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本文以杭州万科良渚文化村为切入点,对市场导向自下而上新市镇开发的创新模式进行探讨。文章从规划的视角对文化村开发的主体与动力、项目定位、开发时序、开发理念、产业配套等策略进行客观解析,得出以下结论:市场导向的新市镇开发相比传统模式在项目融资、开发理念和运营方面更有优势,多元投资、市场导向的新市镇开发是未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

轨道都市是支撑大都市空间扩张的一种战略,借鉴国际大都市区轨道都市的经验和特征,基于国内新城开发模式粗放和趋利、通勤公交供给难以满足需求及公交资源缺乏整合的现状,提出轨道交通与城市形态契合、公交走廊引导城市发展、公交枢纽与城市中心体系适配的构建轨道都市原则,并相应给出了城市开发与轨道交通建设统筹规划、土地利用响应轨道交通站点、构建多层次大公交体系、量化轨道都市评价指标的应对策略。  相似文献   

This article details the transformation of the urban rust belt over the course of economic restructuring. It begins by building typologies of cities at the starting point of restructuring and by showing how cities vary in socioeconomic performance by the endpoint. Multiple methods and data sources are then used to provide a general and detailed story of change for successful and unsuccessful performers. Results show that, in general, deindustrialization is not associated with performance. However, manufacturing still matters. Detailed stories show successful cities of one type have diversified manufacturing, becoming post‐industrial producers. Successful cities of another type have specialized, retaining old manufacturing in branch plants. For the first type of city, policies aimed at developing the labor force and encouraging collaboration between local manufacturers is recommended. For the second type, policies targeted at improving the local business climate are encouraged. Results also show all unsuccessful cities have become healthcare‐based economies.  相似文献   

结合《天津市新农村建设布局规划》,在认清大都市地区农村的基本特征的前提下,明确城乡统筹背景下新农村建设规划的思路与目的,探索大都市地区新农村建设规划的内容和体系,突出了规划对新农村建设的引领作用。  相似文献   

1990年代以来国内大都市区研究回顾与展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对1990年以来国内大都市区的研究从概念、界定、形成机制、发展阶段及总体特征、空间结构、规划等10个方面作了回顾,对这些研究进行了简评,并对大都市区未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

世界大都市圈的人口发展及特征分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张善余 《城市规划》2003,27(3):37-42
以美国和日本为重点 ,分析了世界大都市圈的人口发展及其规模、结构、分布等特征。探讨了美国大都市圈发展的基本态势、新特点及其产生的矛盾 ,并特别就纽约大都市区的人口发展提出 :(1 )人口总量的变动受到移民的强烈影响 ;(2 )在人口郊区化的大潮下 ,中心城市仍有所复兴 ;(3)由一个特大城市组合一批中小城市形成庞大的组团式城市群。同时探讨了日本大都市圈发展的基本态势和特点 ,并针对东京大都市圈的人口发展提出 :(1 )总人口增长显著超过全国平均增长率 ;(2 )人口迅速进入少子高龄化 ,但其程度明显低于日本其他地区 ;(3)人口大量由中心城市向近、远郊区的中小城镇扩散 ,形成世界最大的通勤圈 ;(4)人口的就业结构大幅度向第三产业倾斜  相似文献   

Despite decades of effort, deficiencies in access and quality of infrastructure persist in cities of the developing world. One common response to the infrastructure problem is to reorganize the structure of metropolitan areas in the hopes that infrastructure provision, management, and quality will improve. What is not clear globally, however, is how the reorganization of metropolitan areas comes to be, and how infrastructure deficiencies function as a rationale for reform in conjunction with other dominant reasons or drivers of metropolitan reorganization. Building on the demand for increased cross‐regional comparison in urban studies generally, this article explores and compares the relationship between infrastructure quality and political and social pressures in four cities—two in India and two in East Africa. The comparison is intended to be exploratory; it shows how city and national government efforts to improve infrastructure quality are shaped by political and social pressures. The results provide a foundation for future cross‐regional comparison and theory building.  相似文献   

文章从国际上大都市区新城建设的经验与教训出发,分析杭州大都市区发展的现状与趋势,对杭州新城的建设进行探索与思考,总结问题与教训,提出对策与建议。  相似文献   

1990年代以来西安城市居住空间重构与分异   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
依据1990年代以来西安市523个住宅开发项目及相关信息资料,分3个时段8个区段5个档次5种类型,对西安市居住空间的重构、分异、隔离化动态与特征进行了分析。通过危旧房拆迁改造、老城区内填充插补、新区开发建设等途径,在土地制度、房改政策、城市规划、基础设施等因素的影响作用下,西安城市居住空间正经历着分化与重构。而居民收入差距拉大、住房需求多样化及住宅供给多样化等则是导致居住空间分异的主要因素,其结果是产生基于收入差距的居住空间隔离化。  相似文献   

