis of sets of matrices of potentially varying size is relevant. For example, to monitor computer network traffic a dynamic set of hosts and their peer‐to‐peer connections on different ports must be analysed. A matrix visualization focused on the display of one matrix at a time cannot cope with this task. We address the research problem of the visual analysis of sets of matrices. We present a technique for comparing matrices of potentially varying size. Our approach considers the rows and/or columns of a matrix as the basic elements of the analysis. We project these vectors for pairs of matrices into a low‐dimensional space which is used as the reference to compare matrices and identify relationships among them. Bipartite graph matching is applied on the projected elements to compute a measure of distance. A key advantage of this measure is that it can be interpreted and manipulated as a visual distance function, and serves as a comprehensible basis for ranking, clustering and comparison in sets of matrices. We present an interactive system in which users may explore the matrix distances and understand potential differences in a set of matrices. A flexible semantic zoom mechanism enables users to navigate through sets of matrices and identify patterns at different levels of detail. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through a case study and provide a technical evaluation to illustrate its strengths.  相似文献   

Interactive information visualization systems rely on widgets to allow users to interact with the data and modify the representation. We define interactive legends as a class of controls combining the visual representation of static legends and interaction mechanisms of widgets. As interactive legends start to appear in popular websites, we categorize their designs for common data types and evaluate their effectiveness compare to standard widgets. Results suggest that 1) interactive legends can lead to faster perception of the mapping between data values and visual encodings and 2) interaction time is affected differently depending on the data type. Additionally, our study indicates superiority both in terms of perception and interaction of ordinal controls over numerical ones. Numerical techniques are mostly used in today's systems. By providing solutions to allowing users to modify ranges interactively, we believe that interactive legends make it possible to increase the use of ordinal techniques for visual exploration.  相似文献   

We introduce Papilio, a new visualization technique for visualizing permissions of real‐world Android applications. We explore the development of layouts that exploit the directed acyclic nature of Android application permission data to develop a new explicit layout technique that incorporates aspects of set membership, node‐link diagrams and matrix layouts. By grouping applications based on sets of requested permissions, a structure can be formed with partially ordered relations. The Papilio layout shows sets of applications centrally, the relations among applications on one side and application permissions, as the reason behind the existence of the partial order, on the other side. Using Papilio to explore a set of Android applications as a case study has led to new security findings regarding permission usage by Android applications.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce TimeArcs, a novel visualization technique for representing dynamic relationships between entities in a network. Force‐directed layouts provide a way to highlight related entities by positioning them near to each other Entities are brought closer to each other (forming clusters) by forces applied on nodes and connections between nodes. In many application domains, relationships between entities are not temporally stable, which means that cluster structures and cluster memberships also may vary across time. Our approach merges multiple force‐directed layouts at different time points into a single comprehensive visualization that provides a big picture overview of the most significant clusters within a user‐defined period of time. TimeArcs also supports a range of interactive features, such as allowing users to drill‐down in order to see details about a particular cluster. To highlight the benefits of this technique, we demonstrate its application to various datasets, including the IMDB co‐star network, a dataset showing conflicting evidences within biomedical literature of protein interactions, and collocated popular phrases obtained from political blogs.  相似文献   

Social networks collected by historians or sociologists typically have a large number of actors and edge attributes. Applying social network analysis (SNA) algorithms to these networks produces additional attributes such as degree, centrality, and clustering coefficients. Understanding the effects of this plethora of attributes is one of the main challenges of multivariate SNA. We present the design of GraphDice, a multivariate network visualization system for exploring the attribute space of edges and actors. GraphDice builds upon the ScatterDice system for its main multidimensional navigation paradigm, and extends it with novel mechanisms to support network exploration in general and SNA tasks in particular. Novel mechanisms include visualization of attributes of interval type and projection of numerical edge attributes to node attributes. We show how these extensions to the original ScatterDice system allow to support complex visual analysis tasks on networks with hundreds of actors and up to 30 attributes, while providing a simple and consistent interface for interacting with network data.  相似文献   

Patterns of words used in different text collections can characterize interesting properties of a corpus. However, these patterns are challenging to explore as they often involve complex relationships across many words and collections in a large space of words. In this paper, we propose a configurable colorfield design to aid this exploration. Our approach uses a dense colorfield overview to present large amounts of data in ways that make patterns perceptible. It allows flexible configuration of both data mappings and aggregations to expose different kinds of patterns, and provides interactions to help connect detailed patterns to the corpus overview. TextDNA, our prototype implementation, leverages the GPU to provide interactivity in the web browser even on large corpora. We present five case studies showing how the tool supports inquiry in corpora ranging in size from single document to millions of books. Our work shows how to make a configurable colorfield approach practical for a range of analytic tasks.  相似文献   

