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Linking Integration and Housing Career: A Longitudinal Analysis of Immigrant Groups in Sweden 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
This study investigates the extent to which immigrant groups are integrated in the Stockholm region through an analysis of their housing careers. Housing conditions are linked to many important life course events, as well as to the resources and preferences of each individual family. Housing conditions influence integration, but factors related to integration can also be a cause of housing conditions. In the study, we take a truly longitudinal approach to housing careers by exploring differences in the timing of career-related events between several immigrant groups and native Swedes. The objective of the study is to explore whether the housing careers of immigrant groups follow family and work careers in a similar way as the native population. The data are derived from a longitudinal individual-level register-based data-set maintained by Statistics Sweden. The analysis is carried out by way of survival analysis. Our results confirm that there are substantial ethnic differences in housing careers that cannot be attributed to family composition or career. Our results also highlight three important factors that reduce the differences between native Swedes and immigrants groups in the tendency to enter homeownership: university degree, type of municipality and duration of stay in Sweden. 相似文献
Richard Evans 《Housing Studies》1998,13(5):713-726
The poverty and social exclusion experienced by growing numbers of social housing tenants in England is making landlords' task increasingly difficult. Concentrations of unemploymentand other forms of disadvantagetend to lead to other problems such as indebtedness,crime and vandalism which make such housing estates unpopular and expensive to manage and maintain. In response, housing associations (HAs) in England are increasingly seeking to address these wider problems so that their investment in bricks and mortar is underpinned by efforts to sustain community well-being. This has been termed the 'Housing Plus' (HP) approach.But HP raises questions about social landlords' role vis-a-vis that of other agencies. This paper reviews HAs' progress in implementing HP in England,its impact upon residents' quality of life and links with wider regeneration strategies. While some HAs have achieved notable successes, the overall response has been patchy because of differences of view on mission, resource constraints,the modest scale of initiatives in relation to the severity of the problemsand contradictory housing and urban policies. 相似文献
Ida Borg 《住房,理论和社会》2015,32(1):73-93
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the link between housing tenure types and housing deprivation in 26 European countries. Empirical analyses are based on European Union Survey on Income and Living Conditions 2007, enabling comparisons of deprivation across a large set of countries. A multilevel framework is employed. It is hypothesized that the organization of the rental sector inherently produces different housing market dynamics, which is likely to affect housing deprivation rates. An integrated rental sector covering broader parts of the population is expected to reduce the risk of housing deprivation. Housing deprivation is measured in terms of experiencing overcrowding and while also suffering any of the following accommodation problems: a leaking roof; no bath/shower; no indoor toilet; or a dwelling considered too dark. The findings indicate a negative association between the size of the rental sector and the prevalence of housing deprivation. The organization of the rental sector appears crucial and only an integrated rental sector encompassing broader parts of the population significantly reduces the prevalence of housing deprivation and its components. This association is robust in terms of confounding factors at the individual-level and central country-level contextual variables. 相似文献
Dowell Myers 《Housing Studies》1999,14(4):473-490
The housing life cycle is a time-honoured approach to longitudinal conception of people's housing careers, but one difficult to measure accurately. Cross-sectional data often provide a misleading 'snapshot' of changes over time; yet, panel data that follow individual observationsover the life course also have several drawbacks. Construction of cohorts from cross-sectional data provides a useful third alternative, a quasi-panel approach, that captures major benefits of both the cross-sectional and panel approaches while avoiding their major faults. This paper describes three examples of fallacies of interpretation stemming from cross-sectional analysis of housing careers. One involves the stagnant home-ownership rate in the US and the apparent paradox of declining ownership rates of young households in contrast to rising ownership among the elderly. The second is the expected decline in housing consumption as the large baby boom generation ages past middle age. The third is the expected decline in residential overcrowding that could occur when immigrants become more settled in the US. The alternative, cohort longitudinal interpretation is presented to correct each of these fallacies. 相似文献
