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We propose a watermarking algorithm for polygonal meshes based on the modification of the Laplacian coordinates. More specifically, we first compute the Laplacian coordinates (x,y,z) of the mesh vertices, then construct the histogram of the lengths of the (x,y,z) vectors, and finally, insert the watermark by altering the shape of that histogram. The watermark extraction is carried out blindly, with no reference to the host model. The proposed method is more robust than several existing high capacity watermarking algorithms. In particular, it is able to resist attacks such as translations, rotations, uniform scaling and vertex reordering, due to the invariance of the histogram of the Laplacian vector lengths under such transformations. Compared to the existing robust watermarking methods, our experiments show that the proposed method can better resist common mesh editing attacks, due to the good behaviour of the Laplacian coordinates under such operations.  相似文献   

We provide a simple method that extracts an isosurface that is manifold and intersection‐free from a function over an arbitrary octree. Our method samples the function dual to minimal edges, faces, and cells, and we show how to position those samples to reconstruct sharp and thin features of the surface. Moreover, we describe an error metric designed to guide octree expansion such that flat regions of the function are tiled with fewer polygons than curved regions to create an adaptive polygonalization of the isosurface. We then show how to improve the quality of the triangulation by moving dual vertices to the isosurface and provide a topological test that guarantees we maintain the topology of the surface. While we describe our algorithm in terms of extracting surfaces from volumetric functions, we also show that our algorithm extends to generating manifold level sets of co‐dimension 1 of functions of arbitrary dimension.  相似文献   

The usual approach to design subdivision schemes for curves and surfaces basically consists in combining proper rules for regular configurations, with some specific heuristics to handle extraordinary vertices. In this paper, we introduce an alternative approach, called Least Squares Subdivision Surfaces (LS), where the key idea is to iteratively project each vertex onto a local approximation of the current polygonal mesh. While the resulting procedure haves the same complexity as simpler subdivision schemes, our method offers much higher visual quality, especially in the vicinity of extraordinary vertices. Moreover, we show it can be easily generalized to support boundaries and creases. The fitting procedure allows for a local control of the surface from the normals, making LS3 very well suited for interactive freeform modeling applications. We demonstrate our approach on diadic triangular and quadrangular refinement schemes, though it can be applied to any splitting strategies.  相似文献   

We provide a method for improving the parameterization of patching schemes that approximate Catmull‐Clark subdivision surfaces, such that the new parameterization conforms better to that of the original subdivision surface. We create this reparameterization in real‐time using a method that only depends on the topology of the surface and is independent of the surface's geometry. Our method can handle patches with more than one extraordinary vertex and avoids the combinatorial increase in both complexity and storage associated with multiple extraordinary vertices. Moreover, the reparameterization function is easy to implement and fast.  相似文献   

The technique of Delaunay refinement has been recognized as a versatile tool to generate Delaunay meshes of a variety of geometries. Despite its usefulness, it suffers from one lacuna that limits its application. It does not scale well with the mesh size. As the sample point set grows, the Delaunay triangulation starts stressing the available memory space which ultimately stalls any effective progress. A natural solution to the problem is to maintain the point set in clusters and run the refinement on each individual cluster. However, this needs a careful point insertion strategy and a balanced coordination among the neighboring clusters to ensure consistency across individual meshes. We design an octtree based localized Delaunay refinement method for meshing surfaces in three dimensions which meets these goals. We prove that the algorithm terminates and provide guarantees about structural properties of the output mesh. Experimental results show that the method can avoid memory thrashing while computing large meshes and thus scales much better than the standard Delaunay refinement method.  相似文献   

Despite the success of quad‐based 2D surface parameterization methods, effective parameterization algorithms for 3D volumes with cubes, i.e. hexahedral elements, are still missing. Cube Cover is a first approach for generating a hexahedral tessellation of a given volume with boundary aligned cubes which are guided by a frame field. The input of Cube Cover is a tetrahedral volume mesh. First, a frame field is designed with manual input from the designer. It guides the interior and boundary layout of the parameterization. Then, the parameterization and the hexahedral mesh are computed so as to align with the given frame field. Cube Cover has similarities to the Quad Cover algorithm and extends it from 2D surfaces to 3D volumes. The paper also provides theoretical results for 3D hexahedral parameterizations and analyses topological properties of the appropriate function space.  相似文献   