Current graph drawing algorithms enable the creation of two dimensional node‐link diagrams of huge graphs. However, for graphs with low diameter (of which “small world” graphs are a subset) these techniques begin to break down visually even when the graph has only a few hundred nodes. Typical algorithms produce images where nodes clump together in the center of the screen, making it hard to discern structure and follow paths. This paper describes a solution to this problem, which uses a global edge metric to determine a subset of edges that capture the graph's intrinsic clustering structure. This structure is then used to create an embedding of the graph, after which the remaining edges are added back in. We demonstrate applications of this technique to a number of real world examples.  相似文献   

The field of cyber security is faced with ever‐expanding amounts of data and a constant barrage of cyber attacks. Within this space, we have designed BubbleNet as a cyber security dashboard to help network analysts identify and summarize patterns within the data. This design study faced a range of interesting constraints from limited time with various expert users and working with users beyond the network analyst, such as network managers. To overcome these constraints, the design study employed a user‐centered design process and a variety of methods to incorporate user feedback throughout the design of BubbleNet. This approach resulted in a successfully evaluated dashboard with users and further deployments of these ideas in both research and operational environments. By explaining these methods and the process, it can benefit future visualization designers to help overcome similar challenges in cyber security or alternative domains.  相似文献   

Multivariate graphs are prolific across many fields, including transportation and neuroscience. A key task in graph analysis is the exploration of connectivity, to, for example, analyze how signals flow through neurons, or to explore how well different cities are connected by flights. While standard node‐link diagrams are helpful in judging connectivity, they do not scale to large networks. Adjacency matrices also do not scale to large networks and are only suitable to judge connectivity of adjacent nodes. A key approach to realize scalable graph visualization are queries: instead of displaying the whole network, only a relevant subset is shown. Query‐based techniques for analyzing connectivity in graphs, however, can also easily suffer from cluttering if the query result is big enough. To remedy this, we introduce techniques that provide an overview of the connectivity and reveal details on demand. We have two main contributions: (1) two novel visualization techniques that work in concert for summarizing graph connectivity; and (2) Graffinity, an open‐source implementation of these visualizations supplemented by detail views to enable a complete analysis workflow. Graffinity was designed in a close collaboration with neuroscientists and is optimized for connectomics data analysis, yet the technique is applicable across domains. We validate the connectivity overview and our open‐source tool with illustrative examples using flight and connectomics data.  相似文献   

Detail‐in‐context lens techniques can be useful for exploring visualizations of data spaces that are too large or have too much detail to fit in regular displays. For example, by bending the space in the right way we can bring together details from two separate areas for easy comparison while roughly keeping the context that situates each area within the global space. While these techniques can be powerful tools, they also introduce distortions that need to be understood, and often the tools have to be disabled in order to have access to the undistorted data. We introduce the undistort lens, a complement to existing distortion‐based techniques that provides a local and separate presentation of the original geometry without affecting any distortion‐based lenses currently used in the presentation. The undistort lens is designed to allow interactive access to the underlying undistorted data within the context of the distorted space, and to enable a better understanding of the distortions. The paper describes the implementation of a generic back‐mapping mechanism that enables the implementation of undistort lenses for arbitrary distortion based techniques, including those presented in the lens literature. We also provide a series of use‐case scenarios that demonstrate the situations in which the technique can complement existing lenses.  相似文献   

We present an interface for 3D object manipulation in which standard transformation tools are replaced with transient 3D widgets invoked by sketching context‐dependent strokes. The widgets are automatically aligned to axes and planes determined by the user's stroke. Sketched pivot‐points further expand the interaction vocabulary. Using gestural commands, these basic elements can be assembled into dynamic, user‐constructed 3D transformation systems. We supplement precise widget interaction with techniques for coarse object positioning and snapping. Our approach, which is implemented within a broader sketch‐based modeling system, also integrates an underlying “widget history” to enable the fluid transfer of widgets between objects. An evaluation indicates that users familiar with 3D manipulation concepts can be taught how to efficiently use our system in under an hour.  相似文献   

In interactive visualization, selection techniques such as dynamic queries and brushing are used to specify and extract items of interest. In other words, users define areas of interest in data space that often have a clear semantic meaning. We call such areas Semantic Zones, and argue that support for their manipulation and reasoning with them is highly useful during exploratory analysis. An important use case is the use of these zones across different subsets of the data, for instance to study the population of semantic zones over time. To support this, we present the Select & Slice Table. Semantic zones are arranged along one axis of the table, and data subsets are arranged along the other axis of the table. Each cell contains a set of items of interest from a data subset that matches the selection specifications of a zone. Items in cells can be visualized in various ways, as a count, as an aggregation of a measure, or as a separate visualization, such that the table gives an overview of the relationship between zones and data subsets. Furthermore, users can reuse zones, combine zones, and compare and trace items of interest across different semantic zones and data subsets. We present two case studies to illustrate the support offered by the Select & Slice table during exploratory analysis of multivariate data.  相似文献   

