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《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(9):10282-10290
Individual housing of dairy calves prevails in Europe and North America despite its negative effects on calf development. One of the main reasons is that farmers find individual housing of calves more practical than group housing. A compromise between practice and welfare could be housing calves in pairs. Therefore, we aimed to compare health, feed intake, growth, and behavior in a novel arena of 22 individually (INDI) and 44 pair-housed calves that were randomly assigned a treatment. Diarrhea and respiratory problems were recorded every day for the period of 49 d. Intake of calf starter and milk were measured every day for the period 48 and 49 d, respectively. Calf body weight gains were calculated as average daily gain. Calves were individually tested in a novel arena at 11 to 18 d, and their behavior was recorded according to an ethogram including 8 behavioral categories. Behavioral categories were first diminished by principal component (PC) analysis. We found that 2 PC explained 66% of the total variation in calf behavior. Movement-related behaviors (activity, play, and crossing the stair) loaded positively on PC1, and PC2 had positive loading on self-grooming and negative loading on exploration. There were no effects of housing on calf health, feed intake, or average daily gain. The INDI calves had higher PC1 scores than pair-housed calves, indicating a rebound effect of movement. Our results are consistent with other studies that found no negative effect of pair housing of calves on their health, feed intake, or growth compared with individually-housed calves. The rebound effect of movement-related behaviors of INDI calves in a novel arena implies that individual housing of calves causes activity deprivation by the second week of age.  相似文献   

The effect of polyethylene hutches wrapped in aluminized reflective covers (ARC) on health and performance of pre-weaned Holstein heifers during summer was evaluated. Ambient and hutch temperature and temperature-humidity index (THI) were also assessed. The study was conducted from June to October 2016 where temperature, humidity, and THI ranged from ?1.3 to 38.4°C, 9.8 to 99.7%, and 33.6 to 81.1 units, respectively. Heifers enrolled at 1 d of life and housed in individual polyethylene hutches with (covered) or without (control) ARC were monitored until 60 d of life in 2 study groups (SG1, n = 94, monitored from June to September; and SG2, n = 101, monitored from August to October 2016). Calves were assessed twice per week for health status, behavior, rectal temperature, and respiratory rate. Similarly, hutch inner wall and sand bedding temperatures were determined for comparison between covered and control hutches housing calves. Four empty hutches per treatment group were continuously monitored for temperature and THI. The odds (95% confidence interval) of presenting diarrhea were 1.30 (1.01–1.60) times greater for calves housed in covered hutches than for those in the control group. Similarly, the odds of an abnormal ear score were 1.40 (1.03–2.00) times greater for calves in covered hutches compared with calves in control hutches. The odds of nasal discharge, eye discharge, and clinical dehydration did not differ between treatment groups. Rectal temperatures and respiratory rates were also similar in both groups. No differences were found in average daily gain between calves housed in covered and control hutches. Calf location determined at a fixed time during the day (starting at 1200 h) was associated with the use of ARC. The odds of remaining inside the hutch were 1.33 (1.03–1.70) times greater for calves housed in control compared with covered hutches. Overall, the average of hutch interior temperature was higher in covered compared with control hutches in both studies (SG1, 23.2 ± 0.06 vs. 22.8 ± 0.06°C; SG2, 17.1 ± 0.07 vs. 16.9 ± 0.07°C). Hutch THI was higher in covered empty hutches compared with control hutches in both study groups (SG1: 68.6 ± 0.06 vs. 67.6 ± 0.06°C; SG2: 60.2 ± 0.08 vs. 59.6 ± 0.08°C). Average temperature (measured at 1200 h) of the inner surface of the hutch wall was lower in covered compared with control hutches by 1°C (24.4 ± 0.13 vs. 25.4 ± 0.13°C), whereas the temperature of the sand bedding did not differ between groups. Our results suggest that the use of ARC did not generate a hutch microclimate that resulted in significant improvements on health and performance of pre-weaned dairy calves under these specific study settings.  相似文献   

Pair housing of dairy heifer calves during the preweaning period helps meet the natural social needs of the calf and has been shown to improve growth and starter intake during the preweaning period as compared with individual housing. However, there is little evidence to suggest that pair-housed calves maintain their social and growth advantages past the weaning phase. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of pair housing on measures of calf performance, health, and behavior up to 16 wk of age. Healthy Holstein and crossbred heifer calves were enrolled in the study after colostrum feeding, with the first calf randomly assigned to 1 of 2 housing treatments: pair (PR; 2 hutches with common outdoor space) or individual (INDV; 1 hutch plus outdoor space). All calves were bucket fed 4 L of milk replacer twice daily and weaned at 50 d of age. Weaned calves (6/group) remained with their treatment group until exit from the study at 16 wk. A venous blood sample was collected from each calf between 24 h and 7 d of age to test for serum total protein (g/dL). Body weights (kg) were obtained at birth, weaning, and 16 wk. Each enrolled calf was scored for health each week and calf health treatments were also collected. A hair sample was collected from the left shoulder at birth and 16 wk to assess hair cortisol (pg/mL). At enrollment, each calf was fitted with a triaxial accelerometer on the left hind leg for continuous recording of standing and lying time (min/24 h) for 16 wk. Latency to find feed, water, and lie down (min) at entrance to