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浮动式核电站长期在海洋环境中运行,各系统都会受到海洋运动条件的影响。非能动余热排出系统(PRHRS)可在核电站发生全厂断电事故的情况下带出堆芯衰变余热,防止堆芯熔化,是重要的反应堆辅助系统。本文以一种采用海水作为最终热阱的浮动式核电站作为研究对象,分别设计了一回路和二回路PRHRS,开展了静止和摇摆条件下反应堆系统发生全厂断电事故的计算,对两种PRHRS在静止和摇摆条件下的运行特性进行了分析。研究表明,静止条件二回路PRHRS具有更强的带热能力,摇摆条件下一回路PRHRS的带热能力更加稳定。  相似文献   

The possibility of an accident or component failure during mid-loop operation has been identified in probabilistic studies as a major contributor to core melt frequency and source term risk during shutdown conditions. The wide range of plant states encountered and the unavailability of certain safety features make it difficult to guarantee that safety systems operation will always be sufficient to terminate the accident evolution. In this context analyses are performed using MELCOR 1.8.5 for loss of residual heat removal (RHR) at various times during mid-loop operation of a Westinghouse two-loop PWR. In the absence of recovery of RHR or other accident management (AM) measures, the sequences necessarily lead to a long term core uncovery, heat-up and degradation, loss of geometry and eventual failure of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The results show an extensive time window before uncovery and additionally before core damage, which increase progressively with increasing time after shutdown at which loss of RHR occurs. Significant oxidation of the cladding may result in concentrations of hydrogen sufficient for deflagration. The slow evolution implies an opportunity for the plant operators to initiate AM measures even after core uncovery has started. The analyses indicate a substantial time window during the uncovery within which the injection can recover the core without damage. The upper end of the window is determined by the temperature at which heat from cladding oxidation becomes a dominant factor, marking a critical point for the effectiveness of this recovery mode. The results provide confidence in the inherent robustness of the plant with respect to accident sequences of this type.  相似文献   

核电厂核取样系统(REN)事故后取样管线可保证在事故后工况下,用注射器从配有橡皮塞的铅屏蔽桥中抽取少量样品,用于放射性分析测量.福建福清核电厂4台机组自商运以来,REN事故后取样管线取样一直是一个难点,原因在于该操作本身具有时限性,需将REN在线硼表断开.若无法在规定的时间内完工,将影响一回路冷却剂硼浓度的连续监测,产...  相似文献   

In a pool type liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor (LMFBR), core and other internals such as pumps, heat exchangers are immersed in a pool of sodium. Heat exchange from primary sodium circuit (pool) to secondary sodium circuit (loop) is through four intermediate heat exchangers (IHX) immersed in primary sodium pool. Each IHX is provided with a sleeve valve at its primary sodium inlet window for the purpose of isolating the shell side of IHX from the sodium pool. With such a provision, an inadvertent partial or complete closure of a sleeve valve of one of the IHX during normal operation of the reactor has been considered as a design basis event for the reactor. One dimensional transient thermal hydraulic models of the primary and secondary sodium circuits have been developed to study the thermal hydraulic consequences of such an event. The main areas of concern in the plant and the availability of safety parameters for the detection of the event have been evaluated.  相似文献   

4S (Super-Safe, Small and Simple) is a small sized sodium-cooled fast reactor being developed for the electricity supply in remote areas, high-temperature steam supply more than 400 °C, seawater desalination, and hydrogen production. The system design of power output of 10 MWe (30 MWt) has been completed. The main feature is that it does not have to be refueled for a long period (i.e. 30 years for 10 MWe version), and enable the reactor closure sealed during plant operation. Furthermore, the small size of the reactor makes the reactor building suitable for below grade installing. These two features can provide resolutions for the issues relevant to safety, security, and safeguard, which become much more serious matter internationally these days.4S is a pool-type reactor which contains the whole primary cooling system in a vessel. For the purpose of reducing the maintenance requirements with the reactor, (1) reflectors to compensate for fuel burn-up instead of control rods, (2) electromagnetic pump (EMP) which has no rotating parts, and (3) residual heat removal system by natural circulation and natural air draft are adopted. Therefore, exchange of the reactor components is not required during plant operation, in addition to no needs for refueling.Toshiba has initiated the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pre-application review of 10 MWe version for the purpose of applying for design approval (DA). A series of public meetings with NRC has been held four times, and five technical reports have been submitted to NRC in preparation for DA application. Topics discussed in these meetings included, plant design, metallic fuel, safety design philosophy, safety analysis, measures against severe accident, phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT), etc. Some useful comments and questions on the issues regarding the specific feature of 4S as well as sodium-cooled fast reactor were raised by NRC at the public meetings. Among them, those items which are applicable to general sodium-cooled fast reactors, e.g. principal design criteria, guideline for safety analysis, validation and verification for safety analysis code, quality requirements, severe accident, and emergency planning are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