Geometric meshes that model animated characters must be designed while taking into account the deformations that the shape will undergo during animation. We analyze an input sequence of meshes with point‐to‐point correspondence, and we automatically produce a quadrangular mesh that fits well the input animation. We first analyze the local deformation that the surface undergoes at each point, and we initialize a cross field that remains as aligned as possible to the principal directions of deformation throughout the sequence. We then smooth this cross field based on an energy that uses a weighted combination of the initial field and the local amount of stretch. Finally, we compute a field‐aligned quadrangulation with an off‐the‐shelf method. Our technique is fast and very simple to implement, and it significantly improves the quality of the output quad mesh and its suitability for character animation, compared to creating the quad mesh based on a single pose. We present experimental results and comparisons with a state‐of‐the‐art quadrangulation method, on both sequences from 3D scanning and synthetic sequences obtained by a rough animation of a triangulated model.  相似文献   

Super‐deformed, SD, is a specific artistic style for Japanese manga and anime which exaggerates characters in the goal of appearing cute and funny. The SD style characters are widely used, and can be seen in many anime, CG movies, or games. However, to create an SD model often requires professional skills and considerable time and effort. In this paper, we present a novel technique to generate an SD style counterpart of a normal 3D character model. Our approach uses an optimization guided by a number of constraints that can capture the properties of the SD style. Users can also customize the results by specifying a small set of parameters related to the body proportions and the emphasis of the signature characteristics. With our technique, even a novel user can generate visually pleasing SD models in seconds.  相似文献   

The generation of discrete stream surfaces is an important and challenging task in scientific visualization, which can be considered a particular instance of geometric modeling. The quality of numerically integrated stream surfaces depends on a number of parameters that can be controlled locally, such as time step or distance of adjacent vertices on the front line. In addition there is a parameter that cannot be controlled locally: stream surface meshes tend to show high quality, well‐shaped elements only if the current front line is “globally” approximately perpendicular to the flow direction. We analyze the impact of this geometric property and present a novel solution – a stream surface integrator that forces the front line to be perpendicular to the flow and that generates quad‐dominant meshes with well‐shaped and well‐aligned elements. It is based on the integration of a scaled version of the flow field, and requires repeated minimization of an error functional along the current front line. We show that this leads to computing the 1‐dimensional kernel of a bidiagonal matrix: a linear problem that can be solved efficiently. We compare our method with existing stream surface integrators and apply it to a number of synthetic and real world data sets.  相似文献   

With the rapid advancement of 3D scanning devices, large and complicated 3D shapes are becoming ubiquitous, and require large amount of resources to store and transmit them efficiently. This makes shape compression a demanding technique in order for the user to reduce the data transmission latency. Existing shape compression methods could achieve very low bit‐rates by sacrificing shape quality. But none of them guarantees the preservation of salient feature lines that users care. In addition, many 3D shapes come with parametric information for texture mapping purposes. In this paper we describe a spectral method to compress the geometric shapes equipped with arbitrary valid parametric information. It guarantees to preserve user‐specified feature lines while achieving a high compression ratio. By applying the spectral shape analysis – Dirichlet Manifold Harmonics, in the 2D parametric domain, this method provides a progressive compression mechanism to trade‐off between bit‐rate and shape quality. Experiments show that this method provides very low bit‐rate with high shape‐quality and still guarantees the preservation of user‐specified feature lines.  相似文献   

Although understanding of shape features in the context of shape matching and retrieval has made considerable progress in recent years, the case for partial and incomplete models in presence of pose variations still begs a robust and efficient solution. A signature that encodes features at multi‐scales in a pose invariant manner is more appropriate for this case. The Heat Kernel Signature function from spectral theory exhibits this multi‐scale property. We show how this concept can be merged with the persistent homology to design a novel efficient pose‐oblivious matching algorithm for all models, be they partial, incomplete, or complete. We make the algorithm scalable so that it can handle large data sets. Several test results show the robustness of our approach.  相似文献   

We study the combined problem of approximating a surface by a quad mesh (or quad‐dominant mesh) which on the one hand has planar faces, and which on the other hand is aesthetically pleasing and has evenly spaced vertices. This work is motivated by applications in freeform architecture and leads to a discussion of fields of conjugate directions in surfaces, their singularities and indices, their optimization and their interactive modeling. The actual meshing is performed by means of a level set method which is capable of handling combinatorial singularities, and which can deal with planarity, smoothness, and spacing issues.  相似文献   