the weaned pen were recorded by continuous video observation. Open field testing with a novel object was performed at 5, 10, and 16 wk. Behaviors analyzed by video observation included latency to approach the object (s), vocalizations (n), and time spent immobile, walking, or running (s/10 min). Linear mixed models were used to determine the effect of treatment (INDV or PR) on calf growth, activity, and behavioral outcomes, which accounted for time, breed, the interaction of time and treatment, the random pen, and variability in testing day and repeated measurements within calf when appropriate. Twenty-four Holstein and crossbred calves (PR: n = 12, 6 pairs; INDV: n = 12) were enrolled from November 2 to December 23, 2018. The PR calves were 7.1 kg heavier at weaning and gained 0.15 kg/d more during the preweaning period as compared with INDV calves. In the 24 h after movement to the postweaning pen, PR calves lay down for longer periods of time (14.3 vs. 11.0 ± 0.4 h/d), and PR calves urinated more during novel object testing at 5 wk of age. Our study demonstrated benefits, such as better growth and increased lying time, of pair housing calves during the preweaning period.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(9):10090-10099
Social contact affects social development and response to novelty in dairy calves, but the age of introduction to social housing varies on-farm and may have implications for behavioral development and response to social grouping. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of early social contact during approximately the first 2 wk of life on calf early life behavior and performance and responses following initial social regrouping, followed by subsequent regrouping. At birth, calves were randomly assigned to individual (IH; n = 16 calves) or pair-housing (PH; n = 8 pairs). Calves were mingled between treatments and initially grouped (4 calves/pen) at 13 ± 2 d of age (mean ± standard deviation) and then regrouped (8 calves/pen) at 20 ± 5 d of age. Calf ability to learn to feed independently from the teat bucket in early life, and from the autofeeder following grouping, was monitored. Calf health, feed intake, and weight gain were recorded throughout the first 3 wk of life. Activity and social interactions were continuously recorded from video for the first 24 h following grouping and regrouping (except for allogrooming, hay consumption, and social play, which were observed for 12 h due to nighttime visibility). During the period of exposure to different housing treatments, calf feed intake and weight gain did not differ, but calves housed in pairs tended to scour for fewer days [4.1 vs. 5.6 d; PH vs. IH; standard error (SE) = 0.58]. Previously pair-housed calves spent more time lying socially (within 1 body length of another calf) than previously individually housed calves following both initial grouping (9.8 vs. 5.7 h/d; PH vs. IH; SE = 0.83) and regrouping (11.3 vs. 9.1 h/d; PH vs. IH; SE = 1.1). We saw no effects of previous social contact on duration of brush use (31.5 min/d; SE = 4.2), hay feeding (5.1 min/12 h; SE = 1.6), allogrooming (4.1 min/12 h; SE = 0.16), or social play (0.52 min/12 h; SE = 0.19) following initial grouping or regrouping. However, previously pair-housed calves tended to have greater lying time after regrouping. These results suggest that early life social contact before social grouping in the first weeks of life may not greatly affect activity within the pen or active social interactions following the transition to group housing. However, persistent differences in duration of social lying suggests that early life social contact may influence overall comfort toward other calves following social grouping.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of maternal physical activity during late gestation on calf dry matter intake, weight gain, behavior, and cortisol concentration during disbudding and weaning. Fifty-five Holstein and 5 Jersey × Holstein crossbred calves were enrolled into the study during gestation. Calves were born from pregnant, nonlactating Holstein (n = 58) and Jersey × Holstein crossbred (n = 2) dairy cows. Cows were assigned to either confinement (n = 20 cows; 13 female calves, 7 male calves), exercise (n = 20 cows; 8 female calves, 12 male calves), or pasture (n = 20 cows; 11 female calves, 9 male calves) treatments at dry-off from January to November 2015. Enrollment in treatment was balanced by parity (1.8 ± 0.9), projected mature-equivalent fat-corrected milk (13,831 ± 2,028 kg/lactation), dam breed, and projected calving date. Cows assigned to confinement remained in the pen throughout the dry period. Cows assigned to exercise were walked 5 times/wk at a targeted 1.5 h at 3.25 km/h. Cows assigned to pasture were turned out 5 times/wk for a targeted 1.5 h/d. Treatments were terminated on the expected due date or at signs of calving. Calves were removed from cows immediately once observed by farm staff and subsequently weighed and moved into a straw deep-bedded hutch. Data loggers were attached to the rear fetlock of each calf ?3 d to +6 d relative to disbudding and weaning to monitor changes in lying behavior. Calves were weighed on d ?7, ?5, ?3, ?1, 0, 1, 3, 5, and 7, and grain was weighed the 7 d preceding and following disbudding and weaning. Blood was collected 24 h before and 0, 1, and 4 h after disbudding and d ?1, 0, 1, and 2 relative to weaning to determine cortisol concentrations. Data were analyzed using mixed linear model in SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Calf weight gain decreased the day after disbudding and calves tended to have elevated cortisol concentrations 1 h after disbudding, regardless of maternal treatment. Calf weight gain decreased the day of and after weaning; calves had elevated cortisol concentrations the day after weaning, regardless of treatment. Behavior did not differ by treatment at disbudding, but calves from pasture cows lay down for less time compared with confinement and exercise maternal treatments and less frequently than exercise maternal treatments at weaning. More research investigating the significance of lying time and restlessness around stressful events is needed to further understand the implications of such behavioral responses.  相似文献   

