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Reports an error in "Perceiving unfairness in the family: Cause or consequence of marital distress" by Nancy K. Grote and Margaret S. Clark (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2001[Feb], Vol 80[2], 281-293). The key coefficients on the diagonal paths were incorrect. The corrected figures in their entirety appear in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2001-16163-008.) This research tests a model suggesting that marital distress leads individuals to scrutinize of what is given and received in the relationship. This scrutiny elicits perceptions of unfairness that maintain or exacerbate marital distress. In a 3-panel longitudinal study tracking married couples across the transition to parenthood, both wives' and husbands' reports of marital conflict and wives' marital dissatisfaction at Time 1 positively predicted perceived unfairness of the allocation of household tasks at Time 2, controlling for earlier perceptions of unfairness. In addition, there was evidence of perceived unfairness of division of labor at Time 2 predicting marital conflict and marital dissatisfaction for wives at Time 3, controlling for earlier conflict and dissatisfaction. This model of relationship distress and perceptions of unfairness is contrasted with prior interpretations of links between perceived injustice and distress in relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is linked with elevated psychological distress in service members'/veterans' spouses. Researchers use a variety of terms to describe this distress, and recently, secondary traumatic stress and secondary traumatic stress disorder (STS/STSD) have become increasingly commonly used. Although STS/STSD connotes a specific set of symptoms that are linked to service members'/veterans' symptoms, researchers often use general measures of distress or generically worded measures of PTSD symptoms to assess STS/STSD. To determine how often scores on such measures appear to be an accurate reflection of STS/STSD, we examined responses to a measure of PTSD symptoms in 190 wives of male service members with elevated levels of PTSD symptoms. Wives rated their own PTSD symptoms, and then answered questions about their attributions for the symptoms they endorsed. Fewer than 20% of wives who endorsed symptoms on the PTSD measure attributed these symptoms completely to their husbands' military experiences. Moreover, compared with wives who attributed symptoms only to events in their own lives, wives who attributed symptoms completely or partially to their husbands' military experiences had a greater overlap between some of their responses on the PTSD measure and their responses to a measure of general psychological distress. These results suggest that most wives of service members/veterans with PTSD experience generic psychological distress that is not conceptually consistent with STS/STSD, although a subset does appear to endorse a reaction consistent with this construct. Implications of these findings for intervention and research with this vulnerable population are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Dual-process theories of recognition posit that perceptual fluency contributes to both familiarity-based explicit recognition and perceptual priming. However, the priming-without-recognition dissociation, as observed through the intact mere exposure effect and impaired recognition in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), might indicate that familiarity and perceptual priming are functionally distinct. This study investigated whether the AD patients' processing strategies at testing may explain this priming-without-recognition dissociation. First, we replicated the priming-without-recognition effect in 16 patients who exhibited intact exposure effects despite null recognition. Second, we showed that, under identical conditions, inducing a holistic processing strategy during recognition testing increased AD patients' recognition--performance was similar for AD patients and healthy control participants. Furthermore, prompting analytic processing during both priming and recognition tasks decreased AD patients' performance in both tasks. These findings suggest that the extent to which AD patients use perceptual fluency in priming and recognition tasks is contingent on their processing approach. The choice of processing strategy may depend on how difficult patients perceive the task to be. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This review will examine issues related to the validity of memories of child abuse in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). A large body of research has shown that all memories are distorted by cognitive schema, and that "recovered memories" may be particularly unreliable. Empirical findings on trauma in BPD will be reviewed, as well as the difficulties in verifying trauma histories. Evidence will be examined suggesting that borderline patients have a distorted perception of interpersonal events. Clinical recommendations will be made for the evaluation of memories of abuse in patients with BPD.  相似文献   

Although rating differences among incumbents of the same occupation have traditionally been viewed as error variance in the work analysis domain, such differences might often capture substantive discrepancies in how incumbents approach their work. This study draws from job crafting, creativity, and role theories to uncover situational factors (i.e., occupational activities, context, and complexity) related to differences among competency ratings of the same occupation. The sample consisted of 192 incumbents from 64 occupations. Results showed that 25% of the variance associated with differences in competency ratings of the same occupation was related to the complexity, the context, and primarily the nature of the occupation's work activities. Consensus was highest for occupations involving equipment-related activities and direct contact with the public. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The integration of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals into the U.S. military is a long-standing and politically and socially divisive issue. Exclusionary and pseudo-inclusionary policies that restrict openly LGB individuals from military service are also of long duration. Yet LGB servicemembers have continued to serve covertly in the military for many decades. Moreover, political issues and social conventions associated with “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” (DADT) have diverted focus from imperative research issues, such as LGB servicemembers and incidents of victimization in the military. Research is reviewed to evaluate such victimization, which is conceptualized as resulting from a convergence of sexual stigma, conservative gender role beliefs, and sexual prejudice. DADT, in combination with overarching difficulties intrinsic to sexual orientation research, serves to augment LGB victimization and reduce victim reports and help seeking. Consequently, there is a deficient evidence base for assisting LGB servicemembers and for advancing research, prevention efforts, and policy changes. Implications of repealing DADT are discussed, as are future directions for LGB military research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Languages are known to exhibit universal restrictions on sound structure. The source of such restrictions, however, is contentious: Do they reflect abstract phonological knowledge, or properties of linguistic experience and auditory perception? We address this question by investigating the restrictions on onset structure. Across languages, onsets of small sonority distances are dispreferred (e.g., lb is dispreferred to bn). Previous research with aural materials demonstrates such preferences modulate the perception of unattested onsets by English speakers: Universally ill-formed onsets are systematically misperceived (e.g., lba → leba) relative to well-formed onsets (e.g., bn). Here, we show that the difficulty to process universally ill-formed onsets extends to printed materials. Auxiliary tests indicate that such difficulties reflect phonological, rather than orthographic knowledge, and regression analyses demonstrate such knowledge goes beyond the statistical properties of the lexicon. These findings suggest that speakers have abstract, possibly universal, phonological knowledge that is general with respect to input modality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors of the present study addressed the measurement of temperament by examining the convergence between observational and questionnaire measures and the occurrence of contrast effects in parental ratings of nontwin siblings on the Children's Behavior Questionnaire. Fathers', mothers', and observers' ratings of 94 early-school-age sibling pairs were obtained longitudinally such that siblings were rated at the same time and when they were the same ages. Convergence between laboratory observations and questionnaires was generally modest to moderate for shyness and activity level; low to modest for positive emotionality, fear, and interest; and low for anger and sadness. We found some evidence of contrast effects for activity level and fathers' ratings of shyness and of assimilation effects for anger and sadness. The results highlight the complexity of measuring temperament and suggest that rater biases should be evaluated according to the measurement instrument used. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 120(2) of Journal of Abnormal Psychology (see record 2011-05801-001). Due to formatting problems, some of the data and graphic information in the original Figure 7 are not correctly displayed. Although not all data in the original Figure 7 are visible, nothing displayed in that figure was in error.] In recent years, trajectory approaches to characterizing individual differences in the onset and course of substance involvement have gained popularity. Previous studies have sometimes reported 4 prototypic courses: (a) a consistently “low” group, (b) an “increase” group, (c) a “decrease” group, and (d) a consistently “high” group. Although not always recovered, these trajectories are often found, despite these studies varying in the ages of the samples studied and the duration of the observation periods employed. Here, the authors examined the consistency with which these longitudinal patterns of heavy drinking were recovered in a series of latent class growth analyses that systematically varied the age of the sample at baseline, the duration of observation, and the number and frequency of measurement occasions. Data were drawn from a 4-year, 8-wave panel study of college student drinking (N = 3,720). Despite some variability across analyses, there was a strong tendency for these prototypes to emerge regardless of the participants' age at baseline and the duration of observation. These findings highlight potential problems with commonly employed trajectory-based approaches and the need to not over-reify these constructs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Man's conception of nature is a historically dated phenomenon. Thus the recent development of infectious diseases in industrialized countries could either be a real phenomenon or simply an artifact related to our current conception of medical progress and research. Is the return of infectious disease a natural process or has modern civilization been less prudent than its predecessors? What are the characteristic features of modern pathogenesis? Are these "changes" the result of some natural dynamics or an evolution in our means of investigation? Modern civilization has not invented technological deviation or diseases of civilization, phenomena well know in the past, but what is new is the fact that science today, with an ever growing amount of information on molecular epidemiology, is still raising questions about infection, recognized new unsuspected forms of the living world which do not fit into our well-knitted outline of infectious agents. We have applied our simplistic and mechanistic schemas designed for the timespan of human life to the evolutionary processes. The effects of evolution and history are thus combined today in a novel way composing a new future for infectious diseases. This new way of looking at infectious diseases is not totally natural nor totally historical. It is perhaps an epistemological revolution going on within epidemiology. The return of infections disease would appear to have a direct effect on magnifying the knowledge and the delinquency of our culture.