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In this study, a novel model for adsorption of asphaltene, extracted from shale oil and dissolved in toluene on Kaolin, Smectite, Fluorite, and Hematite, was proposed using genetic algorithms (GAs). A GA procedure was utilized to optimize the Langmuir constants for a more accurate estimation of the set of model parameters. The GA outputs show that all three except latter mineral follow the Langmuir-type isotherms, which have good agreement with experimental results. However, Hematite mineral follows a multilayer adsorption isotherm.  相似文献   


We present a methodology to study the adsorption behavior of resins on asphaltenes, which we call silica-asphaltene complex methodology (SACOM), and compare it to a methodology regularly used by many researchers (Acevedo et al., 1995 Acevedo, S., Ranaudo, M., Escobar, G., Gutiérrez, L. and Ortega, P. 1995. Adsorption of asphaltenes and resins on organic and inorganic substrates and their correlation with precipitation problems in production well tubing. Fuel., 74: 595598. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; González et al., 2003 González, G., Neves, G., Saraiva, S., Lucas, E. and Anjos de Sousa, M. 2003. Electrokinetic Characterization of Asphaltenes and the Asphaltenes-Resins Interaction. Energ. Fuel., 17: 879886. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; León et al., 2002 León, O., Contreras, E., Rogel, E., Dambakli, G., Acevedo, S., Carbornani, L. and Espidel, J. 2002. Adsorption of Native Resins on Asphaltene Particles: A Correlation between Adsorption and Activity. Langmuir, 18: 51065112. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Marczewski et al., 2002 Marczewski, A. and Szymula, M. 2002. Adsorption of asphaltenes from toluene on mineral surface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 208: 259266. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Pereira et al., 2007 Pereira, J. C., López, I., Salas, R., Silva, F., Fernández, C., Urbina, C. and López, J. C. 2007. Resins: The Molecules Responsible for the Stability/Instability Phenomena of Asphaltenes. Energ. Fuel., 21: 13171321.  [Google Scholar]) that we call traditional methodology. Three isotherms of resins adsorbed on the complex substrates (asphaltene and its colloidal fractions A1 and A2 adsorbed on silica) were built, analyzed, and then compared with two isotherms built by applying a traditional methodology where resins were adsorbed on two organic substrates: asphaltene and its fraction A1.  相似文献   

重烷基苯磺酸盐在岩石矿物上的静态吸附   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在化学驱油过程中,表面活性剂在矿物上的吸附是引起表面活性剂损失的重要原因之一。分析了表面活性剂的吸附机理,研究了重烷基苯磺酸盐在大庆油田几种岩石矿物上的静态吸附损失。研究结果表明,表面活性剂在4种岩石骨架矿物上的最大吸附量多数为1mg^*g^-1 以下,而2种黏土矿物的最大吸附量达到3mg^*g^-1以上,反映出表面活性剂在多孔介质中的吸附损失多发生在黏土上。曲线拟合分析表明,Freundlich模型不能描述重烷基苯磺酸盐在矿物上的静态吸附特征,有关Langmuir模型,还需要进行进一步的实验研究。  相似文献   

Present work attempted to decolorize the congo red dye wastewater using raw petroleum coke (RPC) and activated petroleum coke (APC) as an adsorbent. Petroleum coke contains 90% of carbon and it can be used as an adsorbent for the dye removal. Activation is done using KOH solution with different temperature and different concentration. The effect of operating parameters such as initial dye concentration, adsorbent dosage, temperature and pH has been studied on Congo red dye removal. Kinetics and Adsorption isotherm study were conducted for congo red dye removal. It is observed from the present experiment that, the APC has higher color removal efficiency than RPC. The adsorption process follows the pseudo second order kinetics and Freundlich adsorption isotherm is found that the data fit well with the higher correlation coefficient of 0.999.  相似文献   

从超声波对石油加工处理的应用效果方面总结了超声波在石油加工中应用的研究进展,介绍了超声波的作用机理,提出了超声波技术发展所面临的主要问题,展望了超声波在石油加工领域应用的未来发展趋势,指出超声波的应用必将为石油工业的发展注入新的活力。  相似文献   