We investigated the interactive effects of common feeding management factors on the development of feeding and non-nutritive oral behaviors in preweaned calves through the weaning transition. Calves were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments that differed by milk-feeding method (teat or bucket) and ad libitum access to chopped timothy hay: control, milk provided by bucket and no access to hay (CON; n = 10); milk provided by bucket and access to hay (H; n = 10); milk provided via a teat and access to hay (TH; n = 10). Calves had ad libitum access to concentrate and water, and were fed 6 L/d of pasteurized waste milk, divided into 2 meals. All calves were weaned by removing the second milk meal for 9 ± 2 d, beginning at 36 d of age. Daily concentrate and hay intake were recorded, and calves were weighed weekly to measure growth. We recorded the behavior of all calves using 2 s time-lapse video during time periods that encompassed milk meals, from 6000 h to 1000 h and 1600 h to 2000 h, on 2 consecutive focal days in wk 2 and 4. We continuously monitored lying time and activity using electronic data loggers. During the preweaning period, hay selection by H and TH calves was subject to a treatment × week interaction, with TH calves increasing hay intake to a greater extent over time. Similarly, we observed a tendency for a treatment × week interaction for hay dry matter intake. Before weaning, concentrate intake was subject to a treatment × week interaction, increasing to a greater extent over time for H and TH calves, but was greater overall for CON calves. As predicted, milk-feeding method and hay provision influenced the proportion of time devoted to feeding and non-nutritive behaviors. The CON calves spent the greatest amount of time performing non-nutritive sucking directed at the pen, TH calves the least, and H calves intermediate amounts. Considering the time TH calves sucked on their teat when milk was not present in addition to the time they spent sucking on pen fixtures, the total amount of time spent performing sucking behavior was similar between treatments. Although intake was similar across the weaning transition, CON calves had greater average daily gain than H calves, and TH calves were intermediate. Providing access to hay and milk via a teat during the milk-feeding stage decreased non-nutritive oral behaviors and influenced feeding behavior.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of rearing substrate and space allowance on the behavior and physiology of dairy calves. At 1 wk of age, 72 calves were moved into 1 of 18 experimental pens (n = 4 calves/pen) where they remained until 6 wk of age. Half of the pens had floors covered with quarry stones (QS) and the other half were covered with sawdust (SW). For each substrate type, calves were reared at 1 of 3 space allowances: 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 m2/calf. Behavior was video-recorded continuously for 24 h in the home pen at 2, 4, and 6 wk of age; the time calves spent lying, standing, walking, and running were estimated using 1-min instantaneous scan sampling. Body weight, cleanliness, fecal fluidity, and skin surface temperature were recorded at 1, 4, and 6 wk of age. Escherichia coli numbers were assessed on the skin surface of the shoulder and in feces of calves at 4 and 6 wk of age. Blood samples were taken at 1, 4, and 6 wk of age to measure cortisol, creatine kinase, immunoglobulin G, serum amyloid A, and total protein concentrations. Calves reared on QS spent less time lying and walking and more time standing at 4 and 6 wk of age compared with calves reared on SW. Furthermore, calves reared at a space allowance of 2.0 m2/calf spent less time lying and more time standing and walking compared with calves reared at a space allowance of 1.0 and 1.5 m2/calf. Calves reared on QS had lower skin surface temperatures compared with calves reared on SW. Fecal fluidity scores were lower in calves reared on QS than SW at 2 wk of age. Fewer E. coli were recovered from the shoulder of calves reared on QS than those of calves reared on SW, but fecal E. coli counts were similar between rearing substrates and space allowances. Serum amyloid A concentrations were lower in calves reared on QS than SW. We detected no effect of rearing substrate or space allowance on body weight, cleanliness, or concentrations of cortisol, creatine kinase, immunoglobulin G, and total protein. In conclusion, lower skin temperature in combination with reduced lying behavior may reflect reduced comfort of calves reared on QS. Furthermore, a space allowance of 2.0 m2/calf may provide calves with more opportunity to perform active behaviors.  相似文献   

Many veal calves arrive to growing facilities with diseases, including diarrhea and navel inflammation. Observing neonatal calf behavior, such as lying behavior, can be used to better detect and determine the implications of these diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of navel inflammation and diarrhea on lying behavior in neonatal veal calves. This study was part of a larger experiment that included a total of 360 male Holstein calves from 3 cohorts; from these calves, we selected a subset of 125 calves (every third calf as they entered the barn) to be fitted with 3-dimensional accelerometers (Hobo Pendant G data loggers; Onset Computer Corp., Bourne, MA) on 1 hind leg to continuously measure lying time, number of lying bouts, and lying bout duration. Calves were housed individually on slatted flooring (Tenderfoot; Tandem Products Inc., Minneapolis, MN) in 3 rooms of a mechanically ventilated barn. Health exams were conducted twice weekly for 2 wk starting the day after arrival. Exams included rectal temperature, navel score (0 = normal, 1 = mildly inflamed, 2 = moderately inflamed, 3 = severely inflamed), and fecal score (0 = normal, 1 = semiformed, 2 = loose, 3 = watery). Calves were considered to have navel inflammation (n = 22) or diarrhea (n = 15) if they scored ≥2 during at least 3 of the 4 