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We present both theoretical and experimental results demonstrating that grating light reflection spectroscopy (GLRS) can provide information about the concentration and average size of particles of nanometer dimensions distributed in liquid-phase media. To demonstrate this, we have performed experiments on various concentrations of dendrimeric oligomers in water. Our results show that, with GLRS, we can determine the mean radius of particles with sizes on the order of molecular dimensions. The measurements were carried out in a continuous-flow format using a microchannel flow system and in a detection volume of less than 200 nL  相似文献   


We experimentally investigate the interaction of linearly polarized light with a holographic grating in a conical mounting. Due to the periodic structure, the polarization properties of the reflected zeroth-order beam are highly sensitive to the conical angle. When a focused Gaussian beam with linear polarization impinges on an air–grating interface at an exceptional conical angle, a spatial splitting of the reflected beam is observed behind a polarizer. We find that it can be interpreted using the anisotropy of the polarization distribution in holographic grating reflection.  相似文献   

The Talbot effect is a well studied phenomenon by which grating pseudoimages appear at certain periodic distances when monochromatic light is used. Recently, numerical simulations have shown a new phenomenon; when a polychromatic light beam is used in a double grating system, the intensity of the pseudoimages presents a transverse-profile that remains unaffected over a wide range of propagation distances. This effect can be used to increase the tolerances of gratings based optical devices, such as displacement measurement systems, interferometers, and spectrometers. The pseudoimages formation with a polychromatic and finite extension light source is analytically and experimentally demonstrated. Relatively simple analytical expressions for the intensity and the contrast allow us to predict when pseudoimages present a constant contrast and when they disappear. Furthermore, we experimentally obtain the pseudoimages using the proposed configuration, corroborating the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   


Scattering calculations via the Schwinger variational principle are exemplified for the canonical model of E plane waves incident on a planarsinusoidal perfect-reflector surface. The complete solution is obtained in terms of a contour integral from which analytic limits are derived that agree with exact results. The contour integral is then evaluated by principal-value and asymptotic techniques, furnishing an explicit solution in Bessel and digamma functions. The variational solution is cast finally into the form of a linear algebraic system, whence we derive various analytic expansions that reproduce further exact results and confirm the efficacy of a simple form of our trial functions. Computations employing this trial function are compared with other approximations and the exact solution. Alternative variational solution representations involving incomplete Anger–Weber or half-range Anger functions are appended.  相似文献   

Liu H  Dong C  Huang X  Ren J 《Analytical chemistry》2012,84(8):3561-3567
In the paper, we present a novel single particle method, named spatially resolved scattering correlation spectroscopy (SRSCS), based on a total internal reflection (TIR) configuration and strong resonance light scattering (RLS) of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The principle of SRSCS is similar to fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and it is based on measuring the RLS fluctuations in a small volume due to Brownian motion of single nanoparticles. We first established a highly sensitive SRSCS system. In the SRSCS system, a millimeter-scale hole is employed to efficiently separate nanoparticle scattering light from the background reflected beam, and an electron multiplying charge-coupled device (EMCCD) is used as an array detector. The SRSCS system was successfully used for detection and imaging of single AgNPs in solution. Furthermore, we developed the model of SRSCS according to the FCS method and systematically investigated the effects of certain factors such as particle concentration, viscosity of the solution, hardware and software binning and accumulation time on SRSCS measurements using AgNPs as a model sample. A series of calibration experiments were conducted, and the experimental data obtained were in good agreement with the SRSCS model. This new method is multiplexing, spatially resolved, and free of photobleaching and may become a useful method for study on heterogeneous systems, such as the motion of proteins on the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Photoisomerization and photodimerization of a widely used UVB filter, 2-ethylhexy-4-methoxycinnamate (EHMC) on a ZnSe surface and baby mouse (Mus musculus Linn.) skin were monitored using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FT-IR). Differentiation between the E- and the Z-EHMC could be achieved by examining the infrared (IR) peak at 981 cm(-1) (b peak), which corresponds to the CH rocking deformation vibration of Ph-CH=CH- detected only in the E configuration. By plotting the ratios of the peak area of the b peak and an internal standard peak (1060-998 cm(-1)) against mole percentage of Z-isomer in the E-Z mixtures, a linear calibration plot was obtained. Thus, a simple estimation of the mole percentage of each configuration in a sample was obtained. At the same UVB exposure, photostationary equilibrium of the E/Z isomerization on the surface varied with the applied amounts of EHMC. Photoisomerizations on ZnSe and on baby mouse skin were comparable. Less than 10% of E-EHMC changed configuration when the mouse skins applied with 1.0-4.0 mg/cm(2) E-EHMC were exposed to sunlight for 60 min (UVB radiant exposure of approximately 0.30 J/cm(2)). This corresponded to less than 5% loss in UV filtering efficiency. However, at a typical EHMC skin coverage ( approximately 0.2 mg/cm(2)), 0.30 J/cm(2) UVB exposure induced approximately 50% photoisomerization resulting in 25% loss of UV filtering efficiency. No photodimerization was detected even at the extreme EHMC coverage of 4.0 mg/cm(2) after a UVB exposure of 0.90 J/cm(2).  相似文献   

