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We present a flexible and highly efficient hardware‐assisted volume renderer grounded on the original Projected Tetrahedra (PT) algorithm. Unlike recent similar approaches, our method is exclusively based on the rasterization of simple geometric primitives and takes full advantage of graphics hardware. Both vertex and geometry shaders are used to compute the tetrahedral projection, while the volume ray integral is evaluated in a fragment shader; hence, volume rendering is performed entirely on the GPU within a single pass through the pipeline. We apply a CUDA‐based visibility ordering achieving rendering and sorting performance of over 6 M Tet/s for unstructured datasets. Furthermore, as each tetrahedron is processed independently, we employ a data‐parallel solution which is neither bound by GPU memory size nor does it rely on auxiliary volume information. In addition, iso‐surfaces can be readily extracted during the rendering process, and time‐varying data are handled without extra burden.  相似文献   

Molecular visualization is an important tool for analysing the results of biochemical simulations. With modern GPU ray casting approaches, it is only possible to render several million of atoms interactively unless advanced acceleration methods are employed. Whole‐cell simulations consist of at least several billion atoms even for simplified cell models. However, many instances of only a few different proteins occur in the intracellular environment, which can be exploited to fit the data into the graphics memory. For each protein species, one model is stored and rendered once per instance. The proposed method exploits recent algorithmic advances for particle rendering and the repetitive nature of intracellular proteins to visualize dynamic results from mesoscopic simulations of cellular transport processes. We present two out‐of‐core optimizations for the interactive visualization of data sets composed of billions of atoms as well as details on the data preparation and the employed rendering techniques. Furthermore, we apply advanced shading methods to improve the image quality including methods to enhance depth and shape perception besides non‐photorealistic rendering methods. We also show that the method can be used to render scenes that are composed of triangulated instances, not only implicit surfaces.  相似文献   

The constantly increasing complexity of polygonal models in interactive applications poses two major problems. First, the number of primitives that can be rendered at real‐time frame rates is currently limited to a few million. Secondly, less than 45 million triangles—with vertices and normal—can be stored per gigabyte. Although the rendering time can be reduced using level‐of‐detail (LOD) algorithms, representing a model at different complexity levels, these often even increase memory consumption. Out‐of‐core algorithms solve this problem by transferring the data currently required for rendering from external devices. Compression techniques are commonly used because of the limited bandwidth. The main problem of compression and decompression algorithms is the only coarse‐grained random access. A similar problem occurs in view‐dependent LOD techniques. Because of the interdependency of split operations, the adaption rate is reduced leading to visible popping artefacts during fast movements. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for real‐time view‐dependent rendering of gigabyte‐sized models. It is based on a neighbourhood dependency‐free progressive mesh data structure. Using a per operation compression method, it is suitable for parallel random‐access decompression and out‐of‐core memory management without storing decompressed data.  相似文献   

Interactive global illumination for fully deformable scenes with dynamic relighting is currently a very elusive goal in the area of realistic rendering. In this work we propose a system that is based on explicit visibility calculations and which is highly efficient and scalable. The rendering equation defines the light exchange between surfaces, which we approximate by subsampling. By utilizing the power of modern parallel GPUs using the CUDA framework we achieve interactive frame rates. Since we update the global illumination continuously in an asynchronous fashion, we maintain interactivity at all times for moderately complex scenes. We show that we can achieve higher frame rates for scenes with moving light sources, diffuse indirect illumination and dynamic geometry than other current methods, while maintaining a high image quality.  相似文献   