都市圈的概念、特征及其规划探讨   总被引:49,自引:9,他引:49  
张伟 《城市规划》2003,27(6):47-50
以江苏省开展的三个都市圈规划为例 ,探讨了都市圈的概念和特征 ,分析了都市圈规划的背景、地位、类型 ,提出了都市圈规划的主要内容。指出都市圈是当前我国城市化发达地区的重要城镇空间组织形式之一 ,是当前新城市区域规划的主要代表。规划的主要内容包括地域空间结构、基础设施网络、生态建设与环境保护、重点区域协调管治、协调措施和政策研究五个方面  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the effect of continuing gentrification on household displacement in London. The author analyzes the geography and selectivity of migration. She found that long-range displacement from gentrifying areas affects progressively higher status households. Migrations over short distances are characteristic of low status households. This bifurcation is exploreed in relation to the integration of structure-based and agency-based approaches to the explanation of gentrification.  相似文献   

Amidst debates over the impacts of immigration, cities and towns across the United States have alternately opposed or welcomed unauthorized immigrants. Although their “illegal immigration relief acts” and “sanctuary laws” are typically justified in terms of law and order, they also grow from divergent hopes, concerns, and assumptions about newcomers’ integration and effects on local revitalization. These issues have gained importance beyond central cities with the suburbanization of immigration and the economic decline of older suburbs in recent decades. This article explores the case of two adjacent, formerly industrial towns in suburban Philadelphia, examining local leaders’ respective rationale for seeking to incorporate unauthorized immigrants in Norristown and to restrict their settlement and employment in neighboring Bridgeport. Despite their obvious similarities, these towns’ distinct experiences of race, migration, and revitalization explain much of their divergent responses.  相似文献   

Regional partnerships have grown popular as mechanisms to address public goods that transcend local boundaries, but we know little about their effectiveness. For example, what impact do regional economic development partnerships (REDPs), cooperative organizations of local governments, nonprofits and business organizations have on the economies of metropolitan areas? This article employs survival analysis and multilevel growth curve models to examine how the emergence of regional partnership arrangements influences patterns of economic development in U.S. metropolitan areas. The results suggest that, whereas these organizations do not make a great difference in some metro areas, in densely populated and politically fragmented metropolitan areas personal incomes, business firms, and employment grew significantly with the emergence of REDPs. Furthermore, state level factors, such as intergovernmental grant funding, are found to have positive influences. In conclusion, we discuss regional partnerships as solutions to institutional collective action problems in economic development and other policy arenas.  相似文献   

论都市圈地域空间的组织   总被引:96,自引:14,他引:96  
都市圈是国际上对现代城镇群体发展地区空间组织的基本模式 ,在中国也具有重要的现实应用价值。对都市圈的有关基本概念、空间演化规律、职能与空间规划组织等有关内容进行了论述 ,并结合国情对我国都市圈地区的行政管理模式提出了设想。  相似文献   

The Reverend Joseph Lowery and the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus sponsored a 2011 voting rights suit, Lowery v. Deal, that demanded the disincorporation of several majority‐white cities in Georgia's Fulton and DeKalb Counties and preemption against attempts by affluent and majority‐white north Fulton to secede from the rest of the county. Secession would have severe consequences for racial equity in the metropolitan area. Lowery's 2011 dismissal by the District Court reflects ascendant color‐blind racial ideology that defends white privilege in metropolitan space by attributing it to culturally and legally legitimate race‐neutral processes. Historical analysis challenges this color‐blind interpretation, identifying the nominally class‐based interests of north Fulton residents with systemic racial discrimination and the politics of secession with historic patterns of spatial politics that have sought not only to exclude but also to manipulate political space to limit the ability of black voters and officials to make decisions affecting whites and their property.  相似文献   

都市圈是高度城市化地区城市 /区域空间组织的一种重要形式 ,其内部与核心城市的高强度联系塑造了圈层状的地域结构特征。文章以南京都市圈为实证 ,通过对多种经济、社会联系流的直接调查与相关联系强度的空间叠置分析 ,进行了都市圈圈层地域的界定。  相似文献   

针对湖北地区气候特征、资源条件,研发了新型利废节能墙材,试验得新型砌块墙材的物理性能、热工特性,通过对比测试试验,该砌块仅单一材料就能满足该地区围护结构节能50%要求。  相似文献   

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