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We studied the changes in the dc resistivity, Raman scattering, and IR conductivity of single crystals of YBa2Cu3O6.95 induced by damage from low-energy He+ ion bombardment. It appears thatT c , transport properties, and optical conductivity are strongly affected by modest irradiation doses whereas the chemical composition of the sample is not modified. Carrier localization is evidenced by the frequency dependence of the optical conductivity in the strongly damaged crystal and is used to explain the suppression of both the superfluid density andT c upon irradiation. The temperature dependence of the superfluid density is in agreement with the theoretical predictions for ad-wave superconductor. We also show that the intrinsic residual losses in the FIR are dramatically reduced in the disordered crystal.On leave from P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. One of us (A.P.) is grateful to the Ontario Center for Materials Research for financial support.  相似文献   

We measured the phonon dispersions of YBa2Cu3O6.15 and YBa2Cu3O6.95 by time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering. The in-plane bond-stretching modes in the metallic phase showed a distinct a-b plane anisotropy beyond what is expected for structural origin. Such anisotropy in the longitudinal optical modes, which is absent in the TO, suggests strong in-plane anisotropy in the underlying electronic structure. Apical oxygen bond-stretching modes showed a large frequency change between the insulating and the metallic phases. This large softening also is beyond structural origin, and suggests the effect of local electronic environment.  相似文献   

Single crystals untwinned optimally doped YBa2Cu3O9.65 show a large degree of anisotropy in a-b plane properties such as resistivity, infrared conductivity and value of zero temperature penetration depth. This source of orthorhombicity must ultimately reside in the CuO chains. Using a three plane model; 2 CuO2 and one CuO (chain plane), we study solutions of three coupled BCS equations which include inter- as well as intra-plane coupling. The gaps are found to contain s- as well as d-wave symmetries. From our solutions, we calculate the penetration depth and compare with experiments.  相似文献   

TheA 1g andB 1g low-energy Raman continua of YBa2Cu3O y (Y123) single crystals, withy=7.0, 6.99, and 6.93, have been investigated. It is found that the peak frequency of theA 1g continuum is equal to 310±10 cm?1 and independent of oxygen concentration fory in the above range. The central frequency of the broad peak in theB 1g continuum, however, shifts from about 470 cm?1 fory~7.0 to 550 cm?1 fory~6.93. Thus, a relatively small change in oxygen concentration results in a significant redistribution of the states contributing to theB 1g continuum. Assuming the low-energy portions of the continua are electronic in origin, the Raman spectra have been calculated and the results compared to the experimental spectra. It is suggested that the Raman continua arise, at least in part, from scattering across a spin fluctuation-induced pseudogap.  相似文献   

Using vector magnetic moment measurements, in twinned YBa2Cu3Oy single crystals we observe a nearly reversible Mab component of the magnetisation with sharp peaks in the dependence of Mab on the magnetic field H and angle between c-axis and magnetic field. The association of these features with twin boundaries is supported by geometrical arguments and by comparison with detwinned samples. For a crystal with a single dominant direction of twin boundaries, the initial slope of the Mab(H) and Mab() dependences corresponds closely to ideal shielding of the transverse H component, as expected for the fully-locked vortex state. The peak position, which is related to the locking angle, shows a close to linear Hp –1 vs dependence, which corresponds to a fixed value of HL, the locking field. The influence of twins vanishes above a trapping angle T which shows rather weak temperature and magnetic field dependences; at 60K and 1T these parameters are oHL=27mT and T 10 °.  相似文献   

A method is reported for producing an orthorhombic YBa2Cu3O7–x single crystal comprised entirely of a single untwinned domain. The transformation from a polydomain to a single domain single crystal is carried out by applying uniaxial pressure of approximately 25 MPa for about one minute at 450°C in an oxygen atmosphere. We report on some of the superconducting properties of crystals produced in this way.  相似文献   

Studies on the single crystal growth of YBa2Cu3O7−x show that the growth conditions have not been optimised yet and they vary in many ways. Here we report the growth of single crystals of YBCO in the size range 0·5–1·2 mm from nonstoichiometric melts. We have made systematic variations in the flux composition (constituting CuO and BaCO3) in order to arrive at an optimum composition for consistently getting single crystals of size 0·5–1·2 mm. The tetragonal phase was confirmed by X-ray diffraction and single crystallinity by the Laue technique. Superconductivity was confirmed in oxygenannealed crystals.  相似文献   