When a nuclear power plant is in shutdown conditions for refuelling, the reactor coolant system water level is reduced. This situation is known as mid-loop operation, and the residual heat removal (RHR) system is used in this situation to remove the decay power heat generated in the reactor core.In mid-loop conditions, some accidental situations may occur with not a negligible contribution to the plant risk, and all involve the loss of the RHR system. Thus, to better understand the thermal–hydraulic processes following the loss of the RHR during shutdown, transients of this kind have been simulated using best-estimate codes in different integral test facilities. This paper focuses on the simulation, using the best estimate code RELAP5/Mod3.3, of the experiment E3.1 conducted at the PKL facility. This experiment consists of the loss of the RHR system when the plant is in mid-loop conditions for refuelling and with the primary circuit closed. In particular, in this experiment the physical phenomena to investigate are the mechanisms of heat removal in presence of nitrogen and the deboration in critical parts of the primary system.  相似文献   

反应堆在停堆后相当长时间内仍具有较高的剩余发热是核电站的重要特性,也是核电站安全分析的关键。因此,对反应堆余热及其不确定性进行分析,对于合理设计余热排出系统、研究论证燃料元件在事故后的安全特性等均具有重要意义。本工作结合德国针对球床式高温气冷堆制定的余热计算标准,介绍了球床式高温气冷堆剩余发热及其不确定性的计算方法,并结合200 MWe球床模块式高温气冷堆示范工程(HTR-PM)的初步物理设计,对长期运行在满功率平衡堆芯状态下的反应堆停堆后的余热及其不确定性进行了计算分析,为进一步的事故分析提供依据。  相似文献   

The Gas-cooled Heating Reactor (GHR) based on the pebble red reactor principle was developed by ABB/HRB. An essential part of this concept is the prestressed concrete reactor vessel in which the liner cooling system acts as a heat exchanger. As a main design feature the vessel is designed so that failure can be safely ruled out under all operating and accident conditions. It is of great advantage that the liner is not exposed to primary stresses and that corrosion can be excluded because of the environmental conditions. Relevant material flaws are ruled out by the considerably extent and level of quality assurance measures. A special heat-resistant concrete developed by HRB will be used for the prestressed concrete structure. Its strength behaviour is characterized by only a small reduction during normal operation and also under accident conditions. Even in the event of a hypothetical accident the integrity of the vessel remains intact. Thus the GHR offers a simple, safe and economic source of heat generation.  相似文献   

AP1000是目前国际上典型的“三代”非能动核电厂,基于最佳估算程序RELAP5/MOD3.3,对AP1000核电厂系统进行了详细的建模分析,获得了主给水管道断裂事故下AP1000核电厂关键参数的瞬态特性和非能动系统响应特性。结果表明,事故过程中一、二回路的压力和温度呈现波动变化,一回路压力最大值为17.13 MPa,低于设计压力的91%,主蒸汽系统的压力也低于设计值的91%,满足验收准则的要求。  相似文献   