为探究不同来源生物炭对土壤释放到水中石油烃的吸附性能,选取麦秆炭、椰壳炭、稻壳炭和棉秆炭作为吸附剂。通过批量吸附实验,分别考察反应时间、生物炭投加量、pH值和溶液初始浓度对生物炭吸附石油烃性能的影响,并进行动力学和等温吸附拟合。结果表明:4种生物炭均有较高的比表面积,麦秆炭最大,达到729.12 m2/g。当溶液pH值为5、溶液初始质量浓度125.64 mg/L、稻壳炭投加量40 mg、其他生物炭投加量20 mg、反应5 h时,生物炭对石油烃的吸附效果达到最佳状态。4种生物炭对石油烃的吸附能力大小依次为麦秆炭、椰壳炭、稻壳炭、棉秆炭。准二级动力学模型能更好地描述4种生物炭的动力学过程,结果表明生物炭对石油烃的吸附为表面吸附和内部扩散等多种方式;Freundlich模型能够更好地反映等温吸附过程,结果表明生物炭对石油烃为多分子层吸附。  相似文献   

沥青质在石英表面吸附行为的分子动力学模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为考察沥青质分子在不同溶剂环境中在岩石表面的吸附情况,选用代表性的沥青质分子结构,采用分子动力学模拟的方法研究了正庚烷、甲苯和吡啶3种溶剂中沥青质分子在羟基化石英表面的吸附机理。沥青质分子的平衡吸附构型显示,在正庚烷中,沥青质分子以较强的弯曲构型吸附在石英表面上;在甲苯和吡啶中,沥青质分子自身构型变化减弱,向石英表面吸附的趋势也明显下降。沥青质分子在石英表面吸附能及其与溶剂相互作用能的计算结果表明,正庚烷中沥青质在石英表面的吸附强度最大,而在甲苯和吡啶中其在石英表面的吸附则较弱;库仑相互作用能是沥青质在石英表面吸附过程中的决定因素,而范德华相互作用能则在沥青质与溶剂相互作用中占主导地位。因此,分子动力学方法可对沥青质分子吸附的动力学过程进行有效模拟。  相似文献   


Asphaltenes were precipitated from a Venezuelan Ayacucho crude oil and separated into two fractions (A1 and A2) by the p-nitrophenol method. The asphaltenes and the fractions A1 and A2, as well as mixtures of the two fractions were tested in a Langmuir–Bodgett trough. It was found that the asphaltenes and the fraction A2 had similar behavior and higher compressibility than the fraction A1. This is because the molecules of A2 are more flexible than the molecules of A1 as they have aliphatic chains that bond aromatic structures while the A1 has an aromatic nucleus.  相似文献   

较之于压缩天然气存储和液化天然气存储,天然气吸附存储(ANG)方式具有能显著降低储存压力和运行成本的优点,然而,要将测定的吸附量转化为绝对吸附量,需要采用合适的模型。为了准确预测活性炭上甲烷的总储存量,采用双位Langmuir模型描述并准确预测了甲烷在活性炭上的吸附行为,误差在5%以内;进而解释了温度介于283.15~323.15 K、压力介于0.1~14.0 MPa条件下,活性炭上甲烷吸附平衡的临界点。研究结果表明:①在过剩吸附量超过极大值后,不同温度下的吸附等温线将出现交叉现象,在交叉点后,温度越高过剩吸附量越大;②甲烷的吸附相体积和气相密度,随平衡温度和压力的变化而变化,随着温度的升高,体积密度项对于绝对吸附量的贡献逐渐减小;③在343.15 K和14 MPa以下,实际吸附甲烷量超过86.9%,游离甲烷相含量低于13.1%,游离甲烷相含量的贡献率随温度的升高而逐渐增大。结论认为,该模型能快速、准确地预测真实的甲烷存储量,可以为大型天然气吸附存储技术的研究和开发提供帮助。  相似文献   

Kinetic study on pyrolysis of petroleum residue was carried out by an accurate Arrhenius type equation at heating rate of 0.5–30.0°C/min under nonisothermal conditions. The influence of some critical parameters including temperature, heating rate and activation energy on mass conversion was evaluated. The apparent activation energies for during the pyrolysis process were in the range of 198–361 kJ/mol at various mass conversions of 5–94%. The reaction temperature was introduced as the most important parameter for the improvement of mass conversion, compared to that of other parameters. The pyrolysis of petroleum residue was occurred in a broad temperature range, from 150–650°C, yielding 33 wt% unpyrolyzed residue. It also was found that an increase in heating rate has a minor impact in the process. Model predictions were compared with experimental data, which showed fully good agreement.  相似文献   