health exams. The lying behavior of these calves was compared with that of normal calves (n = 18) that had no signs of illness and rectal temperatures <39.4°C during at least 3 of the 4 health exams. Data were analyzed using a repeated-measures ANOVA; models included cohort (1, 2, or 3), health status (normal, navel inflammation, or diarrhea), week (1 or 2), and a health by week interaction. There was an effect of health status on lying time, whereby normal calves spent more time lying compared with calves with inflamed navels and tended to spend more time lying compared with calves with diarrhea. There was no effect of health status on the number of lying bouts per day or on the duration of lying bouts. There were no health by week interactions. Results indicate that neonatal veal calves with navel inflammation and diarrhea may be less comfortable than calves without these conditions. Veal producers should consider adapting their facilities to create more comfortable lying environments to help calves better recover from disease, such as by adding a hospital pen with comfortable bedding.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate calf performance, diet digestibility, and behaviors when feeding 4 milk replacer (MR) programs with different MR rates, weaning ages, and MR reduction steps. Male Holstein calves (n = 96; 40 ± 1 kg of body weight; 1 to 2 d of age) were housed in individual pens for 56 d. Feeding programs for MR were 0.66 kg for 35 d; then 0.33 kg for 7 d fed only in the a.m. (0.6 kg); 0.66 kg for 7 d, 0.82 kg for 35 d, 0.33 kg for 4 d in a.m. only, and 0.22 kg for 3 d in a.m. only (0.8 kg); 0.66 kg for 7 d, 0.82 kg for 7 d, 1.1 kg for 21 d, 0.82 kg for 7 d, 0.33 kg for 4 d in a.m. only, and 0.22 kg for 3 d in a.m. only (1.1 kg); and ad libitum allowance for 35 d, 0.82 kg for 7 d, 0.44 kg for 4 d in a.m. only, and 0.22 kg for 3 d in a.m. only (ad lib). Calves were fed a common MR [25% crude protein, 17% fat, dry matter (DM) basis]. A textured calf starter with whole corn and oats (20% crude protein and 39% starch, DM basis) and water were fed for ad libitum intake during the nursery trial. Daily behavior duration (rumination, eating, and activity) was continuously recorded from d 1 to 55 for 4 calves/treatment using ear tag accelerometers (CowManager SensOor; Agis, Harmelen, the Netherlands). All calves were moved into groups by MR program (4 calves/pen) at 56 d and fed the same starter blended with 5% grass hay. Fecal samples were collected from individual calves between d 52 to 56 and from pen floors on d 66 to 70 to estimate total-tract digestibility. Data were analyzed as a randomized complete block design with repeated measures when appropriate. Intake of MR averaged 25.3, 35.3, 40.9, and 46.5 kg of DM per calf for 0.6 kg, 0.8 kg, 1.1 kg, and ad lib treatments, respectively. Starter intake was greatest for 0.6 kg compared with others and average daily gain (ADG) differed among all 4 programs with 0.6 kg < 0.8 kg < 1.1 kg < ad lib during d 0 to 56. Intake of MR for ad lib was highly variable and was reflected in ADG. Daily rumination, eating, and activity durations did not differ among treatments from d 1 to 55 of the nursery trial. Digestibility of DM, organic matter, acid and neutral detergent fiber, and sugar at d 52 to 56 were greater for 0.6 kg versus ad lib. Digestibility of DM at d 66 to 70 differed for all treatments with 0.6 kg > 0.8 kg > 1.1 kg > ad lib and was mostly influenced by fiber digestibility. During the grower trial (d 56 to 112), ADG was greater for 0.6 kg versus 1.1 kg and ad lib. Hip width change was greater for 0.6 kg versus other treatments. Feeding more than 0.6 kg/d of MR increased ADG preweaning, but reduced diet digestibility postweaning resulted in similar calf BW and frame size by 4 mo of age among MR feeding programs.  相似文献   

Increasing early (<3 mo) nutrient feeding levels and growth rate of dairy calves has been found to increase their milk production potential. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of offering milk diets with or without added carbohydrates and amino acids on calf growth, weaning age, and subsequent growth and milk yield of dairy heifers in their first lactation. Friesian calves born at Massey University (n = 57) were selected at random, weighed, and allocated to receive 1 of 3 diets. All calves were fed colostrum from 1 to 3 d of age, followed by 4 L of whole milk (WM) per head per day and probiotics between 3 and 18 d of age. At 18 d of age, calves were weighed to ensure mean body weight (BW); then, at 19 d of age, calves changed diets to 1 of 3 treatments, which reached full treatment rate at 21 d of age. The diets were 4 L/head per day of WM (M); 4 L/head per day of WM plus 200 g of plant carbohydrates (MP); and 4 L/head per day of WM plus 200 g of plant carbohydrates with amino acids (MPA). Calves were weaned upon reaching a BW of 90 kg. During this period, BW, body condition, and hip height and width were measured. The heifers were commingled and grazed on ryegrass and white clover pastures until calving at 23 mo of age, when BW, body condition, and hip height and width were measured again. Milk yield and composition were measured throughout first lactation. At weaning, calves fed MPA had greater mean BW gain, a lower number of days to target BW, and a greater mean hip width gain compared with calves in the M group, although mean gain in hip height did not differ among treatments. Total calf starter intake during the milk period was lower for MPA-fed calves compared with those offered M, mainly due to a shorter milk feeding period required to attain the 90-kg weaning weight, whereas mean daily starter intake and straw intake did not differ. No difference was observed in the calving rate or calving age of heifers in any of the dietary feeding groups. First lactation fat-corrected milk yield, milk fat percentage, and total milk fat and protein yields were greater for animals reared on MP and MPA compared with M. Body weight, hip height and width at parturition, milk protein percentage, somatic cell count, or days in milk did not differ among treatments. Increasing nutrient intake, during