Graphene thickness determination using reflection and contrast spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ni ZH  Wang HM  Kasim J  Fan HM  Yu T  Wu YH  Feng YP  Shen ZX 《Nano letters》2007,7(9):2758-2763
We have clearly discriminated the single-, bilayer-, and multiple-layer graphene (<10 layers) on Si substrate with a 285 nm SiO2 capping layer by using contrast spectra, which were generated from the reflection light of a white light source. Calculations based on Fresnel's law are in excellent agreement with the experimental results (deviation 2%). The contrast image shows the reliability and efficiency of this new technique. The contrast spectrum is a fast, nondestructive, easy to be carried out, and unambiguous way to identify the numbers of layers of graphene sheet. We provide two easy-to-use methods to determine the number of graphene layers based on contrast spectra: a graphic method and an analytical method. We also show that the refractive index of graphene is different from that of graphite. The results are compared with those obtained using Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Using a novel electrostatic stabilization mechanism that utilizes complexation of Zr(IV) species by carboxylic acid groups at the particle surface, the true grinding limit of monocrystalline naproxen nanoparticles was identified at 30 nm under an optimized naproxen/Zr(IV)-salt formulation. In a stirred media mill, we studied the influence of stress energy and number of stress events by varying the milling bead diameter. Small milling beads provide a compromise between sufficiently high stress energy and stress number and are beneficial for nanomilling of naproxen in terms of grinding kinetics. It is shown that the product particle size can be controlled by adjusting the colloidal stability via the Zr(IV) concentration. Regardless of formulation properties, particle fracture propagates along the grain boundaries as revealed by crystallite size analysis. Investigations of the solvent phase and the particle geometry reveal that mechanical stress leads to enhanced solubility of the drug, which in return promotes recrystallization and thus particle growth. The solubility can be reduced by lowering the process temperature and stabilizer concentration. In contrast to inorganic nanoparticles, which are almost free of lattice imperfections at the true grinding limit, we find a clear indication of lattice strain in the stressed naproxen nanoparticles. Since the nanoparticle yield is still limited to 40% due to particle ripening, fast removal of the nanoparticles from the mill must be a further next step to be solved in nanoparticle processing.  相似文献   

A multimodal methodology for spectral imaging of cells is presented. The spectral imaging setup uses a transmission diffraction grating on a light microscope to concurrently record spectral images of cells and cellular organelles by fluorescence, darkfield, brightfield, and differential interference contrast (DIC) spectral microscopy. Initially, the setup was applied for fluorescence spectral imaging of yeast and mammalian cells labeled with multiple fluorophores. Fluorescence signals originating from fluorescently labeled biomolecules in cells were collected through triple or single filter cubes, separated by the grating, and imaged using a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. Cellular components such as nuclei, cytoskeleton, and mitochondria were spatially separated by the fluorescence spectra of the fluorophores present in them, providing detailed multi-colored spectral images of cells. Additionally, the grating-based spectral microscope enabled measurement of scattering and absorption spectra of unlabeled cells and stained tissue sections using darkfield and brightfield or DIC spectral microscopy, respectively. The presented spectral imaging methodology provides a readily affordable approach for multimodal spectral characterization of biological cells and other specimens.  相似文献   