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess whether or not management of infertility is within the domain of the general practitioner in his capacity as a family physician. All accredited family physicians in the wider area of Goettingen were invited to take part in our survey. A total of 57 doctors (84%) participated. In personal interviews the family physicians were encouraged to frankly discuss the following main topics: the frequency of infertility in their own practice as well as their care for and attitudes towards infertile patients. Many family physicians interviewed were reluctant to address involuntary childlessness and underestimated its frequency. According to their patients' needs and demands, however, family doctors--above all in rural practices--have been participating in the screening and counseling of, and providing emotional support for, involuntarily childless patients. A qualitative analysis of the interview data revealed that many family physicians regarded infertility as the patients' private matter and placed it within the domain of specialists. About one-third of the physicians expressed negative attitudes towards infertile patients. Moreover, assisted reproduction techniques were sometimes rejected as "unnatural" methods. If a family-oriented approach should be amplified in family practice by offering supportive counseling for infertile patients, continuing medical education will have to take these attitudes into account.  相似文献   

The author assesses the accuracy of both the public's opinion and researchers' conclusions regarding the method of adjudication of insanity cases and investigates the impact of the various types of reforms enacted in the 1980s on the degree to which insanity cases are contested. Data from seven states are analyzed. The public's view that insanity cases are typically resolved by a jury trial is inaccurate. Only 14.4 percent of the 7,299 insanity cases involved a jury trial. Likewise, scholars' views that most cases are resolved through plea-bargained insanity acquittals are inaccurate. Only 42.9 percent of all insanity cases are plea bargains, and 87.9 percent of all plea bargains are to a conviction. Jury trials are most likely to occur when the case involves a violent crime such as murder and the defendant has not been diagnosed with a major mental illness. Public fears that defendants easily "fool" juries into an inappropriate insanity acquittal are also unfounded. Only 16.1 percent of all jury trials result in an insanity acquittal. In three states, the figure is 10 percent or less. Contrary to the conclusions drawn by some scholars, this author finds that several types of reforms enacted in the 1980s affected the processing of insanity cases.  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that young children have relatively well-developed trait concepts. However, this literature overlooks potential age-related differences in children's appreciation of the fundamentally dimensional nature of traits. In Study 1, we presented 4-, 5-, and 7-year-old children and adults with sets of characters and asked them to indicate the preferences of a target character who shared appearance attributes with one character (appearance match) and shared a common trait with the other character (trait match). Traits were presented in a way that emphasized either their categorical or their dimensional nature. When the dimensional nature of trait terms was emphasized, the youngest children made fewer trait-based inferences, and the use of traits increased with age. In Study 2, we gave 4-year-old children and adults the same task except that the extent to which appearance cues could serve as a meaningful basis of judgment was varied. Results were consistent with the findings of Study 1, although children were more likely to rely on dimensional presentations of traits in the absence of strong appearance cues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although the prevalence of asthma has risen significantly during the last 30 yr, it is not clear whether this has occurred primarily in persons with a strong genetic predisposition to asthma and atopy or in other sections of the population. We have investigated outcomes in children of nuclear families selected through probands previously characterized by studies in 1964 and 1989 as having histories of persistent childhood onset atopic asthma, transient childhood wheezy bronchitis, and no respiratory symptoms or atopy. Children of wheezy bronchitic probands had a significantly better symptomatic outcome in adolescence, irrespective of the atopic status of the parent proband, than do children of either asthmatic or asymptomatic probands, suggesting that this may be a syndrome that shows familial aggregation and is distinct from asthma. Total serum IgE levels were significantly lower in children of nonatopic asymptomatic probands, including those with wheezing symptoms. In contrast children of nonatopic asymptomatic probands had an unexpectedly high prevalence of wheezing (33%), positive skin prick tests (56%), and positive specific serum IgE to common allergens (48%) that was similar to that found in children of atopic asthmatic probands. Our findings support the concept that wheezy bronchitis is a separate syndrome from atopic asthma. High total serum IgE levels within our population appear to be an important marker of genetic predisposition to atopy. Our data also suggest that much of the increase in asthma prevalence is associated with specific IgE sensitization and is occurring in persons previously considered to be at low risk of developing asthma or atopy.  相似文献   