The paraconductivity of Li-doped YBa2Cu3O7?x was measured. We have found that the character of the fluctuation changes as lithium content increases: instead of a crossover from 2D to 3D behavior (D is the dimensionality), as we have observed for a low doping level, a double crossover to the 2D percolative and 3D percolative regimes becomes manifest by increasing the lithium content.  相似文献   

The interplane (cb) and intraplane (ab) anisotropy of untwinned YBa2 Cu307 single crystals has been investigated by means of the torque magnetometry. To extract the reversible and irreversible components, the torque was measured as a function of increasing angle as well as decreasing angle. The interplane irreversible torque irr shows two-fold peaks at c =90 ° and270 ° (of half width11 ° at77 K) due to the well-known intrinsic interplane pinning. A novel intrinsic pinning has been discovered in the intraplane irreversible torque, i.e., irr shows four-fold peaks of half width20° at77 K when a =0 °, 90 °, 180 ° and270 °. We argue that the intrinsic intraplane pinning comes from the four-fold nature of the gap parameter.  相似文献   

The microstructure of HTS YBa2Cu3O7−x single crystals withx⩾0.5 has been investigated by TEM and selected area diffraction. An inhomogeneous oxygen distribution over the crystal was observed. Large differences between the bulk crystal structure and the surface have been established. The bulk structure was presented by orthorhombic blocks (≈100×10×20 nm in size) embedded in tetragonal matrix withx≈1. The bulk structure was not of a superconductive type. The crystal surface was enriched by oxygen and had the usual orthorhombic twinned structure. The superconductive properties of the whole specimen were determined by surface layer about 5 μm thick.  相似文献   

Polarized neutron scattering with polarization analysis has revealed negligible magnetic scattering up to 30 meV in the normal phase of YBa2Cu3O6.95 indicating the absence of local moments.  相似文献   

The characteristic enhancement in the heat conduction below Tc is analyzed on sintered YBa2Cu3O7 from viewpoints of both d-wave and s-wave coupling. Assuming the existence of a large energy gap Δ0(≥1.5Δ BCS ), only d-wave coupling is consistent with experimental observation. It is found that the most reasonable explanation for the enhancement is provided by the weak-coupling phonon conduction model under d-wave energy gap.  相似文献   

Measuring the power release after rapid cooling a YBa2Cu3O7 sample (m=42.85 g, Tc=91 K) from the equilibrium temperature T1 (2.35 KT115.1 K) to T0=1.5 K, we observed a time dependence typical of a glass: is proportional to t–1. The results allow us to determine the linear term of the heat capacity (0.8 mJ/mole · K2) due to the two-level systems. While the low-temperature heat capacity anomaly noticeably decreases, the power release is essentially unchanged after oxygen reduction of the sample.  相似文献   

The effect of oxygen content in the single crystals of high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7−x on the electrical resistivity, the Hall effect in the plane perpendicular to thec axis and the energy gap Δ, measured with tunnelling electron microscope, has been studied. The distribution of the gap along the surface of the crystal was also studied. The results of the study on the relationship between the magnitude of the energy gap Δ and the superconducting transition temperatureT c of single crystals with various oxygen contents are approximated by the linear dependence 2Δav=4·4kT c .  相似文献   

The charge-transfer hypothesis is shown to be inconsistent with data for YBa2Cu3Ox: (i) The two-step behavior ofT c(x) (with jumps from zero to ≈60 K and then to ≈90 K) is not reflected as a similar, statistically significant two-step behavior in the bond-valence-sum charge of cuprate-plane Cu ions (as once believed), (ii) as a consequence of the law of conservation of charge, the derivatives of the layer charges with respect to oxygen contentx for both the Ba-O layers and the charge-reservoir Cu-O chains have the opposite signs to those predicted, and (iii) the charge-transfer observed for superconducting YBa2Cu3Ox is not sufficient to produce superconductivity, as demonstrated by insulating PrBa2Cu3Ox, which has virtually the same layer charges.  相似文献   

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