the milk feeding period, improved the BW gain of calves and milk production of dairy heifers during first lactation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of teat-feeding method and weaning method on behavior, milk and concentrate intake, and weight gain of group-housed dairy calves. Forty-eight calves were housed in groups of 4 and offered 6 L of whole milk per calf in 2 daily feedings. In 6 of the 12 group pens, the calves were offered the milk in a teat bar with a separate milk compartment for each teat, whereas in the remaining 6 pens, the calves were offered the milk in a teat bar with all teats connecting to 1 shared milk compartment. Calves were gradually weaned off milk by reducing the volume of milk over a 10-d period, starting at an average age of 47 d. In 6 pens (3 pens with each of the 2 milk-feeding treatments), calves were weaned by volume reduction, whereas in the remaining pens, the calves were weaned by diluting the milk with water (WD) and maintaining the same total volume of liquid. Daily concentrate intake per pen was recorded during weaning and 1 wk after weaning. Behavior was recorded around milk feeding, by direct observation on 1 occasion before and on 1 occasion during weaning, and by video on 1 occasion before and 2 occasions during weaning. Furthermore, the behavior was recorded during the 15 h of light on 1 occasion during weaning. Individual milk intake was measured twice by weighing the calves immediately before and after milk feeding. The calves fed via a separate teat bar switched between teats more often than calves fed with a shared teat bar. There was greater variation in the duration of ingesting milk within groups fed via a separate teat bar, but no effect of teat bar design was found on the variation in milk intake within the groups. Calves fed via a separate teat bar took longer to start eating concentrate after milk feeding than calves fed with a shared teat bar. The WD calves had a lower concentrate intake during weaning than weaned by volume reduction calves. The WD calves were lying down less during the 30 min after milk feeding and during the 15 h of light, although they had a shorter latency to lie down after milk feeding. In conclusion, a separate teat bar increased teat switching, increased variation in duration of ingesting milk, and increased the latency to eat concentrates after milk feeding. There was no effect of the teat bar design on feed intake or weight gain. However, weaning the calves by gradually diluting the milk with water reduced lying during weaning and reduced the concentrate intake during and after weaning.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(9):8074-8091
The objective of this research was to determine if form of calf starter (CS) and addition of a fatty acid blend (FA) influenced intake, growth, digestion, and indices of immune status and stress in calves from 0 to 4 mo of age. Male Holstein calves [n = 48; 41.9 kg of body weight (BW), standard error = 0.7; 2 to 3 d of age] were assigned to receive reconstituted whole milk powder [0.66 kg of dry matter (DM)/d to 39 d, then 0.33 kg of DM/d to weaning at 42 d] without or with added FA. Calf starters were textured (pellet, whole oats, whole corn) or pelleted and were offered for ad libitum consumption from 0 to 56 d, then blended with 5% chopped grass hay and fed from d 57 to 112. Starters contained 20% crude protein (CP) and 38 to 40% starch in the DM. From d 0 to 56, calves were housed individually. From d 57 to 112, calves were grouped into pens by treatment (n = 4/pen). Form of CS during the initial 56 d had no effect on intake or growth, though days with fluid feces (fecal score ≥2.5) were greater when calves were fed textured CS. Feeding FA during the initial 56-d increased average daily BW gain, gain-to-feed ratio, and change in hip width, and reduced the number of days calves were treated with antibiotics. During d 57 to 112, CS form had no effects on any performance measure. Adding FA to CS increased average daily BW gain and hip width change, and tended to improve efficiency of BW gain. Total-tract digestibility was estimated at 4, 6, and 8 wk with 5 calves per treatment, and at 10, 13, and 16 wk of age using pen (n = 3 per treatment) as the experimental unit. Feeding FA increased or tended to increase total-tract digestion of DM, organic matter, starch, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), CP, and fat at one or more measurement periods. Calves fed a textured CS increased or tended to increase digestion of DM, organic matter, starch, sugar, NDF, ADF, and CP during wk 6 and 8. However, during the second 56-d phase, feeding textured CS reduced or tended to reduce digestion of DM, organic matter, starch, NDF, ADF, and fat during wk 13 and 16. Inclusion of FA in milk increased serum bactericidal activity before weaning. Serum haptoglobin concentration increased 3 d postweaning when calves were fed textured CS. Feeding FA improved animal health, digestion, and performance. Form of CS had few effects on animal performance.  相似文献   

Weaned dairy calves are commonly exposed to changing physical and social environments, and ability to adapt to novel management is likely to have performance and welfare implications. We characterized how behavioral responses of weaned heifer calves develop over time after introduction to a social group. Previously individually reared Holstein heifer calves (n = 15; 60 ± 5 d of age; mean ± standard deviation) were introduced in weekly cohorts (5 ± 3 new calves/wk) to an existing group on pasture (8 ± 2 calves/group). We measured activity and behavior on the day of initial introduction and after 1 wk, when calves were exposed to regrouping (addition of younger calves and removal of older calves from the pen). Upon introduction, calves had 2 to 3 times more visits to each region of the pasture; they also spent more time at the back of the pasture, closest to where they were introduced and furthest from the feeding area (25.13 vs. 9.63% of observation period, standard error = 5.04), compared with behavior after 1 wk. Calves also spent less time feeding (5.0 vs. 9.6% of observation