The question of which is the active form of dopamine for the neuronal dopamine transporter is addressed in HEK-293 cells expressing the human dopamine transporter. The Km value for [3H]dopamine uptake fell sharply when the pH was increased from 6.0 to 7.4 and then changed less between pH 7.4 and 8.2. The KI for dopamine in inhibiting the cocaine analog [3H]2beta-carbomethoxy-3beta-(4-fluorophenyl)tropane binding displayed an identical pH dependence, suggesting that changes in uptake result from changes in dopamine recognition. Dopamine can exist in the anionic, neutral, cationic, or zwitterionic form, and the contribution of each form was calculated. The contribution of the anion is extremely low (相似文献   

Recent theories of substance abuse have used value discounting of delayed rewards to partly explain the decision to take drugs. Normative-economic theory holds that an exponential function describes the effects of delay on discounting, whereas the matching law posits a hyperbolic discounting function. The ability of these functions to describe 18 human heroin-dependent individuals' monetary- and heroin-reward delay-discounting functions was assessed. In the 1st condition, participants chose between immediate and delayed hypothetical monetary rewards. Delayed rewards were $1,000, and the immediate reward amount was adjusted until choices reflected indifference. In the 2nd condition, participants chose between immediate and delayed heroin (the delayed amount was that which each participant reported he or she could purchase with $1,000). The hyperbolic function produced significantly higher R2 values and significantly lower sums of squared error values. Consistent with previous findings, delayed heroin rewards were discounted at a significantly higher rate than were delayed monetary rewards. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Splenic rupture is the most frequent intraabdominal injury following blunt abdominal trauma. Massive hemorrhage commonly occurs from injuries to this friable vascular organ. The mortality rate from simple splenic rupture is 1%. Delayed diagnosis of a ruptured spleen increases the rate to 10%. During 1964-79, 293 patients underwent splenectomy for blunt splenic injury, of whom 278 were operated on within 24 h. All had typical signs of splenic lacerations with intraperitoneal bleeding from the time of injury. Fifteen patients were operated on more than 48 h after sustaining the injury. A detailed analysis of these 15 patients revealed that in only three did the evidence support delayed hemorrhage following traumatic rupture of the spleen. In the other 12 patients, there was a delay in recognition of the intraabdominal injury, almost entirely the result of "diagnostic error." Careful clinical inquiry and peritoneal lavage are the mainstays of early diagnosis and therapy and should help to eliminate any delay in the diagnosis of a ruptured spleen.  相似文献   

An interview study was conducted in which women's experiences of diagnosis and treatment for depression were explored. Nine women (aged 19–66 yrs) who had been diagnosed by a physician participated in the study. Topics explored in the interview included how women came to be diagnosed as depressed, how treatment was experienced, how they understood the causes of their depression, and how being diagnosed had affected their view of themselves and their futures. Analysis involved a thematic approach guided by the topics addressed in the interview. The women's accounts also were analyzed with respect to the themes of medicalization and empowerment. All of the participants gave medicalized accounts of their depressive experiences, which were characterized by biomedical explanations and identification of anti-depressant drugs as beneficial in alleviating their distress. Based on this analysis of the women's accounts, it is concluded that a medicalized understanding and treatment of women's depressive experiences cannot readily co-exist with personal empowerment. Suggestions are made for developing strategies for treatment of women's depressive experiences that offer the benefits of medicalization without precluding the possibility of personal empowerment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

H. Tajfel's (1970) minimal group paradigm (MGP) research suggests that social categorization is a sufficient antecedent of ingroup-favoring discrimination. Two experiments examined whether discrimination in the MGP arises from categorization or processes of outcome dependence, that is, ingroup reciprocity and outgroup fear. Experiment 1 unconfounded categorization from outcome dependence. Categorized men discriminated only when dependent on others. Categorized women discriminated regardless of the structure of dependence. Experiment 2 examined dependence on the ingroup versus the outgroup as the locus of male-initiated discrimination. Consistently with an ingroup reciprocity effect, men discriminated when dependent on ingroup, but not outgroup, members. Sex differences are discussed in regard to women's heightened ingroup dependence produced by biological or environmental constraints. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study we examined the moderator role of coping (problem-, emotion-, and avoidance-focused coping strategies) between work-to-family and family-to-work conflict and well-being (work engagement, job satisfaction, and family satisfaction). The study was based on a sample of 527 Finnish workers. Hierarchical moderated regression analyses showed that emotion-focused coping buffered against job dissatisfaction in a high family-to-work conflict situation. On the other hand, emotion-focused coping was harmful for family satisfaction in the same stressful situation: Those who used more emotion-focused coping were less satisfied with their family life under the conditions of high family-to-work conflict. Furthermore, avoidance coping was beneficial in a high family-to-work conflict situation: Those who used more avoidance coping were more satisfied with their family life in this situation. No buffering effects were found for work engagement or for problem-focused coping. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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