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Abstract: This article proposes a cell‐based multi‐class dynamic traffic assignment problem that considers the random evolution of traffic states. Travelers are assumed to select routes based on perceived effective travel time, where effective travel time is the sum of mean travel time and safety margin. The proposed problem is formulated as a fixed point problem, which includes a Monte–Carlo‐based stochastic cell transmission model to capture the effect of physical queues and the random evolution of traffic states during flow propagation. The fixed point problem is solved by the self‐regulated averaging method. The results illustrate the properties of the problem and the effectiveness of the solution method. The key findings include the following: (1) Reducing perception errors on traffic conditions may not be able to reduce the uncertainty of estimating system performance, (2) Using the self‐regulated averaging method can give a much faster rate of convergence in most test cases compared with using the method of successive averages, (3) The combination of the values of the step size parameters highly affects the speed of convergence, (4) A higher demand, a better information quality, or a higher degree of the risk aversion of drivers can lead to a higher computation time, (5) More driver classes do not necessarily result in a longer computation time, and (6) Computation time can be significantly reduced by using small sample sizes in the early stage of solution processes.  相似文献   

公共交通发展具有脆弱性,自由竞争只能会使低效的私人交通占有更多的交通资源。这一结论完善了我国公共交通优先发展的理论基础。在重新认识我国公共交通优先发展政策的基础上提出了公共交通优先发展的若干建议。  相似文献   

Abstract: As the biofuel industry continues to expand, the construction of new biorefinery facilities induces a huge amount of biomass feedstock shipment from supply points to the refineries and biofuel shipment to the consumption locations, which increases traffic demand in the transportation network and contributes to additional congestion (especially in the neighborhood of the refineries). Hence, it is beneficial to form public‐private partnerships to simultaneously consider transportation network expansion and biofuel supply chain design to mitigate congestion. This article presents an integrated mathematical model for biofuel supply chain design where the near‐optimum number and location of biorefinery facilities, the near‐optimal routing of biomass and biofuel shipments, and possible highway/railroad capacity expansion are determined. The objective is to minimize the total cost for biorefinery construction, transportation infrastructure expansion, and transportation delay (for both biomass/biofuel shipment and public travel) under congestion. A genetic algorithm framework (with embedded Lagrangian relaxation and traffic assignment algorithms) is developed to solve the optimization model, and an empirical case study for the state of Illinois is conducted with realistic biofuel production data. The computational results show that the proposed solution approach is able to solve the problem efficiently. Various managerial insights are also drawn. It shall be noted that although this article focuses on the booming biofuel industry, the model and solution techniques are suitable for a number of application contexts that simultaneously involve network traffic equilibrium, infrastructure expansion, and facility location choices (which determine the origin/destination of multi‐commodity flow).  相似文献   

城乡关系的战略转型与新时期城乡一体化规划探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
从2003年提出"统筹城乡"开始,到2007年十七大明确提出"形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局",标志着我国城乡关系已进入了国家战略主导下的"以城带乡"阶段,推动了城乡一体化规划的大量开展,这一规划完全不同于1990年代以解决乡村工业化所产生的空间"碎片化"问题为核心的问题导向的规划,而是在充分把握"主体与边界"、"阶段与模式"、"非农化实现形式"、"经济与社会协调发展"、"制度创新的方向"等几方面内容的基础上,以形成"城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局"为核心的目标导向的规划,制度创新和空间组织是支撑规划的两大主体内容.  相似文献   

城市用地规划与交通规划的一体化编制是实现方案整体最优、避免规划频繁调整、保障规划有效实施的需要。通过《上海国际旅游度假区结构规划》和《上海国际旅游度假区综合交通规划》同步编制的规划实践,探讨城市"用地——交通"规划一体化编制的工作方法和工作机制。  相似文献   

本文的中心议题是探讨形成未来城市形态的途径,这种城市形态通过整合土地使用和交通规划可以有效提供可持续的交通。过去近50年来,在澳大利亚珀斯大城市地区推行的土地使用政策及其城市形态没能有效地实现上述目的。作者认为,“地方活动走廓规划”或许以够成为一种有产实现整合的规划方法。  相似文献   

本文的中心议题是探讨形成未来城市形态的途径,这种城市形态通过整合土地使用和交通规划可以有效提供可持续的交通。过去近50年来,在澳大利亚珀斯大城市地区推行的土地使用政策及其城市形态没能有效地实现上述目的。作者认为,“地方活动走廊规划”或许能够成为一种有效实现整合的规划方法。  相似文献   