period, standard error = 0.82) and self-grooming (0.52 vs. 1.31% of observation period; standard error = 0.20) and more time within 1 to 3 body lengths of another calf (16.3 vs. 11.9% of observation period, standard error = 2.3) when initially grouped. We also explored whether behavioral responses to initial postweaning grouping might be associated with individual differences in behavioral flexibility. To evaluate this, we assessed cognition of individually housed calves (n = 18) at 5 wk of age using a spatial discrimination task conducted in a T-maze to measure initial learning (ability to learn the location of a milk reward) and reversal learning (ability to relearn location of the milk reward when it was switched to opposite arm of the maze). Calves were categorized by reversal learning success (passed, n = 6, or failed, n = 8). Calves that passed the reversal learning stage of the cognitive task spent less time at the back of the pen (9.3 vs. 27.4% of observation period, standard error = 5.5) and tended to have lower latency to feed (121.8 vs. 306.2 min; standard error = 96.4) on the day of introduction compared with calves that failed reversal learning. Overall, we found that initial introduction to social grouping had a marked influence on behavior of weaned calves that decreased over time. Further, these results suggest that individual variability in cognitive ability may be predictive of behavioral responses and ability to adapt to a novel environment.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(7):6196-6206
Under natural conditions, most parturient cows seek visual cover or seclude themselves from the herd when calving becomes imminent. Studies on calving site selection of dairy cows housed indoors show that predominantly older and dominant cows calve in secluded areas. This study aimed to investigate whether cows distance themselves further from herd members under spacious outdoor conditions and whether artificial hides on a pasture motivate cows to seek visual isolation from the herd. One hundred eighty-two Danish Holstein cows were allocated to 1 of 13 groups of 14 cows according to expected calving date. In 2 paddocks (each 75 × 150 m), 5 zones (75 m × 30 m) were defined; zone 0 contained the feeding and shade area, and zone 4 bordered an area with trees. Weekly and according to calving date, a group of 14 cows was moved either to a paddock that had 12 hides distributed evenly throughout zones 1 to 4 (7 groups) or to a paddock without hides (6 groups). The hides were wooden structures (3.3 m long × 1.0 m wide × 1.2 m high) that the cows could hide behind. One hundred seven cows calved within 14 d of having been moved to the paddock, and 82 of these (38 primiparous and 44 multiparous), and their calves, were included in the study. From 3 h before until 3 h after calving, the location, posture, and behavior of cows were recorded continuously from video recordings. In addition, location, posture, and behavior of the calves were recorded for the first 3 h after birth. Continuous variables were analyzed by linear mixed effects models, whereas binary data were analyzed using mixed effects logistic regression. The presence of hides did not affect selection of calving location in the paddock, but more primiparous than multiparous cows calved in zone 4; that is, furthest away from the feeding area. Before calving, primiparous cows were more likely to be positioned in zone 4 and less likely to approach and contact herd members. After calving, primiparous cows and their calves tended to be more likely to be positioned in zone 4. The more cows present in the paddock, the less likely the cows were to isolate (i.e., be further than 30 m away from any other cow) at the time of calving. In addition, the more cows in the paddock when a calf was born, the less time these calves spent in a lying posture. The results show that primiparous cows move further away from herd members at calving than multiparous cows and suggest that primiparous cows prefer to isolate themselves through distance rather than seeking artificial cover. Contrary to expectation, the hides did not make more cows select a calving site away from the feeding area.  相似文献   

We determined if feeding and lying behavior, recorded by automatic calf feeding systems (ACFS) and accelerometers, could be used to detect changes in behavior before onset of neonatal calf diarrhea (NCD) or in response to disbudding pain in dairy calves. At 4 d of age, 112 calves had accelerometers attached to their hind leg and were housed in pens with ACFS. Calves were examined daily for signs of illness or injury. Of the 112 calves monitored, 18 were diagnosed with NCD; activities of calves with NCD were then compared with those of 18 healthy controls (calves that had no symptoms of NCD, other illnesses, or injury). Feeding (milk consumption and the number of rewarded and unrewarded visits to the feeder) and lying behavior during the 5 d leading up to calves displaying clinical signs of NCD were analyzed. Calves with NCD performed fewer unrewarded visits and consumed less milk than healthy calves during the 2- and 4-d periods before diagnosis with NCD, respectively. Calves with NCD tended to perform fewer lying bouts than healthy calves over the 5-d period before diagnosis with NCD. At 3 wk of age, a subset of 51 healthy calves were allocated to 1 of 5 treatment groups: (1) sham handling (SHAM, n = 10), (2) cautery disbudding (DB, n = 11), (3) administration of local anesthetic (LA) and DB (LA+DB, n = 11), 4) administration of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and DB (NSAID+DB, n = 9), and (5) administration of LA, NSAID and DB (LA+NSAID+DB, n = 10). Feeding and lying behavior were recorded continuously for 24 h pre- and postdisbudding. We found no effect of treatment on the number of rewarded or unrewarded visits to the feeder and milk volume consumed 24 h before administration of treatments. During the 24-h postdisbudding period, SHAM calves performed more unrewarded visits than DB, LA+DB, and NSAID+DB calves, but the number of unrewarded visits did not differ between SHAM and LA+NSAID+DB calves. During the first hour of the posttreatment period we noted a difference in lying times among treatments, with DB and NSAID+DB calves spending less time lying than SHAM calves and lying times being similar between SHAM, LA+DB, and LA+NSAID+DB calves. The ACFS and accelerometers have the potential to automatically gather valuable information regarding health status and pain in calves. Therefore, it may be advantageous to combine both of these measures (ACFS and accelerometers) when evaluating NCD on farm or pain in calves in future research.