It is a well-known fact that one grating can act as an imaging element for another grating when the first is illuminated with an extended monochromatic light source. The conditions for image formation in such a system are studied when the finite size and position of the broad light source are considered. From the presented analysis, expressions for the location and the depth of focus of such images can be derived.  相似文献   

An optical sensing technique is described and evaluated for sensitivity to changes in refractive index and absorbance of model sample matrices. A binary dielectric/metal transmission diffraction grating is placed in contact with a sample and utilized in reflection mode; thus, the light captured and analyzed does not pass through the sample. This particular condition creates thresholds at which a particular transmitted diffraction order is transformed from a traveling wave to an evanescent one. The positions of these thresholds depend upon the complex dielectric function of the sample, the period of the grating, and the wavelength and incident angle of light striking the grating. Experimental evidence directly supports the theoretical predictions regarding responses to both the real and imaginary portions of the refractive index: the reflection coefficient derivative wavelength peak position shifts linearly with changes in the real part of the refractive index, and the derivative peak amplitudes exhibit a square-root dependence on absorbance. Refractive index sensitivity to a series of ethanol/water solutions is demonstrated with detectable changes in index as small as 2 × 10(-)(6). Absorbance sensitivity is shown via the differentiation of methylene blue samples having equivalent 1 cm path length absorbances between 0.459 and 244 AU. In a single reflection measurement, GLRS offers a large dynamic range for absorbance detection, allows simultaneous determination of bulk refractive index in optically dense media, and provides a platform for performing continuous process analysis.  相似文献   

A dielectric-film waveguide with a grating etched on its film-cover interface can be used as a polarization converter. The e wave can be converted into the h wave and vice versa if the guided wave is incident obliquely to the grating vector. The polarization converter is analyzed by use of a quasi-optic technique. A high degree of polarization-conversion efficiency is achieved by a suitable choice of the grating length. The Bragg angles of incidence and observation, the maximum polarization-conversion efficiency, and the frequency and the angular selectivity are all found to increase with an increase in the grating period. An illustrative numerical example is presented.  相似文献   

Strasser TA  Gupta MC 《Applied optics》1994,33(15):3220-3226
Experimental results are presented that show that diffraction off a surface-relief reflection grating can be used to extend the FWHM input coupling efficiency versus the coupled-light wavelength of a grating coupler from 0.7 to 17 nm. Use of a surface-relief reflection grating allows high diffraction efficiency over a wide wavelength range. Dispersion-matching calculations are included that illustrate that for certain output coupling applications the FWHM can be extended to 33 am. Analysis shows that for inputcoupling applications the lateral beam shift resulting from angular dispersion may be the limiting factor for wavelength compensation.  相似文献   

The change in the reflection (differential reflection) of light from an interference film as a result of the deposition of an ultrathin layer on it is investigated. Formulas describing the differential reflection around the reflectivity minima and maxima of the film are obtained by a perturbation method. It is shown that these formulas and the corresponding differential measurements can be used for an easy and unambiguous determination of the thickness and refractive index not only of ultrathin surface layers but also of the interference films themselves. The proposed method is especially convenient for monitoring the deposition of thin-film structures. Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 24, 78–86 (October 26, 1998)  相似文献   

We develop a novel method that enables one to reconstruct the structure of highly reflecting fiber Bragg gratings from noisy reflection spectra. When the reflection spectrum is noisy and the grating reflectivity is high, noise in the Bragg zone of the reflection spectrum is amplified by the inverse scattering algorithms and prevents the reconstruction of the grating. Our method is based on regularizing the reflection spectrum in frequencies inside the Bragg zone by using the data on the grating spectrum outside the Bragg zone. The regularized reflection spectrum is used to reconstruct the grating structure by means of inverse scattering. Our method enables one to analyze gratings with a high reflectivity from a spectrum that contains a high level of noise. Such gratings could not be analyzed by using methods described in previous work [IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 39, 1238 (2003)].  相似文献   