Abstract: In this article, we propose a meta‐heuristic algorithm for solving multi‐objective combinatorial optimization problems. The proposed multi‐objective combinatorial optimization algorithm is developed by combining the good features of popular guided local search algorithms like simulated annealing (SA) and tabu search (TS). It has been organized as a multiple start algorithm to maintain a good balance between intensification and diversification. The proposed meta‐heuristic algorithm is evaluated by solving the stacking sequence optimization of hybrid fiber‐reinforced composite plate, cylindrical shell, and pressure vessel problems. The standard performance metrics for evaluating multi‐objective optimization algorithms are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm over other popular evolutionary algorithms like Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms (NSGA‐II), Pareto Archived Evolutionary Strategy (PAES), micro‐GA, and Multi‐Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO).  相似文献   

Whether one sees a crisis in urban infrastructure finance depends more on theoretical perspective than empirical evidence. Urban infrastructure issues in Australia differ in emphasis from those in North America and Asia but the finance options are basically the same. Reform in Australia is best directed at state capital budgeting, a national infrastructure fund, clearer accountabilities for provision, user fees reflecting real cuts and experimentation with joint public-private provision.  相似文献   

都市圈是近年来城市化发展的主要形式之一,其高质量发展离不开高效率交通系统的支撑。在分析都市圈区域交通系统与空间组织协同性研究的基础上,采用因果分析法,逐步剖析都市圈区域交通一体化的现状矛盾、未来趋势及发展目标,探索和总结都市圈区域交通一体化的规划要点。以长株潭城际交通为例,对形成的规划要点体系进行应用实践,为全国其他都市圈的交通规划及政策制定提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Abstract: The problem to be addressed in this paper is the lack of an advanced model in the literature to locate the optimal set of intersections in the evacuation network for implementing uninterrupted flow and signal control strategies, respectively, which can yield the maximum evacuation operational efficiency and the best use of available budgets. An optimization model, proposed in response to such needs, contributes to addressing the following critical questions that have long challenged transportation authorities during emergency planning, namely: given the topology of an evacuation network, evacuation demand distribution, and a limited budget, (1) how many intersections should be implemented with the signals and uninterrupted flow strategies; (2) what are their most appropriate locations; and (3) how should turning restriction plans be properly designed for those uninterrupted flow intersections? The proposed model features a bi‐level framework. The upper level determines the best locations for uninterrupted flow and signalized intersections as well as the corresponding turning restriction plans by minimizing the total evacuation time, while the lower level handles routing assignments of evacuation traffic based on the stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) principle. The proposed model is solved by a genetic algorithm (GA) ‐based heuristic. Extensive analyses under various evacuation demand and budget levels have indicated that the location selection of uninterrupted flow and signalized intersections plays a key role in emergency traffic management. The proposed model substantially outperforms existing practices in prioritizing limited resources to the most appropriate control points by significantly reducing the total evacuation time (up to 39%).  相似文献   

Knowledge of future demand is essential for promoting sustainability in water resources, informing decisions over the allocation of water between people and the environment. Improved econometric models of non-household water demand are presented, which have been developed for the Yorkshire Water region, providing annual demand forecasts to the year 2010 disaggregated with reference to the Standard Industrial Classification. Increases of 0.44–1.0% per annum are forecast, mainly driven by service sector demand. Water companies and regulators cannot influence economic activity, but have the ability to manage demand using price controls. Waste minimisation also offers the potential to offset forecast increases, if widely adopted. Current application of price controls act to increase demand, counter to the goal of environmental sustainability; therefore it is concluded that, within the UK water industry, competition should be focused on levels of service and environmental-impact measures, rather than on price.  相似文献   

荷兰是世界上首先制定和实施绿色政策的国家之一,也是首先将空间规划与环境规划协调整合的国家之一.“整合”是当今荷兰规划政策的关键词,也是其过去有效控制城市增长及保护生态环境的核心手段.整合的字面意思为将不同的事物联系结合,使之成为一个系统.荷兰的规划整合既考虑不同规划(环境规划和空间规划)内容与目标的协调、融合、彼此兼顾,也考虑不同利益群体(政府、市场、市民社会)的平衡、协商、妥协.荷兰规划整合的经验表明,绿色规划需要平衡经济、社会、环境三方面关系,而非只强调严苛的环境保护门槛,限制其他两方面的发展.否则,绿色规划便会失去公众基础和经济支撑,也就失去了可持续性.同时,绿色规划需要兼顾目标和过程,用行动计划保证实施的效率.本文概述荷兰规划整合的驱动因素和多部门协作的行政框架,总结整合从概念到实践的发展阶段;举例说明不同的规划整合政策工具在实践中的应用;然后分析规划整合的隐形保障;最后对比中国的绿色规划现状,总结荷兰经验的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