Scientific visualization has many effective methods for examining and exploring scalar and vector fields, but rather fewer for bivariate fields. We report the first general purpose approach for the interactive extraction of geometric separating surfaces in bivariate fields. This method is based on fiber surfaces: surfaces constructed from sets of fibers, the multivariate analogues of isolines. We show simple methods for fiber surface definition and extraction. In particular, we show a simple and efficient fiber surface extraction algorithm based on Marching Cubes. We also show how to construct fiber surfaces interactively with geometric primitives in the range of the function. We then extend this to build user interfaces that generate parameterized families of fiber surfaces with respect to arbitrary polygons. In the special case of isovalue‐gradient plots, fiber surfaces capture features geometrically for quantitative analysis that have previously only been analysed visually and qualitatively using multi‐dimensional transfer functions in volume rendering. We also demonstrate fiber surface extraction on a variety of bivariate data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fast, high‐quality, GPU‐based isosurface rendering pipeline for implicit surfaces defined by a regular volumetric grid. GPUs are designed primarily for use with polygonal primitives, rather than volume primitives, but here we directly treat each volume cell as a single rendering primitive by designing a vertex program and fragment program on a commodity GPU. Compared with previous raycasting methods, ours has a more effective memory footprint (cache locality) and better coherence between multiple parallel SIMD processors. Furthermore, we extend and speed up our approach by introducing a new view‐dependent sorting algorithm to take advantage of the early‐z‐culling feature of the GPU to gain significant performance speed‐up. As another advantage, this sorting algorithm makes multiple transparent isosurfaces rendering available almost for free. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness and quality of our techniques in several real‐time rendering scenarios and include analysis and comparisons with previous work.  相似文献   

Fast GPU-based Adaptive Tessellation with CUDA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Raytracing metaballs is a problem that has numerous applications in the rendering of dynamic soft objects such as fluids. However, current techniques are either limited in the visual effects that they can render or their performance drops as the number of metaballs and their density increase. We present a new acceleration structure based on BVH and kd‐tree for efficient raytracing of a large number of metaballs. This structure is built from an adapted SAH using a fast greedy algorithm and allows the visualization of several hundreds of thousands metaballs at interactive‐to‐real‐time framerates. Our method can handle arbitrary rays to simulate any complex secondary effects such as reflections or soft shadows, and is robust with respect to the density of metaballs. We achieve this performance thanks to a balanced CPU‐GPU (using CUDA) implementation of the animation, structure creation, and rendering.  相似文献   

Molecular visualization is often challenged with rendering of large molecular structures in real time. We introduce a novel approach that enables us to show even large protein complexes. Our method is based on the level‐of‐detail concept, where we exploit three different abstractions combined in one visualization. Firstly, molecular surface abstraction exploits three different surfaces, solvent‐excluded surface (SES), Gaussian kernels and van der Waals spheres, combined as one surface by linear interpolation. Secondly, we introduce three shading abstraction levels and a method for creating seamless transitions between these representations. The SES representation with full shading and added contours stands in focus while on the other side a sphere representation of a cluster of atoms with constant shading and without contours provide the context. Thirdly, we propose a hierarchical abstraction based on a set of clusters formed on molecular atoms. All three abstraction models are driven by one importance function classifying the scene into the near‐, mid‐ and far‐field. Moreover, we introduce a methodology to render the entire molecule directly using the A‐buffer technique, which further improves the performance. The rendering performance is evaluated on series of molecules of varying atom counts.  相似文献   

We propose a unified rendering approach that jointly handles motion and defocus blur for transparent and opaque objects at interactive frame rates. Our key idea is to create a sampled representation of all parts of the scene geometry that are potentially visible at any point in time for the duration of a frame in an initial rasterization step. We store the resulting temporally‐varying fragments (t‐fragments) in a bounding volume hierarchy which is rebuild every frame using a fast spatial median construction algorithm. This makes our approach suitable for interactive applications with dynamic scenes and animations. Next, we perform spatial sampling to determine all t‐fragments that intersect with a specific viewing ray at any point in time. Viewing rays are sampled according to the lens uv‐sampling for depth‐of‐field effects. In a final temporal sampling step, we evaluate the predetermined viewing ray/t‐fragment intersections for one or multiple points in time. This allows us to incorporate all standard shading effects including transparency. We describe the overall framework, present our GPU implementation, and evaluate our rendering approach with respect to scalability, quality, and performance.  相似文献   