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to compare serum IgG concentration, weight gain, and health characteristics in Irish spring-born dairy calves fed colostrum stored using a range of conditions. Immediately after birth, 75 dairy heifer calves were assigned to 1 of 5 experimental colostrum treatments: (1) fresh pasteurized colostrum, fed immediately after pasteurization; (2) fresh colostrum, fed immediately after collection but not pasteurized; (3) colostrum stored unpasteurized at 4°C in a temperature-controlled unit for 2 d before being fed to calves; (4) colostrum stored unpasteurized at 13°C in a temperature-controlled unit for 2 d before being fed to calves; and (5) colostrum stored unpasteurized at 22°C in a temperature-controlled unit for 2 d before being fed to calves. All colostrum had IgG concentrations >50 g/L and was fed to calves promptly after birth. Blood samples were obtained from calves via the jugular vein at 0 h (before colostrum feeding) and at 24 h of age to determine the rate of passive transfer of IgG; individual calf live-weights were recorded to monitor weight gain (kg/d) from birth to weaning. Colostrum stored in warmer conditions (i.e., 22°C) had >42 times more bacteria present and a pH that was 0.85 units lower and resulted in a serum IgG concentration that was almost 2 times lower compared with colostrum that was pasteurized, untreated, or stored at 4°C for 2 d. Colostrum stored at 4°C for 2 d had more bacteria present than pasteurized and fresh colostrum but did not result in reduced calf serum IgG concentrations. Average daily weight gain from birth to weaning did not differ among treatments. Even if colostrum has sufficient IgG (>50 g/L) but cannot be fed to calves when freshly collected, storage at ≤4°C for 2 d is advisable to ensure adequate passive transfer when it is consumed by the calf.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate 3 milk replacer (MR) feeding programs on calf performance to 4 mo of age. Male Holstein calves (n = 48; 2–3 d old) were randomly assigned to either a moderate rate of MR (MOD; 0.66 kg/d for 39 d, then 0.33 kg/d for 3 d), an ad libitum rate of MR (ADLIB; offered twice daily between 0630 and 0830 h and between 1430 and 1630 h for 35 d, 0.66 kg/d for 4 d, and 0.33 kg/d for 3 d), or a step-up rate of MR (STEPUP; increased from 0.32 to 0.62 kg/d in first 12 d, 0.66 kg/d for 27 d, and 0.33 kg/d for 3 d). The MR (25% CP, 18% fat) was fed twice daily to d 39 and once daily thereafter. During the nursery phase (0–56 d), calves were housed in individual pens and offered textured starter (40% starch, 21% CP on a DM basis) and water ad libitum. Calf body weight (BW) was measured initially and weekly thereafter. Hip widths (HW) were measured initially and every 2 wk thereafter. In the grower phase, (57–112 d), calves were grouped by previous treatment and moved to group pens (4 calves/pen). The same starter used in the nursery phase was blended with 5% chopped grass hay and offered ad libitum. Calf BW and HW were measured on d 56, 84, and 112. Total MR intake per calf averaged 27, 51, and 25 kg for MOD, ADLIB, and STEPUP programs, respectively, with a range of 42 to 63 kg for ADLIB. In the nursery phase, starter intake and feed efficiency were less for ADLIB versus MOD, whereas fecal scores and abnormal fecal score days were greater for calves fed ADLIB versus MOD. Calves fed STEPUP had lesser average daily gain than calves fed MOD. During the grower phase, initial BW was greater for ADLIB versus MOD, though final BW was not different between MOD and ADLIB or STEPUP. Calves previously fed MOD had greater average daily gain, feed efficiency, and HW change than calves fed ADLIB. In this study, feed efficiency was lower when MR was fed ad libitum, and growth advantages observed at 2 mo were lost by 4 mo of age.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(8):6670-6692
Milk replacers (MR) for calves usually contain more lactose and less fat than bovine whole milk (WM). There are insufficient data to determine whether these MR formulations are optimal for calves fed at high planes of nutrition. Thus, the effect of 3 MR formulations and a WM powder were evaluated on growth, feeding behavior, and blood metabolites in 96 male Holstein calves fed ad libitum and with 45.5 ± 4.30 kg (mean ± standard deviation) BW at arrival. Calves were blocked based on arrival sequence, and randomly assigned within block to one of the 4 treatments (n = 24 calves/group): a high-fat MR (25.0% fat, dry matter basis; 22.5% protein, 38.6% lactose; 21.3 MJ/kg; HF), a high lactose MR (44.6% lactose, 22.5% protein, 18.0% fat; 19.7 MJ/kg; HL), a high protein MR (26.0% protein, 18.0% fat, 41.5% lactose; 20.0 MJ/kg; HP), and a WM powder (26.0% fat; 24.5% protein, 38.0% lactose; 21.6 MJ/kg; WP). In the first 2 wk after arrival, calves were individually housed and were fed 3.0 L of their respective liquid feed 3 times daily at 135 g/L. They were then moved to group housing and fed ad libitum until d 42 after arrival. Weaning was gradual and took place between d 43 and 70 after arrival; thereafter, calves were fed solids only. Concentrates, chopped straw, and water were available ad libitum throughout the study. Body weight was measured, and blood was collected at arrival and then weekly thereafter from wk 1 to 12. Weight gain and height were greater in HL than WP calves. In the preweaning phase, HL and HP-fed calves consumed more milk than WP, and HL-fed calves consumed more milk than HF calves. In wk 10, starter feed intakes were lower in HF calves than in the other groups. In the preweaning phase, ME intakes were