基于可持续发展的视角建立了我国住宅建设项目综合评价的指标体系,该指标体系涵盖经济、环境、社会、项目技术及管理等4个方面。以所建立的指标体系为依托,利用多层次灰色评价法构建了综合评价模型,并用一个实例对评价模型进行了验证。结果显示,所建立的评价指标体系是合理的,所构建的多层次灰色评价模型在住宅建设项目可持续发展评价方面,具有较好的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

在生态基础设施规划如火如荼的开展过程中不可避免与现行城市规划发生矛盾,基于对生态基础设施规划与城市规划的区别与冲突的探讨,将霍州作为例证,从城市发展方向、建设用地布局与绿地系统等几方面的具体冲突入手,探讨了协调途径。包括溯源城市传统聚落选址,推敲城市发展方向;保留廊道,补充冲突的建设用地;调整道路保证大型斑块的完整性;绿地建设结合EI,增加水系廊道。  相似文献   

The paper presents a model that describes the process of selecting dwelling maintenance contractors. The model is based on a multi-criteria evaluation of maintenance contractors, the determination of their utility level for the building's users and a bid price in negotiations that are made according to the results of the multiple criteria analysis. The proposed model could further be applied to plan dwelling maintenance operations. The criteria of maintenance contractor evaluation are selected by taking into consideration the interests and goals of the building's users as well as factors that influence the process of maintenance's efficiency. The correlation of the criteria characterizing maintenance contractors from various perspectives was determined.  相似文献   

Problem: Existing planning and redevelopment models do not offer a holistic approach for addressing the challenges vacant and abandoned properties create in America's older industrial cities, but these shrinking cities possess opportunities to undertake citywide greening strategies that convert such vacant properties to community assets.

Purpose: We define strategies shrinking cities can use to convert vacant properties to valuable green infrastructure to revitalize urban environments, empower community residents, and stabilize dysfunctional real estate markets. To do this we examine shrinking cities and their vacant property challenges; identify the benefits of urban greening; explore the policies, obstacles, and promise of a green infrastructure initiative; and discuss vacant property reclamation programs and policies that would form the nucleus of a model green infrastructure right-sizing initiative designed to stabilize the communities with the greatest level of abandonment.

Methods: We draw our conclusions based on fieldwork, practitioner interviews, and a review of the current literature.

Results and conclusions: We propose a new model to effectively right size shrinking cities by (a) instituting green infrastructure plans and programs, (b) creating land banks to manage the effort, and (c) building community consensus through collaborative neighborhood planning. Our model builds on lessons learned from successful vacant property and urban greening programs, including nonprofit leadership and empowerment of neighborhood residents, land banking, strategic neighborhood planning, targeted revitalization investments, and collaborative planning. It will require planners and policymakers to address challenges such as financing, displacement of local residents, and lack of legal authority.

Takeaway for practice: We conclude that academics, practitioners, and policymakers should collaborate to (a) explore alternative urban designs and innovative planning and zoning approaches to right sizing; (b) collect accurate data on the number and costs of vacant properties and potential savings of different right-sizing strategies; (c) craft statewide vacant property policy agendas; and (d) establish a policy network of shrinking cities to share information, collaboratively solve problems, and diffuse policy innovations.

Research support: Our field work was supported by technical assistance grants and contracts through the National Vacant Properties Campaign.  相似文献   

【目的】完善生态基础设施规划治理体系是充分发挥其生命支持系统和引领绿色转型作用的重要保障。【方法】通过文献调查、历史研究、比较研究等方法,厘清英国生态基础设施的内涵要义,阐述其规划建设的系统性、生态效益的综合性对规划治理的内在要求,进一步梳理2003—2021年相关政策、法规、规划和研究中涉及英国生态基础设施规划治理的要点内容,从目标导向、组织形式、实施机制3个视角梳理发展历程。【结果】发现英国生态基础设施规划治理经历了局部试点、全面实践、机制创新3个发展阶段,呈现从“提高生态服务”到“支撑绿色发展”、从“各自为政”到“协同共治”、从“效益概述”到“收益评估”的发展趋势,呈现目标重塑、治理重组、价值重构的特征。【结论】开展英国生态基础设施规划治理的发展演进历程及其现阶段主要特征研究,可为中国各地相关实践提供启示借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍交叉影响分析方法的基本原理、应用步骤以及它在战略规划中分析复杂影响关系的基本思路.同时也介绍了能将交叉影响分析方法付诸战略规划研究实践的TM软件.通过应用TM软件,对南京现有发展战略总体实施或分类实施的可能效果进行评价分析,最后按照新拟南京城市发展目标筛选出现有发展战略中边际效用最大的若干重点实施战略.  相似文献   

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