油气资源分布的分形特征及应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据南堡凹陷543个油藏、大民屯凹陷911个油藏、徐家围子凹陷16个气藏和全国43个大型油田储量的分布,发现不仅油气藏储量规模分布具有分形特征,储量丰度分布和储量空间分布也同样具有分形特征。据此,提出了基于随机模拟技术和傅立叶变换功率谱方法的油气资源空间分布的二维分形模型,用于描述区带油气资源的分布。利用该模型修正资源丰度、排除高风险区域、设置丰度经济界限,既可以预测不同含油气概率地区的资源量,又能够指出资源空间分布位置。在徐家围子凹陷预测出剩余天然气资源主要分布在凹陷东南部,为下步勘探指明了方向。  相似文献   

我国石油机械制造企业用户满意度模型研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在对我国石油机械制造企业用户特征分析的基础上 ,探讨了用户满意度CSD的特征和构成 ,构建了CSD模型。最后指出 :石油机械制造企业CSD是一个多因素、多环节、多阶段综合作用的必然结果 ,其模型归根结底是一种消费者心理与行为的表现。这就要求我国石油机械制造企业必须调查用户消费需求的信息 ,研究消费者的心理与行为 ,研究影响用户满意度的各种因素 ,不断地研制与开发适合用户消费口味与心绪的产品和服务 ,并能以更有效的竞争策略满足用户需求  相似文献   

我国石油机械制造企业ESD模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在强调我国石油机械制造企业员工满意度重要性的基础上 ,分析了其现状 ,重点探讨并构建了其模型。该模型由理论模型和数学模型有机构成 ,它们互为印证 ,二为一体 ,不可分割。该模型的建立 ,为加强其员工满意度建设 ,提升其内部管理水平 ,增强其凝聚力和竞争力 ,最终实现CS战略提供理论支撑  相似文献   

赖璐  梅平  郑延成  陈武  艾俊哲  刘华荣 《油田化学》2012,29(2):216-219,235
本文研究了自制羧酸盐型Gemini表面活性剂CGS-2的表面活性及NaCl对其表面活性的影响,并考察了液固比、吸附时间和浓度对CGS-2在砂岩表面静态吸附量的影响。结果表明,CGS-2水溶液的临界胶束浓度为0.0223 mmol/L,比普通单链表面活性剂月桂酸钠低2 3个数量级,表面张力最低可降至29.49 mN/m;适量加入NaCl可降低CGS-2溶液的临界胶束浓度。CGS-2在砂岩上的吸附等温线符合Langmuir吸附等温式,液固比为30∶1、吸附时间为36 h,25℃下CGS-2的饱和吸附量为8.93 mg/g。图8表1参14  相似文献   

煤层吸附气的定量计算方法是煤层气储层评价的关键和主要技术难题,利用测井资料计算其含量成为重要途径,其结果的准确度直接影响到煤层气的勘探开发决策。基于延川南地区煤层岩心的实验室分析资料,对煤岩组分含量的测井计算方法进行刻度,充分研究了地层条件下多种因素对煤层吸附气含量的影响,对兰氏方程加以改进,建立了基于常规测井资料的煤岩吸附气含量的动态吸附计算模型。与其他常用模型相比,该方法计算结果精度更高,应用条件更为广泛,在延川南地区获得了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

在分析Magoon和Dow对成油体系临界时刻论述的基础上,通过分析成油体系中各事件发生的过程,指出原始成油体系事件分析图表的不合理之处,从事件特续时间的长短对油气藏最终形成的影响角度,建立成油体系临界时刻分析模型,探索临界时刻定量评价的方法以及该方法在油气潜力评估中的应用意义。  相似文献   


In this work, amount of asphaltene adsorption onto the carbonate and sandstone rock samples was investigated at various initial concentrations of asphaltene in oil. Asphaltene adsorption onto both types of the reservoir rocks was increased by increasing the initial concentration of asphaltene. The amount of asphaltene adsorption onto the rock samples was predicted using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The results showed that Langmuir model had a better accuracy for prediction of asphaltene adsorption onto the rock samples than Freundlich model. Furthermore, asphaltene adsorption onto the reservoir rocks was studied in the presence of a recently developed asphaltene inhibitor. The inhibitor significantly reduced asphaltene adsorption at any initial concatenation of asphaltene. Moreover, changes in the rock permeability due to asphaltene precipitation were determined in the presence and absence of the asphaltene inhibitor.  相似文献   

罗东坤  汪华 《石油学报》2007,28(6):147-150
详细分析了石油勘探所具有的实物期权特性、原油价格波动模型以及储层参数和经济因素不确定性对勘探项目价值的影响。根据勘探项目多阶段投资的特性,利用风险中性期望算子和无风险贴现率建立了石油勘探投资多阶段实物期权评价模型,提供了评估勘探项目阶段性投资管理弹性价值的方法,并通过实例验证了该方法的可操作性。  相似文献   

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