We present a method for producing quad‐dominant subdivided meshes, which supports both adaptive refinement and adaptive coarsening. A hierarchical structure is stored implicitly in a standard half‐edge data structure, while allowing us to efficiently navigate through the different level of subdivision. Subdivided meshes contain a majority of quad elements and a moderate amount of triangles and pentagons in the regions of transition across different levels of detail. Topological LOD editing is controlled with local conforming operators, which support both mesh refinement and mesh coarsening. We show two possible applications of this method: we define an adaptive subdivision surface scheme that is topologically and geometrically consistent with the Catmull–Clark subdivision; and we present a remeshing method that produces semi‐regular adaptive meshes.  相似文献   

We present a novel technique for the efficient boundary evaluation of sweep operations applied to objects in polygonal boundary representation. These sweep operations include Minkowski addition, offsetting, and sweeping along a discrete rigid motion trajectory. Many previous methods focus on the construction of a polygonal superset (containing self‐intersections and spurious internal geometry) of the boundary of the volumes which are swept. Only few are able to determine a clean representation of the actual boundary, most of them in a discrete volumetric setting. We unify such superset constructions into a succinct common formulation and present a technique for the robust extraction of a polygonal mesh representing the outer boundary, i.e. it makes no general position assumptions and always yields a manifold, watertight mesh. It is exact for Minkowski sums and approximates swept volumes polygonally. By using plane‐based geometry in conjunction with hierarchical arrangement computations we avoid the necessity of arbitrary precision arithmetics and extensive special case handling. By restricting operations to regions containing pieces of the boundary, we significantly enhance the performance of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Shapes with complex geometric and topological features such as tunnels, neighboring sheets, and cavities are susceptible to undersampling and continue to challenge existing reconstruction techniques. In this work we introduce a new measure for point clouds to determine the likely interior and exterior regions of an object. Specifically, we adapt the concept of parity to point clouds with missing data and introduce the parity map, a global measure of parity over the volume. We first examine how parity changes over the volume with respect to missing data and develop a method for extracting topologically correct interior and exterior crusts for estimating a signed distance field and performing surface reconstruction. We evaluate our approach on real scan data representing complex shapes with missing data. Our parity measure is not only able to identify highly confident interior and exterior regions but also localizes regions of missing data. Our reconstruction results are compared to existing methods and we show that our method faithfully captures the topology and geometry of complex shapes in the presence of missing data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for estimating normals on unorganized point clouds that preserves sharp features. It is based on a robust version of the Randomized Hough Transform (RHT). We consider the filled Hough transform accumulator as an image of the discrete probability distribution of possible normals. The normals we estimate corresponds to the maximum of this distribution. We use a fixed‐size accumulator for speed, statistical exploration bounds for robustness, and randomized accumulators to prevent discretization effects. We also propose various sampling strategies to deal with anisotropy, as produced by laser scans due to differences of incidence. Our experiments show that our approach offers an ideal compromise between precision, speed, and robustness: it is at least as precise and noise‐resistant as state‐of‐the‐art methods that preserve sharp features, while being almost an order of magnitude faster. Besides, it can handle anisotropy with minor speed and precision losses.  相似文献   

We study an algorithmic framework for computing an elastic orientation‐preserving matching of non‐rigid 3D shapes. We outline an Integer Linear Programming formulation whose relaxed version can be minimized globally in polynomial time. Because of the high number of optimization variables, the key algorithmic challenge lies in efficiently solving the linear program. We present a performance analysis of several Linear Programming algorithms on our problem. Furthermore, we introduce a multiresolution strategy which allows the matching of higher resolution models.  相似文献   

We present novel parallel algorithms for collision detection and separation distance computation for rigid and deformable models that exploit the computational capabilities of many‐core GPUs. Our approach uses thread and data parallelism to perform fast hierarchy construction, updating, and traversal using tight‐fitting bounding volumes such as oriented bounding boxes (OBB) and rectangular swept spheres (RSS). We also describe efficient algorithms to compute a linear bounding volume hierarchy (LBVH) and update them using refitting methods. Moreover, we show that tight‐fitting bounding volume hierarchies offer improved performance on GPU‐like throughput architectures. We use our algorithms to perform discrete and continuous collision detection including self‐collisions, as well as separation distance computation between non‐overlapping models. In practice, our approach (gProximity) can perform these queries in a few milliseconds on a PC with NVIDIA GTX 285 card on models composed of tens or hundreds of thousands of triangles used in cloth simulation, surgical simulation, virtual prototyping and N‐body simulation. Moreover, we observe more than an order of magnitude performance improvement over prior GPU‐based algorithms.  相似文献   

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