We present a physically based real‐time water simulation and rendering method that brings volumetric foam to the real‐time domain, significantly increasing the realism of dynamic fluids. We do this by combining a particle‐based fluid model that is capable of accounting for the formation of foam with a layered rendering approach that is able to account for the volumetric properties of water and foam. Foam formation is simulated through Weber number thresholding. For rendering, we approximate the resulting water and foam volumes by storing their respective boundary surfaces in depth maps. This allows us to calculate the attenuation of light rays that pass through these volumes very efficiently. We also introduce an adaptive curvature flow filter that produces consistent fluid surfaces from particles independent of the viewing distance.  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm for efficient rendering of high‐quality depth‐of‐field (DoF) effects. We start with a single rasterized view (reference view) of the scene, and sample the light field by warping the reference view to nearby views. We implement the algorithm using NVIDIA's CUDA to achieve parallel processing, and exploit the atomic operations to resolve visibility when multiple pixels warp to the same image location. We then directly synthesize DoF effects from the sampled light field. To reduce aliasing artifacts, we propose an image‐space filtering technique that compensates for spatial undersampling using MIP mapping. The main advantages of our algorithm are its simplicity and generality. We demonstrate interactive rendering of DoF effects in several complex scenes. Compared to existing methods, ours does not require ray tracing and hence scales well with scene complexity.  相似文献   

Environment‐mapped rendering of Lambertian isotropic surfaces is common, and a popular technique is to use a quadratic spherical harmonic expansion. This compact irradiance map representation is widely adopted in interactive applications like video games. However, many materials are anisotropic, and shading is determined by the local tangent direction, rather than the surface normal. Even for visualization and illustration, it is increasingly common to define a tangent vector field, and use anisotropic shading. In this paper, we extend spherical harmonic irradiance maps to anisotropic surfaces, replacing Lambertian reflectance with the diffuse term of the popular Kajiya‐Kay model. We show that there is a direct analogy, with the surface normal replaced by the tangent. Our main contribution is an analytic formula for the diffuse Kajiya‐Kay BRDF in terms of spherical harmonics; this derivation is more complicated than for the standard diffuse lobe. We show that the terms decay even more rapidly than for Lambertian reflectance, going as l–3, where l is the spherical harmonic order, and with only 6 terms (l = 0 and l = 2) capturing 99.8% of the energy. Existing code for irradiance environment maps can be trivially adapted for real‐time rendering with tangent irradiance maps. We also demonstrate an application to offline rendering of the diffuse component of fibers, using our formula as a control variate for Monte Carlo sampling.  相似文献   

Particle‐based simulation techniques, like the discrete element method or molecular dynamics, are widely used in many research fields. In real‐time explorative visualization it is common to render the resulting data using opaque spherical glyphs with local lighting only. Due to massive overlaps, however, inner structures of the data are often occluded rendering visual analysis impossible. Furthermore, local lighting is not sufficient as several important features like complex shapes, holes, rifts or filaments cannot be perceived well. To address both problems we present a new technique that jointly supports transparency and ambient occlusion in a consistent illumination model. Our approach is based on the emission‐absorption model of volume rendering. We provide analytic solutions to the volume rendering integral for several density distributions within a spherical glyph. Compared to constant transparency our approach preserves the three‐dimensional impression of the glyphs much better. We approximate ambient illumination with a fast hierarchical voxel cone‐tracing approach, which builds on a new real‐time voxelization of the particle data. Our implementation achieves interactive frame rates for millions of static or dynamic particles without any preprocessing. We illustrate the merits of our method on real‐world data sets gaining several new insights.  相似文献   

Dynamic Sampling and Rendering of Algebraic Point Set Surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Algebraic Point Set Surfaces (APSS) define a smooth surface from a set of points using local moving least‐squares (MLS) fitting of algebraic spheres. In this paper we first revisit the spherical fitting problem and provide a new, more generic solution that includes intuitive parameters for curvature control of the fitted spheres. As a second contribution we present a novel real‐time rendering system of such surfaces using a dynamic up‐sampling strategy combined with a conventional splatting algorithm for high quality rendering. Our approach also includes a new view dependent geometric error tailored to efficient and adaptive up‐sampling of the surface. One of the key features of our system is its high degree of flexibility that enables us to achieve high performance even for highly dynamic data or complex models by exploiting temporal coherence at the primitive level. We also address the issue of efficient spatial search data structures with respect to construction, access and GPU friendliness. Finally, we present an efficient parallel GPU implementation of the algorithms and search structures.  相似文献   