The Timing of Household Events and Housing Events in the Netherlands: A Longitudinal Perspective 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Research on the relationship between household events and housing events so far has largely ignored the role of timing. This study aims to uncover in what way the postponement of marriage and childbirth that took place in the second half of the 20th century in the Netherlands affected the timing of moving into 'long-stay housing' (single-family dwellings and owner occupied dwellings). This is done by analysing time lags between household events and housing events. Survival analysis shows that over cohorts, moving into long-stay housing happens consistently earlier, and increasingly frequently before first childbirth. This finding is most likely attributable to the increased economic prosperity and increased availability of long-stay housing. This allows young people to adjust their housing to the household situation they anticipate, rather than to wait until they actually experience the household event. However, this does not hold for single home leavers: they move into long-stay housing neither earlier, nor much more often over time. It is concluded that the level of commitment in the household situation is the fundamental explanation for housing choice, and that economic prosperity mainly facilitates advancement in the timing of adapting the housing situation to the (anticipated) household situation. 相似文献
Frans M. Dieleman 《Housing Studies》2001,16(1):115-121
Both cross-sectional and panel data can be used to analyse the dynamics of housing markets over time. Myers proposes the method of longitudinal cohort analysis of repeated cross-sectional data for the study of trends in housing market circumstances. He emphasises the problems and limitations of the use of panel data for such purposes. In this article it is argued that Myers underestimates the potentials of panel data for the study of housing market dynamics over time. Panel data are now relatively easy to obtain and use, also for the analysis of long-term changes in housing markets. Prices and turnover rates in housing markets have been shown to be strongly auto-correlated across geographical space. Therefore, panel data can be used to analyse regional differences in housing markets, even if these data have a relatively small sample size. 相似文献
David Robinson 《Housing Studies》1998,13(1):23-41
The relationship between housing and health has long been recognised. More recently the relationship between homelessness and poor health has also been acknowledged. In this paper it is argued that these associations reflect, in part, the health selective availability of housing. Paying particular attention to the British context, and drawing on qualitative data concerning the experiences of a sample of single homeless people with health problems, it is illustrated that people with health problems are struggling to re-enter the housing system despite, in theory, having priority among people eligible for council housing. Some preliminary conclusions are then drawn regarding the significance of these findings to understanding of the relationship between housing, homelessness and health. 相似文献
James R. Dunn 《Housing Studies》2000,15(3):341-366
To date, relatively little research has systematically investigated relationships and pathways between housing, socio-economic status, and health status. At the same time, there is a growing awareness that one of the most important research needs in health inequalities scholarship is to better elucidate those pathways by which differences in socio-economic status manifest in everyday life, and produce, at the aggregate level, the systematic social gradient in health observed in all industrialised countries of the world. Existing 'population health' research on health inequalities provides evidence of the influence of four key factors upon health: social support, workplace organisation, income inequalities, and life course factors. This material is reviewed in the first section of the paper. The second section reviews the existing literature on housing and health, and finds little work that explicitly investigates housing as a factor in the social production of health inequalities. By extension and analogy, the final section shows, each of the four emphases in health inequalities can be translated into a fruitful, substantive research issue for housing and health research. 相似文献
This paper discusses the findings of a scoping study that aimed to explore evidence relating to models of good practice with regard to accommodation and related services for people with mental health problems in the UK. The literature reveals that there has tended to be an assumption that patients will progress from high(er) to low(er) levels of supported accommodation over time, thereby marginalising the needs of a core group of people with particularly challenging behaviour who require long-term, permanent accommodation with high levels of support. The paper concludes by examining the implications of the scoping study for current UK policies towards those with mental health problems. 相似文献
居住健康与住宅性能认定 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
最近,国务院颁发了国发[2003]18号文件《关于促进房地产市场持续健康发展的通知》,就房地产市场发展的重要意义和指导思想、完善住房供应政策和调整供应结构、改革住房制度和健全市场体系、发展住房信贷和强化管理服务、改进规划管理 相似文献
Neil S. Mayer 《Journal of the American Planning Association. American Planning Association》2013,79(3):311-325