为了全面了解复合材料的固化特性,在对碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料固化变形进行数值仿真分析的基础上,将自行设计的光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)传感器埋入复合材料中,实时在线监测复合材料固化过程中温度和应变的演变。预浸料铺层方式为[011/9011],分别在层合板0°和45°方向的典型位置埋入FBG温度和应变传感器,采用热模压方式固化成型复合材料层合板,并对成型后的层合板进行连续2次降温处理,实时记录固化过程中FBG传感器中心波长的变化。结果表明:在相同的温度条件下,复合材料在第1次降温初始阶段的压应变绝对值明显小于在第2次降温初始阶段的压应变绝对值,表明复合材料在第1次降温过程中仍在进行FBG传感器可检的“后固化”反应;此外,层合板变形的FBG传感器监测数据与有限元模拟结果吻合良好。因此,采用内埋FBG传感器的方法能够实时监测复合材料固化过程,为更全面地分析复合材料固化特性提供了一种可靠有效的方法。   相似文献   

A virtual optical technique for image encryption and decryption is presented in this paper. The technique is carried out using optical operation and computational algorithms. In this technique, a grey-level image is captured by a charge-coupled device camera and encrypted using a linear grating superposed on the reflected intensity map of the object. The grating is generated as a fringe pattern by a computer algorithm. The reflected intensity map is determined using the grey level of the image. This reflected intensity map is included in the fringe pattern as an optical phase. It generates a grating, which is represented as a fringe pattern deformed according to the reflected intensity map. The decryption method is performed by a phase recovery method. The technique used here is a spatial synchronous method. This encryption and decryption technique has been used to encrypt real face images. To describe the accuracy of results obtained by this technique, the rms of error is calculated using decrypted and original data images. This encrypting technique is a virtual optical method because all the optical operations are performed by computer processes, and optical components are not required, which are advantages over optical methods, where some physical optical components are used. Simulated images are used in order to assess the technique. Finally, results on real images are presented.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to propose a strategy for the implementation of a Process Analytical Technology system in freeze-drying processes. Mannitol solutions, some of them supplied with NaCl, were used as models to freeze-dry. Noninvasive and in-line Raman measurements were continuously performed during lyophilization of the solutions to monitor real time the mannitol solid state, the end points of the different process steps (freezing, primary drying, secondary drying), and physical phenomena occurring during the process. At-line near-infrared (NIR) and X-ray powder diffractometry (XRPD) measurements were done to confirm the Raman conclusions and to find out additional information. The collected spectra during the processes were analyzed using principal component analysis and multivariate curve resolution. A two-level full factorial design was used to study the significant influence of process (freezing rate) and formulation variables (concentration of mannitol, concentration of NaCl, volume of freeze-dried sample) upon freeze-drying. Raman spectroscopy was able to monitor (i) the mannitol solid state (amorphous, alpha, beta, delta, and hemihydrate), (ii) several process step end points (end of mannitol crystallization during freezing, primary drying), and (iii) physical phenomena occurring during freeze-drying (onset of ice nucleation, onset of mannitol crystallization during the freezing step, onset of ice sublimation). NIR proved to be a more sensitive tool to monitor sublimation than Raman spectroscopy, while XRPD helped to unravel the mannitol hemihydrate in the samples. The experimental design results showed that several process and formulation variables significantly influence different aspects of lyophilization and that both are interrelated. Raman spectroscopy (in-line) and NIR spectroscopy and XRPD (at-line) not only allowed the real-time monitoring of mannitol freeze-drying processes but also helped (in combination with experimental design) us to understand the process.  相似文献   

Marx E  Germer TA  Vorburger TV  Park BC 《Applied optics》2000,39(25):4473-4485
The angular distributions of light scattered by gold-coated and aluminum-coated gratings with amplitudes of ~90 nm and periods of 6.67 mum were measured and calculated for light incident from a He-Ne laser at an angle of 6 degrees . Experimental results are compared with predictions of Beckmann's scalar theory and Rayleigh's vector theory. The measured scattering pattern has a background of scattered light due mainly to residual surface roughness. Also the power in the higher-order peaks is larger by several orders of magnitude than the computed one, which can be attributed mainly to the low-order contributions of the harmonics in the profile.  相似文献   

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