the same for all treatments. This suggests that milk intakes were regulated by the energy density of the milk supplied. The percentage of calves requiring therapeutic interventions related to diarrhea was greater in WP-fed calves (29%) than HF and HL calves (4%), whereas HP (13%) did not differ with other groups. This was coupled with lower blood acid–base, blood gas, and blood sodium in WP than in MR-fed calves. Calves fed HF had greater serum nonesterified fatty acids compared with other groups, and greater serum amyloid A compared with WP and HL calves. Among the serum parameters, insulin-like growth factor-1 and lactate dehydrogenase correlated positively with ME intake and average daily gain. The high lactose and protein intakes in HL and HP calves led to greater insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations than in WP-fed calves. Although growth differences were limited among MR groups, the metabolic profile largely differed and these differences require further investigation.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2017,100(3):2148-2156
The objective of this study was to compare the health, physiology, and behavior of group-housed calves reared on wood shavings with those reared on alternative surfaces. At 1 wk of age, 80 calves were moved into 1 of 20 experimental pens (n = 4 calves/pen) where they remained until 6 wk of age. Pens had floors covered with pea gravel (PG), rubber chip (RC), sand (SA), or wood shavings (WS; n = 5 pens/substrate). Body weight, cleanliness, health, and skin surface and vaginal temperature were recorded at 1, 3, and 6 wk of age. Escherichia coli numbers were assessed on the skin surface of the shoulder and in the feces of calves at 3 and 6 wk of age. Blood samples were taken at 1, 3, and 6 wk of age to measure hematological values and cortisol, IgG, and lactate concentrations. Behaviors (lying, running, and self-grooming) were recorded in the home pen at 1, 3, and 6 wk of age using video recorders and accelerometer data loggers. At 6 wk of age, calves were tested individually in an arena test and behavior was recorded continuously for 20 min. Body weight did not differ among calves reared on PG, RC, SA, or WS, regardless of age. All calves were clean and no calves displayed any signs of lameness, leg lesions, or injuries at wk 1, 3, or 6, regardless of substrate. The number of E. coli recovered from a surface area of 100 cm2 on the shoulder of each calf was affected by rearing substrate, with more E. coli recovered from calves reared on WS than PG, RC, or SA at 3 and 6 wk of age. Fecal E. coli counts were not affected by rearing substrate at 3 or 6 wk of age. Over the entire study period, calves reared on PG and SA had lower skin temperatures than calves reared on RC or WS, but skin temperature was similar between calves reared on PG and SA. However, vaginal temperature did not differ among calves reared on different substrates at 1, 3, or 6 wk of age. Hematology values and cortisol, IgG, and lactate concentrations of calves were similar among rearing substrates over the 6-wk study period. In the home pen, rearing substrate did not influence time spent lying; however, calves reared on WS performed more lying bouts than calves reared on PG or SA. In addition, rearing substrate did not influence the time calves spent running; however, calves reared on WS spent more time self-grooming than calves reared on PG, RC, and SA. During a 20-min arena test, running, bucks, jumps, and kicks performed by calves was not affected by rearing substrate. In conclusion, the physiology and behavior of calves reared on PG, RC, and SA was similar to WS, which is considered the preferred rearing substrate to use when rearing calves. Therefore, PG, RC, and SA may be acceptable substrate options when rearing group-housed dairy calves.  相似文献   

The objectives were to investigate the effect of 3 navel dips on (1) umbilical infection, (2) health events (pneumonia, diarrhea, and arthritis), and (3) average daily gain (ADG) in newborn dairy calves. A secondary aim was to compare the agreement of standardized ultrasonographic examination with clinical examination for the diagnosis of umbilical infection. In a randomized block design, newborn calves were assigned by birth order to 3 treatment groups: Navel Guard (NG; SCG-Solutions Inc., McDonough, GA), 7% iodine tincture (SI), and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CH). Treatment consisted of a single dip administration of the umbilicus immediately after removal of the newborn from the calving pen with 1 of the 3 navel dips. Weekly clinical examinations were carried out during the first 4 wk of life with special attention being paid to the umbilicus, joints, respiratory tract, and fecal consistency, and included ultrasonographic evaluation of the umbilical structures. Body weight was assessed by using a girth tape at first and last evaluation. Multivariable logistic regression demonstrated no statistical differences in umbilical infection or health events. Multivariable linear regression analysis showed statistical differences in ADG (least squares means ± standard errors) between groups, with 494 ± 29, 571 ± 29, and 516 ± 29 g/d in groups NG, SI, and CH, respectively. Overall mortality during the study period was 9.5% (n = 40). Postmortem examination identified diarrhea (80%) as the main disorder with 19, 4, and 9 calves in groups NG, SI, and CH, respectively. Kappa values yielded fair [0.30 (95% CI: ?0.03–0.63)], good [0.61 (95% CI 0.46–0.75)], moderate [0.53 (95% CI 0.31–0.74)], and moderate [0.49 (95% CI 0.19–0.79)] agreement for detection of omphalitis between clinical and ultrasonographic evaluation in wk 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Agreement was very good for detection of omphaloplebitis, with kappa values (95% CI) of 0.91 (0.80–1.00), 0.87 (0.75–0.98), and 0.90 (0.76–1.00) in wk 2, 3, and 4, respectively, when omphalophlebitis was diagnosed. We detected no difference in the effectiveness of the 3 treatments in the prevention of umbilical infection, pneumonia, diarrhea, or arthritis.  相似文献   

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