Conserving the existing stock of rental housing is a key part of any policy to house low-and moderate-income people and to revitalize their neighborhoods. Local governments, with their limited resources, have growing responsibility for the conservation efforts. But they have little information about what programs actually result in better maintenance and repair of rental housing. This article, based on studies of landlords' investments in repairs to their buildings, outlines policies for shaping effective programs to conserve rental housing. It focuses on six crucial issues: how to divide public actions between those that directly support housing improvements and those that indirectly encourage rehabilitation by improving neighborhood conditions; how much assistance to provide, and where to concentrate it geographically; how to involve other private parties, especially lenders; which owners to assist; what level of rehabilitation to support for a given building; and how to balance the use of “carrots” and “sticks.” 相似文献
随着人们对住宅建筑质量要求的不断提高,健康住宅的成为国家建设的重点工作之一.2002年4月11日,北京金地远景房地产开发有限公司与国家住宅工程中心签订<健康住宅项目建设协议书>,实施具体的措施并确定健康住宅的重点研究课题为:1)楼板隔声专项科研课题;2)规划、景观环境特色;3)厨房排烟道应用及实测效果和改进措施;4)雨水收集和回用技术;5)小区原有植被的保留;6)小区健康心理环境和文化养育体系建设. 相似文献
This paper seeks to develop the evidence base for urban, neighbourhood and housing policies, that aim to increase neighbourhood satisfaction and reduce residential instability. Using the longitudinal Scottish House Condition Survey 1991-96, the paper examines whether residential perceptions are generally significant predictors of individual house moving intentions and behaviours, taking into account factors related to life cycle stage, employment, tenure and type of neighbourhood. The effect of specific residential perceptions on overall satisfaction with the home and neighbourhood is traced through moving intentions to actual moves over the 1991-96 period. Using a sample of matching respondents surveyed twice in 1991 and 1996, the paper also examines whether changed residential perceptions affect moving intentions. There is evidence that deteriorating neighbourhood perceptions increase the likelihood that an individual would consider a house move, while greater satisfaction with the home is associated with reduced moving intentions. 相似文献
Housing is widely regarded as playing an important role in the mediation and management of health inequalities. British policy-makers are increasingly looking to the research community to specify what it is about housing environments that impact on health, and to identify what housing interventions constitute healthy public policies. To feed into this debate, this paper begins by reviewing the state of the art of research on housing and health. It shows that the majority of work continues to focus on how housing affects health, while the limited attention to how health status affects housing outcomes has concentrated on medical priority for rehousing in the public sector. It is argued, however, that the market sector now merits closer scrutiny among those concerned with the health selectivity of the housing system. Drawing on a series of qualitative interviews, questions are raised about: how readily people with health problems and mobility difficulties gain access to owner occupation; how easily they sustain a position in that tenure sector; and how effective they are in maintaining their homes as healthy enabling living environments. 相似文献
The South African housing research environment is commonly known for its application of the case study approach as a preferred research method. Even the evaluation and assessment of low-income housing developments, to a large degree, are being done through several case studies. However, longer-term assessment or longitudinal studies are virtually absent from this fairly large body of research on low-income housing in South Africa. Although this paper does not deviate from the case study approach, the difference lies in its intent to demonstrate through the housing outcomes of two low-income housing projects (laissez-faire self-help and aided self-help which used a contractor-driven approach) the value and significance of long-term evaluation or longitudinal studies in housing research. Essentially, the paper argues that the limitations associated with one-off case studies and to a large extent, the general absence of longitudinal studies in housing research, lies in the domination of political and economic frameworks. Therefore, the paper showcases the limitations with regard to the interpretation and methods in one-off case studies as opposed to our findings based on longitudinal surveys. 相似文献
Deb Batterham 《住房,理论和社会》2019,36(3):274-297
Many prominent definitions pose homelessness as the opposite or lack of home, while at the same time reducing the concept of home to aspects of adequate housing. As a result, many definitions struggle to fully account for the complexity and multidimensional experience of homelessness. This paper tackles these conceptual issues by building on recent work applying the capabilities approach. It argues that homelessness is a type of capability deprivation that is the opposite, or loss, of home. Drawing on the literature on the meaning of home and homelessness, the paper proposes six key dimensions that, along with the work on capabilities, form the basis of a conceptual model. This conceptual model spells out what is meant by homelessness as capability deprivation and specifies what is required to end someone’s homelessness, all while situating homelessness within a broader political–philosophical discourse about social justice and the basic entitlements of all people. 相似文献
住房市场与土地市场的协调发展是房地产市场健康可持续发展的关键,在引入协调度模型并对住房市场与土地市场协调度模型进行简介的基础上,对全国及35个大中城市特别是一线城市住房市场与土地市场的协调性进行实证分析。根据实证结果分析出目前住房市场与土地市场协调发展中存在的问题,并提出促进二者进一步协调发展的政策建议。 相似文献