An innovative Direct Residual Heat Removal System (DRHRS) is proposed for Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) in this paper. The new designed parallel DRHRS is different from traditional Passive Residual Heat Removal System (PRHRS), which is connected to steam generation. The thermal hydraulic transient analysis of the new designed DRHRS for CPR1000 has been carried out using the widely accepted safety analysis software RELAP5. The new designed DRHRS is directly connected to the primary loop, which consists of three independent parallel loops, three intermediate cooling circuits and an air loop. The transient behaviors of passive safety system are studied, and design parameter sensitivity analysis is carried out. Results show that during Station Black_Out (SBO) accident, natural circulations are established stably in passive safety system so that core decay is continuously removed from primary loop. And the new designed DRHRS has the capability of removing residual heat to the atmosphere without any external energy input at different surrounding environmental temperature. In emergency, the DRHRS directly remove core decay heat from reactor outlet, and efficiency of residual heat removal is improved. Moreover, reactor power plant maintains safe even if double-ended rupture of a single tube during SBO accident occurs. Thus, the designed DRHRS has great significance for increasing the degree of inherent safety features of CPR1000.  相似文献   

针对AP1000核电站,基于两流体最佳估算系统程序RELAP5建立热工水力模型,基于Matlab/Simulink软件及工业组态软件建立相关控制系统数学模型,用于对正常给水丧失事故的计算分析。建模数据主要参考AP1000 Design Control Document(AP1000 DCD),由于建模数据不够充分、详尽,模型不够精确,文中事故分析以定性分析为主。计算结果表明:RELAP5具备计算自然循环的能力,计算结果与DCD中正常给水丧失事故结果总体趋势基本一致,非能动余热排出系统(PRHRS)、堆芯补水箱(CMT)系统能够及时、有效地排出堆芯余热和堆芯衰变热,确保堆芯安全。PRHRS余热排出能力对事故发展有明显影响,模型中PRHRS余热排出能力较强,使冷却剂温度更快地降低到较低水平,导致CMT更早投入以及随后反应堆各参数响应的不同。  相似文献   

The AVR 15 MWe experimental nuclear power station in Jülich, which has been in operation since 1967, is the first power station with a pebble-bed high-temperature reactor. Succeeding HTR plants, in particular the smaller HTR-Module and HTR-100 facilities, have been developed on the basis of the AVR concept and experience gained during many years' operation.Operating results to date have confirmed the pebble-bed concept. Despite utilization of the plant for experimental purposes, mean time availability since 1967 has amounted to 67.5%. The inherent safety properties have been demonstrated in overall plant tests. In the current experimental programme, further experiments with the power plant will realistically demonstrate that the loss of coolant accident neither endangers the environment nor the plant itself.  相似文献   

Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) can be used to quantitatively assess the risk of severe accident and is a good tool to evaluate the severe accident management. By studying the general method and procedure for the application of level 2 PSA in severe accident management, taking an improved generation-Ⅱnuclear power plant as an example, the “primary loop depressurization operation ” and the “ primary loop emergency water injection” in severe accident management guideline are quantitatively evaluated. Analysis shows that performing the “primary loop depressurization operation” immediately after entering the severe accident management guideline can greatly reduce the risk of large radioactive release, and performing “primary loop emergency water injection operation” contributes greatly to reducing the risk of large radioactive release in the slower accident sequence. The study shows that there still has further improvement room in severe accidents management for nuclear power plants in China.  相似文献   

二级概率安全分析(PSA)可用来定量评估严重事故风险,是评价严重事故管理的良好工具。通过研究二级PSA应用于严重事故管理的一般方法与流程,以某二代改进型核电厂二级PSA模型为例,对严重事故管理导则中"一回路卸压"和"一回路应急注水"两个关键操作进行了定量评价。评价表明进入严重事故管理导则后立即执行"一回路卸压操作"可大幅度降低大量放射性释放风险,执行"一回路应急注水操作"对于降低进程较慢的事故序列大量放射性释放风险贡献较大。研究表明国内核电厂针对严重事故的管理还有进一步提升空间。。  相似文献   

Several studies indicate the importance that the sequence of loss of residual heat removal system (RHRS) at midloop operation has in the global risk of the plant. In this sense, several simulations of loss of the RHRS with closed and open primary system with the TRACE V4.160 code have been performed considering different availability of steam generators. This paper aims to analyze not only the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the plant after the loss of RHRS, but also the interaction of the simulation results with the abnormal operation procedures and with the event trees of the sequences of loss of RHRS at midloop operation. The simulation results show that the main parameters depends on primary vent and the number of steam generators available. After a detailed study of phenomenology and abnormal procedures some modifications have been proposed in these procedures.  相似文献   