Scatterplot matrices or SPLOMs provide a feasible method of visualizing and representing multi‐dimensional data especially for a small number of dimensions. For very high dimensional data, we introduce a novel technique to summarize a SPLOM, as a clustered matrix of glyphs, or a Glyph SPLOM. Each glyph visually encodes a general measure of dependency strength, distance correlation, and a logical dependency class based on the occupancy of the scatterplot quadrants. We present the Glyph SPLOM as a general alternative to the traditional correlation based heatmap and the scatterplot matrix in two examples: demography data from the World Health Organization (WHO), and gene expression data from developmental biology. By using both, dependency class and strength, the Glyph SPLOM illustrates high dimensional data in more detail than a heatmap but with more summarization than a SPLOM. More importantly, the summarization capabilities of Glyph SPLOM allow for the assertion of “necessity” causal relationships in the data and the reconstruction of interaction networks in various dynamic systems.  相似文献   

High‐dimensional data visualization is receiving increasing interest because of the growing abundance of high‐dimensional datasets. To understand such datasets, visualization of the structures present in the data, such as clusters, can be an invaluable tool. Structures may be present in the full high‐dimensional space, as well as in its subspaces. Two widely used methods to visualize high‐dimensional data are the scatter plot matrix (SPM) and the parallel coordinate plot (PCP). SPM allows a quick overview of the structures present in pairwise combinations of dimensions. On the other hand, PCP has the potential to visualize not only bi‐dimensional structures but also higher dimensional ones. A problem with SPM is that it suffers from crowding and clutter which makes interpretation hard. Approaches to reduce clutter are available in the literature, based on changing the order of the dimensions. However, usually this reordering has a high computational complexity. For effective visualization of high‐dimensional structures, also PCP requires a proper ordering of the dimensions. In this paper, we propose methods for reordering dimensions in PCP in such a way that high‐dimensional structures (if present) become easier to perceive. We also present a method for dimension reordering in SPM which yields results that are comparable to those of existing approaches, but at a much lower computational cost. Our approach is based on finding relevant subspaces for clustering using a quality criterion and cluster information. The quality computation and cluster detection are done in image space, using connected morphological operators. We demonstrate the potential of our approach for synthetic and astronomical datasets, and show that our method compares favorably with a number of existing approaches.  相似文献   

Parallel coordinate plots (PCPs) are a well‐known visualization technique for viewing multivariate data. In the past, various visual modifications to PCPs have been proposed to facilitate tasks such as correlation and cluster identification, to reduce visual clutter, and to increase their information throughput. Most modifications pertain to the use of color and opacity, smooth curves, or the use of animation. Although many of these seem valid improvements, only few user studies have been performed to investigate this, especially with respect to cluster identification. We performed a user study to evaluate cluster identification performance – with respect to response time and correctness – of nine PCP variations, including standard PCPs. To generate the variations, we focused on covering existing techniques as well as possible while keeping testing feasible. This was done by adapting and merging techniques, which led to the following novel variations. The first is an effective way of embedding scatter plots into PCPs. The second is a technique for highlighting fuzzy clusters based on neighborhood density. The third is a spline‐based drawing technique to reduce ambiguity. The last is a pair of animation schemes for PCP rotation. We present an overview of the tested PCP variations and the results of our study. The most important result is that a fair number of the seemingly valid improvements, with the exception of scatter plots embedded into PCPs, do not result in significant performance gains.  相似文献   

There are many visualizations that show the trajectory of a moving object to obtain insights in its behavior. In this user study, we test the performance of three of these visualizations with respect to three movement features that occur in vessel behavior. Our goal is to compare the recently presented vessel density by Willems et al. [ [WvdWvW09] ] with well‐known trajectory visualizations such as an animation of moving dots and the space‐time cube. We test these visualizations with common maritime analysis tasks by investigating the ability of users to find stopping objects, fast moving objects, and estimate the busiest routes in vessel trajectories. We test the robustness of the visualizations towards scalability and the influence of complex trajectories using small‐scale synthetic data sets. The performance is measured in terms of correctness and response time. The user test shows that each visualization type excels for correctness for a specific movement feature. Vessel density performs best for finding stopping objects, but does not perform significantly less than the remaining visualizations for the other features. Therefore, vessel density is a nice extension in the toolkit for analyzing trajectories of moving objects, in particular for vessel movements, since stops can be visualized better, and the performance for comparing lanes and finding fast movers is at a similar level as established trajectory visualizations.  相似文献   

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