A rendering system for interior scenes is proposed in this paper. The light reaches the interior scene, usually through small regions, such as windows or abat‐jours, which we call portals. To provide a solution, suitable for rendering interior scenes with portals, we extend the traditional precomputed radiance transfer approaches. In our approach, a bounding sphere, which we call a shell, of the interior, centered at each portal, is created and the light transferred from the shell towards the interior through the portal is precomputed. Each shell acts as an environment light source and its intensity distribution is determined by rendering images of the scene, viewed from the center of the shell. By updating the intensity distribution of the shell at each frame, we are able to handle dynamic objects outside the shells. The material of the portals can also be modified at run time (e.g. changing from transparent glass to frosted glass). Several applications are shown, including the illumination of a cathedral, lit by skylight at different times of a day, and a car, running in a town, at interactive frame rates, with a dynamic viewpoint.  相似文献   

Visualizing dynamic participating media in particle form by fully solving equations from the light transport theory is a computationally very expensive process. In this paper, we present a computational pipeline for particle volume rendering that is easily accelerated by the current GPU. To fully harness its massively parallel computing power, we transform input particles into a volumetric density field using a GPU-assisted, adaptive density estimation technique that iteratively adapts the smoothing length for local grid cells. Then, the volume data is visualized efficiently based on the volume photon mapping method where our GPU techniques further improve the rendering quality offered by previous implementations while performing rendering computation in acceptable time. It is demonstrated that high quality volume renderings can be easily produced from large particle datasets in time frames of a few seconds to less than a minute.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for efficiently rendering indirect highlights. Indirect highlights are caused by the primary light source reflecting off two or more glossy surfaces. Accurately simulating such highlights is important to convey the realistic appearance of materials such as chrome and shiny metal. Our method models the glossy BRDF at a surface point as a directional distribution, using a spherical von Mises‐Fisher (vMF) distribution. As our main contribution, we merge multiple vMFs into a combined multimodal distribution. This effectively creates a filtered radiance response function, allowing us to efficiently estimate indirect highlights. We demonstrate our method in a near‐interactive application for rendering scenes with highly glossy objects. Our results produce realistic reflections under both local and environment lighting.  相似文献   

State‐of‐the‐art density estimation methods for rendering participating media rely on a dense photon representation of the radiance distribution within a scene. A critical bottleneck of such kernel‐based approaches is the excessive number of photons that are required in practice to resolve fine illumination details, while controlling the amount of noise. In this paper, we propose a parametric density estimation technique that represents radiance using a hierarchical Gaussian mixture. We efficiently obtain the coefficients of this mixture using a progressive and accelerated form of the Expectation‐Maximization algorithm. After this step, we are able to create noise‐free renderings of high‐frequency illumination using only a few thousand Gaussian terms, where millions of photons are traditionally required. Temporal coherence is trivially supported within this framework, and the compact footprint is also useful in the context of real‐time visualization. We demonstrate a hierarchical ray tracing‐based implementation, as well as a fast splatting approach that can interactively render animated volume caustics.  相似文献   

Depth-of-Field Rendering by Pyramidal Image Processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an image-based algorithm for interactive rendering depth-of-field effects in images with depth maps. While previously published methods for interactive depth-of-field rendering suffer from various rendering artifacts such as color bleeding and sharpened or darkened silhouettes, our algorithm achieves a significantly improved image quality by employing recently proposed GPU-based pyramid methods for image blurring and pixel disocclusion. Due to the same reason, our algorithm offers an interactive rendering performance on modern GPUs and is suitable for real-time rendering for small circles of confusion. We validate the image quality provided by our algorithm by side-by-side comparisons with results obtained by distributed ray tracing.  相似文献   

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