为研究AP型非能动核电厂全厂断电事故下的运行特性,利用大型非能动堆芯冷却系统整体试验(ACME)台架开展了试验研究,分析了主要的试验进程和关键参数的变化特点。研究结果表明:ACME台架全厂断电试验的事故序列及试验现象与已有分析一致,符合预期,试验再现了AP型非能动核电厂全厂断电的事故进程;在整个事故过程中,稳压器水位升高,但未发生满溢,非能动余热排出(PRHR)系统换热功率可与衰变功率达到平衡,堆芯余热可有效载出;堆芯补水箱(CMT)和安全壳内置换料水箱(IRWST)初始条件对非能动余热排出阶段的事故进程具有重要影响,在1列CMT投入失效或IRWST异常等不利初始条件下,模化后的非能动堆芯冷却系统(PXS)仍可满足事故验收准则。  相似文献   

In order to maintain the integrity of a nuclear power plant containment and effectively manage a severe accident, it is necessary to understand phenomena occurring in the atmosphere of the nuclear power plant containment during the accident. A number of containment atmosphere mixing experiments have been performed in the dedicated experimental facilities, followed by the numerical simulations using lumped-parameter and computational fluid dynamics codes. This paper presents the THAI+ test facility experiment TH27 post-benchmark simulations performed with the lumped-parameter code ASTEC. The experiment TH27 was an initial operation test of the THAI+ facility, which has been recently constructed by expanding the experimental facility THAI with the newly constructed parallel attachable drum vessel. The experiment featured steam and helium injections and transport and mixing of gasses and steam between the two vessels, as well as wall heating and cooling of different vessels. The TH27 experiment was performed together with an international multistage benchmark, consisting of double-blind, blind, and open phases. The developed nodalization scheme and the features of the calculation are presented in the paper. The results of the calculations are compared to the experimental values for the main containment parameters – pressure, gas and wall temperatures, helium concentrations.  相似文献   

针对船用核动力装置的特点,建立了船用堆一、二回路及控制系统的RELAP5模型,用RELAP5/MOD3.2程序对典型船用堆经济巡航工况下发生全部电源丧失事故进行模拟,分析了4种耗汽工况对事故进程的缓解效果。分析表明:事故后合理的耗汽运行方案能明显延缓事故进程,延缓时间为小时级别;耗汽量越小,二回路设备运行时间越长,二回路热阱持续时间也越长,一回路事故进程越缓慢。但太小的耗汽量会引起事故过程中蒸汽发生器(SG)二次侧水位过高甚至满水,进而威胁二回路设备的正常运行。同时,二回路设备数量众多,不同设备的最低运行汽量也不尽相同,应选择最有用和最低耗汽量的设备耗汽运行。本研究能对实际船用堆事故下的应急处理提供参考。  相似文献   

张毅  季松涛 《原子能科学技术》2016,50(11):1967-1971
环形燃料是一种采用双层包壳和环形芯块内外冷却的新型压水堆燃料,与传统棒状燃料相比,双包壳结构有效增加了燃料传热面积和减薄了芯块厚度,使其在事故工况下具有更好的安全性能。以秦山二期核电站作为参考电站,建立了装载环形燃料的核电站计算模型,研究在卡轴事故和弹棒事故下采用环形燃料的核电站的响应,并与相应工况下棒状燃料堆芯的计算结果比较。结果表明,与棒状燃料相比,核电站在采用环形燃料后安全裕度有明显的提高。  相似文献   

以先进核电站AP1000为研究对象,在其蒸汽发生器二次侧设计了1套耗汽驱动汽动辅助给水泵的非能动辅助给水系统。使用RELAP5程序计算分析全厂断电事故下设计系统的运行特性,研究其应对事故工况的能力。计算结果表明:全厂断电事故下,设计的非能动辅助给水系统可有效地排出堆芯余热,保证反应堆的安全;由于冷却剂体积收缩,170 min时稳压器排空;该系统可连续运行200 min,排出事故后的大部分堆芯余热。非能动辅助给水系统可作为全厂断电事故后的应急缓解方案。  相似文献   

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